GSV: Geological Survey of Victoria   Geological Survey of Victoria


PDF image file : ../peimages/angler1.pdf (Image) file: angler_1_well_sheet.png (Image) file: angler_1_well_sheet.pdf

*** ANGLER1 ***

Geoscience Australia may also have other information: (see the GA well search page: ) *** ENO=5781 -- ANGLER 1
HDR DATE 1: SPUD_DATE = 24-MAR-89 HDR DATE 3: RIG_RELEASE_DATE = 26-MAY-89 HDR DATE 4: DB_ENTRY_BY = XLS (database header data entry) HDR DATE 4: DB_ENTRY_DATE = 24-FEB-99 (database header data entry date) HDR DATE 5: DB_ROW_UPDATER = RH16_TW (database header data entry last updated by) HDR DATE 5: DB_ROW_UPDATE_DATE = 08-JAN-09 (database header data entry last update date) HDR DATE 6: THEORETICAL OPENFILE BASIC DATE= 27-MAY-91 HDR DATE 6: THEORETICAL OPENFILE INTERPRETIVE DATE= 26-JUN-94
HDR DEVIATION_IND = N (i.e. has this hole been deviated?) HDR LOC: BASIN DESCRIPTION= Gippsland Basin HDR LOC: BASIN_CODE = GIPPSLAND HDR LOC: COUNTRY = AUSTRALIA HDR LOC: FIELD_NAME = UNKNOWN FIELD HDR LOC: ONSHORE_IND = N HDR LOC: PROVINCE_STATE = VIC HDR LOC: TITLE_NAME = VIC/P20 HDR OPERATOR = Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. HDR PLATFORM_IND = N (i.e. is this hole off a platform?) HDR SIDETRACK_IND = N (i.e. is this hole a sidetrack?)
HDR DPH GREATEST OF DEPTHS = 4337.5 HDR DPH: DRILL_TD = 4330 HDR DPH: DRILL_TD = DRILLERS TOTAL DEPTH: Total or maximum depth of the well as reported by the operator/driller (PPDM definition). HDR DPH: DRILL_TOTAL_DEPTH = 4330 HDR DPH: DRILL_TOTAL_DEPTH = Drillers total depth. Renamed to DRILL_TD in PPDM 3.4. HDR DPH: FINAL_TD = 4330 HDR DPH: FINAL_TD = FINAL TOTAL DEPTH: The actual measurement along the well path from the reference datum to the bottom of the well (PPDM definition). HDR DPH: LOG_TD = 4337.5 HDR DPH: LOG_TD = LOGGERS TOTAL DEPTH: Total or maximum depth of the well as measured by the logging tool and reported by the logger/logging service (PPDM definition). HDR DPH: MAX_TVD = 4336.00856 HDR DPH: MAX_TVD = MAXIMUM TRUE VERTICAL DEPTH: The maximum true vertical depth from the surface datum reference to the final total depth or deepest point, measured on a straight line (PPDM definition). HDR ELEV: DEPTH_DATUM = KB HDR ELEV: DEPTH_DATUM LONGNM= Kelly Bushing HDR ELEV: DEPTH_DATUM_ELEV = 27 HDR ELEV: ELEVATION_REF = KB HDR ELEV: ELEVATION_REF LN = Kelly Bushing HDR ELEV: KB_ELEV = 27 HDR ELEV: REF_ELEV = 27 HDR ELEV: WATER_DEPTH = -276 HDR STORAGE_UNIT = Metres
FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 0303 FORM_ID= _GIPPSLAND LIMESTONE TOP_DEPTH= 303 BASE_DEPTH= 2477 _Gippsland Limestone (Age:Mio-Recent ) ...Member of...._SEASPRAY GROUP (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 0303 FORM_ID= _SEASPRAY GROUP TOP_DEPTH= 303 BASE_DEPTH= 2767 _Seaspray Group (Age:Recent-Oligo) (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 2477 FORM_ID= _LAKES ENTRANCE FM TOP_DEPTH= 2477 BASE_DEPTH= 2767 _Lakes Entrance Fm (Age:Oligo-Mio ) ...Member of...._SEASPRAY GROUP (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 2767 FORM_ID= _COBIA SUBGROUP TOP_DEPTH= 2767 BASE_DEPTH= 2777 _Cobia Subgroup (Age:Eocene-Oligo) ...Member of...._LATROBE GROUP (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 2767 FORM_ID= _GURNARD FORMATION TOP_DEPTH= 2767 BASE_DEPTH= 2777 _Gurnard Formation (Age:Eocene-Oligo) ...Member of...._COBIA SUBGROUP (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 2767 FORM_ID= _LATROBE GROUP TOP_DEPTH= 2767 BASE_DEPTH= 4330 _Latrobe Group (Age:Turo-Oligo ) (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 2777 FORM_ID= _FLOUNDER FORMATION TOP_DEPTH= 2777 BASE_DEPTH= 2820 _Flounder Formation (Age:Eocene ) ...Member of...._HALIBUT SUBGROUP (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 2777 FORM_ID= _HALIBUT SUBGROUP TOP_DEPTH= 2777 BASE_DEPTH= 3830 _Halibut Subgroup (Age:Maas-Eocene ) ...Member of...._LATROBE GROUP (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 2820 FORM_ID= _MACKEREL FORMATION TOP_DEPTH= 2820 BASE_DEPTH= 2879 _Mackerel Formation (Age:Paleo-Eocene) ...Member of...._HALIBUT SUBGROUP (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 2879 FORM_ID= _KATE SHALE TOP_DEPTH= 2879 BASE_DEPTH= 2920 _Kate Shale (Age:Maas-Paleo ) ...Member of...._HALIBUT SUBGROUP (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 2920 FORM_ID= _VOLADOR FORMATION TOP_DEPTH= 2920 BASE_DEPTH= 3830 _Volador Formation (Age:Maastrich ) ...Member of...._HALIBUT SUBGROUP (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 3830 FORM_ID= _ANEMONE FORMATION TOP_DEPTH= 3830 BASE_DEPTH= 4330 _Anemone Formation (Age:Santo-Campan) ...Member of...._GOLDEN BEACH SUBGP (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=BS 3830 FORM_ID= _GOLDEN BEACH SUBGP TOP_DEPTH= 3830 BASE_DEPTH= 4330 _Golden Beach Subgp (Age:Santo-Campan) ...Member of...._LATROBE GROUP (BS=Victorian Govt DPI Basin Studies) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR 0303 FORM_ID= SEASPRAY GROUP TOP_DEPTH= 303 BASE_DEPTH= 2821 Seaspray Group (Age:Tertiary ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR=Well Completion Report) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR 2821 FORM_ID= LATROBE GROUP TOP_DEPTH= 2821 BASE_DEPTH= Latrobe Group (Age:Cretaceous ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR=Well Completion Report) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_AGE 2717 FORM_ID= OLIGOCENE TOP_DEPTH= 2717 BASE_DEPTH= 2767 Oligocene (Age:Oligocene ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_AGE=Well Completion Report Age zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_AGE 2767 FORM_ID= EOCENE TOP_DEPTH= 2767 BASE_DEPTH= 2821 Eocene (Age:Eocene ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_AGE=Well Completion Report Age zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_AGE 2821 FORM_ID= CRETACEOUS TOP_DEPTH= 2821 BASE_DEPTH= Cretaceous (Age:Cretaceous ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_AGE=Well Completion Report Age zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 1045 FORM_ID= A TOP_DEPTH= 1045 BASE_DEPTH= A (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 1055 FORM_ID= B TOP_DEPTH= 1055 BASE_DEPTH= B (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 1260 FORM_ID= D1 TOP_DEPTH= 1260 BASE_DEPTH= D1 (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 1360 FORM_ID= D1 TOP_DEPTH= 1360 BASE_DEPTH= D1 (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 1670 FORM_ID= D2 TOP_DEPTH= 1670 BASE_DEPTH= D2 (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 2030 FORM_ID= G TOP_DEPTH= 2030 BASE_DEPTH= G (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 2080 FORM_ID= H1 TOP_DEPTH= 2080 BASE_DEPTH= H1 (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 2400 FORM_ID= J TOP_DEPTH= 2400 BASE_DEPTH= J (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 2495 FORM_ID= J TOP_DEPTH= 2495 BASE_DEPTH= J (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 2790 FORM_ID= N TOP_DEPTH= 2790 BASE_DEPTH= N (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 2925 FORM_ID= UPR T. LONGUS TOP_DEPTH= 2925 BASE_DEPTH= 2952 Upper T. longus (Age:Cretaceous ) ...Member of....LATROBE GROUP >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 2980 FORM_ID= MID T. LONGUS TOP_DEPTH= 2980 BASE_DEPTH= 3050 Mid T. Longus (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 3083 FORM_ID= LWR T. LONGUS TOP_DEPTH= 3083 BASE_DEPTH= 3586 Lower T. Longus (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 3586 FORM_ID= T. LILLIEI TOP_DEPTH= 3586 BASE_DEPTH= 4132 T. lilliei (Age:Cretaceous ) ...Member of....LATROBE GROUP >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_BIO 4132 FORM_ID= N. SENECTUS TOP_DEPTH= 4132 BASE_DEPTH= N. senectus (Age:Cretaceous ) ...Member of....LATROBE GROUP >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_BIO=Well Completion Report biostratigraphic zonations) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_COMP_LOG 0303 FORM_ID= GIPPSLAND LIMESTONE TOP_DEPTH= 303 BASE_DEPTH= Gippsland Limestone (Age:Tertiary ) ...Member of....SEASPRAY GROUP >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_COMP_LOG=Well Completion Report composite log) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_COMP_LOG 2047 FORM_ID= LAKES ENTRANCE FM TOP_DEPTH= 2047 BASE_DEPTH= Lakes Entrance Formation (Age:Tertiary ) ...Member of....SEASPRAY GROUP >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_COMP_LOG=Well Completion Report composite log) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_COMP_LOG 2767 FORM_ID= GURNARD FORMATION TOP_DEPTH= 2767 BASE_DEPTH= 2821 Gurnard Formation (Age:Tertiary ) ...Member of....LATROBE GROUP >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_COMP_LOG=Well Completion Report composite log) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_COMP_LOG 3252 FORM_ID= SELENE SANDSTONE TOP_DEPTH= 3252 BASE_DEPTH= 3462 Selene Sandstone (Age:Undisclosed ) ...Member of....LATROBE GROUP >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_COMP_LOG=Well Completion Report composite log) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_COMP_LOG 3831 FORM_ID= CAMPANIAN A SST TOP_DEPTH= 3831 BASE_DEPTH= 3859 Campanian A Sandstone (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_COMP_LOG=Well Completion Report composite log) FORMATION_TOPS SOURCE=WCR_COMP_LOG 4213 FORM_ID= CAMPANIAN B SST TOP_DEPTH= 4213 BASE_DEPTH= 4298 Campanian B Sandstone (Age:undisclosed ) >>> REMARK =From Composite Log PE601001 (WCR_COMP_LOG=Well Completion Report composite log)
999 Location 0001 01 HDR GA NPD_REMARKW=Located 25km ESE of Kingfish oil field. The following block shift was applied to 999 Location 0081 01 HDR GA NPD_REMARKW= convert datum from WGS84 to AGD66: Lat 5.4709, Long 4.5978 999 Objective 0001 01 HDR GA NPD_REMARKW=The primary objective is to test the Selene Sandstone within an Intra-Latrobe ti 999 Objective 0081 01 HDR GA NPD_REMARKW=lted fault block. 999 Summary 0001 01 HDR GA NPD_REMARKW=Plugged and abandoned after encountering a gross oil show zone of 11m. The wet g 999 Summary 0081 01 HDR GA NPD_REMARKW=as accumulation was discovered below 4200mKB which was below the proposed TD of 999 Summary 0161 01 HDR GA NPD_REMARKW=4027mKB. GENERAL REMARKS 001 RMK_TYPE= STATUS RMK= P & A GENERAL REMARKS 002 RMK_TYPE= DISCOVERY RMK= Oil & Gas (non commercial) GENERAL REMARKS 003 RMK_TYPE= B_OFILE RMK= Y GENERAL REMARKS 004 RMK_TYPE= I_OFILE RMK= Y GENERAL REMARKS 005 RMK_TYPE= ZONE RMK= 55 [The UTM/AMG Zone number] GENERAL REMARKS 006 RMK_TYPE= PROJECTION RMK= AMG Central Meridian:147 00 00E GENERAL REMARKS 007 RMK_TYPE= DRILLER RMK= Zapata Offshore Company GENERAL REMARKS 008 RMK_TYPE= DRILLING RIG RMK= Zapata Arctic GENERAL REMARKS 009 RMK_TYPE= PURPOSE RMK= PET GENERAL REMARKS 010 RMK_TYPE= SHOWS RMK= Gas, Oil & Fluorescence Shows at 3219-3240m, 3825-3836m, 3988-3994m, 4202-4260m, 4260-4305m. OIl & Fluorescence Shows at 3495-35-5m, 3557-3579m, 3687-3689m. GENERAL REMARKS 011 RMK_TYPE= BOTTOM FM RMK= Latrobe Group [The name of the bottom-most formation encountered] GENERAL REMARKS 012 RMK_TYPE= BOT_FM_TOPDD RMK= 2821 [Depth of the top of the bottom-most formation] GENERAL REMARKS 013 RMK_TYPE= TARGET RMK= Maastrichtian and Campanian Age Latrobe Group Sandstones GENERAL REMARKS 014 RMK_TYPE= STRUCT INFO RMK= Top Selene Sandstone Depth Map, Top Gurnard Formation Depth Map, Top Maastrichtian Depth Map, Base Gippsland Limestone Depth Map, Smoothed Seafloor Depth Map.....etc GENERAL REMARKS 015 RMK_TYPE= GEOPHYS INFO RMK= TT2 Velocity Survey, Log Analysis, Seismic Calibration Log [Adjusted Continuous Vel Log] GENERAL REMARKS 016 RMK_TYPE= CLASS RMK= WILDCAT GENERAL REMARKS 017 RMK_TYPE= COORDINATES RMK= Assumed to be AGD66 Coords 38 39 35.4S 148 26 29.1E625413.9 5719971.8 WCR(ef03) GENERAL REMARKS 018 RMK_TYPE= COORDHISTORY RMK= Historical snapshot : RAW well coordinates in dbMap as at February 2004: DMS=-38 39 35.399 148 26 29.101 DECIMAL=-38.659833 148.441417 RAW_DATUM=AGD66 GENERAL REMARKS 019 RMK_TYPE= COORDHISTORY RMK= Historical snapshot : CONVERTED well coordinates in dbMap as at February 2004: DMS=-38 39 35.399 148 26 29.101 DECIMAL=-38.659833 148.441417 CONVERTED_DATUM=AGD66 GENERAL REMARKS 020 RMK_TYPE= TVD_DEPTH RMK= The TVD value (4336.00856) was calculated from the directional survey data in the dbMap database as at 20-FEB-2009, using the ps_well_path_tvd_m function, using the greatest depth value found in the well header. GENERAL REMARKS 021 RMK_TYPE= DEPTHS RMK= WCR (PE902148), pg 6, lists TD as 4330m by driller, and 4337.5 by logger. there is a 7.5 metre discrepancy.
GA NPD RESULTW TYPE=Seismic - WCR File LOCATION:AGSO REFERENCE:89/8 REMARK:Well Seismic Processing Report GA NPD RESULTW TYPE=WCR -File LOCATION:AGSO REFERENCE:89/8 REMARK:Well completion report, Interp, *** LOST *** GA NPD RESULTW TYPE=WCR -File LOCATION:AGSO REFERENCE:89/8 REMARK:Well completion report, basic, *** LOST ***
ASSETS (BRIEF) GENERAL DATA_CD_DVD PE909948 ANGLER-1 Analysis Reports [CD] 2003 PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))_.TAR.GZ(66.2m)......... SAM1_917_PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(3.0m)......... PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... in: COMPACTUS Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE908563 Gippsland Basin Cretaceous Biostrat,2004 [3.5] 2004 PE908563__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_CRETACEOUS_BIOSTRAT,2004_))_.TAR.GZ(0.3m)......... PE908563__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_CRETACEOUS_BIOSTRAT,2004_))_.TAR.GZ(0.3m)......... SAM3_079_PE908563__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_CRETACEOUS_BIOSTRAT,2004_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(2.9m)......... PE908563__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_CRETACEOUS_BIOSTRAT,2004_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... in: COMPACTUS Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE909749 Gippsland Basin Study: Paly Final Report [CD] 2006 PE909749__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_STUDY---_PALY_FINAL_REPORT_))_.TAR.GZ(4.9m)......... SAM1_728_PE909749__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_STUDY---_PALY_FINAL_REPORT_))_I_MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(2.7m)......... PE909749__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_STUDY---_PALY_FINAL_REPORT_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... in: COMPACTUS Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE915082 ANGLER-1 2002 Palynology Report, 2002 [CD] 2002 PE915082__((_ANGLER-1_2002_PALYNOLOGY_REPORT,_2002_))_.TAR.GZ(0.3m)......... SAM3_337_PE915082__((_ANGLER-1_2002_PALYNOLOGY_REPORT,_2002_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(2.7m)......... PE915082__((_ANGLER-1_2002_PALYNOLOGY_REPORT,_2002_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... in: COMPACTUS Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL COMPOSITE_LOG PE913314 DPI composite log well sheet images [DVD] 2011 PE913314__((_DPI_COMPOSITE_LOG_WELL_SHEET_IMAGES_))_.ISO.GZ(751.4m)......... PE913314__((_DPI_COMPOSITE_LOG_WELL_SHEET_IMAGES_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.PDF(0.6m)......... in: COMPACTUS Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE010938 ANGLER-1 well log 9-TRACK tape [9-TRACK] 1989 (8 DIGITAL FILES) in: [ADMIN] GA Custodianship (Geoscience Australia) ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE011524 ANEMONE-1, ANGLER-1 &-ARCHER-1 well log [3.5] 1992 (9 DIGITAL FILES) in: COMPACTUS Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE012054 Victorian Offshore Well Logs DVD 1 of 3 [DVD] 2009 (13 DIGITAL FILES) in: COMPACTUS Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE013000 Well Logs Copy from 203 9-Track Tapes [DVD] 2009 PE013000__((_WELL_LOGS_COPY_FROM_203_9-TRACK_TAPES_))_.ISO.GZ(1114.9m)......... SAM0_776_PE013000__((_WELL_LOGS_COPY_FROM_203_9-TRACK_TAPES_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(3.0m)......... in: COMPACTUS Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL VELOCITY PE613670 GA Vic Offshore Wells Checkshot Data CD [CD] 2005 PE613670__((_GA_VIC_OFFSHORE_WELLS_CHECKSHOT_DATA_CD_))_.TAR.GZ(0.5m)......... SAM1_186_PE613670__((_GA_VIC_OFFSHORE_WELLS_CHECKSHOT_DATA_CD_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(3.0m)......... PE613670__((_GA_VIC_OFFSHORE_WELLS_CHECKSHOT_DATA_CD_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... in: COMPACTUS Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes
ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE909948_1 ANGLER-1 RFT Analysis Report [CD] 2003 PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))_.TAR.GZ(66.2m)......... SAM1_917_PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(3.0m)......... PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... in: CD ANGLER-1 Analysis Reports ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE909948_2 ANGLER-1 Log Analysis Report [CD] 2003 PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))_.TAR.GZ(66.2m)......... SAM1_917_PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(3.0m)......... PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... in: CD ANGLER-1 Analysis Reports ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE909948_3 ANGLER-1 Sedimentological Interpretation [CD] 2003 PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))_.TAR.GZ(66.2m)......... SAM1_917_PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(3.0m)......... PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... in: CD ANGLER-1 Analysis Reports
ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE903249 ANGLER-1 Palynology Report [PAPER] 1989 PE903249__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.8m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE903254 ANGLER-1 Micropalaeontology Report [PAPER] 1989 PE903254__((_ANGLER-1_MICROPALAEONTOLOGY_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.7m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE911014 ANEMONE-1 Palyn.Rpt of the Gipps.Basin [PAPER] 1998 PE911014__((_ANEMONE-1_PALYN.RPT_OF_THE_GIPPS.BASIN_))_.TIF(3.4m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANEMONE-1 & ANEMONE 1A W997 box 1/4 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL DAILY_RPT PE903238 ANGLER-1 Daily & Weekly Drilling Reports [PAPER] 1989 PE903238__((_ANGLER-1_DAILY___WEEKLY_DRILLING_REPORTS_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FWR_RPT PE903236 ANGLER-1 Final Well Report [PAPER] 1989 PE903236__((_ANGLER-1_FINAL_WELL_REPORT_))_.PDF(7.8m)......... PE903236__((_ANGLER-1_FINAL_WELL_REPORT_))_.TIF(8.6m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FWR_RPT PE903251 ANGLER-1 Final Well Report [PAPER] 1998 (8 DIGITAL FILES) in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800990 ANGLER-1 Data Processing Report [PAPER] 1989 PE800990__((_ANGLER-1_DATA_PROCESSING_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... in:REPORT_BOX Geochemical Reports Box Gippsland Basin ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800993 Amdel Geochemical Report [PAPER] 1992 PE800993__((_AMDEL_GEOCHEMICAL_REPORT_))_.TIF(1.6m)......... in:REPORT_BOX Geochemical Reports Box Gippsland Basin ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903160 HERMES-1 etc Vitrinite Reflectance Rpt [PAPER] 1994 PE903160__((_HERMES-1_ETC_VITRINITE_REFLECTANCE_RPT_))_.PDF(16.1m)......... FIGURE_01.JPG(4.3m)......... FIGURE_02.JPG(4.3m)......... FIGURE_03.JPG(4.3m)......... PE903160__((_HERMES-1_ETC_VITRINITE_REFLECTANCE_RPT_))_.TIF(3.5m)......... in:WELL_BOX HERMES-1 W803 box 1/2 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903255 ANGLER-1 Geochem Eval.of Rock&Fluid [PAPER] 1989 PE903255__((_ANGLER-1_GEOCHEM_EVAL.OF_ROCK_FLUID_))_.PDF(5.2m)......... PE903255__((_ANGLER-1_GEOCHEM_EVAL.OF_ROCK_FLUID_))_.PDF(5.2m)......... PE903255__((_ANGLER-1_GEOCHEM_EVAL.OF_ROCK_FLUID_))_.PDF(5.2m)......... PE903255__((_ANGLER-1_GEOCHEM_EVAL.OF_ROCK_FLUID_))_.PDF(5.2m)......... PE903255__((_ANGLER-1_GEOCHEM_EVAL.OF_ROCK_FLUID_))_.PDF(5.2m)......... PE903255__((_ANGLER-1_GEOCHEM_EVAL.OF_ROCK_FLUID_))_.TIF(5.2m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL GEOL_RPT PE903244 ANGLER-1 Weekly Geological reports [PAPER] 2000 PE903244__((_ANGLER-1_WEEKLY_GEOLOGICAL_REPORTS_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 Petrographic analysis, Gippsland Basin [PAPER] 2002 PE912666__((_PETROGRAPHIC_ANALYSIS,_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_))_.TIF(1.8m)......... in:REPORT_BOX Well Reports Box ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PETROLOGY_RPT PE903242 ANGLER-1 Preliminary Petrology Report [PAPER] 1989 PE903242__((_ANGLER-1_PRELIMINARY_PETROLOGY_REPORT_))_.PDF(0.1m)......... PE903242__((_ANGLER-1_PRELIMINARY_PETROLOGY_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... in:FOLDER ANGLER-1 Technical Information Folder ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PETROLOGY_RPT PE903243 ANGLER-1 Final Petrology Report [PAPER] 1989 (75 DIGITAL FILES) in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE903252 ANGLER-1 Core Analysis Final Report [PAPER] 1989 PE903252__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_ANALYSIS_FINAL_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.9m)......... in:REPORT_BOX Core Analysis Reports Box 1 of 8 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE912587 Mercury Injection [PAPER] 1992 PE912587__((_MERCURY_INJECTION_))_.TIF(1.9m)......... in:REPORT_BOX Core Analysis Reports Box 5 of 8 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PROPOSAL_RPT PE903246 ANGLER-1 Drilling Programme proposal [PAPER] 1989 PE903246__((_ANGLER-1_DRILLING_PROGRAMME_PROPOSAL_))_.TIF(1.2m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PROPOSAL_RPT PE903284 ANGLER-1 Application to Drill [PAPER] 1989 PE903284__((_ANGLER-1_APPLICATION_TO_DRILL_))_.TIF(2.9m)......... PE903284__((_ANGLER-1_APPLICATION_TO_DRILL_))__015Y.TIF(0.1m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE000098 ANGLER-1 Dipmeter Processing Report [PAPER] 1989 PE000098__((_ANGLER-1_DIPMETER_PROCESSING_REPORT_))_.TIF(11.2m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE903099 ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report [PAPER] 1990 (22 DIGITAL FILES) in:WELL_BOX ARCHER-1 W1021 box 1/4 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE903240 ANGLER-1 List of appendices (from WCR) [PAPER] 1990 PE903240__((_ANGLER-1_LIST_OF_APPENDICES__FROM_WCR__))_.PDF(0.0m)......... PE903240__((_ANGLER-1_LIST_OF_APPENDICES__FROM_WCR__))_.TIF(0.0m)......... in:FOLDER ANGLER-1 Technical Information Folder ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE903241 ANGLER-1 Reserves Estimate Report [PAPER] 1990 PE903241__((_ANGLER-1_RESERVES_ESTIMATE_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... in:FOLDER ANGLER-1 Reserves Estimate ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE903245 ANGLER-1 Oil Spill Contingency Plan [PAPER] 1988 PE903245__((_ANGLER-1_OIL_SPILL_CONTINGENCY_PLAN_))_.TIF(2.8m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE903248 ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group [PAPER] 1989 PE903248__((_ANGLER-1_LOG_ANALYSIS_OF_LATROBE_GROUP_))_.TIF(3.2m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE903250 ANGLER-1 Sedimentological Interpretation [PAPER] 1989 PE903250__((_ANGLER-1_SEDIMENTOLOGICAL_INTERPRETATION_))_.TIF(0.4m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE903253 ANGLER-1 RFT Analysis Report [PAPER] 1989 PE903253__((_ANGLER-1_RFT_ANALYSIS_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.4m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE903275 ANGLER-1 RFT Sample Fluid Analysis [PAPER] 1989 PE903275__((_ANGLER-1_RFT_SAMPLE_FLUID_ANALYSIS_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RPT PE907727 ANGLER-1 Reserves Estimate [PAPER] 1990 PE907727__((_ANGLER-1_RESERVES_ESTIMATE_))_.TIF(0.0m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WCR_RPT PE902148 ANGLER-1 WCR [PAPER] 1989 PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3
ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT PE900770 ANGLER-1 Encl. 1 Planktonic Foram. Chart [PAPER] 1989 (8 DIGITAL FILES) in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 WCR ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT PE900771 ANGLER-1 Palynology Distribution Chart [PAPER] 1989 PE900771__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_DISTRIBUTION_CHART_))_.PDF(0.3m)......... PE900771__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_DISTRIBUTION_CHART_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... PE900771__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_DISTRIBUTION_CHART_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... PE900771__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_DISTRIBUTION_CHART_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... in:BIOSTRAT_RPT ANGLER-1 Palynology Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT PE902148_029ANGLER-1 Micropaleontology in WCR [PAPER] 2005 PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 WCR ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT PE902148_042ANGLER-1 Palynology in WCR [PAPER] 2005 PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 WCR ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT PE905464 ANGLER-1 Planktonic foram distrib.chart [PAPER] 1989 PE905464__((_ANGLER-1_PLANKTONIC_FORAM_DISTRIB.CHART_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... in:BIOSTRAT_RPT ANGLER-1 Micropalaeontology Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT PE905465 ANGLER-1 Palynology Range Chart [PAPER] 1989 PE905465__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_RANGE_CHART_))_.PDF(0.7m)......... PE905465__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_RANGE_CHART_))_.PDF(0.7m)......... PE905465__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_RANGE_CHART_))_.PDF(0.7m)......... PE905465__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_RANGE_CHART_))_.PDF(0.7m)......... PE905465__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_RANGE_CHART_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 WCR ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT PE908412 ANGLER-1 Enc.2 Benthonic Foram.Chart [PAPER] 1989 PE908412__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.2_BENTHONIC_FORAM.CHART_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... in:BIOSTRAT_RPT ANGLER-1 Micropalaeontology Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT PE990276 ANGLER-1 Foram Rpt, 1989 [PAPER] 1989 PE990276__((_ANGLER-1_FORAM_RPT,_1989_))_.PDF(1.1m)......... in:[ADMIN] Vic Biostratigraphy Reports Data Package ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL BIOSTRAT PE990277 ANGLER-1 Spore Pollen,Dino Rpt 1989 [PAPER] 1989 PE990277__((_ANGLER-1_SPORE_POLLEN,DINO_RPT_1989_))_.PDF(1.3m)......... in:[ADMIN] Vic Biostratigraphy Reports Data Package ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL COMPOSITE_LOG PE601001 ANGLER-1 Composite Well Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601001__((_ANGLER-1_COMPOSITE_WELL_LOG_))_.TIF(4.0m)......... PE601001__((_ANGLER-1_COMPOSITE_WELL_LOG_))_.TIF(4.0m)......... PE601001__((_ANGLER-1_COMPOSITE_WELL_LOG_))_.TIF(4.0m)......... PE601001__((_ANGLER-1_COMPOSITE_WELL_LOG_))_.TIF(4.0m)......... in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 WCR ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911975 ANGLER-1 Campanian B SST. Top Zone 1 [PAPER] 1990 in:REPORT ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911976 ANGLER-1 Campanian B SST. Top Zone 2 [PAPER] 1990 in:REPORT ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911977 ANGLER-1 Campanian B SST. Top Zone 3 [PAPER] 1990 in:REPORT ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 Regional Depth - Upper Shoreface Facies [PAPER] 1994 PE912532__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_UPPER_SHOREFACE_FACIES_))_.JPG(12.5m)......... PE912532__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_UPPER_SHOREFACE_FACIES_))_.TIF(1.4m)......... in:REPORT Volume 4, Project 1B, Porosity vs Depth ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 Regional Depth - Fluvial & Estuarine [PAPER] 1994 PE912534__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_FLUVIAL___ESTUARINE_))_.JPG(24.7m)......... PE912534__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_FLUVIAL___ESTUARINE_))_.TIF(2.9m)......... in:REPORT Volume 4, Project 1B, Porosity vs Depth ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 Regional Depth - Upper Shoreface Facies [PAPER] 1994 PE912535__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_UPPER_SHOREFACE_FACIES_))_.JPG(11.9m)......... PE912535__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_UPPER_SHOREFACE_FACIES_))_.TIF(1.3m)......... in:REPORT Volume 4, Project 1B, Porosity vs Depth ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 Regional Depth - Coastal Plain Facies [PAPER] 1994 PE912536__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_COASTAL_PLAIN_FACIES_))_.JPG(21.1m)......... PE912536__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_COASTAL_PLAIN_FACIES_))_.TIF(2.7m)......... in:REPORT Volume 4, Project 1B, Porosity vs Depth ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 Regional Depth - Fluvial & Estuarine 15% [PAPER] 1994 PE912537__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_FLUVIAL___ESTUARINE_15__))_.JPG(24.9m)......... PE912537__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_FLUVIAL___ESTUARINE_15__))_.TIF(3.0m)......... in:REPORT Volume 4, Project 1B, Porosity vs Depth ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903280 ANGLER-1 Core Photograph Colour Plate [PAPER] 1989 PE903280__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTOGRAPH_COLOUR_PLATE_))_.JPG(3.9m)......... PE903280__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTOGRAPH_COLOUR_PLATE_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903281 ANGLER-1 Core Photo Ultra Violet Plate [PAPER] 1989 PE903281__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTO_ULTRA_VIOLET_PLATE_))_.TAR.GZ(0.0m)......... PE903281__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTO_ULTRA_VIOLET_PLATE_))_.JPG(3.4m)......... PE903281__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTO_ULTRA_VIOLET_PLATE_))_.TIF(2.0m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903282 ANGLER-1 Core Photograph Colour Plate [PAPER] 1989 PE903282__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTOGRAPH_COLOUR_PLATE_))_.JPG(3.8m)......... PE903282__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTOGRAPH_COLOUR_PLATE_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903283 ANGLER-1 Core Photo Ultra Violet Plate [PAPER] 1998 PE903283__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTO_ULTRA_VIOLET_PLATE_))_.JPG(2.4m)......... PE903283__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTO_ULTRA_VIOLET_PLATE_))_.TIF(2.5m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 MORAY-1 - SOLE-1 Cross section. V94-G1 [PAPER] 2004 PE912487__((_MORAY-1_-_SOLE-1_CROSS_SECTION._V94-G1_))_.JPG(53.2m)......... PE912487__((_MORAY-1_-_SOLE-1_CROSS_SECTION._V94-G1_))_.TIF(15.8m)......... in:REPORT Application - Permit V94-G1 Volume 2 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 MORAY-1 - SOLE-1 Cross section. V94-G1 [PAPER] 1994 PE912488__((_MORAY-1_-_SOLE-1_CROSS_SECTION._V94-G1_))_.JPG(61.7m)......... PE912488__((_MORAY-1_-_SOLE-1_CROSS_SECTION._V94-G1_))_.TIF(18.2m)......... in:REPORT Application - Permit V94-G1 Volume 2 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 TARWHINE-1 - ANGLER-1 Cross section [PAPER] 2004 PE912489__((_TARWHINE-1_-_ANGLER-1_CROSS_SECTION_))_.JPG(42.5m)......... PE912489__((_TARWHINE-1_-_ANGLER-1_CROSS_SECTION_))_.TIF(9.1m)......... in:REPORT Application - Permit V94-G1 Volume 2 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 TARWHINE-1 - ANGLER-1 Cross section [PAPER] 1994 PE912490__((_TARWHINE-1_-_ANGLER-1_CROSS_SECTION_))_.JPG(61.3m)......... PE912490__((_TARWHINE-1_-_ANGLER-1_CROSS_SECTION_))_.TIF(11.2m)......... in:REPORT Application - Permit V94-G1 Volume 2 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL DIAGRAM PE903247 ANGLER-1 Well Summary [PAPER] 1989 PE903247__((_ANGLER-1_WELL_SUMMARY_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... in:PROPOSAL_RPT ANGLER-1 Drilling Programme proposal ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL DIAGRAM PE903287 ANGLER-1 Petrofina Organisation Chart [PAPER] 1989 PE903287__((_ANGLER-1_PETROFINA_ORGANISATION_CHART_))_.TIF(0.2m)......... in:PROPOSAL_RPT ANGLER-1 Application to Drill ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL DIAGRAM PE904714 ANGLER-1 Bit Cost Charts [PAPER] 1989 (14 DIGITAL FILES) in:FWR_RPT ANGLER-1 Final Well Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL DIRECTIONAL PE903236_119ANGLER-1 deviation survey data [PAPER] 2007 PE903236__((_ANGLER-1_FINAL_WELL_REPORT_))_.PDF(7.8m)......... PE903236__((_ANGLER-1_FINAL_WELL_REPORT_))_.TIF(8.6m)......... in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 Final Well Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FOLDER PE903239 ANGLER-1 Technical Information Folder [PAPER] 2000 PE903239__((_ANGLER-1_TECHNICAL_INFORMATION_FOLDER_))_.PDF(0.2m)......... PE903239__((_ANGLER-1_TECHNICAL_INFORMATION_FOLDER_))_.TIF(0.2m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_060ANGLER-1 Geochem in WCR - see attachment [PAPER] 2005 PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 WCR ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_063ANGLER-1 Core Analysis in WCR [PAPER] 2005 PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 WCR ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_076ANGLER-1 Fluid Analysis in WCR [PAPER] 2005 PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 WCR ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL GEOCHEM PE903150 HERMES-1,ANGLER-1 Vitr.reflect.&maceral [PAPER] 1994 in:WELL_BOX HERMES-1 W803 box 2/2 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL MONTAGE PE903285 ANGLER-1 Fig. 1 Angler Prospect [PAPER] 1989 PE903285__((_ANGLER-1_FIG._1_ANGLER_PROSPECT_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... in:PROPOSAL_RPT ANGLER-1 Application to Drill ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 Gippsland Basin Sandstone Types [PAPER] 1994 PE912495__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_SANDSTONE_TYPES_))_.JPG(330.8m)......... PE912495__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_SANDSTONE_TYPES_))_.TIF(14.0m)......... in:REPORT Application - Exploration Permit V94-G1 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL MONTAGE PE912760 Paleogeographic Development Montage B [PAPER] 1996 PE912760__((_PALEOGEOGRAPHIC_DEVELOPMENT_MONTAGE_B_))_.JPG(68.7m)......... PE912760__((_PALEOGEOGRAPHIC_DEVELOPMENT_MONTAGE_B_))_.TIF(97.6m)......... in:WELL_BOX Production Well Box 50 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 South Pilotfish Maturation & Migration [PAPER] 1996 PE912762__((_SOUTH_PILOTFISH_MATURATION___MIGRATION_))_.JPG(145.2m)......... PE912762__((_SOUTH_PILOTFISH_MATURATION___MIGRATION_))_.TIF(16.3m)......... in:WELL_BOX Production Well Box 50 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL MUD_LOG PE601884 ANGLER-1 Geoservices Masterlog [PAPER] 1989 PE601884__((_ANGLER-1_GEOSERVICES_MASTERLOG_))_.TIF(3.4m)......... PE601884__((_ANGLER-1_GEOSERVICES_MASTERLOG_))_.TIF(3.4m)......... PE601884__((_ANGLER-1_GEOSERVICES_MASTERLOG_))_.TIF(3.4m)......... PE601884__((_ANGLER-1_GEOSERVICES_MASTERLOG_))_.TIF(3.4m)......... in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 WCR ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL MUD_LOG PE601891 ANGLER-1 Geoservices Masterlog [PAPER] 1989 PE601891__((_ANGLER-1_GEOSERVICES_MASTERLOG_))_.TIF(4.0m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905466 ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 1 & 2 [PAPER] 1989 PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))__72DPI.PDF(1.7m)......... PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))__72DPI.PDF(1.7m)......... PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))__72DPI.PDF(1.7m)......... PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))__72DPI.PDF(1.7m)......... PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))_.JPG(1.4m)......... PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))_.JPG(1.4m)......... PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))_.JPG(1.4m)......... in:GEOCHEM_RPT ANGLER-1 Geochem Eval.of Rock&Fluid ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905467 ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 3 & 4 [PAPER] 1989 PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))_.JPG(1.2m)......... PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))_.JPG(1.2m)......... PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))_.JPG(1.2m)......... in:GEOCHEM_RPT ANGLER-1 Geochem Eval.of Rock&Fluid ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905468 ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 5 & 6 [PAPER] 1989 PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... in:GEOCHEM_RPT ANGLER-1 Geochem Eval.of Rock&Fluid ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905469 ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 7 & 8 [PAPER] 1989 PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))_.JPG(1.2m)......... PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))_.JPG(1.2m)......... PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))_.JPG(1.2m)......... in:GEOCHEM_RPT ANGLER-1 Geochem Eval.of Rock&Fluid ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905470 ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 9 & 10 [PAPER] 1989 PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... in:GEOCHEM_RPT ANGLER-1 Geochem Eval.of Rock&Fluid ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RFT PE601877 ANGLER-1 Enc.1 RFT Plot : Press.vs Depth [PAPER] 1989 PE601877__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.1_RFT_PLOT_---_PRESS.VS_DEPTH_))_.TIF(1.5m)......... in:REPORT ANGLER-1 RFT Analysis Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RFT PE601878 ANGLER-1 Enc.2 RFT Plot: Press.vs Depth [PAPER] 1989 PE601878__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.2_RFT_PLOT---_PRESS.VS_DEPTH_))_.TIF(1.3m)......... in:REPORT ANGLER-1 RFT Analysis Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RFT PE601879 ANGLER-1 Enc.3 RFT Plot : Press.vs Depth [PAPER] 1989 PE601879__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.3_RFT_PLOT_---_PRESS.VS_DEPTH_))_.TIF(0.8m)......... in:REPORT ANGLER-1 RFT Analysis Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL RFT PE902148_022ANGLER-1 RFT in WCR [PAPER] 2005 PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 WCR ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL STRAT_COLUMN PE911978 ANGLER-1 Stratigraphy [PAPER] 1989 in:REPORT ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL SYNTH_SEISMOGRAM PE701629 ANGLER-1 [G327]G95B Synthetic Seismogram [PAPER] 1995 PE701629__((_ANGLER-1_[G327]G95B_SYNTHETIC_SEISMOGRAM_))_.TIF(0.6m)......... in:INTERP_RPT [G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL VELOCITY PE902148_088ANGLER-1 Velocity Survey data in WCR [PAPER] 2005 PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 WCR ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL VELOCITY_CHART PE605335 ANGLER-1 Seismic Calibration Log [PAPER] 1989 PE605335__((_ANGLER-1_SEISMIC_CALIBRATION_LOG_))_.TIF(0.8m)......... PE605335__((_ANGLER-1_SEISMIC_CALIBRATION_LOG_))_.TIF(2.9m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 Latrobe Group Correlation Map [PAPER] 2000 PE802144__((_LATROBE_GROUP_CORRELATION_MAP_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... in:REPORT VIC/P20 Regional Studies Report Volume 1 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 Latrobe Group Correlation Map [PAPER] 2000 PE802145__((_LATROBE_GROUP_CORRELATION_MAP_))_.TIF(0.2m)......... in:REPORT VIC/P20 Regional Studies Report Volume 1 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE807024 Structural Cross-Section [PAPER] 1993 PE807024__((_STRUCTURAL_CROSS-SECTION_))_.JPG(10.9m)......... in:REPORT VIC/P24 Permit Renewal Application ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE905302 BILLFISH-1 Stratigraphic Cross-Section [PAPER] 1999 PE905302__((_BILLFISH-1_STRATIGRAPHIC_CROSS-SECTION_))_.JPG(7.7m)......... in:REPORT BILLFISH-1 Application to Drill ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601868 ANGLER-1 Encl. 1 Raw and Corrected Logs [PAPER] 1989 PE601868__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._1_RAW_AND_CORRECTED_LOGS_))_.JPG(7.1m)......... in:REPORT ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601869 ANGLER-1 Encl. 2 Raw and Corrected Logs [PAPER] 1989 PE601869__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._2_RAW_AND_CORRECTED_LOGS_))_.JPG(5.5m)......... in:REPORT ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601870 ANGLER-1 Encl. 3 Log Analysis Results [PAPER] 1989 PE601870__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._3_LOG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS_))_.JPG(12.7m)......... in:REPORT ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601871 ANGLER-1 Encl. 4 Log Analysis Results [PAPER] 1989 PE601871__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._4_LOG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS_))_.JPG(11.1m)......... in:REPORT ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601872 ANGLER-1 Encl. 5 Log Analysis Results [PAPER] 1989 PE601872__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._5_LOG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS_))_.JPG(4.8m)......... in:REPORT ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601873 ANGLER-1 Encl. 6 Log Analysis Results [PAPER] 1989 PE601873__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._6_LOG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS_))_.JPG(2.8m)......... in:REPORT ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601874 ANGLER-1 Encl. 7 Log Analysis Results [PAPER] 1989 PE601874__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._7_LOG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS_))_.JPG(5.8m)......... in:REPORT ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601875 ANGLER-1 Enc.1 Sedimentary Interp.Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601875__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.1_SEDIMENTARY_INTERP.LOG_))_.TIF(2.7m)......... PE601875__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.1_SEDIMENTARY_INTERP.LOG_))_.TIF(2.7m)......... PE601875__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.1_SEDIMENTARY_INTERP.LOG_))_.TIF(2.7m)......... PE601875__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.1_SEDIMENTARY_INTERP.LOG_))_.TIF(2.7m)......... in:WCR_RPT ANGLER-1 WCR ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601880 ANGLER-1 Mean Square Dip Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601880__((_ANGLER-1_MEAN_SQUARE_DIP_LOG_))_.TIF(9.5m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601881 ANGLER-1 SAT Log Suite 3, Run 1 [PAPER] 1989 PE601881__((_ANGLER-1_SAT_LOG_SUITE_3,_RUN_1_))_.TIF(2.1m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601882 ANGLER-1 FMS Borehole Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601882__((_ANGLER-1_FMS_BOREHOLE_LOG_))_.TIF(25.7m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601883 ANGLER-1 Logcalc 2 Output 1:500 [PAPER] 1990 PE601883__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC_2_OUTPUT_1---500_))_.TIF(11.2m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601885 ANGLER-1 Resistivity & Gamma Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601885__((_ANGLER-1_RESISTIVITY___GAMMA_LOG_))_.TIF(3.0m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601886 ANGLER-1 Resistivity & Gamma Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601886__((_ANGLER-1_RESISTIVITY___GAMMA_LOG_))_.TIF(4.4m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601887 ANGLER-1 Gamma Ray & Resistivity Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601887__((_ANGLER-1_GAMMA_RAY___RESISTIVITY_LOG_))_.TIF(0.9m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601888 ANGLER-1 Wellsite Geology Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601888__((_ANGLER-1_WELLSITE_GEOLOGY_LOG_))_.TIF(2.3m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601889 ANGLER-1 Wellsite Geology Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601889__((_ANGLER-1_WELLSITE_GEOLOGY_LOG_))_.TIF(3.4m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601890 ANGLER-1 Resistivity & Gamma Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601890__((_ANGLER-1_RESISTIVITY___GAMMA_LOG_))_.TIF(2.8m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601892 ANGLER-1 Wellsite Geology Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601892__((_ANGLER-1_WELLSITE_GEOLOGY_LOG_))_.TIF(5.9m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601893 ANGLER-1 Logcalc2 Output [PAPER] 1989 PE601893__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC2_OUTPUT_))__01.TIF(0.4m)......... PE601893__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC2_OUTPUT_))__02.TIF(0.5m)......... PE601893__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC2_OUTPUT_))__03.TIF(0.4m)......... PE601893__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC2_OUTPUT_))__04.TIF(0.8m)......... PE601893__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC2_OUTPUT_))__05.TIF(1.1m)......... PE601893__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC2_OUTPUT_))__06.TIF(1.0m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601894 ANGLER-1 RFT-HP-GR Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601894__((_ANGLER-1_RFT-HP-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(4.8m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601895 ANGLER-1 Wellsite Geology Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601895__((_ANGLER-1_WELLSITE_GEOLOGY_LOG_))_.TIF(7.7m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601896 ANGLER-1 DIL-GR Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601896__((_ANGLER-1_DIL-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(4.4m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601897 ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-GR Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601897__((_ANGLER-1_LDL-CNL-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(3.0m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601898 ANGLER-1 DLL-SLS-GR-CAL Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601898__((_ANGLER-1_DLL-SLS-GR-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(18.2m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601899 ANGLER-1 SLS-CAL Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601899__((_ANGLER-1_SLS-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(1.1m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601900 ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-NGL Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601900__((_ANGLER-1_LDL-CNL-NGL_LOG_))_.TIF(14.7m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601901 ANGLER-1 Continuous Dips Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601901__((_ANGLER-1_CONTINUOUS_DIPS_LOG_))_.TIF(4.7m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601902 ANGLER-1 DLL-SLS-GR-CAL Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601902__((_ANGLER-1_DLL-SLS-GR-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601903 ANGLER-1 Dips Computation Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601903__((_ANGLER-1_DIPS_COMPUTATION_LOG_))_.TIF(11.3m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601904 ANGLER-1 Mean Square Dip Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601904__((_ANGLER-1_MEAN_SQUARE_DIP_LOG_))_.TIF(9.9m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601905 ANGLER-1 DIL-GR [PAPER] 1989 PE601905__((_ANGLER-1_DIL-GR_))_.TIF(1.5m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601906 ANGLER-1 CST-GR Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601906__((_ANGLER-1_CST-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(2.2m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601907 ANGLER-1 RFT-HP-GR Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601907__((_ANGLER-1_RFT-HP-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(40.6m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601908 ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-NGL Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601908__((_ANGLER-1_LDL-CNL-NGL_LOG_))_.TIF(5.5m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601909 ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-GR Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601909__((_ANGLER-1_LDL-CNL-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(3.0m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601910 ANGLER-1 DLL-SLS-MSFL-GR-CAL Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601910__((_ANGLER-1_DLL-SLS-MSFL-GR-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(3.8m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601911 ANGLER-1 DLL-MSFL-SLS-GR-CAL Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601911__((_ANGLER-1_DLL-MSFL-SLS-GR-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(19.2m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601912 ANGLER-1 SLS-CAL Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601912__((_ANGLER-1_SLS-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(2.9m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601913 ANGLER-1 CBL-VDL-GR Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601913__((_ANGLER-1_CBL-VDL-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(6.7m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601914 ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-NGL Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601914__((_ANGLER-1_LDL-CNL-NGL_LOG_))_.TIF(7.3m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601915 ANGLER-1 DLL-MSFL-SLS-GR-CAL Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601915__((_ANGLER-1_DLL-MSFL-SLS-GR-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(7.9m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE601916 ANGLER-1 Resistivity & Gamma Log [PAPER] 1989 PE601916__((_ANGLER-1_RESISTIVITY___GAMMA_LOG_))_.TIF(12.6m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE606683 ANGLER-1 Chromatolog [PAPER] 2001 (15 DIGITAL FILES) in:FWR_RPT ANGLER-1 Final Well Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE606684 ANGLER-1 Masterlog Geological Evaluation [PAPER] 1989 (31 DIGITAL FILES) in:FWR_RPT ANGLER-1 Final Well Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE606685 ANGLER-1 Computer Generated Log [PAPER] 1989 (11 DIGITAL FILES) in:FWR_RPT ANGLER-1 Final Well Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE612580 ANGLER-1 Campanian B Sandstones [PAPER] 1990 in:REPORT ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE612581 ANGLER-1 RFT Interval 3100-4300m [PAPER] 1989 in:REPORT ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE612582 ANGLER-1 Near Top Selene Sandstone [PAPER] 1989 in:REPORT ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE612583 ANGLER-1 Campanian 'B' Sandstone [PAPER] 1989 in:REPORT ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL WELL_LOG PE651562 ANGLER-1 FMS-GR 1:200 Suite 3 [SEPIA] 1992 in:WIRELINE_LOGS_BOX KIPPER-2; Torsk-1; Roundhead-1 Log Box
ASSETS (BRIEF) GENERAL CROSS_SECTION PE801794 Stratigraphic Interpretation [PAPER] 1993 PE801794__((_STRATIGRAPHIC_INTERPRETATION_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... in:REPORT VIC/P20 End Of Term Report ASSETS (BRIEF) GENERAL MAP PE912745 Schematic Palaeogeography - Gippsland [PAPER] 1992 PE912745__((_SCHEMATIC_PALAEOGEOGRAPHY_-_GIPPSLAND_))_.TIF(1.5m)......... in:OTHER_BOX Petroleum Prospectivity Bulletin, Vol. 2 ASSETS (BRIEF) GENERAL REGISTRY_FILE F3103626 PE/16/0365 / 1 Registry File [PAPER] 2004 in:COMPACTUS COMPACTUS_1 55 Collins St ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE701628 [G327] G95B Bathymetry Survey [PAPER] 1996 PE701628__((_[G327]_G95B_BATHYMETRY_SURVEY_))_.JPG(23.7m)......... PE701628__((_[G327]_G95B_BATHYMETRY_SURVEY_))_.TIF(9.6m)......... in:INTERP_RPT [G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE903265 ANGLER-1 Encl.11 Smoothed seafloor Cntrs [PAPER] 1988 PE903265__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.11_SMOOTHED_SEAFLOOR_CNTRS_))_.TIF(1.4m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE903266 ANGLER-1 Encl. 10 Seafloor Detail [PAPER] 1988 PE903266__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._10_SEAFLOOR_DETAIL_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801787 VIC/P20 71 My Sequence Boundary [PAPER] 1992 PE801787__((_VIC_P20_71_MY_SEQUENCE_BOUNDARY_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... in:REPORT VIC/P20 End Of Term Report ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801788 VIC/P20 80 My Sequence Boundary [PAPER] 1993 PE801788__((_VIC_P20_80_MY_SEQUENCE_BOUNDARY_))_.TIF(0.4m)......... in:REPORT VIC/P20 End Of Term Report ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801790 Angler Area Depth Map [PAPER] 1993 PE801790__((_ANGLER_AREA_DEPTH_MAP_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... in:REPORT VIC/P20 End Of Term Report ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801791 Angler Area Depth Map [PAPER] 1993 PE801791__((_ANGLER_AREA_DEPTH_MAP_))_.TIF(0.4m)......... in:REPORT VIC/P20 End Of Term Report ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801792 Angler Area Depth Map, VIC/P20 [PAPER] 1993 PE801792__((_ANGLER_AREA_DEPTH_MAP,_VIC_P20_))_.TIF(0.4m)......... in:REPORT VIC/P20 End Of Term Report ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903256 ANGLER-1 Encl.2 Intra Gipps.Limestone [PAPER] 1988 PE903256__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.2_INTRA_GIPPS.LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(0.6m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903257 ANGLER-1 Encl.3 Intra Gipps.Limestone [PAPER] 1988 PE903257__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.3_INTRA_GIPPS.LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(0.6m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903258 ANGLER-1 Encl.4 Intra Gipps.Limestone [PAPER] 1988 PE903258__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.4_INTRA_GIPPS.LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(0.6m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903259 ANGLER-1 Encl.5 Base Gipps.Limestone [PAPER] 1988 PE903259__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.5_BASE_GIPPS.LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903260 ANGLER-1 Encl.6 Intra Lakes Entrance Mkr [PAPER] 1988 PE903260__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.6_INTRA_LAKES_ENTRANCE_MKR_))_.TIF(0.7m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903261 ANGLER-1 Encl. 7 Top Gurnard Formation [PAPER] 1988 PE903261__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._7_TOP_GURNARD_FORMATION_))_.TIF(1.2m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903262 ANGLER-1 Encl.8 Top Maastrichtian Mkr [PAPER] 1988 PE903262__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.8_TOP_MAASTRICHTIAN_MKR_))_.TIF(1.3m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903263 ANGLER-1 Encl. 9 Top Selene Sandstone [PAPER] 1988 PE903263__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._9_TOP_SELENE_SANDSTONE_))_.TIF(0.9m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903264 ANGLER-1 Encl.12a Base Gipps.Limestone [PAPER] 1988 PE903264__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.12A_BASE_GIPPS.LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(1.2m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903267 ANGLER-1 Base Gippsland Limestone [PAPER] 1988 PE903267__((_ANGLER-1_BASE_GIPPSLAND_LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(1.5m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903268 ANGLER-1 Encl. 13b Top Gurnard Formation [PAPER] 1988 PE903268__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._13B_TOP_GURNARD_FORMATION_))_.TIF(1.1m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903269 ANGLER-1 Encl. 15c Top Selene Sandstone [PAPER] 1988 PE903269__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._15C_TOP_SELENE_SANDSTONE_))_.TIF(1.1m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903270 ANGLER-1 Encl. 15b Top Selene Sandstone [PAPER] 1988 PE903270__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._15B_TOP_SELENE_SANDSTONE_))_.TIF(1.8m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903271 ANGLER-1 Top Gurnard Formation [PAPER] 1988 PE903271__((_ANGLER-1_TOP_GURNARD_FORMATION_))_.TIF(1.5m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903272 ANGLER-1 Encl. 13a Top Gurnard Formation [PAPER] 1988 PE903272__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._13A_TOP_GURNARD_FORMATION_))_.TIF(0.9m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903273 ANGLER-1 Encl. 14 Top Maastrichtian [PAPER] 1988 PE903273__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._14_TOP_MAASTRICHTIAN_))_.TIF(0.9m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903274 ANGLER-1 Encl. 12b Base Gipps. Limestone [PAPER] 1988 PE903274__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._12B_BASE_GIPPS._LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... in:WELL_BOX ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 [G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt [PAPER] 1996 PE701626__((_[G327]_INTERPRETATION___ASSESSMENT_RPT_))_.TIF(4.1m)......... PE701626__((_[G327]_INTERPRETATION___ASSESSMENT_RPT_))__034.JPG(1.1m)......... PE701626__((_[G327]_INTERPRETATION___ASSESSMENT_RPT_))__036.JPG(4.3m)......... PE701626__((_[G327]_INTERPRETATION___ASSESSMENT_RPT_))__039.JPG(3.5m)......... in:SURVEY_BOX [G327] G95B Billfish Seismic Survey Box ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE705937 Seismic Line G92A-3076 (UNDATUMED) [PAPER] 1994 PE705937__((_SEISMIC_LINE_G92A-3076__UNDATUMED__))_.JPG(77.9m)......... PE705937__((_SEISMIC_LINE_G92A-3076__UNDATUMED__))_.TIF(10.6m)......... in:REPORT Application - Exploration Permit V94-G1 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE705938 Seismic Line G92A-3076 (DATUMED) [PAPER] 1994 PE705938__((_SEISMIC_LINE_G92A-3076__DATUMED__))_.JPG(80.3m)......... PE705938__((_SEISMIC_LINE_G92A-3076__DATUMED__))_.TIF(11.2m)......... in:REPORT Application - Exploration Permit V94-G1 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE801789 Angler 3D Stratigraphic Interpretation [PAPER] 1993 PE801789__((_ANGLER_3D_STRATIGRAPHIC_INTERPRETATION_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... in:REPORT VIC/P20 End Of Term Report ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE911979 ANGLER-1 Seismic Line GF88A-96 (Interp.) [PAPER] 1990 in:REPORT ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 Structural Development Examples [PAPER] 2004 PE706030__((_STRUCTURAL_DEVELOPMENT_EXAMPLES_))_.JPG(34.3m)......... PE706030__((_STRUCTURAL_DEVELOPMENT_EXAMPLES_))_.TIF(31.5m)......... in:WELL_BOX Production Well Box 50 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706034 Great White Prospect Trap Montage [PAPER] 1996 PE706034__((_GREAT_WHITE_PROSPECT_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.JPG(102.1m)......... PE706034__((_GREAT_WHITE_PROSPECT_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.TIF(89.5m)......... in:WELL_BOX Production Well Box 50 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 South Pilotfish Prospect Trap Montage [PAPER] 1996 PE706037__((_SOUTH_PILOTFISH_PROSPECT_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.JPG(81.4m)......... PE706037__((_SOUTH_PILOTFISH_PROSPECT_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.TIF(95.0m)......... in:WELL_BOX Production Well Box 49 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 Billfish Lead Paleocene Trap Montage [PAPER] 1996 PE706039__((_BILLFISH_LEAD_PALEOCENE_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.JPG(118.6m)......... PE706039__((_BILLFISH_LEAD_PALEOCENE_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.TIF(122.6m)......... in:WELL_BOX Production Well Box 49 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 Billfish Lead Base Shale Trap Montage [PAPER] 1996 PE706041__((_BILLFISH_LEAD_BASE_SHALE_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.JPG(43.2m)......... PE706041__((_BILLFISH_LEAD_BASE_SHALE_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.TIF(42.7m)......... in:WELL_BOX Production Well Box 49 ASSETS (BRIEF) SEISMIC SECTION PE903276 ANGLER-1 Seismic Line GF88A-96 [PAPER] 2000 PE903276__((_ANGLER-1_SEISMIC_LINE_GF88A-96_))_.JPG(6.8m)......... PE903276__((_ANGLER-1_SEISMIC_LINE_GF88A-96_))_.TIF(1.2m)......... in:PROPOSAL_RPT ANGLER-1 Application to Drill ASSETS (BRIEF) TITLE SURRENDER_RPT PE000719 VIC/P20 End Of Permit Term Report [PAPER] 1993 (26 DIGITAL FILES) in:PERMIT_BOX VIC/P20 Permit Box 1 of 5
ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216430 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216431 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216432 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216433 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216434 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216435 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216436 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216437 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216438 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216439 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216440 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216441 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216442 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216443 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216444 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216445 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216446 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216447 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216448 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216449 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216450 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216451 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216452 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216453 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216454 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216455 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216456 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216457 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216458 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216459 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216460 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216461 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227771 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2006 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227772 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2006 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227773 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2006 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227774 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2006 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE_BOX PE181776 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box [PLASTIC] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL FORAM_SLIDE_BOX PE181783 ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box [PLASTIC] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217039 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217040 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217041 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217042 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217043 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217044 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217045 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217046 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217047 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217048 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217049 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217050 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217051 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217052 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217053 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217054 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217055 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217056 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217057 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217058 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217059 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217060 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217061 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217062 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217063 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217064 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217092 ANGLER-1 Residue 1040m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217093 ANGLER-1 Residue 1160m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217094 ANGLER-1 Residue 1210m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217095 ANGLER-1 Residue 1220m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217096 ANGLER-1 Residue 1260m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217097 ANGLER-1 Residue 1360m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217098 ANGLER-1 Residue 1450m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217099 ANGLER-1 Residue 1670m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217100 ANGLER-1 Residue 1770m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217101 ANGLER-1 Residue 1880m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217102 ANGLER-1 Residue 2030m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217103 ANGLER-1 Residue 2080m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217104 ANGLER-1 Residue 2170m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217105 ANGLER-1 Residue 2270m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217106 ANGLER-1 Residue 2400m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217107 ANGLER-1 Residue 2460m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217108 ANGLER-1 Residue 2490m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217109 ANGLER-1 Residue 2590m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217110 ANGLER-1 Residue 2690m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217111 ANGLER-1 Residue 2730m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217112 ANGLER-1 Residue 2740m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217113 ANGLER-1 Residue 2770m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217114 ANGLER-1 Residue 2780m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217115 ANGLER-1 Residue 2790m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217116 ANGLER-1 Residue 2800m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217117 ANGLER-1 Residue 2810m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217118 ANGLER-1 Residue 2820m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217119 ANGLER-1 Residue 2830m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217120 ANGLER-1 Residue 2840m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217121 ANGLER-1 Residue 2860m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217122 ANGLER-1 Residue 2890m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217123 ANGLER-1 Residue 2945m. [SAMPLE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_RESIDUE_BOX PE182085 ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box [PLASTIC] 2003 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211754 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211755 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211756 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211757 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211758 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211759 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211760 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211761 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211762 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211763 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211764 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211765 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211766 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211767 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211768 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211769 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211770 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211771 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211772 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211773 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211774 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211775 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211776 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211777 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211778 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211779 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211780 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211781 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211782 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211783 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211784 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211785 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211786 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211787 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211788 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211789 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211790 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211791 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211792 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211793 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211794 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211795 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211796 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211797 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211798 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211799 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211800 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211801 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211802 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211803 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211804 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211805 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211806 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211807 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211808 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211809 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211810 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211811 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211812 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211813 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211814 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211815 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211816 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211817 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211818 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211819 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211820 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211821 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211822 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211823 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211824 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211825 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211826 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211827 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211828 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211829 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211830 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211831 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211832 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211833 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211834 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211835 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211836 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211837 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211838 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211839 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211840 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211841 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211842 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211843 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211844 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211845 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211846 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211847 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211848 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211849 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211850 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211851 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211852 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211853 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211854 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211855 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211856 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211857 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211858 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211859 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211860 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211861 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211862 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211863 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211864 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211865 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211866 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211867 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211868 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211869 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211870 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211871 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211872 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211873 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211874 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211875 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211876 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211877 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211878 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211879 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211880 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211881 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2004 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213196 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213197 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213198 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213199 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213200 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213201 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213202 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213203 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213204 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213205 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213206 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213207 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213208 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213209 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213210 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213211 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213212 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213213 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213214 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213215 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213216 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213217 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213218 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213219 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213220 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213221 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213222 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213223 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213224 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213225 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213226 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213227 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213228 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213229 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213230 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213231 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213232 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213233 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213234 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213235 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213236 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213237 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213238 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213239 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213240 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213241 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213242 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213243 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213244 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213245 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213246 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213247 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213248 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213249 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213250 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213251 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213252 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213253 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213254 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213255 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213256 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213257 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213258 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213259 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213260 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213261 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213262 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213263 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213264 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213265 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213266 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213267 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213268 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213269 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213270 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213271 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213272 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213273 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213274 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213275 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213276 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213277 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213278 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213279 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213280 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213281 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213282 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213283 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213284 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213285 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213286 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213287 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213288 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213289 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213290 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213291 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213292 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213293 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213294 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213295 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213296 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213297 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213298 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213299 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213300 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213301 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213302 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213303 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213304 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213305 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213306 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213307 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213308 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213309 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213310 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213311 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213312 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213313 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213314 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213315 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213316 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213317 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213318 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213319 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213320 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213321 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213322 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213323 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213324 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213325 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213326 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213327 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213328 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213329 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213330 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213331 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213332 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213333 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213334 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213335 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213336 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213337 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213338 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213339 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213340 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213341 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213342 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213343 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213344 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213345 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213346 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213347 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213348 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213349 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213350 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213351 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213352 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213353 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213354 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213355 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213356 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213357 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213358 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213359 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213360 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213361 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213362 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213363 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213364 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213365 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213366 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213367 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213368 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213369 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213370 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213371 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213372 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213373 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213374 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213375 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213376 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213377 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213378 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213379 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213380 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213381 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213382 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213383 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213384 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213385 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213386 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213387 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213388 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213389 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213390 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213391 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213392 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213393 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213394 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213395 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213396 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213397 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE_BOX PE181755 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box [PLASTIC] 2002 ASSETS (BRIEF) WELL PALY_SLIDE_BOX PE181756 ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box [PLASTIC] 2002
ASSETS (viaENC)GENERAL DNRE_CURR_PUB DNREPUB_010 DNRE Victorian Biostratigraphic Reports [CD] (?2001) (this is a report with at least one enclosure related to ANGLER-1) ASSETS (viaENC)TITLE APPLICATION_RPT PE807021 VIC/P24 Permit Renewal Application [PAPER] (?1993) PE807021__((_VIC_P24_PERMIT_RENEWAL_APPLICATION_))_.TIF(2.9m)......... (this is a report with at least one enclosure related to ANGLER-1) ASSETS (viaENC)TITLE APPLICATION_RPT PE912484 Application - Exploration Permit V94-G1 [PAPER] (?1994) PE912484__((_APPLICATION_-_EXPLORATION_PERMIT_V94-G1_))_.TIF(0.8m)......... (this is a report with at least one enclosure related to ANGLER-1) ASSETS (viaENC)TITLE APPLICATION_RPT PE912494 Application - Exploration Permit V94-G1 [PAPER] (?1994) PE912494__((_APPLICATION_-_EXPLORATION_PERMIT_V94-G1_))_.TIF(1.1m)......... (this is a report with at least one enclosure related to ANGLER-1) ASSETS (viaENC)TITLE REGIONAL_RPT PE000182 VIC/P20 Regional Studies Report [PAPER] (?1992) PE000182__((_VIC_P20_REGIONAL_STUDIES_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... PE000182__((_VIC_P20_REGIONAL_STUDIES_REPORT_))__001.JPG(2.2m)......... THUMBS.DB(0.0m)......... (this is a report with at least one enclosure related to ANGLER-1) ASSETS (viaENC)TITLE REGIONAL_RPT PE912525 Volume 4, Project 1B, Porosity vs Depth [PAPER] (?1996) (12 DIGITAL FILES) (this is a report with at least one enclosure related to ANGLER-1) ASSETS (viaENC)TITLE SURRENDER_RPT PE000718 VIC/P20 End Of Permit Term Report [PAPER] (?1993) PE000718__((_VIC_P20_END_OF_PERMIT_TERM_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... PE000718__((_VIC_P20_END_OF_PERMIT_TERM_REPORT_))__001.JPG(0.7m)......... (this is a report with at least one enclosure related to ANGLER-1) ASSETS (viaENC)WELL APPLICATION_RPT PE905301 BILLFISH-1 Application to Drill [PAPER] (?1996) PE905301__((_BILLFISH-1_APPLICATION_TO_DRILL_))_.TIF(0.9m)......... PE905301__((_BILLFISH-1_APPLICATION_TO_DRILL_))__009.JPG(0.5m)......... (this is a report with at least one enclosure related to ANGLER-1)
ASSETS (viaRPT)SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE701637 [G327] G95B Top Latrobe Isochron [PAPER] (?1996) PE701637__((_[G327]_G95B_TOP_LATROBE_ISOCHRON_))_.JPG(25.2m)......... PE701637__((_[G327]_G95B_TOP_LATROBE_ISOCHRON_))_.TIF(15.1m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report ([G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE701639 [G327] G95B Top Latrobe Isochron [PAPER] (?1996) PE701639__((_[G327]_G95B_TOP_LATROBE_ISOCHRON_))_.JPG(22.9m)......... PE701639__((_[G327]_G95B_TOP_LATROBE_ISOCHRON_))_.TIF(9.5m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report ([G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)SEISMIC INTERP_DIGITAL PE911989 ANEMONE-1,1A Archer-Anemone Tie Line [PAPER] (?1990) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE903100 ARCHER-1 Seismic line GF88B-80 [PAPER] (?1990) PE903100__((_ARCHER-1_SEISMIC_LINE_GF88B-80_))_.JPG(7.7m)......... PE903100__((_ARCHER-1_SEISMIC_LINE_GF88B-80_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE911988 ANEMONE-1 1A Seismic Line GF88B-100 [PAPER] (?1990) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)SEISMIC MONTAGE PE701638 [G327] G95B Reservoir/Seal Distribution [PAPER] (?1994) PE701638__((_[G327]_G95B_RESERVOIR_SEAL_DISTRIBUTION_))_.JPG(86.4m)......... PE701638__((_[G327]_G95B_RESERVOIR_SEAL_DISTRIBUTION_))_.TIF(5.8m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report ([G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)SEISMIC NAV_MAP PE701627 [G327] G95B 2D Seismic Base Map [PAPER] (?1995) PE701627__((_[G327]_G95B_2D_SEISMIC_BASE_MAP_))_.JPG(16.6m)......... PE701627__((_[G327]_G95B_2D_SEISMIC_BASE_MAP_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report ([G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911980 ANEMONE-1A Prospect Top Campanian 2 SST [PAPER] (?1989) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911981 ANEMONE-1A Prospect Top Santonian SST [PAPER] (?1989) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL DIAGRAM PE911982 ANEMONE-1A RFT Press. in Campanian 2 SST [PAPER] (?1989) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL DIAGRAM PE911983 ANEMONE-1A Pressure Gradients [PAPER] (?1989) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL DIAGRAM PE911984 ANEMONE-1/1A Campanian 2 SST Plot [PAPER] (?1989) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL DIAGRAM PE911985 ANEMONE-1/1A GWC in Campanian 2 SST [PAPER] (?1989) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL DIAGRAM PE911986 ANEMONE-1A Pressure Gradients [PAPER] (?1989) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL RFT PE601619 ARCHER-1 RFT results log [PAPER] (?1990) PE601619__((_ARCHER-1_RFT_RESULTS_LOG_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL RFT PE601620 ARCHER-1 Zone 1 RFT results 3384m-3469m [PAPER] (?1990) PE601620__((_ARCHER-1_ZONE_1_RFT_RESULTS_3384M-3469M_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL RFT PE601621 ARCHER-1 RFT results zones 2, 3 & 4 [PAPER] (?1990) PE601621__((_ARCHER-1_RFT_RESULTS_ZONES_2,_3___4_))_.TIF(0.6m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL RFT PE601622 ARCHER-1 Zone 5 3655.5-3836m RFT results [PAPER] (?1990) PE601622__((_ARCHER-1_ZONE_5_3655.5-3836M_RFT_RESULTS_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL RFT PE601623 ARCHER-1 RFT Results: zone6: 3836-3932.5 [PAPER] (?1990) PE601623__((_ARCHER-1_RFT_RESULTS---_ZONE6---_3836-3932.5_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL RFT PE601624 ARCHER-1 RFT Results: zone7: 3932.5-4050 [PAPER] (?1990) PE601624__((_ARCHER-1_RFT_RESULTS---_ZONE7---_3932.5-4050_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL STRAT_COLUMN PE601625 ARCHER-1 Stratigraphic log [PAPER] (?1990) PE601625__((_ARCHER-1_STRATIGRAPHIC_LOG_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL STRAT_COLUMN PE701636 [G327] Tectonic & Strat Summary Chart [PAPER] (?1996) PE701636__((_[G327]_TECTONIC___STRAT_SUMMARY_CHART_))_.JPG(2.4m)......... PE701636__((_[G327]_TECTONIC___STRAT_SUMMARY_CHART_))_.TIF(0.2m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report ([G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL STRAT_COLUMN PE911987 ANEMONE-1,1A Stratigraphy [PAPER] (?1989) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL SYNTH_SEISMOGRAM PE701630 ATHENE-1 [G327]G95B Synthetic Seismogram [PAPER] (?1995) PE701630__((_ATHENE-1_[G327]G95B_SYNTHETIC_SEISMOGRAM_))_.TIF(0.6m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report ([G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL SYNTH_SEISMOGRAM PE701631 SELENE-1 [G327]G95B Synthetic Seismogram [PAPER] (?1995) PE701631__((_SELENE-1_[G327]G95B_SYNTHETIC_SEISMOGRAM_))_.TIF(0.6m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report ([G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL SYNTH_SEISMOGRAM PE701632 ANEMONE-1A [G327] Synthetic Seismogram [PAPER] (?1995) PE701632__((_ANEMONE-1A_[G327]_SYNTHETIC_SEISMOGRAM_))_.TIF(0.8m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report ([G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL SYNTH_SEISMOGRAM PE701633 ARCHER-1 [G327]G95B Synthetic Seismogram [PAPER] (?1995) PE701633__((_ARCHER-1_[G327]G95B_SYNTHETIC_SEISMOGRAM_))_.TIF(0.7m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report ([G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL SYNTH_SEISMOGRAM PE701634 PISCES-1 [G327]G95B Synthetic Seismogram [PAPER] (?1995) PE701634__((_PISCES-1_[G327]G95B_SYNTHETIC_SEISMOGRAM_))_.TIF(0.6m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report ([G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL SYNTH_SEISMOGRAM PE701635 BLACKBACK-3 [G327] Synthetic Seismogram [PAPER] (?1995) PE701635__((_BLACKBACK-3_[G327]_SYNTHETIC_SEISMOGRAM_))_.TIF(1.1m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report ([G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL WELL_LOG PE601618 ARCHER-1 Reservoir zonation&subdivisions [PAPER] (?1990) PE601618__((_ARCHER-1_RESERVOIR_ZONATION_SUBDIVISIONS_))_.TIF(2.0m)......... (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL WELL_LOG PE612584 ANEMONE-1,1A Campanian 2 Sandstones [PAPER] (?1990) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL WELL_LOG PE612585 ANEMONE-1,1A Santonian Sandstones [PAPER] (?1990) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL WELL_LOG PE612586 ANEMONE-1,1A RFT Interval 3100-4300m [PAPER] (?1989) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well) ASSETS (viaRPT)WELL WELL_LOG PE612587 ANEMONE-1,1A RFT Interval 3900-4350m [PAPER] (?1989) (possibly irrelevant enclosure inside a report, where the report (ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) is related to this well)
LINKS HYPERLINKAGES COPYRIGHT_DISCLAIMER ABOUT_DBMAP HOW_TO_GET_OR_SUBMIT_DATA This data has been dumped from Victorian Govt ( dbMap database on 23-FEB-12
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSETS *** SUMMARY OF Geoscience Australia PIMS catalogue for this WELL *** UNO=W3890009
GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=Other report(s) ITEM_ID=I00029052 [Paper] Other report(s) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=Other report(s) ITEM_ID=I00029053 [Paper] Other report(s) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=Other report(s) ITEM_ID=I00029054 [Paper] Other report(s) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=Other report(s) ITEM_ID=I00029061 [Paper] Other report(s) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=Other report(s) ITEM_ID=I00030186 [Paper] Other report(s) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=WCR (basic) ITEM_ID=I00029056 [Paper] Well Completion Report (basic) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=WCR (basic) ITEM_ID=I00029057 [Paper] Well Completion Report (basic) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=WCR (basic) ITEM_ID=I00029062 [Paper] Well Completion Report (basic) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=WCR (basic) ITEM_ID=I00030182 [Paper] Well Completion Report (basic) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=WCR (basic) ITEM_ID=I00030183 [Paper] Well Completion Report (basic) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=WCR (interpreted) ITEM_ID=I00029058 [Paper] Well Completion Report (interpreted) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=WCR (interpreted) ITEM_ID=I00029059 [Paper] Well Completion Report (interpreted) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=WCR (interpreted) ITEM_ID=I00029060 [Paper] Well Completion Report (interpreted) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=WCR (interpreted) ITEM_ID=I00030184 [Paper] Well Completion Report (interpreted) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=WCR (interpreted) ITEM_ID=I00030185 [Paper] Well Completion Report (interpreted) GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=Wireline ITEM_ID=I00029051 [Paper] Wireline GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=Wireline ITEM_ID=I00029055 [Sepia] Wireline GA UNO=W3890009 TYPE=Wireline ITEM_ID=I00030187 [Paper] Wireline
NOTE: this copy of the PIMS database data was last updated (obtained from GA) on 02-JUL-97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSETS *** ALSO: Search the Geoscience Australia database for other information: (see ) *** ENO=5781 ANGLER-1 ASSETS *** END OF Geoscience Australia (see for latest data) PIMS catalogue for this WELL *** UNO=W3890009
CORE/CUTTINGS ANGLER 1 : SAMPLE_TYPE=CUTT 00630 DEPTH_RANGE= 630.000 TO 4330.000M STORAGE_BAY=179 ROW=U TO V #TRAYS=13 [ <--this shows the actual cores and cuttings that DPI has stored in the DPI Werribee core shed ] CORE/CUTTINGS ANGLER 1 CORE 1 : SAMPLE_TYPE=CORE 03833 DEPTH_RANGE= 3833.000 TO 3841.900M STORAGE_BAY=179 ROW=U TO U #TRAYS=2 [ <--this shows the actual cores and cuttings that DPI has stored in the DPI Werribee core shed ]
A WELL_SHOWS:TOP_DEPTH BASE_DEPTH TOP_FORM BASE_FORM SHOW_TYPE SHOW_SYMBOL SHOW_OBS_NO SAMPLE_TYPE LITHOLOGY_DESC REMARK SOURCE B WELL_SHOWS: 3219 3240 LATROBE GROUP LATROBE GROUP MUDL_G1_GI 0 1 Total Gas 2.5%, C1 1.7, C2 0.4 C3 0.2, C4 Tr [From:WELL_WCR_RPT] B WELL_SHOWS: 3219 3240 LATROBE GROUP LATROBE GROUP SWC_L1_MDCUT 0 2 Trace moderately bright yellow fluorescence with moderate slow to fast bluish cut. [From:WELL_WCR_RPT] B WELL_SHOWS: 3495 3505 LATROBE GROUP LATROBE GROUP SWC_L1_MDCUT 0 3 Bright yellow green to dull cut fluorescence with a thin resudual. WCR PE902148 pg.24 [From:WELL_WCR_RPT] B WELL_SHOWS: 3557 3579 LATROBE GROUP LATROBE GROUP SWC_L0_MINFL 0 4 Trace to 10% dull gold fluorescence with faint cut. WCR PE902148 pg.24 [From:WELL_WCR_RPT] B WELL_SHOWS: 3687 3689 LATROBE GROUP LATROBE GROUP SWC_L0_OILST 0 5 Medium brown oil stain with fold fluorescence. WCR PE902148 pg.24 [From:WELL_WCR_RPT] B WELL_SHOWS: 3825 3836 LATROBE GROUP LATROBE GROUP SWC_L1_MDCUT 0 6 50-60% yellow fluoorescence with fast cut and light brown oul stain. WCR PE902148 pg.24 [From:WELL_WCR_RPT] B WELL_SHOWS: 3988 3994 LATROBE GROUP LATROBE GROUP SWC_L1_MDCUT 0 7 trace to 10% mod bright green fluorescence with slow cut and residual ring.. WCR PE902148 pg.24 [From:WELL_WCR_RPT] B WELL_SHOWS: 4202 4260 LATROBE GROUP LATROBE GROUP MUDL_G1_GI 0 9 TG 11.5%, C1 10%, c2 0.5%, C3 0.17% WCR PE902148 pg.25 [From:WELL_WCR_RPT] B WELL_SHOWS: 4202 4260 LATROBE GROUP LATROBE GROUP SWC_L1_MDCUT 0 8 20% mod fluorescnce with yellow cut and residual ring. WCR PE902148 pg.25 [From:WELL_WCR_RPT] B WELL_SHOWS: 4260 4305 LATROBE GROUP LATROBE GROUP SWC_L0_MINFL 0 10 Ttrace to 10% dull yellow fluorescence witha weak cut. WCR PE902148 pg.25 [From:WELL_WCR_RPT]
A WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT: B.SOURCE B.CURVE_ID C.DESCRIPTION B.JOB_ID B.LOG_RUN B.PASS_NO B.TOP_DEPTH B.BASE_DEPTH B.DEPTH_UNIT B.QUALITY B.REMARK B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:DNRE_GEOLOG CURVE:DEPTH DESC:DEPTH JOB:00--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:3496 BASE:4330 Metres Units=M; Loaded from ./data/all_gippsland.asc.; ; ; ; START=3496; STOP=4330; minv=3496; maxv=4330; average=4000.0714; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:DNRE_GEOLOG CURVE:SEISMIC DESC:SEISMIC JOB:01--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:301 BASE:4160 Metres Units=TWT; Loaded from ./data/all_gippsland.asc.; ; ; ; START=301; STOP=4160; minv=365.26; maxv=2811.3; average=2065.0189; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:DNRE_GEOLOG CURVE:VALUES DESC:VALUES JOB:01--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:303 BASE:2821 Metres Units=; Values changed using TEXT_EDIT; ; ; ; START=303; STOP=2821; minv=303; maxv=2821; average=1984.25; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:CALI DESC:Caliper JOB:01--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:2738.47 BASE:4339.74 Metres Units=MM; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=76.8359; maxv=151.875; average=93.2731; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:CALS DESC:CALS JOB:02--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:595.121 BASE:4339.74 Metres Units=MM; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=167.4812; maxv=599.2812; average=329.3832; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:CGR DESC:CGR JOB:03--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:2901.08 BASE:4329.83 Metres Units=GAPI; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=12.474; maxv=183.7255; average=58.4764; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:DEPTH DESC:DEPTH JOB:00--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:300.227 BASE:4339.74 Metres Units=M; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=300.2278; maxv=4339.7422; average=2319.9851; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:DRHO DESC:DRHO JOB:04--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:2738.47 BASE:4339.74 Metres Units=K/M3; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=-24.4717; maxv=2299.9993; average=121.8931; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:DT DESC:Delta-T JOB:06--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:603.046 BASE:4325.56 Metres Units=US/M; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=170.1936; maxv=907.9724; average=294.0133; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:DTL DESC:DTL JOB:05--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:603.046 BASE:4325.56 Metres Units=US/M; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=161.9915; maxv=2982.2834; average=298.2322; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:GR DESC:Gamma ray JOB:07--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:300.227 BASE:4319.62 Metres Units=GAPI; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=6.9516; maxv=230.25; average=52.883; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:ILD DESC:ILD JOB:08--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:603.046 BASE:1152.60 Metres Units=OHMM; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=0.01; maxv=2.7935; average=1.8249; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:ILM DESC:ILM JOB:09--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:603.046 BASE:1152.60 Metres Units=OHMM; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=0.01; maxv=2.7185; average=1.7266; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:LLD DESC:LLD JOB:10--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:1152.14 BASE:4332.57 Metres Units=OHMM; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=0.2838; maxv=30249.4844; average=10.6384; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:LLS DESC:LLS JOB:11--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:1152.14 BASE:4332.57 Metres Units=OHMM; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=0.4732; maxv=30249.4844; average=9.4623; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:MSFL DESC:Microspherically Focused Log - Resistivi JOB:12--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:603.046 BASE:4319.62 Metres Units=OHMM; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=0.3345; maxv=484.75; average=5.9341; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:NPHI DESC:NPHI JOB:13--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:2738.47 BASE:4339.74 Metres Units=V/V; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=-0.0064; maxv=0.5786; average=0.2108; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:PEF DESC:PEF JOB:14--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:2738.47 BASE:4339.74 Metres Units=B/EL; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=0.9253; maxv=6.8047; average=2.663; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:POTA DESC:POTA JOB:15--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:2901.08 BASE:4329.83 Metres Units=%; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=0.4006; maxv=5.6015; average=3.09; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:RHOB DESC:RHOB - density JOB:16--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:2738.47 BASE:4339.74 Metres Units=K/M3; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=0; maxv=2753.1853; average=2297.4309; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:SFLU DESC:SFLU JOB:17--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:603.046 BASE:1152.60 Metres Units=OHMM; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=0.8474; maxv=2.7017; average=1.605; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:SGR DESC:SGR JOB:18--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:2901.08 BASE:4329.83 Metres Units=GAPI; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=20.7008; maxv=199.6165; average=70.8646; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:SP DESC:Spontaneous potential JOB:19--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:603.046 BASE:4317.64 Metres Units=MV; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=41.0938; maxv=93.1367; average=59.0719; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:THOR DESC:THOR JOB:20--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:2901.08 BASE:4329.83 Metres Units=PPM; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=1.4849; maxv=48.525; average=8.9611; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam); B WELL_LOG_CURVE_INT:S_WILTSHIRE CURVE:URAN DESC:URAN JOB:21--ANGLER-1 RUN:999 PASS:99 TOP:2901.08 BASE:4329.83 Metres Units=PPM; Loaded from LIS tape.; ; ; ; START=300.07545; STOP=4339.7423; minv=-1.6674; maxv=14.1461; average=2.3693; metadata from DPI Geolog (mostly Occam);
DISTANCE= 02.0 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= HERMIT-1 DISTANCE= 03.0 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= SELENE-1 DISTANCE= 05.3 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= ATHENE-1 DISTANCE= 05.5 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= ARGONAUTA-1 DISTANCE= 06.8 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= MADFISH-1 DISTANCE= 07.6 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= ELVER-1 DISTANCE= 09.3 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BILLFISH-1 DISTANCE= 10.1 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= YELLOWFIN-1 DISTANCE= 10.4 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BLACKBACK-3 DISTANCE= 10.6 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= DORY-1 DISTANCE= 10.7 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= NEMO-1 DISTANCE= 11.9 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= ALBACORE-1 DISTANCE= 11.9 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BLACKBACK-2 DISTANCE= 12.2 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= GUDGEON-1 DISTANCE= 12.4 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= COELACANTH-1 DISTANCE= 12.4 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= HAPUKU-1 DISTANCE= 12.6 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= ANEMONE-1 DISTANCE= 12.6 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= ANEMONE-1A DISTANCE= 12.7 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= HERMES-1 DISTANCE= 13.4 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BLACKBACK-1 DISTANCE= 13.4 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BLACKBACK-A1 DISTANCE= 13.4 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BLACKBACK-A1 ST1 DISTANCE= 13.4 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BLACKBACK-A1A DISTANCE= 13.4 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BLACKBACK-A2 DISTANCE= 13.4 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BLACKBACK-A3 DISTANCE= 13.6 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= AYU-1 DISTANCE= 13.6 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BLACKBACK-1 ST1 DISTANCE= 13.6 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BLACKBACK-1 ST2 DISTANCE= 13.9 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= GALAXIAS-1 DISTANCE= 14.0 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= HELIOS-1 DISTANCE= 14.1 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= ARCHER-1 DISTANCE= 14.7 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= MEGAMOUTH-1 DISTANCE= 14.7 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= MEGAMOUTH-1 ST1 DISTANCE= 15.1 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BONITA-1 DISTANCE= 15.1 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= BONITA-1A DISTANCE= 15.3 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= SMILER-1 DISTANCE= 15.4 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= TERAKIHI-1 DISTANCE= 16.0 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= MACKEREL-4 DISTANCE= 16.3 km (very approx) Onshore?=N WELL_NAME= MACKEREL-1
ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL CROSS_SECTION PE801794 a Stratigraphic Interpretation [PAPER] PE801794__((_STRATIGRAPHIC_INTERPRETATION_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL CROSS_SECTION PE801794 b (located in::PE000718= VIC/P20 End Of Term Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL CROSS_SECTION PE801794 c DESC=Angler Structure Stratigraphic Interpretation, Campanian 2 SST and Downlap Surface Enclosure J ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL CROSS_SECTION PE801794 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL DATA_CD_DVD PE909948 a ANGLER-1 Analysis Reports [CD] PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))_.TAR.GZ(66.2m)......... SAM1_917_PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(3.0m)......... PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL DATA_CD_DVD PE909948 b (located in::TAPEBAY= Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL DATA_CD_DVD PE909948 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Reports: RFT Analysis; Log Analysis of the Latrobe Group; Sedimentological Interpretation of the Latrobe Group; (reports pdf with enclosures tif). Petrofina, September and October 1989. Transcribed for DPI by Geoscience Australia November 2003. ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL DATA_CD_DVD PE909948 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 a Schematic Palaeogeography - Gippsland [PAPER] PE912745__((_SCHEMATIC_PALAEOGEOGRAPHY_-_GIPPSLAND_))_.TIF(1.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 b (located in::PE500529= Petroleum Prospectivity Bulletin, Vol. 2) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 c DESC=Schematic Palaeogeography - Southern Gippsland Basin. (Three schematics - Late Maastrichtian, Late Campanian and Late Paleocene). Plate 7. Volume 2. Petroleum Prospectivity Bulletin. November 1992. AGSO. ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=ATHENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=BASKER SOUTH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=BASKER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=BIGNOSE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=CHIMAERA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=FLOUNDER-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=FLOUNDER-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=FLOUNDER-4 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=GRUNTER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=GUMMY-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=HAPUKU-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=MANTA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=PILOTFISH-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=PISCES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=STONEFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=TERAKIHI-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL MAP PE912745 d WELL_NAME=VOLADOR-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE PE903286 a Obsolete-ANGLER-1 Predicted Well Sum [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE PE903286 b (located in::OBSOLETE= Item no longer requires a barcode) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE PE903286 c DESC=Obsolete - ANGLER-1 Predicted Well Summary, VIC/P20, W993. By Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., Figure to accompany Attachment 2 of "ANGLER-1 Application to Drill" (PE903284). Item Is Only A FOLDOUT Page. ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE PE903286 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE601876 a Destroyed-ANGLER-1 Prelim.Masterlog [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE601876 b (located in::DESTROYED= Item has been destroyed - not required) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE601876 c DESC=Destroyed - ANGLER-1 Preliminary Masterlog, by Geoservices. VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE601876 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE601876 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=4337 TOP_DEPTH=375 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE807187 a Destroyed-Structural Well Log Section [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE807187 b (located in::DESTROYED= Item has been destroyed - not required) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE807187 c DESC=Destroyed - Structural Well Log Section I-I', by Natural Resources and Environment. ANEMONE-1, ANGLER-1, ARCHER-1, MORAY-1. Print-out of Fig. 25 in VIMP Report 42. ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE807187 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE807187 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=0 BOTTOM_DEPTH=0 TOP_DEPTH=0 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE807187 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE807187 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=0 BOTTOM_DEPTH=0 TOP_DEPTH=0 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE807187 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE807187 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=0 BOTTOM_DEPTH=0 TOP_DEPTH=0 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE807187 d WELL_NAME=MORAY-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE807187 d WELL_NAME=MORAY-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=0 BOTTOM_DEPTH=0 TOP_DEPTH=0 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903237 a Destroyed-ANGLER-1 Correspondence [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903237 b (located in::DESTROYED= Item has been destroyed - not required) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903237 c DESC=Destroyed - ANGLER-1 Correspondence Folder, compiled by DNRE, VIC/P20, W993. Contents moved to F3103626 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903237 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903277 a Destroyed-ANGLER-1 Tape Listing Fldr [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903277 b (located in::DESTROYED= Item has been destroyed - not required) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903277 c DESC=Destroyed - ANGLER-1 Log Tape Listing Print Out Folder, VIC/P20, W993.. ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903277 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903278 a Destroyed-ANGLER-1 Log Tape Listing [PAPER] PE903278__((_DESTROYED-ANGLER-1_LOG_TAPE_LISTING_))_.TIF(0.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903278 b (located in::DESTROYED= Item has been destroyed - not required) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903278 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Log Tape Listing Printout, by Schlumberger. Tape includes following spliced suits: 1)3-APR-1989 SLS-CAL, DIL-GR 1153-603M, 2)23-APR-1989 DLL-SLS-GR-CAL, LDL-CNL-GR 2891-1151M, 3)3-APR-1989 DLL-MSFL-SLS-GR, LDL-CNL-NGT 4336-2888M ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903278 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903279 a Destroyed-ANGLER-1 Core Photographs Fldr [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903279 b (located in::DESTROYED= Item has been destroyed - not required) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903279 c DESC=Destroyed - ANGLER-1 Core Photographs Folder, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE903279 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE905148 a Destroyed-ANGLER-1 Basic Data Folder [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE905148 b (located in::DESTROYED= Item has been destroyed - not required) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE905148 c DESC=Destroyed - ANGLER-1 Basic Data Folder, compiled by DNRE. VIC/P20, W993. Was in PE180336 W993 ANGLER-1 well box. Contents have been merged into another document. ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE905148 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE905148 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE912551 a Destroyed-ANGLER-1 Core Anal. Rpt [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE912551 b (located in::DESTROYED= Item has been destroyed - not required) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE912551 c DESC=Destroyed - ANGLER-1 Core Analysis Prelim Report, from Core Services of Australia for Petrofina Exploration Australia. Gippsland basin. 1989. 2nd Copy. Was in PE181032 Report Box. Original has been scanned. ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL OBSOLETE_DESTROYEDPE912551 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL REGISTRY_FILE F3103626 a PE/16/0365 / 1 Registry File [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL REGISTRY_FILE F3103626 b (located in::COMPACTUS_1= COMPACTUS_1 55 Collins St) ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL REGISTRY_FILE F3103626 c DESC=PE/16/0365 part1 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION WELL : W993 - ANGLER-1 CORRESPONDENCE ASSETS (DETAIL) GENERAL REGISTRY_FILE F3103626 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE701628 a [G327] G95B Bathymetry Survey [PAPER] PE701628__((_[G327]_G95B_BATHYMETRY_SURVEY_))_.JPG(23.7m)......... PE701628__((_[G327]_G95B_BATHYMETRY_SURVEY_))_.TIF(9.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE701628 b (located in::PE701626= [G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt ) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE701628 c DESC=[G327] G95B Billfish Bathymetry Survey, 1:50000, Enclosure 2 from Interpretation & Assessment Report, VIC/P34, G327 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE701628 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE701628 d WELL_NAME=ATHENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE701628 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE903265 a ANGLER-1 Encl.11 Smoothed seafloor Cntrs [PAPER] PE903265__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.11_SMOOTHED_SEAFLOOR_CNTRS_))_.TIF(1.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE903265 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE903265 c DESC=Encl. 11 Angler Prospect Seafloor Detail (depth metres sub sea), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE903265 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE903266 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 10 Seafloor Detail [PAPER] PE903266__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._10_SEAFLOOR_DETAIL_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE903266 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE903266 c DESC=Encl. 10 Angler Prospect Smoothed Seafloor (depth metres sub sea), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC BATHYMETRY PE903266 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801787 a VIC/P20 71 My Sequence Boundary [PAPER] PE801787__((_VIC_P20_71_MY_SEQUENCE_BOUNDARY_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801787 b (located in::PE000718= VIC/P20 End Of Term Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801787 c DESC=Angler Area, VIC/P20 71 My Sequence Boundary Depth Map Scale 1:12,500 Enclosure B ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801787 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801788 a VIC/P20 80 My Sequence Boundary [PAPER] PE801788__((_VIC_P20_80_MY_SEQUENCE_BOUNDARY_))_.TIF(0.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801788 b (located in::PE000718= VIC/P20 End Of Term Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801788 c DESC=Angler Area, VIC/P20 80 My Sequence Boundary Depth Map Scale 1:12,500 Enclosure C ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801788 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801790 a Angler Area Depth Map [PAPER] PE801790__((_ANGLER_AREA_DEPTH_MAP_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801790 b (located in::PE000718= VIC/P20 End Of Term Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801790 c DESC=Angler Area VIC/P20 Top Campanian B SST Depth Map Scale 1:12,500 Enclosure E ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801790 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801791 a Angler Area Depth Map [PAPER] PE801791__((_ANGLER_AREA_DEPTH_MAP_))_.TIF(0.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801791 b (located in::PE000718= VIC/P20 End Of Term Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801791 c DESC=Angler Area VIC/P20 Campanian B Sandstone Downlap Surface Depth Map Scale 1:12,500 Enclosure F ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801791 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801792 a Angler Area Depth Map, VIC/P20 [PAPER] PE801792__((_ANGLER_AREA_DEPTH_MAP,_VIC_P20_))_.TIF(0.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801792 b (located in::PE000718= VIC/P20 End Of Term Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801792 c DESC=Angler Area, VIC/P20, Composite Depth Map, Top Campanian B / Downlap Surface 80 My SB Depth Map Scale 1:12,500 Enclosure G ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE801792 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903256 a ANGLER-1 Encl.2 Intra Gipps.Limestone [PAPER] PE903256__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.2_INTRA_GIPPS.LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(0.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903256 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903256 c DESC=Encl. 2 Angler Prospect Intra Gippsland Limestone Top Red Horizon (two way travel time msec), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903256 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903257 a ANGLER-1 Encl.3 Intra Gipps.Limestone [PAPER] PE903257__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.3_INTRA_GIPPS.LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(0.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903257 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903257 c DESC=Encl. 3 Angler Prospect Intra Gippsland Limestone Top Green Horizon (two way travel time msec), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903257 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903258 a ANGLER-1 Encl.4 Intra Gipps.Limestone [PAPER] PE903258__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.4_INTRA_GIPPS.LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(0.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903258 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903258 c DESC=Encl. 4 Angler Prospect Intra Gippsland Limestone Top Yellow (two way travel time msec), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903258 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903259 a ANGLER-1 Encl.5 Base Gipps.Limestone [PAPER] PE903259__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.5_BASE_GIPPS.LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903259 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903259 c DESC=Encl. 5 Angler Prospect Base Gippsland Limestone (two way travel time msec), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903259 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903260 a ANGLER-1 Encl.6 Intra Lakes Entrance Mkr [PAPER] PE903260__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.6_INTRA_LAKES_ENTRANCE_MKR_))_.TIF(0.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903260 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903260 c DESC=Encl. 6 Angler Prospect intra Lakes Entrance Marker (two way travel time msec), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903260 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903261 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 7 Top Gurnard Formation [PAPER] PE903261__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._7_TOP_GURNARD_FORMATION_))_.TIF(1.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903261 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903261 c DESC=Encl. 7 Angler Prospect Top Gurnard Formation (two way travel time msec), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903261 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903262 a ANGLER-1 Encl.8 Top Maastrichtian Mkr [PAPER] PE903262__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.8_TOP_MAASTRICHTIAN_MKR_))_.TIF(1.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903262 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903262 c DESC=Encl. 8 Angler Prospect Top Maastrichtian (two way travel time msec), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903262 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903263 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 9 Top Selene Sandstone [PAPER] PE903263__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._9_TOP_SELENE_SANDSTONE_))_.TIF(0.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903263 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903263 c DESC=Encl. 9 Angler Prospect Top Selene Sandstone (two way travel time msec), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903263 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903264 a ANGLER-1 Encl.12a Base Gipps.Limestone [PAPER] PE903264__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL.12A_BASE_GIPPS.LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(1.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903264 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903264 c DESC=Encl. 12a Angler Prospect Base Gippsland Limestone (depth metres sub sea), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903264 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903267 a ANGLER-1 Base Gippsland Limestone [PAPER] PE903267__((_ANGLER-1_BASE_GIPPSLAND_LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(1.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903267 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903267 c DESC=Angler Prospect Base Gippsland Limestone (depth metres sub sea), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903267 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903268 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 13b Top Gurnard Formation [PAPER] PE903268__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._13B_TOP_GURNARD_FORMATION_))_.TIF(1.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903268 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903268 c DESC=Encl. 13b Angler Prospect Top Gurnard Formation (depth metres sub sea), Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903268 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903269 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 15c Top Selene Sandstone [PAPER] PE903269__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._15C_TOP_SELENE_SANDSTONE_))_.TIF(1.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903269 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903269 c DESC=Encl. 15c Angler Prospect Top Selene Sandstone (depth metres sub sea), depth conversion model B using SELENE-1 interval velocity, Scale 1:25000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903269 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903269 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903270 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 15b Top Selene Sandstone [PAPER] PE903270__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._15B_TOP_SELENE_SANDSTONE_))_.TIF(1.8m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903270 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903270 c DESC=Encl. 15b Angler Prospect Top Selene Sandstone (depth metres sub sea) depth conversion using velocity formulae, Scale 1:25,000, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903270 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903271 a ANGLER-1 Top Gurnard Formation [PAPER] PE903271__((_ANGLER-1_TOP_GURNARD_FORMATION_))_.TIF(1.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903271 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903271 c DESC=Angler Prospect Top Gurnard Formation Contour Map (Depth metres sub sea) depth conversion using SELENE-1 interval velocity, Scale 1:25000, VIC/P20, W993. By Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. Map to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903271 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903271 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903272 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 13a Top Gurnard Formation [PAPER] PE903272__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._13A_TOP_GURNARD_FORMATION_))_.TIF(0.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903272 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903272 c DESC=Encl. 13a Angler Prospect Top Gurnard Formation (depth metres sub sea) depth conversion using SELENE-1 interval velocity, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. Scale 1:25,000, VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903272 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903272 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903273 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 14 Top Maastrichtian [PAPER] PE903273__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._14_TOP_MAASTRICHTIAN_))_.TIF(0.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903273 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903273 c DESC=Encl. 14 Angler prospect Top Maastrichtian (depth metres sub sea) depth conversion using HERMES-1 interval velocity, by Petrofina Exploration S.A. Scale 1:25,000, VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903273 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903273 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903274 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 12b Base Gipps. Limestone [PAPER] PE903274__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._12B_BASE_GIPPS._LIMESTONE_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903274 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903274 c DESC=Encl. 12b Angler Prospect Base Gippsland Limestone (depth metres sub sea) depth conversion using velocity formulae, by Petrofina Exploration S.A. Scale 1:25,000, VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany report GP/88/010. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC HRZN_CONTR_MAP PE903274 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 a [G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt [PAPER] PE701626__((_[G327]_INTERPRETATION___ASSESSMENT_RPT_))_.TIF(4.1m)......... PE701626__((_[G327]_INTERPRETATION___ASSESSMENT_RPT_))__034.JPG(1.1m)......... PE701626__((_[G327]_INTERPRETATION___ASSESSMENT_RPT_))__036.JPG(4.3m)......... PE701626__((_[G327]_INTERPRETATION___ASSESSMENT_RPT_))__039.JPG(3.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 b (located in::PE183864= [G327] G95B Billfish Seismic Survey Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 c DESC=[G327] G95B Billfish Interpretation & Assessment Report, VIC/P34, Gippsland Basin Victoria, Esso Australia Ltd., Volume 1, September 1996, G327 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 d WELL_NAME=ATHENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 d WELL_NAME=PISCES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_RPT PE701626 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE705937 a Seismic Line G92A-3076 (UNDATUMED) [PAPER] PE705937__((_SEISMIC_LINE_G92A-3076__UNDATUMED__))_.JPG(77.9m)......... PE705937__((_SEISMIC_LINE_G92A-3076__UNDATUMED__))_.TIF(10.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE705937 b (located in::PE912494= Application - Exploration Permit V94-G1) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE705937 c DESC=Seismic Line G92A-3076 (UNDATUMED). Enclosure 16. Esso, Collaborative Research Project 1A. To Accompany V94-G1 Gazettal Evaluation. Survey G92A-Regional, G297. Through Lines HERMES-1 and ANGLER-1 and the Billfish Lead. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE705937 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE705937 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE705938 a Seismic Line G92A-3076 (DATUMED) [PAPER] PE705938__((_SEISMIC_LINE_G92A-3076__DATUMED__))_.JPG(80.3m)......... PE705938__((_SEISMIC_LINE_G92A-3076__DATUMED__))_.TIF(11.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE705938 b (located in::PE912494= Application - Exploration Permit V94-G1) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE705938 c DESC=Seismic Line G92A-3076 (DATUMED). Enclosure 17. Esso. To Accompany V94-G1 Gazettal Evaluation. Survey G92A-Regional, G297. Through Lines HERMES-1 and ANGLER-1 and the Billfish Lead. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE705938 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE705938 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE801789 a Angler 3D Stratigraphic Interpretation [PAPER] PE801789__((_ANGLER_3D_STRATIGRAPHIC_INTERPRETATION_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE801789 b (located in::PE000718= VIC/P20 End Of Term Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE801789 c DESC=Angler 3D Crossline 700 Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation Enclosure D ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE801789 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE911979 a ANGLER-1 Seismic Line GF88A-96 (Interp.) [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE911979 b (located in::PE903099= ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE911979 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Seismic Line GF88A-96 (Interpreted), Shot Points 300-1120, Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. ( ANGLER-1, Reserves Estimates for Angler, Anemone and Archer Structures) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION PE911979 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 a Structural Development Examples [PAPER] PE706030__((_STRUCTURAL_DEVELOPMENT_EXAMPLES_))_.JPG(34.3m)......... PE706030__((_STRUCTURAL_DEVELOPMENT_EXAMPLES_))_.TIF(31.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 b (located in::PE183517= Production Well Box 50) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 c DESC=Structural Development - Early Eocene Compressional Inversion Examples. Enclosure 2 in Deepwater Project Enclosures Box. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 d WELL_NAME=BILLFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 d WELL_NAME=FLOUNDER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 d WELL_NAME=FORTESCUE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 d WELL_NAME=HALIBUT-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 d WELL_NAME=TUNA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706030 d WELL_NAME=VOLADOR-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706034 a Great White Prospect Trap Montage [PAPER] PE706034__((_GREAT_WHITE_PROSPECT_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.JPG(102.1m)......... PE706034__((_GREAT_WHITE_PROSPECT_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.TIF(89.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706034 b (located in::PE183517= Production Well Box 50) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706034 c DESC=Great White Prospect Trap Montage. Enclosure 8 in Deepwater Project Enclosures Box. Esso Australia Resources Ltd. 19th April 1996, M. Moore, E. Johnstone and J. Moore. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 a South Pilotfish Prospect Trap Montage [PAPER] PE706037__((_SOUTH_PILOTFISH_PROSPECT_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.JPG(81.4m)......... PE706037__((_SOUTH_PILOTFISH_PROSPECT_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.TIF(95.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 b (located in::PE183516= Production Well Box 49) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 c DESC=South Pilotfish Prospect Trap Montage. Enclosure 12 in Deepwater Project Enclosures Box. Esso Australia Resources Ltd. 19th April 1996, M. Moore, E. Johnstone and J. Moore. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=ATHENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=BIGNOSE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=COBIA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=COBIA-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=FLOUNDER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=GRUNTER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=GUDGEON-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=JUDITH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=KIPPER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=KIPPER-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=TERAKIHI-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706037 d WELL_NAME=VOLADOR-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 a Billfish Lead Paleocene Trap Montage [PAPER] PE706039__((_BILLFISH_LEAD_PALEOCENE_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.JPG(118.6m)......... PE706039__((_BILLFISH_LEAD_PALEOCENE_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.TIF(122.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 b (located in::PE183516= Production Well Box 49) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 c DESC=Billfish Lead Paleocene Trap Montage. Enclosure 15 in Deepwater Project Enclosures Box. Esso Australia Resources Ltd. 19th April 1996, C. Jenkins. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=ANGELFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=BILLFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=HALIBUT-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=HALIBUT-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=JUDITH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=MANTA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=SMILER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=TREVALLY-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706039 d WELL_NAME=TRUMPETER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 a Billfish Lead Base Shale Trap Montage [PAPER] PE706041__((_BILLFISH_LEAD_BASE_SHALE_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.JPG(43.2m)......... PE706041__((_BILLFISH_LEAD_BASE_SHALE_TRAP_MONTAGE_))_.TIF(42.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 b (located in::PE183516= Production Well Box 49) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 c DESC=Billfish Lead Base Angler Shale Trap Montage. Enclosure 17 in Deepwater Project Enclosures Box. Esso Australia Resources Ltd. 8th July 1996, C. Jenkins. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=ATHENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=BIGNOSE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=BILLFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=FLOUNDER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=FORTESCUE-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=FORTESCUE-4 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=JUDITH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=MARLIN-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=SMILER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=TRUMPETER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=TURRUM-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC MONTAGE PE706041 d WELL_NAME=VOLADOR-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC SECTION PE903276 a ANGLER-1 Seismic Line GF88A-96 [PAPER] PE903276__((_ANGLER-1_SEISMIC_LINE_GF88A-96_))_.JPG(6.8m)......... PE903276__((_ANGLER-1_SEISMIC_LINE_GF88A-96_))_.TIF(1.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC SECTION PE903276 b (located in::PE903284= ANGLER-1 Application to Drill) ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC SECTION PE903276 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Seismic line GF88A-96, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) SEISMIC SECTION PE903276 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) TITLE SURRENDER_RPT PE000719 a VIC/P20 End Of Permit Term Report [PAPER] (26 DIGITAL FILES) ASSETS (DETAIL) TITLE SURRENDER_RPT PE000719 b (located in::PE180833= VIC/P20 Permit Box 1 of 5) ASSETS (DETAIL) TITLE SURRENDER_RPT PE000719 c DESC=VIC/P20 End Of Permit Term Technical Report Volume 1 of 2 ASSETS (DETAIL) TITLE SURRENDER_RPT PE000719 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) TITLE SURRENDER_RPT PE000719 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) TITLE SURRENDER_RPT PE000719 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) TITLE SURRENDER_RPT PE000719 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) TITLE SURRENDER_RPT PE000719 d WELL_NAME=AYU-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) TITLE SURRENDER_RPT PE000719 d WELL_NAME=MUDSKIPPER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE900770 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 1 Planktonic Foram. Chart [PAPER] (8 DIGITAL FILES) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE900770 b (located in::PE902148= ANGLER-1 WCR) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE900770 c DESC=Encl. 1 ANGLER-1 Distribution of Planktonic Foraminifera in the Petrofina et al Angler-1 Well. Enclosure from Appendix 1 of "Angler-1 Well Completion Report" (PE902148). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE900770 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE900770 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE900771 a ANGLER-1 Palynology Distribution Chart [PAPER] PE900771__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_DISTRIBUTION_CHART_))_.PDF(0.3m)......... PE900771__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_DISTRIBUTION_CHART_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... PE900771__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_DISTRIBUTION_CHART_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... PE900771__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_DISTRIBUTION_CHART_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE900771 b (located in::PE903249= ANGLER-1 Palynology Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE900771 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynology Distribution Chart, by Roger Morgan for Petrofina. VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE900771 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE902148_029 a ANGLER-1 Micropaleontology in WCR [PAPER] PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE902148_029 b (located in::PE902148= ANGLER-1 WCR) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE902148_029 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Micropaleontology/Foraminifera in WCR (11 pages) (??by Petrofina??) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE902148_029 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE902148_042 a ANGLER-1 Palynology in WCR [PAPER] PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE902148_042 b (located in::PE902148= ANGLER-1 WCR) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE902148_042 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynology in WCR (17 pages) (??by Petrofina??) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE902148_042 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE905464 a ANGLER-1 Planktonic foram distrib.chart [PAPER] PE905464__((_ANGLER-1_PLANKTONIC_FORAM_DISTRIB.CHART_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE905464 b (located in::PE903254= ANGLER-1 Micropalaeontology Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE905464 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Planktonic Foraminifera Distribution Chart, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE905464 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE905464 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE905465 a ANGLER-1 Palynology Range Chart [PAPER] PE905465__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_RANGE_CHART_))_.PDF(0.7m)......... PE905465__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_RANGE_CHART_))_.PDF(0.7m)......... PE905465__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_RANGE_CHART_))_.PDF(0.7m)......... PE905465__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_RANGE_CHART_))_.PDF(0.7m)......... PE905465__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_RANGE_CHART_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE905465 b (located in::PE902148= ANGLER-1 WCR) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE905465 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynology Range Chart, by Roger Morgan for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Chart within Appendix 2 of "Angler-1 Well Completion Report" (PE902148). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE905465 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE905465 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE908412 a ANGLER-1 Enc.2 Benthonic Foram.Chart [PAPER] PE908412__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.2_BENTHONIC_FORAM.CHART_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE908412 b (located in::PE903254= ANGLER-1 Micropalaeontology Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE908412 c DESC=Encl. 2 ANGLER-1 Benthonic Foraminifera Distribution Chart, VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany "Angler-1 Micropalaeontology report" (PE903254). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE908412 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE990276 a ANGLER-1 Foram Rpt, 1989 [PAPER] PE990276__((_ANGLER-1_FORAM_RPT,_1989_))_.PDF(1.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE990276 b (located in::DNREPUB_010= Vic Biostratigraphy Reports Data Package) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE990276 c DESC=Micropalaeontology of Petrofina ANGLER-1 (by Apthorpe, M.,1989;Apthorpe Palaeontology Pty. Ltd nPages=13) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE990276 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE990277 a ANGLER-1 Spore Pollen,Dino Rpt 1989 [PAPER] PE990277__((_ANGLER-1_SPORE_POLLEN,DINO_RPT_1989_))_.PDF(1.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE990277 b (located in::DNREPUB_010= Vic Biostratigraphy Reports Data Package) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE990277 c DESC=Palynology of Petrofina ANGLER-1 (by Morgan, R.,1989;MPA nPages=16) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT PE990277 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE903249 a ANGLER-1 Palynology Report [PAPER] PE903249__((_ANGLER-1_PALYNOLOGY_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.8m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE903249 b (located in::PE180337= ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE903249 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynology Report by Roger Morgan for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE903249 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE903254 a ANGLER-1 Micropalaeontology Report [PAPER] PE903254__((_ANGLER-1_MICROPALAEONTOLOGY_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE903254 b (located in::PE180337= ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE903254 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Micropalaeontology of Petrofina Angler-1, by Apthorpe Palaeontology Pty Ltd for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE903254 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE908563 a Gippsland Basin Cretaceous Biostrat,2004 [3.5] PE908563__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_CRETACEOUS_BIOSTRAT,2004_))_.TAR.GZ(0.3m)......... PE908563__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_CRETACEOUS_BIOSTRAT,2004_))_.TAR.GZ(0.3m)......... SAM3_079_PE908563__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_CRETACEOUS_BIOSTRAT,2004_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(2.9m)......... PE908563__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_CRETACEOUS_BIOSTRAT,2004_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE908563 b (located in::TAPEBAY= Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE908563 c DESC=Gippsland Basin Cretaceous Biostratigraphy. Foraminiferal studies. NZ Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences for Esso Australia, December 2004. Client Report 2004/173. Project No. 54080010. 15 pages. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE908563 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE908563 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE908563 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE908563 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE908563 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE908563 d WELL_NAME=EAST PILCHARD-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE908563 d WELL_NAME=TUNA-4 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE909749 a Gippsland Basin Study: Paly Final Report [CD] PE909749__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_STUDY---_PALY_FINAL_REPORT_))_.TAR.GZ(4.9m)......... SAM1_728_PE909749__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_STUDY---_PALY_FINAL_REPORT_))_I_MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(2.7m)......... PE909749__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_STUDY---_PALY_FINAL_REPORT_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE909749 b (located in::TAPEBAY= Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE909749 c DESC=GNS Science - Esso Australia Pty Ltd. Gippsland Basin Study : Final Report. Palynology + Dino Report. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE909749 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE909749 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE909749 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE909749 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE909749 d WELL_NAME=EAST PILCHARD-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE909749 d WELL_NAME=KIPPER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE909749 d WELL_NAME=TUNA-4 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE911014 a ANEMONE-1 Palyn.Rpt of the Gipps.Basin [PAPER] PE911014__((_ANEMONE-1_PALYN.RPT_OF_THE_GIPPS.BASIN_))_.TIF(3.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE911014 b (located in::PE180342= ANEMONE-1 & ANEMONE 1A W997 box 1/4) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE911014 c DESC=Review of Palynology in ANEMONE-1, ANEMONE-1A, ANGLER-1, ARCHER-1 and PISCES-1, Gippsland Basin, By Alan.D.Partridge, Biostrata Pty Ltd, 9th March 1998. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE911014 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE911014 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE911014 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE911014 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE911014 d WELL_NAME=PISCES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE915082 a ANGLER-1 2002 Palynology Report, 2002 [CD] PE915082__((_ANGLER-1_2002_PALYNOLOGY_REPORT,_2002_))_.TAR.GZ(0.3m)......... SAM3_337_PE915082__((_ANGLER-1_2002_PALYNOLOGY_REPORT,_2002_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(2.7m)......... PE915082__((_ANGLER-1_2002_PALYNOLOGY_REPORT,_2002_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE915082 b (located in::TAPEBAY= Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE915082 c DESC=ANGLER-1 2002 Palynology Report from new cuttings. Roger Morgan for BHPB, Nov 2002. Also includes .xls Summary Palynological Data chart, and .pdf abundancy and zonation chart. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT PE915082 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL COMPOSITE_LOG PE601001 a ANGLER-1 Composite Well Log [PAPER] PE601001__((_ANGLER-1_COMPOSITE_WELL_LOG_))_.TIF(4.0m)......... PE601001__((_ANGLER-1_COMPOSITE_WELL_LOG_))_.TIF(4.0m)......... PE601001__((_ANGLER-1_COMPOSITE_WELL_LOG_))_.TIF(4.0m)......... PE601001__((_ANGLER-1_COMPOSITE_WELL_LOG_))_.TIF(4.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL COMPOSITE_LOG PE601001 b (located in::PE902148= ANGLER-1 WCR) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL COMPOSITE_LOG PE601001 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Composite Well Log, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure within Appendix 6 of "Angler-1 Well Completion Report" (PE902148). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL COMPOSITE_LOG PE601001 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL COMPOSITE_LOG PE601001 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=303 TOP_DEPTH=4310 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL COMPOSITE_LOG PE913314 a DPI composite log well sheet images [DVD] PE913314__((_DPI_COMPOSITE_LOG_WELL_SHEET_IMAGES_))_.ISO.GZ(751.4m)......... PE913314__((_DPI_COMPOSITE_LOG_WELL_SHEET_IMAGES_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.PDF(0.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL COMPOSITE_LOG PE913314 b (located in::TAPEBAY= Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL COMPOSITE_LOG PE913314 c DESC=DPI Basin Studies well sheets image files (PDF and PNG), survey thumbnail files, survey ASCII nav files. Generated by Eddie Frankel from well sheets by Teresa, Eddie, Ciaran, Clare, Natalya, etc ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911975 a ANGLER-1 Campanian B SST. Top Zone 1 [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911975 b (located in::PE903099= ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911975 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Campanian B SST. Top Zone 1, Meters Subsea, Scale 1:25000, Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. (Enclosure 2: Reserves Calculations for Campanian B SST Angler-1, Reserves Estimates for Angler, Anemone and Archer Structures) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911975 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911976 a ANGLER-1 Campanian B SST. Top Zone 2 [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911976 b (located in::PE903099= ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911976 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Campanian B SST. Top Zone 2, Meters Subsea, Scale 1:25000, Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. (Enclosure 3: Reserves Calculations for Campanian B SST Angler-1, Reserves Estimates for Angler, Anemone and Archer Structures) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911976 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911977 a ANGLER-1 Campanian B SST. Top Zone 3 [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911977 b (located in::PE903099= ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911977 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Campanian B SST. Top Zone 3, Meters Subsea, Scale 1:25000, Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. (Enclosure 4: Reserves Calculations for Campanian B SST Angler-1, Reserves Estimates for Angler, Anemone and Archer Structures) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE911977 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 a Regional Depth - Upper Shoreface Facies [PAPER] PE912532__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_UPPER_SHOREFACE_FACIES_))_.JPG(12.5m)......... PE912532__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_UPPER_SHOREFACE_FACIES_))_.TIF(1.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 b (located in::PE912525= Volume 4, Project 1B, Porosity vs Depth) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 c DESC=Porosity vs Depth Modelling. Regional Depth to 12% Average Porosity for Upper Shoreface Facies. Enclosure 7 of Volume 4. Gippsland Collaborative Research Project 1B. Esso Australia Resources Ltd. Jill Stevens. 20th July1994. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=ATHENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=BALEEN-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=BASKER SOUTH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=BASKER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=CHIMAERA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=FLOUNDER-A1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=GRUNTER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=GUMMY-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=HELIOS-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=JUDITH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=KIPPER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=MACKEREL-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=TERAGLIN-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=TRUMPETER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912532 d WELL_NAME=VOLADOR-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 a Regional Depth - Fluvial & Estuarine [PAPER] PE912534__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_FLUVIAL___ESTUARINE_))_.JPG(24.7m)......... PE912534__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_FLUVIAL___ESTUARINE_))_.TIF(2.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 b (located in::PE912525= Volume 4, Project 1B, Porosity vs Depth) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 c DESC=Porosity vs Depth Modelling. Regional Depth to 12% Average Porosity for Fluvial and Estuarine Facies. Enclosure 9 of Volume 4. Gippsland Collaborative Research Project 1B. Reservoir Quality Study. Esso Australia Resources Ltd. J. Stevens. 20 July 1994. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=AMBERJACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=ANGELFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=BASKER SOUTH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=BASKER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=BREAM-5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=LAKE REEVE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=LUDERICK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=MOONFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=PERCH-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=SHARK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=SWEEP-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=TARWHINE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=TRUMPETER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=WHALE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912534 d WELL_NAME=WHITING-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 a Regional Depth - Upper Shoreface Facies [PAPER] PE912535__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_UPPER_SHOREFACE_FACIES_))_.JPG(11.9m)......... PE912535__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_UPPER_SHOREFACE_FACIES_))_.TIF(1.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 b (located in::PE912525= Volume 4, Project 1B, Porosity vs Depth) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 c DESC=Porosity vs Depth Modelling. Regional Depth to 15% Average Porosity for Upper Shoreface Facies. Enclosure 10 of Volume 4. Gippsland Collaborative Research Project 1B. Reservoir Quality Study. Esso Australia Resources Ltd. J. Stevens. 20 July 1994. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=ATHENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=BASKER SOUTH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=BASKER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=BATFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=HELIOS-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=KIPPER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=MACKEREL-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=MOONFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=SPEKE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=SWEETLIPS-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=TERAGLIN-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=TORSK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=TRUMPETER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=VOLADOR-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912535 d WELL_NAME=YELLOWTAIL-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 a Regional Depth - Coastal Plain Facies [PAPER] PE912536__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_COASTAL_PLAIN_FACIES_))_.JPG(21.1m)......... PE912536__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_COASTAL_PLAIN_FACIES_))_.TIF(2.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 b (located in::PE912525= Volume 4, Project 1B, Porosity vs Depth) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 c DESC=Porosity vs Depth Modelling. Regional Depth to 15% Average Porosity for Coastal Plain Facies. Enclosure 11 of Volume 4. Gippsland Collaborative Research Project 1B. Reservoir Quality Study. Esso Australia Resources Ltd. J. Stevens. 24 July 1994. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=ADMIRAL-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=ATHENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=CHIMAERA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=CONGER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=GRUNTER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=GURNARD-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=HAMMERHEAD-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=HELIOS-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=KIPPER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=PERCH-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=REMORA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=SHARK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=SPEKE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=TARWHINE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=TURRUM-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=VEILFIN-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912536 d WELL_NAME=VOLADOR-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 a Regional Depth - Fluvial & Estuarine 15% [PAPER] PE912537__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_FLUVIAL___ESTUARINE_15__))_.JPG(24.9m)......... PE912537__((_REGIONAL_DEPTH_-_FLUVIAL___ESTUARINE_15__))_.TIF(3.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 b (located in::PE912525= Volume 4, Project 1B, Porosity vs Depth) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 c DESC=Porosity vs Depth Modelling. Regional Depth to 15% Average Porosity for Fluvial and Estuarine Facies. Enclosure 12 of Volume 4. Gippsland Collaborative Research Project 1B. Reservoir Quality Study. Esso Australia Resources Ltd. J. Stevens. 20 July 1994. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=ANGELFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=ATHENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=BASKER SOUTH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=BASKER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=CONGER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=DART-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=GUMMY-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=HARLEQUIN-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=HELIOS-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=LUDERICK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=SEAHORSE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=SHARK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=SOLE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=SUNFISH-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=TURRUM-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=TURRUM-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=VEILFIN-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=WHALESHARK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=WIRRAH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CONTOUR_MAP PE912537 d WELL_NAME=WIRRAH-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903280 a ANGLER-1 Core Photograph Colour Plate [PAPER] PE903280__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTOGRAPH_COLOUR_PLATE_))_.JPG(3.9m)......... PE903280__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTOGRAPH_COLOUR_PLATE_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903280 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903280 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Core Photograph Colour Plate, Core No. 1, (3833m- 3838m), by Core Services of Australia Pty. Limited for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903280 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903280 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3838 TOP_DEPTH=3833 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903281 a ANGLER-1 Core Photo Ultra Violet Plate [PAPER] PE903281__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTO_ULTRA_VIOLET_PLATE_))_.TAR.GZ(0.0m)......... PE903281__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTO_ULTRA_VIOLET_PLATE_))_.JPG(3.4m)......... PE903281__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTO_ULTRA_VIOLET_PLATE_))_.TIF(2.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903281 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903281 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Core Photograph Ultra Violet Plate, Core No. 1, (3833m- 3838m), by Core Services of Australia Pty. Limited for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903281 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903281 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3838 TOP_DEPTH=3833 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903282 a ANGLER-1 Core Photograph Colour Plate [PAPER] PE903282__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTOGRAPH_COLOUR_PLATE_))_.JPG(3.8m)......... PE903282__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTOGRAPH_COLOUR_PLATE_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903282 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903282 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Core Photograph Colour Plate, Core No. 1, (3838m-3841.9m), by Core Services of Australia Pty Limited for Petrofina Exploration Aust. S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903282 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903282 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3841.9 TOP_DEPTH=3838 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903283 a ANGLER-1 Core Photo Ultra Violet Plate [PAPER] PE903283__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTO_ULTRA_VIOLET_PLATE_))_.JPG(2.4m)......... PE903283__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_PHOTO_ULTRA_VIOLET_PLATE_))_.TIF(2.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903283 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903283 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Core Photograph Ultra Violet Plate (3838m- 3841.9m), by Core Services of Australia Pty. Limited for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903283 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CORE_PHOTO PE903283 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3841.9 TOP_DEPTH=3838 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 a MORAY-1 - SOLE-1 Cross section. V94-G1 [PAPER] PE912487__((_MORAY-1_-_SOLE-1_CROSS_SECTION._V94-G1_))_.JPG(53.2m)......... PE912487__((_MORAY-1_-_SOLE-1_CROSS_SECTION._V94-G1_))_.TIF(15.8m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 b (located in::PE912484= Application - Permit V94-G1 Volume 2) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 c DESC=MORAY-1 to SOLE-1 Stratigraphic Cross Section. South-North Cross Section, Line 6. Collaborative Research Project 1A. Gippsland Basin Australia. Esso Australia Resources Limited. Enclosure 4. M. Gilbert. Horizontal: 1:50000, Vertical: 1:4000. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=BASKER SOUTH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=BASKER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=BIGNOSE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=CHIMAERA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=DART-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=HAMMERHEAD-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=HAPUKU-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=MANTA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=MORAY-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=SOLE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=TERAKIHI-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912487 d WELL_NAME=VOLADOR-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 a MORAY-1 - SOLE-1 Cross section. V94-G1 [PAPER] PE912488__((_MORAY-1_-_SOLE-1_CROSS_SECTION._V94-G1_))_.JPG(61.7m)......... PE912488__((_MORAY-1_-_SOLE-1_CROSS_SECTION._V94-G1_))_.TIF(18.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 b (located in::PE912484= Application - Permit V94-G1 Volume 2) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 c DESC=MORAY-1 to SOLE-1 Structural Cross Section. South-North Cross Section, Line 6. Collaborative Research Project 1A. Gippsland Basin Australia. Esso Australia Resources Limited. Enclosure 5. K. Tindale. Horizontal: 1:25000, Vertical: 1:5000. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=BASKER SOUTH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=BASKER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=BIGNOSE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=CHIMAERA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=DART-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=HAMMERHEAD-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=HAPUKU-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=MANTA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=MORAY-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=SOLE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=TERAKIHI-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912488 d WELL_NAME=VOLADOR-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 a TARWHINE-1 - ANGLER-1 Cross section [PAPER] PE912489__((_TARWHINE-1_-_ANGLER-1_CROSS_SECTION_))_.JPG(42.5m)......... PE912489__((_TARWHINE-1_-_ANGLER-1_CROSS_SECTION_))_.TIF(9.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 b (located in::PE912484= Application - Permit V94-G1 Volume 2) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 c DESC=TARWHINE-1 to ANGLER-1 Stratigraphic Cross Section. West-East Cross Section, Line11A. Collaborative Research Project 1A. Gippsland Basin Australia. Esso Australia Resources Limited. Enclosure 6. P. Moore. Horizontal: 1:50000, Vertical: 1:4000. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=BREAM-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=BREAM-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=BREAM-4A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=HELIOS-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-7 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-8 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-B1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=LUDERICK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=NANNYGAI-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=ROUNDHEAD-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912489 d WELL_NAME=TARWHINE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 a TARWHINE-1 - ANGLER-1 Cross section [PAPER] PE912490__((_TARWHINE-1_-_ANGLER-1_CROSS_SECTION_))_.JPG(61.3m)......... PE912490__((_TARWHINE-1_-_ANGLER-1_CROSS_SECTION_))_.TIF(11.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 b (located in::PE912484= Application - Permit V94-G1 Volume 2) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 c DESC=TARWHINE-1 to ANGLER-1 Structural Cross Section with Stratigraphy. West-East , Line11A. Collaborative Research Project 1A. Gippsland Basin Australia. Esso Australia Resources Limited. Enclosure 7. K. Tindale. Horizontal: 1:25000, Vertical: 1:5000. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 d WELL_NAME=BREAM-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 d WELL_NAME=BREAM-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 d WELL_NAME=BREAM-4A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 d WELL_NAME=LUDERICK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 d WELL_NAME=NANNYGAI-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 d WELL_NAME=ROUNDHEAD-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL CROSS_SECTION PE912490 d WELL_NAME=TARWHINE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DAILY_RPT PE903238 a ANGLER-1 Daily & Weekly Drilling Reports [PAPER] PE903238__((_ANGLER-1_DAILY___WEEKLY_DRILLING_REPORTS_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DAILY_RPT PE903238 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DAILY_RPT PE903238 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Daily and Weekly Drilling Reports, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DAILY_RPT PE903238 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIAGRAM PE903247 a ANGLER-1 Well Summary [PAPER] PE903247__((_ANGLER-1_WELL_SUMMARY_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIAGRAM PE903247 b (located in::PE903246= ANGLER-1 Drilling Programme proposal) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIAGRAM PE903247 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Well summary, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Located within "Drilling Programme Proposal" (PE903246). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIAGRAM PE903247 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIAGRAM PE903287 a ANGLER-1 Petrofina Organisation Chart [PAPER] PE903287__((_ANGLER-1_PETROFINA_ORGANISATION_CHART_))_.TIF(0.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIAGRAM PE903287 b (located in::PE903284= ANGLER-1 Application to Drill) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIAGRAM PE903287 c DESC=Petrofina Organisation Chart (Exploration Phase), by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure within Attachment 4 of "ANGLER-1 Application to Drill" (PE903284). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIAGRAM PE903287 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIAGRAM PE904714 a ANGLER-1 Bit Cost Charts [PAPER] (14 DIGITAL FILES) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIAGRAM PE904714 b (located in::PE903251= ANGLER-1 Final Well Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIAGRAM PE904714 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Bit Cost Charts, VIC/P20, W993. 12 charts. Charts within "Angler-1 Final Well Report" (PE903251). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIAGRAM PE904714 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIRECTIONAL PE903236_119 a ANGLER-1 deviation survey data [PAPER] PE903236__((_ANGLER-1_FINAL_WELL_REPORT_))_.PDF(7.8m)......... PE903236__((_ANGLER-1_FINAL_WELL_REPORT_))_.TIF(8.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIRECTIONAL PE903236_119 b (located in::PE903236= ANGLER-1 Final Well Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIRECTIONAL PE903236_119 c DESC=ANGLER-1 deviation survey data, 5 pages, 94 rows of data ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL DIRECTIONAL PE903236_119 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FOLDER PE903239 a ANGLER-1 Technical Information Folder [PAPER] PE903239__((_ANGLER-1_TECHNICAL_INFORMATION_FOLDER_))_.PDF(0.2m)......... PE903239__((_ANGLER-1_TECHNICAL_INFORMATION_FOLDER_))_.TIF(0.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FOLDER PE903239 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FOLDER PE903239 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Technical Information Folder, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FOLDER PE903239 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216430 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216430 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216430 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216430 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216430 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=1040 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216431 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216431 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216431 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216431 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216431 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=1160 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216432 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216432 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216432 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216432 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216432 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=1220 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216433 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216433 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216433 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216433 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216433 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=1260 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216434 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216434 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216434 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216434 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216434 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=1360 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216435 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216435 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216435 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216435 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216435 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=1450 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216436 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216436 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216436 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216436 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216436 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=1670 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216437 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216437 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216437 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216437 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216437 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=1770 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216438 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216438 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216438 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216438 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216438 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=1880 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216439 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216439 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216439 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216439 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216439 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2030 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216440 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216440 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216440 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216440 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216440 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2080 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216441 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216441 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216441 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216441 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216441 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2170 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216442 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216442 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216442 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216442 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216442 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2270 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216443 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216443 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216443 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216443 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216443 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2400 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216444 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216444 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216444 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216444 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216444 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2460 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216445 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216445 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216445 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216445 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216445 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2490 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216446 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216446 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216446 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216446 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216446 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2590 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216447 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216447 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216447 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216447 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216447 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2690 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216448 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216448 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216448 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216448 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216448 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2690 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216449 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216449 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216449 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216449 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216449 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2730 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216450 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216450 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216450 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216450 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216450 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2740 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216451 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216451 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216451 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216451 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216451 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2770 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216452 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216452 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216452 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216452 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216452 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2770 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216453 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216453 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216453 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216453 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216453 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2780 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216454 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216454 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216454 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216454 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216454 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2790 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216455 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216455 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216455 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216455 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216455 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2800 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216456 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216456 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216456 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216456 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216456 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2810 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216457 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216457 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216457 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216457 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216457 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2820 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216458 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216458 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216458 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216458 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216458 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2830 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216459 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216459 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216459 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216459 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216459 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2840 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216460 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216460 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216460 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216460 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216460 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2860 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216461 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216461 b (located in::PE181776= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216461 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide. DC ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216461 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P216461 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2890 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227771 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227771 b (located in::PE183824= Various Wells Foraminifera Slide Box.) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227771 c DESC=ANGLER-1 4050m. Foraminifera Slide ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227771 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227771 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4050 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227772 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227772 b (located in::PE183824= Various Wells Foraminifera Slide Box.) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227772 c DESC=ANGLER-1 4110m. Foraminifera Slide ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227772 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227772 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4110 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227773 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227773 b (located in::PE183824= Various Wells Foraminifera Slide Box.) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227773 c DESC=ANGLER-1 4140m. Foraminifera Slide ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227773 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227773 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4140 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227774 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227774 b (located in::PE183824= Various Wells Foraminifera Slide Box.) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227774 c DESC=ANGLER-1 4170m. Foraminifera Slide ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227774 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE P227774 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4170 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE_BOX PE181776 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box [PLASTIC] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE_BOX PE181776 b (located in::MOV= Museum of Victoria) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE_BOX PE181776 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Slides Box. 1040 to 2890 metres, 32 slides in total. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE_BOX PE181776 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE_BOX PE181783 a ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box [PLASTIC] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE_BOX PE181783 b (located in::55 Collins Street= 55 Collins Street) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE_BOX PE181783 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box. Cuttings 1210m - 2945m, 32 tubes in total. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FORAM_SLIDE_BOX PE181783 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FWR_RPT PE903236 a ANGLER-1 Final Well Report [PAPER] PE903236__((_ANGLER-1_FINAL_WELL_REPORT_))_.PDF(7.8m)......... PE903236__((_ANGLER-1_FINAL_WELL_REPORT_))_.TIF(8.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FWR_RPT PE903236 b (located in::PE180337= ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FWR_RPT PE903236 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Final Well Report, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FWR_RPT PE903236 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FWR_RPT PE903251 a ANGLER-1 Final Well Report [PAPER] (8 DIGITAL FILES) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FWR_RPT PE903251 b (located in::PE180337= ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FWR_RPT PE903251 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Final Well Report, By Geoservices Overseas S.A. for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FWR_RPT PE903251 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL FWR_RPT PE903251 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_060 a ANGLER-1 Geochem in WCR - see attachment [PAPER] PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_060 b (located in::PE902148= ANGLER-1 WCR) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_060 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Geochem in WCR - see separate attachment PE903225. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_060 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_063 a ANGLER-1 Core Analysis in WCR [PAPER] PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_063 b (located in::PE902148= ANGLER-1 WCR) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_063 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Core Analysis in WCR by Core Services of Australia. (11 pages) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_063 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_076 a ANGLER-1 Fluid Analysis in WCR [PAPER] PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_076 b (located in::PE902148= ANGLER-1 WCR) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_076 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Fluid Analysis in WCR by Petrolab. (11 pages) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE902148_076 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE903150 a HERMES-1,ANGLER-1 Vitr.reflect.&maceral [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE903150 b (located in::PE180214= HERMES-1 W803 box 2/2) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE903150 c DESC=Southeast Gippsland Basin Vitrinite reflectance and maceral analysis, HERMES-1, ANGLER-1& ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE903150 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE903150 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM PE903150 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800990 a ANGLER-1 Data Processing Report [PAPER] PE800990__((_ANGLER-1_DATA_PROCESSING_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800990 b (located in::PE181039= Geochemical Reports Box Gippsland Basin) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800990 c DESC=Summary of Vitrinite Reflectance Measurements, Amdel for Petrofina from the Well ANGLER-1. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800990 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800993 a Amdel Geochemical Report [PAPER] PE800993__((_AMDEL_GEOCHEMICAL_REPORT_))_.TIF(1.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800993 b (located in::PE181039= Geochemical Reports Box Gippsland Basin) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800993 c DESC=High Pressure Mercury Injection, Capillary Pressure, Ductility, produced by Amdel Core Services for Petrofina Exploration Australia SA, 7 September 1992, for the Wells....SELENE-1, ANGLER-1, HELIOS-1, ANEMONE-1, ANEMONE-1A & HAPUKU-1. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800993 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800993 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800993 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800993 d WELL_NAME=HAPUKU-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800993 d WELL_NAME=HELIOS-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE800993 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903160 a HERMES-1 etc Vitrinite Reflectance Rpt [PAPER] PE903160__((_HERMES-1_ETC_VITRINITE_REFLECTANCE_RPT_))_.PDF(16.1m)......... FIGURE_01.JPG(4.3m)......... FIGURE_02.JPG(4.3m)......... FIGURE_03.JPG(4.3m)......... PE903160__((_HERMES-1_ETC_VITRINITE_REFLECTANCE_RPT_))_.TIF(3.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903160 b (located in::PE180213= HERMES-1 W803 box 1/2) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903160 c DESC=Southeast Gippsland Basin Vitrinite Reflectance and Maceral Analysis HERMES-1, ANGLER-1 and ANEMONE-1A. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903160 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903160 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903160 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903160 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4565 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903255 a ANGLER-1 Geochem Eval.of Rock&Fluid [PAPER] PE903255__((_ANGLER-1_GEOCHEM_EVAL.OF_ROCK_FLUID_))_.PDF(5.2m)......... PE903255__((_ANGLER-1_GEOCHEM_EVAL.OF_ROCK_FLUID_))_.PDF(5.2m)......... PE903255__((_ANGLER-1_GEOCHEM_EVAL.OF_ROCK_FLUID_))_.PDF(5.2m)......... PE903255__((_ANGLER-1_GEOCHEM_EVAL.OF_ROCK_FLUID_))_.PDF(5.2m)......... PE903255__((_ANGLER-1_GEOCHEM_EVAL.OF_ROCK_FLUID_))_.PDF(5.2m)......... PE903255__((_ANGLER-1_GEOCHEM_EVAL.OF_ROCK_FLUID_))_.TIF(5.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903255 b (located in::PE180337= ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903255 c DESC=Geochemical Evaluation of Rock and Fluid Samples from ANGLER-1, VIC/P20, W993. Report by Amdel Limited for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. This report is Appendix 3 of Angler-1 Volume 1, Basic Data Report (PE902148). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT PE903255 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOL_RPT PE903244 a ANGLER-1 Weekly Geological reports [PAPER] PE903244__((_ANGLER-1_WEEKLY_GEOLOGICAL_REPORTS_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOL_RPT PE903244 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOL_RPT PE903244 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Weekly Geological reports, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL GEOL_RPT PE903244 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE010938 a ANGLER-1 well log 9-TRACK tape [9-TRACK] (8 DIGITAL FILES) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE010938 b (located in::GA_CUSTODY= GA Custodianship (Geoscience Australia)) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE010938 c DESC=ANGLER-1 well log 9-TRACK tape, Logging services: SLS-CAL-DIL-GR, DLL-SLS-GR-CAL, LDL-CNL-GR, MDLL-MSFL-SLS-GR, LDL-CNL-NGT, Logging Contractor: Schlumberger, Depth range: 2888m to 4336m W993 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE010938 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE010938 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4336 TOP_DEPTH=2888 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE011524 a ANEMONE-1, ANGLER-1 &-ARCHER-1 well log [3.5] (9 DIGITAL FILES) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE011524 b (located in::TAPEBAY= Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE011524 c DESC=ANEMONE-1, ANGLER-1 &-ARCHER-1 well log 3.5 floppy disk, Logging services: Synthetic seismogram-and trace data, 1 of 3. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE011524 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE011524 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE011524 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE012054 a Victorian Offshore Well Logs DVD 1 of 3 [DVD] (13 DIGITAL FILES) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE012054 b (located in::TAPEBAY= Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE012054 c DESC=Victorian Offshore Well Logs DVD 1 of 3. Copy 1 of 434 9-track well log tapes sent to GA for transcription by Guardian, 2008. 128 wells, ADMIRAL-1 to FLOUNDER-A27. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE013000 a Well Logs Copy from 203 9-Track Tapes [DVD] PE013000__((_WELL_LOGS_COPY_FROM_203_9-TRACK_TAPES_))_.ISO.GZ(1114.9m)......... SAM0_776_PE013000__((_WELL_LOGS_COPY_FROM_203_9-TRACK_TAPES_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(3.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE013000 b (located in::TAPEBAY= Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK PE013000 c DESC=Well Logs Copy from 203 9-Track Tapes. 52 wells' digital log data on DVD. TIF/LIS, DLIS & LAS formats. Reports, readme file, Well Summary file & 'priority' logs for PGS. Copy of Guardian Data for GA, March, 2009. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE903285 a ANGLER-1 Fig. 1 Angler Prospect [PAPER] PE903285__((_ANGLER-1_FIG._1_ANGLER_PROSPECT_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE903285 b (located in::PE903284= ANGLER-1 Application to Drill) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE903285 c DESC=Fig. 1 Anger-1 Prospect Montage, VIC/P20, W993. By Petrofina Exploration Aust. S.A. Figure to accompany Attachment 1of "ANGLER-1 Application to Drill" (PE903284). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE903285 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 a Gippsland Basin Sandstone Types [PAPER] PE912495__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_SANDSTONE_TYPES_))_.JPG(330.8m)......... PE912495__((_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_SANDSTONE_TYPES_))_.TIF(14.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 b (located in::PE912494= Application - Exploration Permit V94-G1) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 c DESC=Gippsland Basin Sandstone Types. Reservoir Quality Study. Enclosure 11, 23rd February 1994. Esso, Collaborative Research Project 1B. Mike Hayes. To Accompany V94-G1 Gazettal Evaluation. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=ANGELFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=BARRACOUTA-A3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=BREAM-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=BREAM-5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=FLOUNDER-6 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=FORTESCUE-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=GRUNTER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=HAPUKU-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=MARLIN-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=MOONFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=SNAPPER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=SNAPPER-A21 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=TARWHINE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=TERAKIHI-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=WEST KINGFISH-W11 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=WIRRAH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912495 d WELL_NAME=WIRRAH-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912760 a Paleogeographic Development Montage B [PAPER] PE912760__((_PALEOGEOGRAPHIC_DEVELOPMENT_MONTAGE_B_))_.JPG(68.7m)......... PE912760__((_PALEOGEOGRAPHIC_DEVELOPMENT_MONTAGE_B_))_.TIF(97.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912760 b (located in::PE183517= Production Well Box 50) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912760 c DESC=Paleogeographic Montage Part B. Enclosure 5 in Deepwater Project Enclosures Box. Esso Australia Resources Ltd. 30th April 1996, E. Johnstone and N. Richards. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 a South Pilotfish Maturation & Migration [PAPER] PE912762__((_SOUTH_PILOTFISH_MATURATION___MIGRATION_))_.JPG(145.2m)......... PE912762__((_SOUTH_PILOTFISH_MATURATION___MIGRATION_))_.TIF(16.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 b (located in::PE183517= Production Well Box 50) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 c DESC=South Pilotfish Maturation & Migration Montage. Enclosure 14 in Deepwater Project Enclosures Box. Esso Australia Resources Ltd. 14th April 1996, C. Jenkins and N. Richards. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=ALBACORE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=ATHENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=GUDGEON-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-4 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-7 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-8 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-9 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-A1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-B1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=MACKEREL-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MONTAGE PE912762 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MUD_LOG PE601884 a ANGLER-1 Geoservices Masterlog [PAPER] PE601884__((_ANGLER-1_GEOSERVICES_MASTERLOG_))_.TIF(3.4m)......... PE601884__((_ANGLER-1_GEOSERVICES_MASTERLOG_))_.TIF(3.4m)......... PE601884__((_ANGLER-1_GEOSERVICES_MASTERLOG_))_.TIF(3.4m)......... PE601884__((_ANGLER-1_GEOSERVICES_MASTERLOG_))_.TIF(3.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MUD_LOG PE601884 b (located in::PE902148= ANGLER-1 WCR) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MUD_LOG PE601884 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Geoservices Masterlog, calc/dolo%, ROP, lith, gas analysis. VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure within Appendix 6 of "Angler-1 Well Completion Report" (PE902148). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MUD_LOG PE601884 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MUD_LOG PE601884 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=4330 TOP_DEPTH=300 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MUD_LOG PE601891 a ANGLER-1 Geoservices Masterlog [PAPER] PE601891__((_ANGLER-1_GEOSERVICES_MASTERLOG_))_.TIF(4.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MUD_LOG PE601891 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MUD_LOG PE601891 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Geoservices Masterlog, VIC/P20, W993. By Geoservices for Petrofina. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MUD_LOG PE601891 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL MUD_LOG PE601891 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=4330 TOP_DEPTH=2700 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217039 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217039 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217039 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue Cutting. Depth Range: 3015m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217039 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217040 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217040 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217040 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue Cutting. Depth Range: 3250m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217040 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217041 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217041 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217041 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue Cutting. Depth Range: 3250m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217041 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217042 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217042 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217042 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue Cutting. Depth Range: 3445m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217042 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217043 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217043 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217043 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue Cutting. Depth Range: 3500m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217043 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217044 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217044 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217044 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue Cutting. Depth Range: 3525m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217044 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217045 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217045 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217045 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC. Depth Range: 3743m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217045 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217046 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217046 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217046 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC7. Depth Range: 3587m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217046 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217047 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217047 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217047 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC8. Depth Range: 3485m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217047 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217048 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217048 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217048 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC11. Depth Range: 3397m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217048 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217049 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217049 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217049 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC15. Depth Range: 3276m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217049 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217050 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217050 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217050 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC15. Depth Range: 3276m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217050 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217051 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217051 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217051 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC18. Depth Range: 4208m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217051 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217052 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217052 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217052 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC18. Depth Range: 4208m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217052 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217053 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217053 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217053 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC19. Depth Range: 3204m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217053 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217054 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217054 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217054 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC19. Depth Range: 4181m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217054 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217055 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217055 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217055 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC21. Depth Range: 4132m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217055 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217056 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217056 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217056 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC22. Depth Range: 3130m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217056 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217057 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217057 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217057 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC24. Depth Range: 3083m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217057 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217058 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217058 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217058 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC24. Depth Range: 4055m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217058 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217059 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217059 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217059 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC25. Depth Range: 3050m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217059 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217060 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217060 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217060 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC28. Depth Range: 3956m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217060 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217061 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217061 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217061 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC29. Depth Range: 2952m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217061 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217062 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217062 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217062 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC31. Depth Range: 3908m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217062 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217063 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217063 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217063 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC44. Depth Range: 3820m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217063 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217064 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residue [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217064 b (located in::PE182085= ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217064 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue SWC52. Depth Range: 3689m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217064 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217092 a ANGLER-1 Residue 1040m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217092 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217092 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 1040m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217092 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217093 a ANGLER-1 Residue 1160m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217093 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217093 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 1160m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217093 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217094 a ANGLER-1 Residue 1210m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217094 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217094 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 1210m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217094 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217095 a ANGLER-1 Residue 1220m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217095 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217095 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 1220m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217095 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217096 a ANGLER-1 Residue 1260m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217096 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217096 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 1260m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217096 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217097 a ANGLER-1 Residue 1360m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217097 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217097 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 1360m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217097 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217098 a ANGLER-1 Residue 1450m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217098 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217098 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 1450m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217098 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217099 a ANGLER-1 Residue 1670m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217099 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217099 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 1670m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217099 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217100 a ANGLER-1 Residue 1770m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217100 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217100 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 1770m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217100 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217101 a ANGLER-1 Residue 1880m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217101 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217101 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 1880m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217101 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217102 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2030m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217102 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217102 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2030m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217102 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217103 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2080m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217103 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217103 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2080m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217103 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217104 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2170m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217104 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217104 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2170m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217104 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217105 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2270m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217105 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217105 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2270m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217105 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217106 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2400m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217106 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217106 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2400m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217106 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217107 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2460m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217107 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217107 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2460m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217107 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217108 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2490m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217108 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217108 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2490m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217108 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217109 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2590m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217109 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217109 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2590m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217109 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217110 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2690m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217110 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217110 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2690m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217110 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217111 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2730m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217111 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217111 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2730m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217111 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217112 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2740m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217112 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217112 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2740m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217112 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217113 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2770m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217113 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217113 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2770m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217113 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217114 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2780m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217114 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217114 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2780m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217114 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217115 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2790m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217115 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217115 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2790m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217115 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217116 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2800m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217116 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217116 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2800m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217116 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217117 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2810m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217117 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217117 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2810m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217117 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217118 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2820m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217118 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217118 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2820m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217118 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217119 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2830m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217119 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217119 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2830m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217119 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217120 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2840m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217120 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217120 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2840m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217120 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217121 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2860m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217121 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217121 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2860m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217121 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217122 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2890m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217122 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217122 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting. Depth Range: 2890m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217122 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217123 a ANGLER-1 Residue 2945m. [SAMPLE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217123 b (located in::PE181783= ANGLER-1 Foraminifera Residues Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217123 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Residue. Cutting.Depth Range: 2945m. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE P217123 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE_BOX PE182085 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box [PLASTIC] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE_BOX PE182085 b (located in::MOV= Museum of Victoria) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE_BOX PE182085 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Residues Box. Cuttings 2952m - 4208m, 26 tubes in total. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_RESIDUE_BOX PE182085 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211754 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211754 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211754 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3505m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211754 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211755 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211755 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211755 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3505m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211755 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211756 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211756 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211756 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3505m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211756 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211757 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211757 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211757 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3505m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211757 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211758 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211758 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211758 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3560m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211758 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211759 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211759 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211759 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3560m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211759 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211760 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211760 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211760 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3560m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211760 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211761 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211761 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211761 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /d. Depth Range: 3560m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211761 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211762 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211762 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211762 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3595m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211762 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211763 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211763 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211763 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3595m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211763 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211764 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211764 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211764 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3595m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211764 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211765 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211765 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211765 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3595m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211765 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211766 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211766 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211766 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3655m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211766 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211767 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211767 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211767 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3655m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211767 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211768 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211768 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211768 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3655m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211768 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211769 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211769 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211769 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3655m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211769 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211770 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211770 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211770 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3715m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211770 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211771 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211771 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211771 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3715m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211771 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211772 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211772 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211772 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3715m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211772 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211773 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211773 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211773 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3715m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211773 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211774 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211774 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211774 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3755m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211774 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211775 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211775 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211775 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3755m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211775 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211776 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211776 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211776 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3755m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211776 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211777 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211777 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211777 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3755m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211777 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211778 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211778 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211778 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3765m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211778 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211779 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211779 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211779 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3765m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211779 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211780 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211780 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211780 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3765m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211780 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211781 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211781 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211781 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3765m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211781 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211782 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211782 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211782 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3800m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211782 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211783 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211783 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211783 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3800m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211783 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211784 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211784 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211784 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3800m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211784 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211785 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211785 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211785 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3800m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211785 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211786 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211786 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211786 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3850m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211786 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211787 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211787 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211787 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3850m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211787 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211788 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211788 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211788 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3850m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211788 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211789 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211789 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211789 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3850m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211789 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211790 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211790 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211790 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3865m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211790 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211791 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211791 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211791 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3865m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211791 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211792 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211792 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211792 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3865m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211792 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211793 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211793 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211793 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3865m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211793 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211794 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211794 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211794 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3885m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211794 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211795 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211795 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211795 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3885m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211795 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211796 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211796 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211796 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3885m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211796 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211797 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211797 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211797 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3885m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211797 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211798 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211798 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211798 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3895m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211798 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211799 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211799 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211799 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3895m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211799 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211800 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211800 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211800 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3895m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211800 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211801 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211801 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211801 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3895m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211801 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211802 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211802 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211802 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3910m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211802 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211803 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211803 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211803 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3910m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211803 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211804 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211804 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211804 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3910m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211804 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211805 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211805 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211805 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3910m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211805 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211806 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211806 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211806 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. Depth Range: 3925m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211806 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211807 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211807 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211807 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3925m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211807 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211808 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211808 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211808 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3925m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211808 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211809 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211809 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211809 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3925m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211809 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211810 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211810 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211810 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3950m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211810 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211811 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211811 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211811 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3950m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211811 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211812 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211812 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211812 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3950m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211812 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211813 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211813 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211813 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K. Depth Range: 3950m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211813 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211814 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211814 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211814 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K. Depth Range: 3960m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211814 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211815 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211815 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211815 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3960m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211815 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211816 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211816 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211816 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3960m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211816 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211817 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211817 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211817 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3960m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211817 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211818 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211818 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211818 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /a. Depth Range: 3980m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211818 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211819 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211819 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211819 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /b. Depth Range: 3980m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211819 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211820 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211820 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211820 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 microns. /c. Depth Range: 3980m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211820 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211821 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211821 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211821 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K. Depth Range: 3980m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211821 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211822 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211822 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211822 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. Depth Range: 4000m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211822 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211823 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211823 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211823 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4000m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211823 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211824 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211824 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211824 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4000m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211824 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211825 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211825 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211825 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4000m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211825 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211826 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211826 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211826 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4030m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211826 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211827 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211827 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211827 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4030m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211827 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211828 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211828 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211828 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4030m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211828 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211829 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211829 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211829 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K. Depth Range: 4030m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211829 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211830 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211830 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211830 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K. Depth Range: 4060m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211830 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211831 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211831 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211831 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4060m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211831 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211832 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211832 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211832 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4060m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211832 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211833 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211833 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211833 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4060m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211833 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211834 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211834 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211834 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4090m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211834 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211835 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211835 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211835 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4090m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211835 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211836 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211836 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211836 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4090m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211836 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211837 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211837 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211837 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K Depth Range: 4090m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211837 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211838 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211838 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211838 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K Depth Range: 4105m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211838 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211839 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211839 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211839 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4105m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211839 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211840 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211840 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211840 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4105m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211840 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211841 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211841 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211841 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4105m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211841 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211842 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211842 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211842 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4130m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211842 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211843 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211843 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211843 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4130m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211843 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211844 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211844 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211844 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4130m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211844 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211845 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211845 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211845 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K. Depth Range: 4130m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211845 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211846 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211846 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211846 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K. Depth Range: 4155m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211846 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211847 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211847 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211847 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4155m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211847 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211848 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211848 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211848 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4155m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211848 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211849 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211849 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211849 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4155m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211849 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211850 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211850 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211850 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4175m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211850 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211851 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211851 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211851 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10K. /b. Depth Range: 4175m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211851 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211852 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211852 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211852 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4175m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211852 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211853 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211853 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211853 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10Microns. Depth Range: 4175m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211853 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211854 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211854 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211854 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K. Depth Range: 4200m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211854 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211855 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211855 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211855 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4200m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211855 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211856 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211856 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211856 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4200m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211856 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211857 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211857 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211857 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4200m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211857 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211858 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211858 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211858 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4210m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211858 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211859 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211859 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211859 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4210m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211859 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211860 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211860 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211860 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4210m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211860 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211861 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211861 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211861 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K Depth Range: 4210m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211861 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211862 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211862 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211862 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K Depth Range: 4245m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211862 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211863 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211863 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211863 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4245m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211863 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211864 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211864 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211864 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4245m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211864 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211865 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211865 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211865 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4245m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211865 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211866 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211866 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211866 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4265m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211866 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211867 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211867 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211867 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4265m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211867 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211868 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211868 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211868 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4265m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211868 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211869 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211869 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211869 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K. Depth Range: 4265m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211869 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211870 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211870 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211870 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K. Depth Range: 4295m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211870 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211871 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211871 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211871 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4295m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211871 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211872 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211872 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211872 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4295m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211872 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211873 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211873 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211873 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4295m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211873 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211874 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211874 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211874 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4315m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211874 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211875 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211875 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211875 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4315m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211875 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211876 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211876 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211876 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4315m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211876 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211877 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211877 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211877 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K. Depth Range: 4315m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211877 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211878 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211878 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211878 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /a. Depth Range: 4330m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211878 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211879 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211879 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211879 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /b. Depth Range: 4330m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211879 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211880 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211880 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211880 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 Microns. /c. Depth Range: 4330m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211880 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211881 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211881 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211881 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cutts. 10 K. /d. Depth Range: 4330m ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P211881 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213196 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213196 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213196 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213196 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213196 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2710 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213197 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213197 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213197 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213197 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213197 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2710 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213198 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213198 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213198 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213198 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213198 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2710 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213199 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213199 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213199 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213199 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213199 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2730 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213200 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213200 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213200 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213200 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213200 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2730 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213201 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213201 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213201 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213201 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213201 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2730 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213202 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213202 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213202 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213202 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213202 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2760 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213203 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213203 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213203 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213203 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213203 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2760 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213204 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213204 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213204 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213204 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213204 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2760 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213205 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213205 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213205 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213205 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213205 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2760 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213206 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213206 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213206 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213206 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213206 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2770 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213207 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213207 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213207 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213207 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213207 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2770 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213208 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213208 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213208 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213208 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213208 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2770 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213209 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213209 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213209 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213209 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213209 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2780 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213210 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213210 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213210 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213210 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213210 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2780 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213211 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213211 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213211 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213211 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213211 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2780 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213212 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213212 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213212 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213212 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213212 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2800 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213213 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213213 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213213 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213213 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213213 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2800 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213214 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213214 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213214 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213214 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213214 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2800 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213215 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213215 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213215 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213215 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213215 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2820 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213216 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213216 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213216 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213216 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213216 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2820 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213217 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213217 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213217 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213217 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213217 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2820 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213218 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213218 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213218 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213218 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213218 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2820 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213219 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213219 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213219 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213219 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213219 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2820 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213220 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213220 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213220 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213220 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213220 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2840 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213221 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213221 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213221 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213221 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213221 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2840 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213222 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213222 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213222 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213222 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213222 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2860 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213223 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213223 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213223 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213223 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213223 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2860 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213224 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213224 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213224 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213224 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213224 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2880 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213225 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213225 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213225 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213225 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213225 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2880 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213226 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213226 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213226 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213226 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213226 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2890 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213227 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213227 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213227 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213227 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213227 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2890 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213228 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213228 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213228 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213228 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213228 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2925 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213229 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213229 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213229 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213229 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213229 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2925 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213230 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213230 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213230 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213230 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213230 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2925 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213231 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213231 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213231 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 29, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213231 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213231 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2952 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213232 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213232 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213232 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 29, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213232 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213232 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2952 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213233 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213233 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213233 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 29, /c ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213233 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213233 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2952 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213234 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213234 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213234 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 29, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213234 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213234 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2952 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213235 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213235 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213235 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 29 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213235 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213235 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2952 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213236 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213236 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213236 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 29 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213236 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213236 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2952 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213237 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213237 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213237 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213237 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213237 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2980 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213238 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213238 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213238 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213238 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213238 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2980 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213239 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213239 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213239 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213239 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213239 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2980 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213240 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213240 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213240 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213240 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213240 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=2980 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213241 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213241 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213241 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213241 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213241 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3015 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213242 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213242 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213242 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213242 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213242 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3015 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213243 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213243 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213243 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213243 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213243 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3015 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213244 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213244 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213244 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213244 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213244 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3015 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213245 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213245 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213245 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 25, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213245 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213245 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3050 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213246 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213246 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213246 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 25, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213246 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213246 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3050 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213247 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213247 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213247 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 25, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213247 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213247 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3050 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213248 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213248 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213248 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 25 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213248 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213248 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3050 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213249 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213249 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213249 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 25 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213249 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213249 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3050 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213250 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213250 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213250 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 25 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213250 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213250 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3050 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213251 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213251 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213251 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 25, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213251 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213251 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3083 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213252 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213252 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213252 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 24, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213252 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213252 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3083 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213253 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213253 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213253 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 24 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213253 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213253 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3083 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213254 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213254 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213254 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 24 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213254 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213254 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3083 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213255 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213255 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213255 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 24 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213255 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213255 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3083 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213256 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213256 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213256 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 24 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213256 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213256 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3083 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213257 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213257 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213257 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 22, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213257 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213257 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3130 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213258 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213258 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213258 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 22, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213258 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213258 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3130 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213259 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213259 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213259 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 22, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213259 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213259 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3130 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213260 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213260 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213260 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 22 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213260 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213260 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3130 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213261 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213261 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213261 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 22 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213261 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213261 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3130 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213262 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213262 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213262 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 22 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213262 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213262 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3130 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213263 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213263 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213263 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 19, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213263 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213263 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3204 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213264 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213264 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213264 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 19, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213264 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213264 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3204 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213265 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213265 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213265 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 19 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213265 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213265 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3204 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213266 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213266 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213266 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 19 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213266 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213266 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3204 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213267 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213267 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213267 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 19 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213267 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213267 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3204 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213268 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213268 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213268 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 19 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213268 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213268 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3204 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213269 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213269 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213269 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213269 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213269 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3250 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213270 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213270 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213270 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213270 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213270 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3250 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213271 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213271 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213271 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213271 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213271 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3250 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213272 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213272 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213272 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213272 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213272 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3250 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213273 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213273 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213273 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 15, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213273 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213273 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3276 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213274 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213274 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213274 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 15, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213274 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213274 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3276 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213275 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213275 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213275 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 15, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213275 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213275 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3276 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213276 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213276 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213276 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 15 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213276 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213276 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3276 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213277 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213277 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213277 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 15 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213277 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213277 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3276 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213278 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213278 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213278 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 15 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213278 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213278 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3276 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213279 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213279 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213279 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 11, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213279 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213279 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3397 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213280 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213280 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213280 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 11, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213280 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213280 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3397 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213281 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213281 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213281 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 11, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213281 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213281 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3397 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213282 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213282 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213282 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 11 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213282 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213282 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3397 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213283 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213283 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213283 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 11 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213283 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213283 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3397 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213284 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213284 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213284 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 11 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213284 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213284 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3397 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213285 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213285 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213285 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213285 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213285 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3445 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213286 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213286 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213286 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213286 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213286 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3445 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213287 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213287 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213287 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213287 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213287 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3445 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213288 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213288 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213288 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 8, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213288 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213288 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3485 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213289 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213289 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213289 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 8, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213289 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213289 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3485 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213290 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213290 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213290 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 8, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213290 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213290 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3485 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213291 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213291 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213291 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 8 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213291 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213291 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3485 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213292 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213292 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213292 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 8 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213292 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213292 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3485 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213293 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213293 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213293 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 8 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213293 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213293 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3485 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213294 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213294 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213294 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213294 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213294 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3500 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213295 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213295 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213295 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213295 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213295 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3500 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213296 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213296 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213296 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213296 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213296 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3500 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213297 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213297 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213297 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213297 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213297 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3500 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213298 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213298 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213298 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213298 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213298 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3525 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213299 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213299 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213299 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213299 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213299 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3525 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213300 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213300 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213300 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213300 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213300 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3525 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213301 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213301 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213301 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213301 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213301 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3525 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213302 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213302 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213302 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Cuttings ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213302 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213302 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3525 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213303 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213303 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213303 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 7, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213303 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213303 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3587 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213304 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213304 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213304 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 7, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213304 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213304 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3587 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213305 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213305 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213305 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 7, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213305 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213305 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3587 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213306 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213306 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213306 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 7 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213306 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213306 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3587 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213307 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213307 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213307 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 7 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213307 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213307 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3587 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213308 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213308 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213308 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 7 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213308 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213308 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3587 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213309 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213309 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213309 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 52, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213309 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213309 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3689 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213310 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213310 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213310 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 52, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213310 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213310 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3689 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213311 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213311 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213311 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213311 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213311 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3689 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213312 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213312 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213312 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 52 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213312 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213312 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3689 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213313 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213313 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213313 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 52 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213313 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213313 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3689 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213314 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213314 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213314 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 52 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213314 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213314 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3689 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213315 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213315 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213315 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 6, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213315 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213315 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3743 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213316 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213316 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213316 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 6, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213316 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213316 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3743 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213317 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213317 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213317 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213317 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213317 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3743 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213318 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213318 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213318 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 6 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213318 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213318 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3743 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213319 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213319 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213319 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 6 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213319 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213319 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3743 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213320 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213320 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213320 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213320 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213320 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3743 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213321 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213321 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213321 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 44, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213321 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213321 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3820 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213322 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213322 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213322 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 44, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213322 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213322 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3820 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213323 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213323 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213323 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213323 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213323 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3820 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213324 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213324 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213324 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 44 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213324 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213324 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3820 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213325 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213325 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213325 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 44 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213325 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213325 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3820 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213326 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213326 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213326 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 44 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213326 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213326 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3820 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213327 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213327 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213327 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 31, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213327 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213327 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3908 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213328 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213328 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213328 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 31, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213328 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213328 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3908 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213329 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213329 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213329 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213329 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213329 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3908 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213330 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213330 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213330 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 31 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213330 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213330 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3908 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213331 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213331 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213331 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 31 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213331 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213331 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3908 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213332 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213332 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213332 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 31 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213332 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213332 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3908 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213333 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213333 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213333 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 28, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213333 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213333 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3956 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213334 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213334 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213334 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 28, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213334 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213334 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3956 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213335 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213335 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213335 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213335 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213335 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3956 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213336 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213336 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213336 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 28 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213336 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213336 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3956 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213337 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213337 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213337 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 28 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213337 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213337 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3956 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213338 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213338 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213338 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 28 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213338 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213338 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=3956 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213339 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213339 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213339 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 24, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213339 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213339 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4055 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213340 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213340 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213340 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 24, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213340 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213340 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4055 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213341 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213341 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213341 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213341 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213341 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4055 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213342 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213342 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213342 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 24 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213342 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213342 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4055 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213343 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213343 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213343 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 24 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213343 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213343 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4055 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213344 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213344 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213344 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 24 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213344 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213344 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4055 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213345 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213345 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213345 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 21, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213345 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213345 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4132 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213346 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213346 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213346 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 21, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213346 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213346 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4132 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213347 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213347 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213347 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213347 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213347 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4132 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213348 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213348 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213348 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 21 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213348 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213348 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4132 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213349 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213349 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213349 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 21 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213349 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213349 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4132 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213350 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213350 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213350 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 21 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213350 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213350 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4132 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213351 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213351 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213351 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 19, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213351 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213351 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4181 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213352 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213352 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213352 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 19, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213352 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213352 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4181 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213353 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213353 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213353 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 19, /c ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213353 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213353 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4181 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213354 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213354 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213354 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 19, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213354 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213354 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4181 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213355 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213355 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213355 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 19 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213355 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213355 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4181 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213356 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213356 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213356 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 19 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213356 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213356 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4181 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213357 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213357 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213357 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 18, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213357 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213357 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4208 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213358 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213358 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213358 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 18, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213358 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213358 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4208 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213359 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213359 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213359 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 18, /c ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213359 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213359 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4208 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213360 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213360 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213360 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 18, /d ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213360 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213360 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4208 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213361 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213361 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213361 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 18, /e ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213361 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213361 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4208 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213362 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213362 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213362 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213362 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213362 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4208 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213363 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213363 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213363 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 8 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213363 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213363 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4208 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213364 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213364 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213364 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 18 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213364 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213364 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4208 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213365 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213365 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213365 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 18 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213365 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213365 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4208 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213366 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213366 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213366 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core 18 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213366 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213366 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4208 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213367 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213367 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213367 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 3 min.ox, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213367 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213367 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213368 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213368 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213368 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 1 min ox, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213368 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213368 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213369 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213369 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213369 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 1 min ox, /c ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213369 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213369 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213370 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213370 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213370 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, /d ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213370 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213370 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213371 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213371 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213371 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 3 min ox, /e ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213371 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213371 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213372 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213372 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213372 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 3 min ox, /f ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213372 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213372 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213373 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213373 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213373 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 3 min ox, /g ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213373 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213373 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213374 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213374 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213374 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213374 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213374 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213375 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213375 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213375 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213375 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213375 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213376 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213376 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213376 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213376 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213376 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213377 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213377 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213377 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 30 sec ox ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213377 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213377 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213378 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213378 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213378 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 30 sec ox ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213378 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213378 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213379 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213379 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213379 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 1 min ox ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213379 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213379 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213380 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213380 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213380 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, nitric wash ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213380 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213380 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213381 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213381 b (located in::PE181755= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213381 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, nitric wash ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213381 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213381 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4279.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213382 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213382 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213382 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, /a ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213382 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213382 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213383 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213383 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213383 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, /b ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213383 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213383 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213384 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213384 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213384 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, /c ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213384 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213384 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213385 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213385 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213385 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 3 min ox, /d ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213385 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213385 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213386 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213386 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213386 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 3 min ox, /e ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213386 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213386 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213387 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213387 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213387 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, Sieved K ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213387 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213387 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213388 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213388 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213388 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 30 sec ox ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213388 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213388 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213389 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213389 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213389 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 30 sec ox ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213389 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213389 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213390 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213390 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213390 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 1 min ox ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213390 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213390 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213391 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213391 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213391 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 1 min ox ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213391 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213391 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213392 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213392 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213392 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 1 min ox ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213392 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213392 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213393 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213393 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213393 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 3 min ox ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213393 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213393 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213394 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213394 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213394 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 3 min ox ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213394 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213394 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213395 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213395 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213395 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, 3 min ox ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213395 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213395 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213396 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213396 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213396 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, nitric wash ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213396 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213396 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213397 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide [GLASS_SLIDE] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213397 b (located in::PE181756= ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213397 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slide. Side Wall Core, nitric wash ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213397 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE P213397 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE_BOX PE181755 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box [PLASTIC] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE_BOX PE181755 b (located in::MOV= Museum of Victoria) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE_BOX PE181755 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box 1 of 2, 186 slides in total ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE_BOX PE181755 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE_BOX PE181755 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4279.5 TOP_DEPTH=2710 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE_BOX PE181756 a ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box [PLASTIC] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE_BOX PE181756 b (located in::MOV= Museum of Victoria) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE_BOX PE181756 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Palynological Slides Box 2 of 2, 144 slides in total ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE_BOX PE181756 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PALY_SLIDE_BOX PE181756 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4334 TOP_DEPTH=4334 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 a Petrographic analysis, Gippsland Basin [PAPER] PE912666__((_PETROGRAPHIC_ANALYSIS,_GIPPSLAND_BASIN_))_.TIF(1.8m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 b (located in::PE181855= Well Reports Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 c DESC=Petrographic Analysis Report from Eleven Wells, Gippsland Basin, Victoria. Dr Brian G. Jones of Sedpet Services for BHP Billiton Ltd. 6th September 2002. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 d WELL_NAME=FLOUNDER-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 d WELL_NAME=FLOUNDER-A23A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 d WELL_NAME=HELIOS-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 d WELL_NAME=HERMES-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-4 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT PE912666 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-8 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROLOGY_RPT PE903242 a ANGLER-1 Preliminary Petrology Report [PAPER] PE903242__((_ANGLER-1_PRELIMINARY_PETROLOGY_REPORT_))_.PDF(0.1m)......... PE903242__((_ANGLER-1_PRELIMINARY_PETROLOGY_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROLOGY_RPT PE903242 b (located in::PE903239= ANGLER-1 Technical Information Folder) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROLOGY_RPT PE903242 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Preliminary Petrology Report - Angler-1 Reserves Estimate for the Campanian "B" Sandstones, by National Centre for Petroleum Geology and Geophysics for Petrofina Exploration Australia. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROLOGY_RPT PE903242 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROLOGY_RPT PE903243 a ANGLER-1 Final Petrology Report [PAPER] (75 DIGITAL FILES) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROLOGY_RPT PE903243 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROLOGY_RPT PE903243 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Final Petrology Report, By Core Services of Australia for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROLOGY_RPT PE903243 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE903252 a ANGLER-1 Core Analysis Final Report [PAPER] PE903252__((_ANGLER-1_CORE_ANALYSIS_FINAL_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE903252 b (located in::PE181032= Core Analysis Reports Box 1 of 8 ) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE903252 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Core Analysis Report,Conventional Final Data, from Core Services of Australia for Petrofina Exploration Australia, VIC/P20. Gippsland basin. 1989. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE903252 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE912587 a Mercury Injection [PAPER] PE912587__((_MERCURY_INJECTION_))_.TIF(1.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE912587 b (located in::PE181036= Core Analysis Reports Box 5 of 8) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE912587 c DESC=High Pressure Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure and Ductility on SELENE-1, ANGLER-1, HELIOS-1, ANEMONE-1, ANEMONE-1A, HAPUKU-1. Amdel for Petrofina Exploration Australia. Gippsland Basin. 1992. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE912587 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE912587 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE912587 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE912587 d WELL_NAME=HAPUKU-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE912587 d WELL_NAME=HELIOS-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PETROPHYSICAL_RPT PE912587 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905466 a ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 1 & 2 [PAPER] PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))__72DPI.PDF(1.7m)......... PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))__72DPI.PDF(1.7m)......... PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))__72DPI.PDF(1.7m)......... PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))__72DPI.PDF(1.7m)......... PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))_.JPG(1.4m)......... PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))_.JPG(1.4m)......... PE905466__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_1___2_))_.JPG(1.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905466 b (located in::PE903255= ANGLER-1 Geochem Eval.of Rock&Fluid) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905466 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 1 & 2, Reflected Light and Fluorescence Mode. Plates within Appendix 3 of "Geochem Eval. of Rock & Fluid Samples" (PE903255). VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905466 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905466 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905467 a ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 3 & 4 [PAPER] PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))_.JPG(1.2m)......... PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))_.JPG(1.2m)......... PE905467__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_3___4_))_.JPG(1.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905467 b (located in::PE903255= ANGLER-1 Geochem Eval.of Rock&Fluid) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905467 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 3 & 4, Reflected Light and Fluorescence Mode. Plates within Appendix 3 of "Geochem Eval. of Rock & Fluid Samples" (PE903255). VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905467 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905467 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905468 a ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 5 & 6 [PAPER] PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... PE905468__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_5___6_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905468 b (located in::PE903255= ANGLER-1 Geochem Eval.of Rock&Fluid) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905468 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 5 & 6. Plates within Appendix 3 of "Geochem Eval. of Rock & Fluid Samples" (PE903255). VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905468 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905468 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905469 a ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 7 & 8 [PAPER] PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))__72DPI.PDF(1.4m)......... PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))_.JPG(1.2m)......... PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))_.JPG(1.2m)......... PE905469__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_7___8_))_.JPG(1.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905469 b (located in::PE903255= ANGLER-1 Geochem Eval.of Rock&Fluid) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905469 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 7 & 8, Reflected Light and Fluorescence Mode. Plates within Appendix 3 of "Geochem Eval. of Rock & Fluid Samples" (PE903255). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905469 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905469 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905470 a ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 9 & 10 [PAPER] PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))__72DPI.PDF(1.5m)......... PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... PE905470__((_ANGLER-1_PHOTOMICROGRAPHIC_PLATES_9___10_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905470 b (located in::PE903255= ANGLER-1 Geochem Eval.of Rock&Fluid) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905470 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Photomicrographic Plates 9 & 10, Reflected Light and Fluorescence Mode. Plates within Appendix 3 of "Geochem Eval. of Rock & Fluid Samples" (PE903255). VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905470 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PHOTOMICROGRAPH PE905470 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PROPOSAL_RPT PE903246 a ANGLER-1 Drilling Programme proposal [PAPER] PE903246__((_ANGLER-1_DRILLING_PROGRAMME_PROPOSAL_))_.TIF(1.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PROPOSAL_RPT PE903246 b (located in::PE180337= ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PROPOSAL_RPT PE903246 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Drilling Programme Proposal, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PROPOSAL_RPT PE903246 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PROPOSAL_RPT PE903284 a ANGLER-1 Application to Drill [PAPER] PE903284__((_ANGLER-1_APPLICATION_TO_DRILL_))_.TIF(2.9m)......... PE903284__((_ANGLER-1_APPLICATION_TO_DRILL_))__015Y.TIF(0.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PROPOSAL_RPT PE903284 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PROPOSAL_RPT PE903284 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Application to Drill an Exploration Well in Permit VIC/P20. (Attachment 1-5), W993. By Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL PROPOSAL_RPT PE903284 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL REPORT_BOX PE181007 a Wells Tour Sheets Box Incl NERITA-1 etc [CARDBOARD_BO] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL REPORT_BOX PE181007 b (located in::COMPACTUS_2= COMPACTUS_2 CORE STORAGE FACILITY) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL REPORT_BOX PE181007 c DESC=Wells Tour Sheets Box. Incl wells Nerita-1, Pecten-1A, Hindhaugh Creek-1, Ballangeich-1 & Angler-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL REPORT_BOX PE181007 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL REPORT_BOX PE181007 d WELL_NAME=BALLANGEICH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL REPORT_BOX PE181007 d WELL_NAME=HINDHAUGH CREEK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL REPORT_BOX PE181007 d WELL_NAME=PECTEN-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601877 a ANGLER-1 Enc.1 RFT Plot : Press.vs Depth [PAPER] PE601877__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.1_RFT_PLOT_---_PRESS.VS_DEPTH_))_.TIF(1.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601877 b (located in::PE903253= ANGLER-1 RFT Analysis Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601877 c DESC=Encl. 1 ANGLER-1 RFT Plot Pressure vs Depth, Near Top Selene Sandstone (3100-4275m), Scale 1:200, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany "RFT Analysis Report" (PE903253). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601877 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601877 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4275 TOP_DEPTH=3100 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601878 a ANGLER-1 Enc.2 RFT Plot: Press.vs Depth [PAPER] PE601878__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.2_RFT_PLOT---_PRESS.VS_DEPTH_))_.TIF(1.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601878 b (located in::PE903253= ANGLER-1 RFT Analysis Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601878 c DESC=Encl. 2 ANGLER-1 RFT Plot: Pressure vs Depth 3100-4275m, Scale 1:1500. By Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany "RFT Analysis Report" (PE903253). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601878 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601878 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3305 TOP_DEPTH=3100 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601879 a ANGLER-1 Enc.3 RFT Plot : Press.vs Depth [PAPER] PE601879__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.3_RFT_PLOT_---_PRESS.VS_DEPTH_))_.TIF(0.8m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601879 b (located in::PE903253= ANGLER-1 RFT Analysis Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601879 c DESC=Encl. 3 ANGLER-1 RFT Plot : Pressure vs Depth, Zone 3 (4210-4275m), Campanian "B" Sandstone, Scale 1:200, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany "RFT Analysis Report" (PE903253). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601879 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE601879 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4275 TOP_DEPTH=4210 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE902148_022 a ANGLER-1 RFT in WCR [PAPER] PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE902148_022 b (located in::PE902148= ANGLER-1 WCR) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE902148_022 c DESC=ANGLER-1 RFT in WCR ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RFT PE902148_022 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE000098 a ANGLER-1 Dipmeter Processing Report [PAPER] PE000098__((_ANGLER-1_DIPMETER_PROCESSING_REPORT_))_.TIF(11.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE000098 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE000098 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Dipmeter Processing Report, By Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., 16th May 1989, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE000098 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903099 a ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report [PAPER] (22 DIGITAL FILES) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903099 b (located in::PE180360= ARCHER-1 W1021 box 1/4) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903099 c DESC=Reserve Estimates for Angler, Anemone and Archer Structures, ARCHER-1, Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., 01 June 1990. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903099 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903099 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903099 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903099 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903240 a ANGLER-1 List of appendices (from WCR) [PAPER] PE903240__((_ANGLER-1_LIST_OF_APPENDICES__FROM_WCR__))_.PDF(0.0m)......... PE903240__((_ANGLER-1_LIST_OF_APPENDICES__FROM_WCR__))_.TIF(0.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903240 b (located in::PE903239= ANGLER-1 Technical Information Folder) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903240 c DESC=ANGLER-1 List of appendices from Well Completion Report, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903240 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903241 a ANGLER-1 Reserves Estimate Report [PAPER] PE903241__((_ANGLER-1_RESERVES_ESTIMATE_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903241 b (located in::PE907727= ANGLER-1 Reserves Estimate) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903241 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Reserves Estimate for the Campanian "B" Sandstones, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903241 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903245 a ANGLER-1 Oil Spill Contingency Plan [PAPER] PE903245__((_ANGLER-1_OIL_SPILL_CONTINGENCY_PLAN_))_.TIF(2.8m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903245 b (located in::PE180337= ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903245 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Oil Spill Contingency Plan, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903245 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903248 a ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group [PAPER] PE903248__((_ANGLER-1_LOG_ANALYSIS_OF_LATROBE_GROUP_))_.TIF(3.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903248 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903248 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group, Petrofina Exploration of Australia S.A., Interpretive Report, 7th September 1989. VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903248 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903250 a ANGLER-1 Sedimentological Interpretation [PAPER] PE903250__((_ANGLER-1_SEDIMENTOLOGICAL_INTERPRETATION_))_.TIF(0.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903250 b (located in::PE180337= ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903250 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Sedimentological interpretation of the Latrobe Group, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., Report No. GL/89/026. VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903250 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903253 a ANGLER-1 RFT Analysis Report [PAPER] PE903253__((_ANGLER-1_RFT_ANALYSIS_REPORT_))_.TIF(0.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903253 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903253 c DESC=ANGLER-1 RFT Analysis Report, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903253 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903275 a ANGLER-1 RFT Sample Fluid Analysis [PAPER] PE903275__((_ANGLER-1_RFT_SAMPLE_FLUID_ANALYSIS_))_.TIF(0.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903275 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903275 c DESC=ANGLER-1 RFT Sample Fluid Analysis Report, by Petrolab for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE903275 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE907727 a ANGLER-1 Reserves Estimate [PAPER] PE907727__((_ANGLER-1_RESERVES_ESTIMATE_))_.TIF(0.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE907727 b (located in::PE180337= ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE907727 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Reserves Estimate for the Campanian "B" Sandstones, Attachment to Angler-1 Well Completion Report. VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE907727 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE909948_1 a ANGLER-1 RFT Analysis Report [CD] PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))_.TAR.GZ(66.2m)......... SAM1_917_PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(3.0m)......... PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE909948_1 b (located in::PE909948= ANGLER-1 Analysis Reports) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE909948_1 c DESC=ANGLER-1 RFT Analysis Report. pdf, with 3 enclosures (tif): pressure vs depth. Petrofina, September 1989. Transcribed for DPI by Geoscience Australia, November 2003. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE909948_1 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE909948_2 a ANGLER-1 Log Analysis Report [CD] PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))_.TAR.GZ(66.2m)......... SAM1_917_PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(3.0m)......... PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE909948_2 b (located in::PE909948= ANGLER-1 Analysis Reports) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE909948_2 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of the Latrobe Group in Angler-1. Report (pdf), with 7 enclosures (tif): raw & corrected logs; log analysis results. Petrofina, September 1989. Transcribed for DPI by Geoscience Australia, November 2003. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE909948_2 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE909948_3 a ANGLER-1 Sedimentological Interpretation [CD] PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))_.TAR.GZ(66.2m)......... SAM1_917_PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(3.0m)......... PE909948__((_ANGLER-1_ANALYSIS_REPORTS_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE909948_3 b (located in::PE909948= ANGLER-1 Analysis Reports) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE909948_3 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Sedimentological Interpretation of the Latrobe Group in Angler-1. Report (pdf), with 1 enclosure (tif): sedimentary interpretation log. Petrofina, September 1989. Transcribed for DPI by Geoscience Australia, November 2003. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL RPT PE909948_3 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL STRAT_COLUMN PE911978 a ANGLER-1 Stratigraphy [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL STRAT_COLUMN PE911978 b (located in::PE903099= ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL STRAT_COLUMN PE911978 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Stratigraphy, Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. ( Angler-1, Reserves Estimates for Angler, Anemone and Archer Structures) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL STRAT_COLUMN PE911978 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL SYNTH_SEISMOGRAM PE701629 a ANGLER-1 [G327]G95B Synthetic Seismogram [PAPER] PE701629__((_ANGLER-1_[G327]G95B_SYNTHETIC_SEISMOGRAM_))_.TIF(0.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL SYNTH_SEISMOGRAM PE701629 b (located in::PE701626= [G327] Interpretation & Assessment Rpt ) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL SYNTH_SEISMOGRAM PE701629 c DESC=[G327] G95B ANGLER-1 Synthetic Seismogram, Enclosure 3 from Interpretation & Assessment Report, VIC/P34, 0.00-2.9secs with age indicators, G327 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL SYNTH_SEISMOGRAM PE701629 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL VELOCITY PE613670 a GA Vic Offshore Wells Checkshot Data CD [CD] PE613670__((_GA_VIC_OFFSHORE_WELLS_CHECKSHOT_DATA_CD_))_.TAR.GZ(0.5m)......... SAM1_186_PE613670__((_GA_VIC_OFFSHORE_WELLS_CHECKSHOT_DATA_CD_))__MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG(3.0m)......... PE613670__((_GA_VIC_OFFSHORE_WELLS_CHECKSHOT_DATA_CD_))__FILES_LISTING.TXT(0.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL VELOCITY PE613670 b (located in::TAPEBAY= Bay of COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL VELOCITY PE613670 c DESC=GA Victorian Offshore Wells Checkshot Survey Data CD. Data supplied to DPI by Dave Rowlands of Geoscience Australia, May 2005. Surveys for approx. 106 wells in Excel Spreadsheet. All 106 wells openfile. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL VELOCITY PE902148_088 a ANGLER-1 Velocity Survey data in WCR [PAPER] PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL VELOCITY PE902148_088 b (located in::PE902148= ANGLER-1 WCR) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL VELOCITY PE902148_088 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Velocity Survey data in WCR (8 pages) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL VELOCITY PE902148_088 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL VELOCITY_CHART PE605335 a ANGLER-1 Seismic Calibration Log [PAPER] PE605335__((_ANGLER-1_SEISMIC_CALIBRATION_LOG_))_.TIF(0.8m)......... PE605335__((_ANGLER-1_SEISMIC_CALIBRATION_LOG_))_.TIF(2.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL VELOCITY_CHART PE605335 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL VELOCITY_CHART PE605335 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Seismic Calibration Log (Adjusted continuous velocity log), by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., Logged 17-MAY-1989, Processed 21-MAY-1989. VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL VELOCITY_CHART PE605335 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL VELOCITY_CHART PE605335 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4335 TOP_DEPTH=610 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WCR_RPT PE902148 a ANGLER-1 WCR [PAPER] PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.PDF(4.6m)......... PE902148__((_ANGLER-1_WCR_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WCR_RPT PE902148 b (located in::PE180337= ANGLER-1 W993 box 2/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WCR_RPT PE902148 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Well Completion Report - Basic Data. By Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., Report No. GL/89/022. VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WCR_RPT PE902148 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE180336 a ANGLER-1 W993 Well Box [CARDBOARD_BO] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE180336 b (located in::COMPACTUS_1= COMPACTUS_1 55 Collins St) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE180336 c DESC=W993 : ANGLER-1 well Box ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE180336 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE180337 a ANGLER-1 W993 Well Box [CARDBOARD_BO] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE180337 b (located in::COMPACTUS_1= COMPACTUS_1 55 Collins St) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE180337 c DESC=W993 : ANGLER-1 well Box ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE180337 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE180338 a ANGLER-1 W993 Well Box [CARDBOARD_BO] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE180338 b (located in::COMPACTUS_1= COMPACTUS_1 55 Collins St) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE180338 c DESC=W993 : ANGLER-1 well Box ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE180338 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE181237 a KIPPER-2; TORSK-1; ROUNDHEAD-1 Log Box [CARDBOARD_BO] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE181237 b (located in::COMPACTUS_1= COMPACTUS_1 55 Collins St) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE181237 c DESC=KIPPER-2; TORSK-1; ROUNDHEAD-1; HARLEQUIN-1; CONGER-1; ANGLER-1. Well log transparency box, Bay Q (10th from east wall) Compactus Room. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE181237 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE181237 d WELL_NAME=CONGER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE181237 d WELL_NAME=HARLEQUIN-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE181237 d WELL_NAME=KIPPER-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE181237 d WELL_NAME=ROUNDHEAD-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_BOX PE181237 d WELL_NAME=TORSK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 a Latrobe Group Correlation Map [PAPER] PE802144__((_LATROBE_GROUP_CORRELATION_MAP_))_.TIF(0.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 b (located in::PE000182= VIC/P20 Regional Studies Report Volume 1) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 c DESC=Latrobe Group Environment Correlation MUDSKIPPER-1 to HAMMERHEAD-1 Enclosure A3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=ARCHER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=ATHENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=BASKER SOUTH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=BASKER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=BIGNOSE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=CHIMAERA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=HAMMERHEAD-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=HAPUKU-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=HELIOS-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=MANTA-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=MORAY-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=MUDSKIPPER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=TERAKIHI-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802144 d WELL_NAME=VOLADOR-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 a Latrobe Group Correlation Map [PAPER] PE802145__((_LATROBE_GROUP_CORRELATION_MAP_))_.TIF(0.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 b (located in::PE000182= VIC/P20 Regional Studies Report Volume 1) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 c DESC=Latrobe Group Environment Correlation DOLPHIN-1 to ANGLER-1 Enclosure A4 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=BREAM-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=BREAM-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=BREAM-5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=DOLPHIN-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-3 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-6 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=KINGFISH-7 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=NANNYGAI-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=ROUNDHEAD-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE802145 d WELL_NAME=SPEKE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE807024 a Structural Cross-Section [PAPER] PE807024__((_STRUCTURAL_CROSS-SECTION_))_.JPG(10.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE807024 b (located in::PE807021= VIC/P24 Permit Renewal Application) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE807024 c DESC=Structural Cross-Section, Horizontal Scale 1:50 000, Vertical Scale 1:5000, (Enclosure 3 from Permit Renewal Application), M.Gross, Esso Australia Resources Ltd, March 1993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE807024 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE807024 d WELL_NAME=ATHENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE807024 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE807024 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE807024 d WELL_NAME=HAPUKU-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE807024 d WELL_NAME=SELENE-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE807024 d WELL_NAME=TERAKIHI-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE807024 d WELL_NAME=VOLADOR-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE905302 a BILLFISH-1 Stratigraphic Cross-Section [PAPER] PE905302__((_BILLFISH-1_STRATIGRAPHIC_CROSS-SECTION_))_.JPG(7.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE905302 b (located in::PE905301= BILLFISH-1 Application to Drill) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE905302 c DESC=ANEMONE-1A, ANGLER-1, BLACKBACK-2 Stratigraphic Cross-Section, Billfish Lead (Well Correlation). Enclosure 1 from Application to Drill Report. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE905302 d WELL_NAME=ANEMONE-1A ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE905302 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE905302 d WELL_NAME=BILLFISH-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_CORRELATION PE905302 d WELL_NAME=BLACKBACK-2 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601868 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 1 Raw and Corrected Logs [PAPER] PE601868__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._1_RAW_AND_CORRECTED_LOGS_))_.JPG(7.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601868 b (located in::PE903248= ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601868 c DESC=Encl. 1 ANGLER-1 Raw and Corrected Logs, Scale 1:500, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany "Log Analysis of Latrobe Group" (PE903248). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601868 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601868 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3650 TOP_DEPTH=2800 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601869 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 2 Raw and Corrected Logs [PAPER] PE601869__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._2_RAW_AND_CORRECTED_LOGS_))_.JPG(5.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601869 b (located in::PE903248= ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601869 c DESC=Encl. 2 ANGLER-1 Raw and Corrected Logs. Scale 1:500, 2800-3650m, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany "Log Analysis of Latrobe Group" (PE903248). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601869 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601869 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4330 TOP_DEPTH=3650 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601870 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 3 Log Analysis Results [PAPER] PE601870__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._3_LOG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS_))_.JPG(12.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601870 b (located in::PE903248= ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601870 c DESC=Encl. 3 ANGLER-1 Log analysis results, Scale 1:500, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany "Log Analysis of Latrobe Group" (PE903248). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601870 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601870 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3650 TOP_DEPTH=2800 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601871 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 4 Log Analysis Results [PAPER] PE601871__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._4_LOG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS_))_.JPG(11.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601871 b (located in::PE903248= ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601871 c DESC=Encl. 4 ANGLER-1 Log Analysis Results, Scale 1:500, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany "Log Analysis of Latrobe Group" (PE903248). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601871 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601871 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4330 TOP_DEPTH=3650 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601872 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 5 Log Analysis Results [PAPER] PE601872__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._5_LOG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS_))_.JPG(4.8m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601872 b (located in::PE903248= ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601872 c DESC=Encl. 5 ANGLER-1 Log Analysis Results, Scale 1:200, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany "Log Analysis of Latrobe Group" (PE903248). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601872 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601872 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3275 TOP_DEPTH=3175 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601873 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 6 Log Analysis Results [PAPER] PE601873__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._6_LOG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS_))_.JPG(2.8m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601873 b (located in::PE903248= ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601873 c DESC=Encl. 6 ANGLER-1 Log Analysis Results, Scale 1:200, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany "Log Analysis of Latrobe Group" (PE903248). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601873 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601873 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3875 TOP_DEPTH=3825 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601874 a ANGLER-1 Encl. 7 Log Analysis Results [PAPER] PE601874__((_ANGLER-1_ENCL._7_LOG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS_))_.JPG(5.8m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601874 b (located in::PE903248= ANGLER-1 Log Analysis of Latrobe Group) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601874 c DESC=Encl. 7 ANGLER-1 Log Analysis Results, (Campanian "B" Sandstone), Scale 1:200, by Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure to accompany "Log Analysis of Latrobe Group" (PE903248). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601874 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601874 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4325 TOP_DEPTH=4200 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601875 a ANGLER-1 Enc.1 Sedimentary Interp.Log [PAPER] PE601875__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.1_SEDIMENTARY_INTERP.LOG_))_.TIF(2.7m)......... PE601875__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.1_SEDIMENTARY_INTERP.LOG_))_.TIF(2.7m)......... PE601875__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.1_SEDIMENTARY_INTERP.LOG_))_.TIF(2.7m)......... PE601875__((_ANGLER-1_ENC.1_SEDIMENTARY_INTERP.LOG_))_.TIF(2.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601875 b (located in::PE902148= ANGLER-1 WCR) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601875 c DESC=Encl. 1 ANGLER-1 Sedimentary Interpretation Log, Scale 1:500, ROP,CALI,GR,LLS,LLD,ILM,ILD,NPHI,RHOB,DT. By Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. Enclosure within Appendix 6 of "Angler-1 Well Completion Report" (PE902148). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601875 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601875 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=4337.5 TOP_DEPTH=2800 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601880 a ANGLER-1 Mean Square Dip Log [PAPER] PE601880__((_ANGLER-1_MEAN_SQUARE_DIP_LOG_))_.TIF(9.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601880 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601880 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Mean Square Dip Log, Interval 4335.00-2880.00m, Logged 16-MAY-1989, Processed 25-MAY-1989, By Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Aust. S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601880 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601880 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4335 TOP_DEPTH=2880 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601881 a ANGLER-1 SAT Log Suite 3, Run 1 [PAPER] PE601881__((_ANGLER-1_SAT_LOG_SUITE_3,_RUN_1_))_.TIF(2.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601881 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601881 c DESC=ANGLER-1 SAT Log Suite 3, Run 1, by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., recorded 17-MAY-1989. VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601881 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601881 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4335 TOP_DEPTH=700 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601882 a ANGLER-1 FMS Borehole Log [PAPER] PE601882__((_ANGLER-1_FMS_BOREHOLE_LOG_))_.TIF(25.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601882 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601882 c DESC=ANGLER-1 FMS Borehole Imaging Log, Interval 4330.00-3105.00m, Logged 16-MAY-1989, Processed 25-MAY-1989, By Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Aust. S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601882 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601882 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3184.3 TOP_DEPTH=3105.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601883 a ANGLER-1 Logcalc 2 Output 1:500 [PAPER] PE601883__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC_2_OUTPUT_1---500_))_.TIF(11.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601883 b (located in::PE180336= ANGLER-1 W993 box 1/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601883 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Logcalc 2 Output 1:500 Shaly Sand Interpretation, by Fina. VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601883 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601883 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=4337.5 TOP_DEPTH=2800 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601885 a ANGLER-1 Resistivity & Gamma Log [PAPER] PE601885__((_ANGLER-1_RESISTIVITY___GAMMA_LOG_))_.TIF(3.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601885 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601885 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Resistivity & Gamma Log, Plus Directional, by Teleco for Petrofina Exploration Aust. VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601885 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601885 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=4330 TOP_DEPTH=604 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601886 a ANGLER-1 Resistivity & Gamma Log [PAPER] PE601886__((_ANGLER-1_RESISTIVITY___GAMMA_LOG_))_.TIF(4.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601886 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601886 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Resistivity & Gamma Log, Plus Directional, by Teleco for Petrofina Exploration Aust., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601886 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601886 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=4330 TOP_DEPTH=604 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601887 a ANGLER-1 Gamma Ray & Resistivity Log [PAPER] PE601887__((_ANGLER-1_GAMMA_RAY___RESISTIVITY_LOG_))_.TIF(0.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601887 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601887 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Gamma Ray & Resistivity Log, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601887 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601887 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3825 TOP_DEPTH=3600 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601888 a ANGLER-1 Wellsite Geology Log [PAPER] PE601888__((_ANGLER-1_WELLSITE_GEOLOGY_LOG_))_.TIF(2.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601888 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601888 c DESC=Angle-1 Wellsite Geology Log, Scale 1:500, for Petrofina, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601888 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601888 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=1000 TOP_DEPTH=303 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601889 a ANGLER-1 Wellsite Geology Log [PAPER] PE601889__((_ANGLER-1_WELLSITE_GEOLOGY_LOG_))_.TIF(3.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601889 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601889 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Wellsite Geology Log, Scale 1:500, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601889 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601889 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=2000 TOP_DEPTH=1000 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601890 a ANGLER-1 Resistivity & Gamma Log [PAPER] PE601890__((_ANGLER-1_RESISTIVITY___GAMMA_LOG_))_.TIF(2.8m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601890 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601890 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Resistivity & Gamma Log. VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601890 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601890 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3645 TOP_DEPTH=2965 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601892 a ANGLER-1 Wellsite Geology Log [PAPER] PE601892__((_ANGLER-1_WELLSITE_GEOLOGY_LOG_))_.TIF(5.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601892 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601892 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Wellsite Geology Log, Scale 1:500, Shee 1 of 2, for Petrofina, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601892 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601892 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=2000 TOP_DEPTH=303 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601893 a ANGLER-1 Logcalc2 Output [PAPER] PE601893__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC2_OUTPUT_))__01.TIF(0.4m)......... PE601893__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC2_OUTPUT_))__02.TIF(0.5m)......... PE601893__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC2_OUTPUT_))__03.TIF(0.4m)......... PE601893__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC2_OUTPUT_))__04.TIF(0.8m)......... PE601893__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC2_OUTPUT_))__05.TIF(1.1m)......... PE601893__((_ANGLER-1_LOGCALC2_OUTPUT_))__06.TIF(1.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601893 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601893 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Logcalc2 Output, Shaly Sand Interpretation, Scale 1:500, by Petrofina, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601893 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601893 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3900 TOP_DEPTH=3200 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601894 a ANGLER-1 RFT-HP-GR Log [PAPER] PE601894__((_ANGLER-1_RFT-HP-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(4.8m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601894 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601894 c DESC=ANGLER-1 RFT-HP-GR Log, Suite 3, Run 2, recorded 15-MAY-1989, by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601894 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601894 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4269 TOP_DEPTH=3125 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601895 a ANGLER-1 Wellsite Geology Log [PAPER] PE601895__((_ANGLER-1_WELLSITE_GEOLOGY_LOG_))_.TIF(7.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601895 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601895 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Wellsite Geology Log, Scale 1:500, Sheet 2 of 2, for Petrofina. VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601895 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601895 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4330 TOP_DEPTH=2000 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601896 a ANGLER-1 DIL-GR Log [PAPER] PE601896__((_ANGLER-1_DIL-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(4.4m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601896 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601896 c DESC=ANGLER-1 DIL-GR Log Suite 1, Run 1, Scale 1:200, recorded 3-APR-1989, by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601896 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601896 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=1155 TOP_DEPTH=300 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601897 a ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-GR Log [PAPER] PE601897__((_ANGLER-1_LDL-CNL-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(3.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601897 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601897 c DESC=ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-GR Log Suite 2, Run 1, 1:200, By Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601897 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601897 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=2888 TOP_DEPTH=2740 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601898 a ANGLER-1 DLL-SLS-GR-CAL Log [PAPER] PE601898__((_ANGLER-1_DLL-SLS-GR-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(18.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601898 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601898 c DESC=ANGLER-1 DLL-SLS-GR-CAL Log, Suite 2, Run 2, Scale 1:200, recorded 23-APR-1989 by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601898 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601898 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=2891 TOP_DEPTH=1151 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601899 a ANGLER-1 SLS-CAL Log [PAPER] PE601899__((_ANGLER-1_SLS-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(1.1m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601899 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601899 c DESC=ANGLER-1 SLS-CAL Log, Suite 1, Run 1, recorded 3-APR-1989, by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601899 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601899 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=1053 TOP_DEPTH=603 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601900 a ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-NGL Log [PAPER] PE601900__((_ANGLER-1_LDL-CNL-NGL_LOG_))_.TIF(14.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601900 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601900 c DESC=ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-NGL Log, Suite 3, Run 2, recorded 14-MAY-1989, by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601900 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601900 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=4336 TOP_DEPTH=2888 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601901 a ANGLER-1 Continuous Dips Log [PAPER] PE601901__((_ANGLER-1_CONTINUOUS_DIPS_LOG_))_.TIF(4.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601901 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601901 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Continuous Side-by Side Dips Computation Log, Interval 4265.00 - 3250.00m, Logged 16-MAY-1989, Processed 20-JUL-1989, By Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Aust. S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601901 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601901 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=3397 TOP_DEPTH=3250 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601902 a ANGLER-1 DLL-SLS-GR-CAL Log [PAPER] PE601902__((_ANGLER-1_DLL-SLS-GR-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(4.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601902 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601902 c DESC=ANGLER-1 DLL-SLS-GR-CAL Log, Suite 2, Run 2, recorded 23-APR-1989, by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601902 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601902 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=2891 TOP_DEPTH=1151 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601903 a ANGLER-1 Dips Computation Log [PAPER] PE601903__((_ANGLER-1_DIPS_COMPUTATION_LOG_))_.TIF(11.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601903 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601903 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Continuous Side-by-Side Dips Computation Log, Interval 4265 - 3250m, Logged 16-MAY-1989, Processed 20-JUL-1989, By Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Aust. S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601903 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601903 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=3397.6 TOP_DEPTH=3250 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601904 a ANGLER-1 Mean Square Dip Log [PAPER] PE601904__((_ANGLER-1_MEAN_SQUARE_DIP_LOG_))_.TIF(9.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601904 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601904 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Mean Square Dip Log, Interval 4335.00 - 2880.00m, Logged 16-MAY-1989, Processed 25-MAY-1989, by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Aust. S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601904 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601904 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=3192.2 TOP_DEPTH=2880.5 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601905 a ANGLER-1 DIL-GR [PAPER] PE601905__((_ANGLER-1_DIL-GR_))_.TIF(1.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601905 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601905 c DESC=ANGLER-1 DIL-GR Log, Suite 1, Run 1, Scale 1:500, recorded 3-APR-1989 by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601905 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601905 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=1155 TOP_DEPTH=300 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601906 a ANGLER-1 CST-GR Log [PAPER] PE601906__((_ANGLER-1_CST-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(2.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601906 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601906 c DESC=ANGLER-1 CST-GR Log, Suite 3, Run 1, Scale 1:200, recorded 18-MAY-1989 by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601906 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601906 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4334 TOP_DEPTH=2906 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601907 a ANGLER-1 RFT-HP-GR Log [PAPER] PE601907__((_ANGLER-1_RFT-HP-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(40.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601907 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601907 c DESC=ANGLER-1 RFT-HP-GR Log, Suite 3, Run 2, By Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601907 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601907 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4269 TOP_DEPTH=315 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601908 a ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-NGL Log [PAPER] PE601908__((_ANGLER-1_LDL-CNL-NGL_LOG_))_.TIF(5.5m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601908 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601908 c DESC=ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-NGL Log, Suite 3, Run 2, Scale 1:500, by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., recorded 14-MAY-1989, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601908 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601908 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=4336 TOP_DEPTH=2888 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601909 a ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-GR Log [PAPER] PE601909__((_ANGLER-1_LDL-CNL-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(3.0m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601909 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601909 c DESC=ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-GR Log, Suite 2, Run 1, recorded 23-APR-1989, by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601909 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601909 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=2888 TOP_DEPTH=2740 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601910 a ANGLER-1 DLL-SLS-MSFL-GR-CAL Log [PAPER] PE601910__((_ANGLER-1_DLL-SLS-MSFL-GR-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(3.8m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601910 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601910 c DESC=ANGLER-1 DLL-SLS-MSFL-GR-CAL Log, Suite 3, Run 3, recorded 14-MAY-1989 by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601910 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601910 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4333 TOP_DEPTH=2888 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601911 a ANGLER-1 DLL-MSFL-SLS-GR-CAL Log [PAPER] PE601911__((_ANGLER-1_DLL-MSFL-SLS-GR-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(19.2m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601911 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601911 c DESC=ANGLER-1 DLL-MSFL-SLS-GR-CAL Log, Suite 3, Run 3, recorded 14-MAY-1989 by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601911 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601911 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=4333 TOP_DEPTH=2888 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601912 a ANGLER-1 SLS-CAL Log [PAPER] PE601912__((_ANGLER-1_SLS-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(2.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601912 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601912 c DESC=ANGLER-1 SLS-CAL Log, Suite 1, Run 1, recorded 3-APR-1989, by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601912 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601912 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=1053 TOP_DEPTH=603 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601913 a ANGLER-1 CBL-VDL-GR Log [PAPER] PE601913__((_ANGLER-1_CBL-VDL-GR_LOG_))_.TIF(6.7m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601913 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601913 c DESC=ANGLER-1 CBL-VDL-GR Log, Suite 3, Run 1, recorded 18-MAY-1989 by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601913 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601913 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=1300 TOP_DEPTH=1000 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601914 a ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-NGL Log [PAPER] PE601914__((_ANGLER-1_LDL-CNL-NGL_LOG_))_.TIF(7.3m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601914 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601914 c DESC=ANGLER-1 LDL-CNL-NGL Log, Suite 3, Run 2, by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., recorded 14-MAY-1989, VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601914 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601914 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=4336 TOP_DEPTH=2888 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601915 a ANGLER-1 DLL-MSFL-SLS-GR-CAL Log [PAPER] PE601915__((_ANGLER-1_DLL-MSFL-SLS-GR-CAL_LOG_))_.TIF(7.9m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601915 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601915 c DESC=ANGLER-1 DLL-MSFL-SLS-GR-CAL Log, Suite 3, Run 3, recorded 14-MAY-1989 by Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601915 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601915 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = POINT DEPTH=4337.5 BOTTOM_DEPTH=4333 TOP_DEPTH=2888 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601916 a ANGLER-1 Resistivity & Gamma Log [PAPER] PE601916__((_ANGLER-1_RESISTIVITY___GAMMA_LOG_))_.TIF(12.6m)......... ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601916 b (located in::PE180338= ANGLER-1 W993 box 3/3) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601916 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Resistivity & Gamma Log, Plus Directional, by Teleco for Petrofina Exploration Aust., VIC/P20, W993. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601916 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE601916 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4330 TOP_DEPTH=604 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606683 a ANGLER-1 Chromatolog [PAPER] (15 DIGITAL FILES) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606683 b (located in::PE903251= ANGLER-1 Final Well Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606683 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Chromatolog, Scale 1:1000, VIC/P20, W993. By Geoservices for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. (13 pages). Chromatolog to accompany "Angler-1 Final Well Report" (PE903251). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606683 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606683 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4310 TOP_DEPTH=510 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606684 a ANGLER-1 Masterlog Geological Evaluation [PAPER] (31 DIGITAL FILES) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606684 b (located in::PE903251= ANGLER-1 Final Well Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606684 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Masterlog Geological Evaluation, VIC/P20, W933, Scale 1:500, By Geoservices For Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. (29 pages). To accompany "Angler-1 Final Well Report" (PE903251). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606684 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606684 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4355 TOP_DEPTH=0 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606685 a ANGLER-1 Computer Generated Log [PAPER] (11 DIGITAL FILES) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606685 b (located in::PE903251= ANGLER-1 Final Well Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606685 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Computer Generated Log, VIC/P20, W933, By Geoservices/Teleco for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A., (9 pages). To accompany "Angler-1 Final Well Report" (PE903251). ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606685 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE606685 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4325 TOP_DEPTH=2975 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612580 a ANGLER-1 Campanian B Sandstones [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612580 b (located in::PE903099= ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612580 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Campanian B Sandstones 4213-4322m, Shaly Sand Interpretation by Petrofina, Scale 1:200, (Enclosure 1: Reserve Calculations for Campanian B SST Angler-1, Reserves Estimates for Angler, Anemone and Archer Structures) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612580 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612580 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4322 TOP_DEPTH=4213 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612581 a ANGLER-1 RFT Interval 3100-4300m [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612581 b (located in::PE903099= ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612581 c DESC=ANGLER-1 RFT Interval 3100-4300m, Scale 1:1500, Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. (Enclosure 1: Angler-1 RFT Analysis Report, Reserves Estimates for Angler, Anemone and Archer Structures) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612581 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612581 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4300 TOP_DEPTH=3100 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612582 a ANGLER-1 Near Top Selene Sandstone [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612582 b (located in::PE903099= ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612582 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Near Top Selene Sandstone, Scale 1:200, Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. (Enclosure 2: Angler-1 RFT Analysis Report, Reserves Estimates for Angler, Anemone and Archer Structures) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612582 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612582 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=3300 TOP_DEPTH=3100 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612583 a ANGLER-1 Campanian 'B' Sandstone [PAPER] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612583 b (located in::PE903099= ARCHER-1 Reserve Estimate Report) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612583 c DESC=ANGLER-1 Campanian 'B' Sandstone, Scale 1:200, Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. (Enclosure 3: Angler-1 RFT Analysis Report, Reserves Estimates for Angler, Anemone and Archer Structures) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612583 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE612583 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4275 TOP_DEPTH=4200 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE651562 a ANGLER-1 FMS-GR 1:200 Suite 3 [SEPIA] ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE651562 b (located in::PE181237= KIPPER-2; Torsk-1; Roundhead-1 Log Box) ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE651562 c DESC=ANGLER-1 FMS-GR 1:200. Transparency well log. By Schlumberger for Petrofina Exploration Australia S.A. Date published: 17-MAY-1992. Run no.1, Suite 3. ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE651562 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 ASSETS (DETAIL) WELL WELL_LOG PE651562 d WELL_NAME=ANGLER-1 WELL_ANC = BOTTOM_DEPTH=4336 TOP_DEPTH=2888
17 1 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 Schlumberger AH10_TW Conventional 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 01 SOURCE =AH10_TW 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 02 SURVEY_COMPANY =Schlumberger 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 03 SURVEY_ID =200014941217 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 03 SURVEY_TYPE =CONV 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 05 TOP_DEPTH =301 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 06 BASE_DEPTH =4335 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 07 ENERGY_SOURCE =AIRGUN 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 12 DATUM_ELEV =27 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 13 CHECKSHOT_VELOCITY =1500 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 14 CHECKSHOT_TRAVEL_PATH =OWT 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 18 PETROSYS_SRD_TIME =0 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 19 PETROSYS_SRD_ELEV =0 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 25 REMARK =Time-Depth values sourced from pages 90-94 of PE902148 (Well Completion Report). Company is Petrofina Exploration. Values are also found in PE613670 (reliability unknown). OWT's listed are corrected times. 17 2 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 29 POINT COUNT =140 17 3 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :0274 SHOT:1 MD:274 VERT DEPTH:247 OBS_TIME:182.65 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 247m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :0573 SHOT:2 MD:573 VERT DEPTH:545.999 OBS_TIME:331.7 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 546m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :0873 SHOT:3 MD:873 VERT DEPTH:845.996 OBS_TIME:448.9 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 846m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :0973 SHOT:4 MD:973 VERT DEPTH:945.995 OBS_TIME:483.45 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 946m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :1098 SHOT:5 MD:1098 VERT DEPTH:1070.995 OBS_TIME:529.85 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 1071m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :1223 SHOT:6 MD:1223 VERT DEPTH:1195.994 OBS_TIME:571.5 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 1196m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :1323 SHOT:7 MD:1323 VERT DEPTH:1295.992 OBS_TIME:601.85 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 1296m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :1423 SHOT:8 MD:1423 VERT DEPTH:1395.989 OBS_TIME:631.45 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 1396m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :1523 SHOT:9 MD:1523 VERT DEPTH:1495.984 OBS_TIME:659.65 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 1496m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :1623 SHOT:10 MD:1623 VERT DEPTH:1595.979 OBS_TIME:687.55 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 1596m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :1723 SHOT:11 MD:1723 VERT DEPTH:1695.975 OBS_TIME:714.45 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 1696m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :1823 SHOT:12 MD:1823 VERT DEPTH:1795.972 OBS_TIME:739.8 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 1796m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :1913 SHOT:13 MD:1913 VERT DEPTH:1885.97 OBS_TIME:761.95 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 1886m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2020 SHOT:14 MD:2020 VERT DEPTH:1992.97 OBS_TIME:789.05 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 1993m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2198 SHOT:15 MD:2198 VERT DEPTH:2170.967 OBS_TIME:843.95 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2171m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2323 SHOT:16 MD:2323 VERT DEPTH:2295.959 OBS_TIME:885.95 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2296m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2450 SHOT:17 MD:2450 VERT DEPTH:2422.943 OBS_TIME:930.85 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2423m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2573 SHOT:18 MD:2573 VERT DEPTH:2545.921 OBS_TIME:974.2 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2546m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2593 SHOT:19 MD:2593 VERT DEPTH:2565.914 OBS_TIME:980.95 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2566m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2613 SHOT:20 MD:2613 VERT DEPTH:2585.906 OBS_TIME:987.5 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2586m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2633 SHOT:21 MD:2633 VERT DEPTH:2605.897 OBS_TIME:993.9 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2606m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2653 SHOT:22 MD:2653 VERT DEPTH:2625.888 OBS_TIME:1000.4 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2626m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2673 SHOT:23 MD:2673 VERT DEPTH:2645.877 OBS_TIME:1007.05 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2646m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2693 SHOT:24 MD:2693 VERT DEPTH:2665.867 OBS_TIME:1013.8 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2666m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2713 SHOT:25 MD:2713 VERT DEPTH:2685.853 OBS_TIME:1020.05 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2686m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2733 SHOT:26 MD:2733 VERT DEPTH:2705.837 OBS_TIME:1026.2 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2706m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2753 SHOT:27 MD:2753 VERT DEPTH:2725.821 OBS_TIME:1032.85 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2726m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2773 SHOT:28 MD:2773 VERT DEPTH:2745.803 OBS_TIME:1039.1 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2746m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2793 SHOT:29 MD:2793 VERT DEPTH:2765.784 OBS_TIME:1045.85 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2766m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2813 SHOT:30 MD:2813 VERT DEPTH:2785.765 OBS_TIME:1051.95 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2786m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2833 SHOT:31 MD:2833 VERT DEPTH:2805.74 OBS_TIME:1058.1 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2806m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2853 SHOT:32 MD:2853 VERT DEPTH:2825.71 OBS_TIME:1064.4 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2826m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2873 SHOT:33 MD:2873 VERT DEPTH:2845.676 OBS_TIME:1071.3 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2846m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2893 SHOT:34 MD:2893 VERT DEPTH:2865.639 OBS_TIME:1077.15 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2866m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2913 SHOT:35 MD:2913 VERT DEPTH:2885.595 OBS_TIME:1082.8 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2886m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2933 SHOT:36 MD:2933 VERT DEPTH:2905.536 OBS_TIME:1088.05 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2906m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2953 SHOT:37 MD:2953 VERT DEPTH:2925.476 OBS_TIME:1094.25 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2926m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2973 SHOT:38 MD:2973 VERT DEPTH:2945.421 OBS_TIME:1099.2 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2946m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :2993 SHOT:39 MD:2993 VERT DEPTH:2965.366 OBS_TIME:1104.1 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2966m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3013 SHOT:40 MD:3013 VERT DEPTH:2985.317 OBS_TIME:1110 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 2986m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3033 SHOT:41 MD:3033 VERT DEPTH:3005.276 OBS_TIME:1116.3 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3006m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3053 SHOT:42 MD:3053 VERT DEPTH:3025.24 OBS_TIME:1122.5 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3026m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3073 SHOT:43 MD:3073 VERT DEPTH:3045.207 OBS_TIME:1127.55 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3046m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3093 SHOT:44 MD:3093 VERT DEPTH:3065.181 OBS_TIME:1133.95 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3066m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3113 SHOT:45 MD:3113 VERT DEPTH:3085.16 OBS_TIME:1139.65 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3086m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3133 SHOT:46 MD:3133 VERT DEPTH:3105.138 OBS_TIME:1145.45 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3106m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3153 SHOT:47 MD:3153 VERT DEPTH:3125.123 OBS_TIME:1151.2 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3126m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3173 SHOT:48 MD:3173 VERT DEPTH:3145.115 OBS_TIME:1157.3 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3146m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3193 SHOT:49 MD:3193 VERT DEPTH:3165.112 OBS_TIME:1163 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3166m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3213 SHOT:50 MD:3213 VERT DEPTH:3185.106 OBS_TIME:1169.05 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3186m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3233 SHOT:51 MD:3233 VERT DEPTH:3205.101 OBS_TIME:1175.5 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3206m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3253 SHOT:52 MD:3253 VERT DEPTH:3225.097 OBS_TIME:1181.2 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3226m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3273 SHOT:53 MD:3273 VERT DEPTH:3245.094 OBS_TIME:1186.6 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3246m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3293 SHOT:54 MD:3293 VERT DEPTH:3265.091 OBS_TIME:1191.85 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3266m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3313 SHOT:55 MD:3313 VERT DEPTH:3285.088 OBS_TIME:1196.8 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3286m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3333 SHOT:56 MD:3333 VERT DEPTH:3305.084 OBS_TIME:1202.75 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3306m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3353 SHOT:57 MD:3353 VERT DEPTH:3325.079 OBS_TIME:1207.85 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3326m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3373 SHOT:58 MD:3373 VERT DEPTH:3345.073 OBS_TIME:1213.4 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3346m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3393 SHOT:59 MD:3393 VERT DEPTH:3365.066 OBS_TIME:1218.6 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3366m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3413 SHOT:60 MD:3413 VERT DEPTH:3385.059 OBS_TIME:1224.75 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3386m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3433 SHOT:61 MD:3433 VERT DEPTH:3405.051 OBS_TIME:1229.2 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3406m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3453 SHOT:62 MD:3453 VERT DEPTH:3425.043 OBS_TIME:1235.65 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3426m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3473 SHOT:63 MD:3473 VERT DEPTH:3445.038 OBS_TIME:1240 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3446m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3493 SHOT:64 MD:3493 VERT DEPTH:3465.033 OBS_TIME:1244.25 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3466m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3513 SHOT:65 MD:3513 VERT DEPTH:3485.03 OBS_TIME:1249.95 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3486m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3533 SHOT:66 MD:3533 VERT DEPTH:3505.028 OBS_TIME:1255.5 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3506m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3553 SHOT:67 MD:3553 VERT DEPTH:3525.026 OBS_TIME:1260.9 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3526m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3573 SHOT:68 MD:3573 VERT DEPTH:3545.024 OBS_TIME:1265.35 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3546m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3593 SHOT:69 MD:3593 VERT DEPTH:3565.021 OBS_TIME:1271.55 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3566m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3613 SHOT:70 MD:3613 VERT DEPTH:3585.017 OBS_TIME:1277.45 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3586m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3633 SHOT:71 MD:3633 VERT DEPTH:3605.015 OBS_TIME:1282.85 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3606m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3653 SHOT:72 MD:3653 VERT DEPTH:3625.014 OBS_TIME:1287.8 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3626m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3673 SHOT:73 MD:3673 VERT DEPTH:3645.012 OBS_TIME:1292 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3646m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3693 SHOT:74 MD:3693 VERT DEPTH:3665.01 OBS_TIME:1295.85 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3666m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3713 SHOT:75 MD:3713 VERT DEPTH:3685.008 OBS_TIME:1301.05 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3686m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3733 SHOT:76 MD:3733 VERT DEPTH:3705.006 OBS_TIME:1308 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3706m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3753 SHOT:77 MD:3753 VERT DEPTH:3725.004 OBS_TIME:1313.6 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3726m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3773 SHOT:78 MD:3773 VERT DEPTH:3745.001 OBS_TIME:1317.55 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3746m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3793 SHOT:79 MD:3793 VERT DEPTH:3764.997 OBS_TIME:1324 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3766m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3813 SHOT:80 MD:3813 VERT DEPTH:3784.992 OBS_TIME:1327.5 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3786m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3833 SHOT:81 MD:3833 VERT DEPTH:3804.985 OBS_TIME:1333.35 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3806m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3853 SHOT:82 MD:3853 VERT DEPTH:3824.978 OBS_TIME:1337.5 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3826m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3873 SHOT:83 MD:3873 VERT DEPTH:3844.97 OBS_TIME:1341.45 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3846m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3893 SHOT:84 MD:3893 VERT DEPTH:3864.962 OBS_TIME:1346.35 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3866m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3913 SHOT:85 MD:3913 VERT DEPTH:3884.953 OBS_TIME:1351.35 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3886m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3933 SHOT:86 MD:3933 VERT DEPTH:3904.943 OBS_TIME:1355.8 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3906m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3953 SHOT:87 MD:3953 VERT DEPTH:3924.934 OBS_TIME:1361.15 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3926m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3973 SHOT:88 MD:3973 VERT DEPTH:3944.923 OBS_TIME:1366.05 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3946m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :3993 SHOT:89 MD:3993 VERT DEPTH:3964.912 OBS_TIME:1370.8 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3966m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4013 SHOT:90 MD:4013 VERT DEPTH:3984.9 OBS_TIME:1376.3 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 3986m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4033 SHOT:91 MD:4033 VERT DEPTH:4004.886 OBS_TIME:1381.15 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4006m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4053 SHOT:92 MD:4053 VERT DEPTH:4024.873 OBS_TIME:1386.3 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4026m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4073 SHOT:93 MD:4073 VERT DEPTH:4044.86 OBS_TIME:1390.85 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4046m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4093 SHOT:94 MD:4093 VERT DEPTH:4064.844 OBS_TIME:1395.7 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4066m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4113 SHOT:95 MD:4113 VERT DEPTH:4084.826 OBS_TIME:1400.75 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4086m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4133 SHOT:96 MD:4133 VERT DEPTH:4104.805 OBS_TIME:1405.65 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4106m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4153 SHOT:97 MD:4153 VERT DEPTH:4124.779 OBS_TIME:1410.6 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4126m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4173 SHOT:98 MD:4173 VERT DEPTH:4144.75 OBS_TIME:1415.4 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4146m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4193 SHOT:99 MD:4193 VERT DEPTH:4164.716 OBS_TIME:1420.7 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4166m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4213 SHOT:100 MD:4213 VERT DEPTH:4184.682 OBS_TIME:1425.35 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4186m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4233 SHOT:101 MD:4233 VERT DEPTH:4204.65 OBS_TIME:1430 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4206m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4253 SHOT:102 MD:4253 VERT DEPTH:4224.621 OBS_TIME:1434.4 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4226m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4273 SHOT:103 MD:4273 VERT DEPTH:4244.591 OBS_TIME:1438.95 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4246m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4293 SHOT:104 MD:4293 VERT DEPTH:4264.563 OBS_TIME:1443.3 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4266m, CORR_TIME: ms) 17 4 CHECKSHOT: 200014941217 :4308 SHOT:105 MD:4308 VERT DEPTH:4279.544 OBS_TIME:1447.45 Type:CONV Rmk:(VERT_DEPTH: 4281m, CORR_TIME: ms)
ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:1: DEVIATION SRVY 01 SURVEY_ID =ANGLER_1_DIR ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:1: DEVIATION SRVY 05 SURVEY_TYPE =DIR ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:1: DEVIATION SRVY 06 STORAGE_UNIT =Metres ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:1: DEVIATION SRVY 09 COMPUTE_METHOD =MC ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:1: DEVIATION SRVY 13 AZIMUTH_NORTH_TYPE =T ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:1: DEVIATION SRVY 14 TOP_DEPTH =304.7 ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:1: DEVIATION SRVY 16 BASE_DEPTH =4330 ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:1: DEVIATION SRVY 18 SOURCE =OIL_CO_DATA ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:1: DEVIATION SRVY 20 REMARK =Source of Data: PE903236, Page 119, 94 Points. North Reference Assumed. ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:1: DEVIATION SRVY 21 POINT COUNT = 94 ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:2: DEVIATION SRVY STATION_MD INCLINATION AZIMUTH STATION_ID STATION_TVD X_OFFSET Y_OFFSET VERTICAL_SECTION NS_DIRECTION EW_DIRECTION DOG_LEG_SEVERITY REMARK ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0305 304.7 0 0 304.7 0 0 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0610 610.1 .3 25.9 610.09861 .35 .72 N E Correct Inclination as per PE903236 is 0.30 whereas it was not entered. ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0639 638.6 .5 79 638.59798 .5 .81 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0668 668.3 .2 107.4 668.29741 .68 .82 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0698 698.4 .3 45.5 698.39717 .79 .86 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0722 722.3 .2 63.1 722.29694 .87 .92 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0769 768.6 .3 148.6 768.59663 1 .85 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0825 824.8 .3 168.6 824.79587 1.11 .58 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0868 868.0 .3 32.3 867.99562 1.19 .57 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0916 916.1 .1 238.6 916.09544 1.22 .65 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0961 961.2 .3 93.4 961.19527 1.31 .63 N E Correct MD as per PE903236 is 961.2 whereas it was entered 916.2 ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1009 1009.0 .1 317 1008.99508 1.4 .65 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1065 1064.6 .2 98.3 1064.59498 1.47 .67 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1100 1099.6 .2 165.8 1099.59481 1.54 .6 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1136 1136.3 .1 132 1136.29469 1.58 .52 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1186 1185.5 .3 47 1185.49443 1.71 .58 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1213 1213.4 .3 57.1 1213.39405 1.82 .67 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1242 1241.9 .4 44.1 1241.89352 1.96 .78 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1270 1270.4 .5 45.9 1270.39264 2.11 .94 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1298 1298.0 .3 44.5 1297.99195 2.25 1.07 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1503 1502.6 .6 50.8 1502.58542 3.46 2.13 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1713 1712.5 .5 45.9 1712.47573 4.97 3.46 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1743 1743.4 .5 43.1 1743.37456 5.15 3.66 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1788 1787.6 .4 33.6 1787.57319 5.37 3.93 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1826 1825.5 .5 35 1825.47202 5.54 4.17 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1874 1873.5 .3 43.4 1873.47083 5.75 4.43 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2071 2071.1 .1 190 2071.07008 6.07 4.64 N E Correct MD as per PE903236 is 2071.1 whereas it was entered 2071.7. ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2102 2101.7 .3 212.5 2101.66988 6.02 4.55 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2138 2138.1 .4 196 2138.06921 5.94 4.34 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2194 2193.5 .5 227.3 2193.46757 5.71 3.99 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2268 2268.4 .7 226.2 2268.36343 5.14 3.46 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2325 2325.2 .8 243.5 2325.15863 4.53 3.04 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2372 2371.6 .9 257.2 2371.55356 3.89 2.81 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2427 2427.4 1 236.4 2427.34605 3.05 2.45 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2485 2484.8 1 244.5 2484.73734 2.18 1.95 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2544 2543.7 1.1 267.7 2543.62771 1.16 1.71 N E ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2606 2605.7 1.7 265.6 2605.60892 .36 1.62 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2641 2641.0 1.7 269.1 2640.89339 1.4 1.57 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2661 2660.6 1.9 273.4 2660.48372 2.02 1.58 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2680 2680.0 1.8 274.1 2679.87361 2.64 1.62 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2709 2709.3 2.2 281.8 2709.15575 3.65 1.77 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2718 2718.3 2.3 283.9 2718.14881 4 1.85 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2746 2746.0 2.3 283.9 2745.8265 5.07 2.12 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2776 2776.1 2.5 268.4 2775.9004 6.32 2.24 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2802 2801.8 2.5 278.3 2801.57606 7.43 2.31 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2831 2830.9 3 290.9 2830.64272 8.77 2.67 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2858 2857.6 3.3 294.1 2857.30237 10.13 3.24 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2896 2896.0 3.6 284.3 2895.63307 12.3 3.98 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2921 2920.6 4.3 280 2920.17454 13.96 4.34 N W Correct Inclination as per PE903236 is 4.30 whereas it was entered as 4.0. ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2928 2927.8 4.6 274.1 2927.35286 14.51 4.4 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2949 2949.1 4.4 272.7 2948.5872 16.18 4.5 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2958 2958.3 4.2 272.7 2957.7613 16.87 4.53 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2976 2976.4 4.3 275.1 2975.81154 18.21 4.63 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2984 2984.4 4.3 274.4 2983.78902 18.81 4.68 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3002 3002.0 4 270.5 3001.34289 20.08 4.73 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3011 3011.4 3.9 272.3 3010.72056 20.73 4.75 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3031 3030.6 3.5 270.9 3029.8805 21.96 4.78 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3067 3067.1 3.3 271.6 3066.31624 24.13 4.83 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3096 3095.8 2.6 271.2 3094.97803 25.6 4.87 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3134 3134.0 2.7 263.9 3133.13729 27.37 4.79 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3153 3152.6 1.8 261.8 3151.72276 28.09 4.7 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3183 3183.1 1 269.1 3182.21343 28.83 4.63 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3210 3209.6 1.5 267.7 3208.70704 29.41 4.61 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3238 3238.2 1.1 278.3 3237.29966 30.05 4.64 N W Correct Azimuth is 278.30 whereas it was entered 273.3. ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3267 3266.5 1 285 3265.59491 30.56 4.74 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3295 3295.3 .9 282.5 3294.39095 31.02 4.85 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3324 3323.7 1.2 284.3 3322.78615 31.53 4.97 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3351 3350.9 1.4 280 3349.97914 32.13 5.1 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3380 3380.4 1.4 287.8 3379.47037 32.83 5.28 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3409 3409.1 1.6 282.5 3408.16053 33.56 5.47 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3436 3435.6 1.7 276.2 3434.64956 34.31 5.59 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3464 3464.4 1.3 273 3463.43964 35.06 5.65 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3492 3491.8 1.1 274.4 3490.83362 35.63 5.69 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3516 3515.5 .9 285.7 3514.53002 36.04 5.76 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3555 3554.8 .8 298.3 3553.82572 36.58 5.97 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3601 3600.7 1.1 311.3 3599.71941 37.19 6.42 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3639 3638.9 .7 334.2 3637.91474 37.57 6.87 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3678 3677.9 .8 318.4 3676.91144 37.85 7.29 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3720 3720.4 .8 323.3 3719.4073 38.23 7.75 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3771 3770.5 1 338.4 3769.50116 38.6 8.43 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3826 3826.0 1.5 334.9 3824.98779 39.08 9.54 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3861 3860.6 1.6 329.3 3859.57514 39.52 10.37 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3898 3897.5 1.7 339.1 3896.45991 39.98 11.32 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3975 3974.7 1.9 358.8 3973.62252 40.41 13.67 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4025 4024.9 2.1 2.3 4023.79193 40.4 15.42 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4069 4069.0 2.1 3.7 4067.86232 40.31 17.03 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4136 4135.6 2.8 17.8 4134.40162 39.73 19.8 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4179 4178.7 3.3 23.7 4177.44054 38.91 21.94 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4204 4204.3 3.4 27.3 4202.99682 38.27 23.29 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4224 4223.6 3.2 22.7 4222.26484 37.8 24.29 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4252 4252.0 3.1 29.7 4250.62204 37.11 25.69 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4281 4281.3 3.1 25.9 4279.87919 36.37 27.09 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4308 4308.1 2.8 27.3 4306.64365 35.76 28.33 N W ANGLER_1_DIR OIL_CO_DATA:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4330 4330.0 2.8 27.3 4328.51751 35.27 29.28 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:1: DEVIATION SRVY 01 SURVEY_ID =ANGLER_1_MASTER ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:1: DEVIATION SRVY 05 SURVEY_TYPE =DIR ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:1: DEVIATION SRVY 06 STORAGE_UNIT =Metres ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:1: DEVIATION SRVY 09 COMPUTE_METHOD =MC ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:1: DEVIATION SRVY 13 AZIMUTH_NORTH_TYPE =T ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:1: DEVIATION SRVY 14 TOP_DEPTH =304.7 ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:1: DEVIATION SRVY 16 BASE_DEPTH =4330 ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:1: DEVIATION SRVY 18 SOURCE =MASTER ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:1: DEVIATION SRVY 18 SOURCE =MASTER [Note: surveys with a SOURCE of MASTER should usually be just a copy of one of the original surveys run in the well. The MASTER survey is used by the database to display/calculate well paths etc] ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:1: DEVIATION SRVY 20 REMARK =Source of Data: PE903236, Page 119, 94 Points. North Reference Assumed. ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:1: DEVIATION SRVY 21 POINT COUNT = 94 ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:2: DEVIATION SRVY STATION_MD INCLINATION AZIMUTH STATION_ID STATION_TVD X_OFFSET Y_OFFSET VERTICAL_SECTION NS_DIRECTION EW_DIRECTION DOG_LEG_SEVERITY REMARK ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0305 304.7 0 0 304.7 0 0 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0610 610.1 .3 25.9 610.09861 .35 .72 N E Correct Inclination as per PE903236 is 0.30 whereas it was not entered. ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0639 638.6 .5 79 638.59798 .5 .81 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0668 668.3 .2 107.4 668.29741 .68 .82 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0698 698.4 .3 45.5 698.39717 .79 .86 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0722 722.3 .2 63.1 722.29694 .87 .92 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0769 768.6 .3 148.6 768.59663 1 .85 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0825 824.8 .3 168.6 824.79587 1.11 .58 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0868 868.0 .3 32.3 867.99562 1.19 .57 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0916 916.1 .1 238.6 916.09544 1.22 .65 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 0961 961.2 .3 93.4 961.19527 1.31 .63 N E Correct MD as per PE903236 is 961.2 whereas it was entered 916.2 ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1009 1009.0 .1 317 1008.99508 1.4 .65 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1065 1064.6 .2 98.3 1064.59498 1.47 .67 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1100 1099.6 .2 165.8 1099.59481 1.54 .6 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1136 1136.3 .1 132 1136.29469 1.58 .52 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1186 1185.5 .3 47 1185.49443 1.71 .58 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1213 1213.4 .3 57.1 1213.39405 1.82 .67 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1242 1241.9 .4 44.1 1241.89352 1.96 .78 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1270 1270.4 .5 45.9 1270.39264 2.11 .94 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1298 1298.0 .3 44.5 1297.99195 2.25 1.07 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1503 1502.6 .6 50.8 1502.58542 3.46 2.13 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1713 1712.5 .5 45.9 1712.47573 4.97 3.46 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1743 1743.4 .5 43.1 1743.37456 5.15 3.66 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1788 1787.6 .4 33.6 1787.57319 5.37 3.93 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1826 1825.5 .5 35 1825.47202 5.54 4.17 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 1874 1873.5 .3 43.4 1873.47083 5.75 4.43 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2071 2071.1 .1 190 2071.07008 6.07 4.64 N E Correct MD as per PE903236 is 2071.1 whereas it was entered 2071.7. ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2102 2101.7 .3 212.5 2101.66988 6.02 4.55 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2138 2138.1 .4 196 2138.06921 5.94 4.34 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2194 2193.5 .5 227.3 2193.46757 5.71 3.99 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2268 2268.4 .7 226.2 2268.36343 5.14 3.46 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2325 2325.2 .8 243.5 2325.15863 4.53 3.04 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2372 2371.6 .9 257.2 2371.55356 3.89 2.81 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2427 2427.4 1 236.4 2427.34605 3.05 2.45 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2485 2484.8 1 244.5 2484.73734 2.18 1.95 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2544 2543.7 1.1 267.7 2543.62771 1.16 1.71 N E ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2606 2605.7 1.7 265.6 2605.60892 .36 1.62 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2641 2641.0 1.7 269.1 2640.89339 1.4 1.57 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2661 2660.6 1.9 273.4 2660.48372 2.02 1.58 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2680 2680.0 1.8 274.1 2679.87361 2.64 1.62 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2709 2709.3 2.2 281.8 2709.15575 3.65 1.77 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2718 2718.3 2.3 283.9 2718.14881 4 1.85 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2746 2746.0 2.3 283.9 2745.8265 5.07 2.12 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2776 2776.1 2.5 268.4 2775.9004 6.32 2.24 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2802 2801.8 2.5 278.3 2801.57606 7.43 2.31 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2831 2830.9 3 290.9 2830.64272 8.77 2.67 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2858 2857.6 3.3 294.1 2857.30237 10.13 3.24 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2896 2896.0 3.6 284.3 2895.63307 12.3 3.98 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2921 2920.6 4.3 280 2920.17454 13.96 4.34 N W Correct Inclination as per PE903236 is 4.30 whereas it was entered as 4.0. ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2928 2927.8 4.6 274.1 2927.35286 14.51 4.4 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2949 2949.1 4.4 272.7 2948.5872 16.18 4.5 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2958 2958.3 4.2 272.7 2957.7613 16.87 4.53 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2976 2976.4 4.3 275.1 2975.81154 18.21 4.63 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 2984 2984.4 4.3 274.4 2983.78902 18.81 4.68 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3002 3002.0 4 270.5 3001.34289 20.08 4.73 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3011 3011.4 3.9 272.3 3010.72056 20.73 4.75 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3031 3030.6 3.5 270.9 3029.8805 21.96 4.78 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3067 3067.1 3.3 271.6 3066.31624 24.13 4.83 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3096 3095.8 2.6 271.2 3094.97803 25.6 4.87 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3134 3134.0 2.7 263.9 3133.13729 27.37 4.79 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3153 3152.6 1.8 261.8 3151.72276 28.09 4.7 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3183 3183.1 1 269.1 3182.21343 28.83 4.63 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3210 3209.6 1.5 267.7 3208.70704 29.41 4.61 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3238 3238.2 1.1 278.3 3237.29966 30.05 4.64 N W Correct Azimuth is 278.30 whereas it was entered 273.3. ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3267 3266.5 1 285 3265.59491 30.56 4.74 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3295 3295.3 .9 282.5 3294.39095 31.02 4.85 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3324 3323.7 1.2 284.3 3322.78615 31.53 4.97 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3351 3350.9 1.4 280 3349.97914 32.13 5.1 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3380 3380.4 1.4 287.8 3379.47037 32.83 5.28 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3409 3409.1 1.6 282.5 3408.16053 33.56 5.47 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3436 3435.6 1.7 276.2 3434.64956 34.31 5.59 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3464 3464.4 1.3 273 3463.43964 35.06 5.65 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3492 3491.8 1.1 274.4 3490.83362 35.63 5.69 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3516 3515.5 .9 285.7 3514.53002 36.04 5.76 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3555 3554.8 .8 298.3 3553.82572 36.58 5.97 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3601 3600.7 1.1 311.3 3599.71941 37.19 6.42 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3639 3638.9 .7 334.2 3637.91474 37.57 6.87 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3678 3677.9 .8 318.4 3676.91144 37.85 7.29 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3720 3720.4 .8 323.3 3719.4073 38.23 7.75 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3771 3770.5 1 338.4 3769.50116 38.6 8.43 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3826 3826.0 1.5 334.9 3824.98779 39.08 9.54 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3861 3860.6 1.6 329.3 3859.57514 39.52 10.37 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3898 3897.5 1.7 339.1 3896.45991 39.98 11.32 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 3975 3974.7 1.9 358.8 3973.62252 40.41 13.67 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4025 4024.9 2.1 2.3 4023.79193 40.4 15.42 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4069 4069.0 2.1 3.7 4067.86232 40.31 17.03 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4136 4135.6 2.8 17.8 4134.40162 39.73 19.8 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4179 4178.7 3.3 23.7 4177.44054 38.91 21.94 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4204 4204.3 3.4 27.3 4202.99682 38.27 23.29 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4224 4223.6 3.2 22.7 4222.26484 37.8 24.29 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4252 4252.0 3.1 29.7 4250.62204 37.11 25.69 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4281 4281.3 3.1 25.9 4279.87919 36.37 27.09 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4308 4308.1 2.8 27.3 4306.64365 35.76 28.33 N W ANGLER_1_MASTER MASTER:3: DEVIATION SRVY 4330 4330.0 2.8 27.3 4328.51751 35.27 29.28 N W
VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) GENERAL RPT XLS000110927 REPORT (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) GENERAL RPT XLS000110929 REPORT (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT XLS000110921 BIOSTRAT_RPT (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL BIOSTRAT_RPT XLS000110923 BIOSTRAT_RPT (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL COMPOSITE_LOG XLS000110893 COMPOSITE_LOG (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL CORE XLS000110887 CORE (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL CUTTINGS XLS000110885 Angler 1 CUTTINGS (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL FWR_RPT XLS000110903 FINAL_RPT (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL GEOCHEM_RPT XLS000110925 GEOCHEM_RPT (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL GEOL_RPT XLS000110907 Geological Information [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL GEOL_RPT XLS000110909 Geological Information [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL GEOL_RPT XLS000110913 Geological Information [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL GEOL_RPT XLS000110915 Geological Information [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL GEOL_RPT XLS000110917 Geological Information [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL MUD_LOG XLS000110891 MUD_LOG (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL PETROGRAPHY_RPT XLS000110895 PETROGRAPHY_RPT (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL PETROLOGY_RPT XLS000110897 PETROLOGY_RPT (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL RFT XLS000110899 RFT (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL RFT XLS000110911 RFT (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL SWC XLS000110889 SWC (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL SWC XLS000110919 SWC (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WCR_RPT XLS000110901 WCR_RPT (from Spreadsheet) [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_BOX XLS000110882 W993 [] in: WELL_BOX W993 VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110931 CAL (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110933 CALI (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110935 CBL (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110937 CCL (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110939 CNL (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110941 DIL (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110943 DLL (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110945 DT (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110947 FMS (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110949 GR (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110951 HP (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110953 LDL (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110955 LLS (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110957 LLD (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110959 MSD (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110961 MSFL (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110963 NPHI (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110965 PEF (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110967 RHOB (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110969 SHDT (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110971 SLS (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110973 SP (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110975 VDL (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown VAGUE ASSETS (XLS) WELL WELL_LOG XLS000110977 SFLU (log note in Spreadsheet) [] in: FAKE_PLACEHOLDER Unknown