GSV: Geological Survey of Victoria   Geological Survey of Victoria


*** PE714130 ***

pe714130 001 ASSET HDR ***** THE ASSET HEADER GIVES GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PE714130 ITEM ***** pe714130 001 ASSET HDR DATA_DESCRIPTION=Farm Out Package Report on VIC p/16 [VIC/P16], Otway Basin, Victoria for Bass Strait Oil and Gas Holdings. pe714130 001 ASSET HDR DATA_SUB_TYPE =TITLE_RPT (i.e.Report (general) pertaining to a specific title or titles) pe714130 001 ASSET HDR DATA_TYPE =TITLE pe714130 001 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714130 PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__027.JPG(0.3m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__028.JPG(0.2m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__011.JPG(0.3m)......... pe714130 001 ASSET HDR ITEM_NAME =Farm Out Package Report, VIC/P16
pe714130 002 ASSET HDR BASIN =OTWAY (i.e. Otway Basin) pe714130 002 ASSET HDR ONSHORE_IND =N : (i.e. N=OFFSHORE/MARINE)
pe714130 004 ASSET HDR DATA_DIGITAL_IND=N (i.e. N=hardcopy or other non-digital data) pe714130 004 ASSET HDR DATA_FORMAT =HARDCOPY-PAPER (i.e. Hardcopy-Paper)
pe714130 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_CONDITION =GOOD (i.e. The item is in good condition) pe714130 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_TYPE =PAPER (i.e. PAPER)
pe714130 008 ASSET HDR DATE3 DATE_RECEIVED =09-JAN-84 (i.e. the date when the data item was received by the Victorian Govt) pe714130 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_BY =TK00_SW (i.e. the person who catalogued the data in the first place) pe714130 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_DATE=11-JUL-01 (i.e. the date that the data item was catalogued into the Vic Govt dbMap database) pe714130 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_BY =rh16_tw (i.e. the person who last changed the data row) pe714130 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_DATE=10-MAY-10 (i.e. the date that the catalogue entry for the item was changed by someone in the Vic Govt) pe714130 008 ASSET HDR DATE8 MEDIA_CHECK_DATE =11-JUL-01
pe714130 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 NAME_DESC=NPECD0124 : (historical scanning bureau disk ID for scanned image files) ASSET_H_DISK: HISTORICAL DISK USED FOR TRANSFER/STORAGE (Stores the historical disk name/number on which the scanned images were transferred from the scanning bureau to DPI. e.g. Used to backtrack to the original disk.) 18-SEP-08 pe714130 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 NAME_DESC=PERMIT BOX : PE180909 >> PE714130 ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ASSET_H_LOC: HISTORICAL LOCATION HIERARCHY VALUE (Stores the historical asset item location (along with the hierarchical structure of the location). This is NOT necessarily the same as the CURRENT location. This is a SNAPSHOT of the database (including errors) at a given point in time. ) 26-APR-06 pe714130 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 REMARK=PE714130 << PE180909 << PICKFORDS ---- This is a Historical Snapshot of Hierarchical Storage Locations; please do not change or edit 26-APR-06 pe714130 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=1997419 NAME_DESC=1997419 ASSET_SIZE_F file size (ASSET_SIZE_F can be used for file size calculations etc) 11-JAN-10 pe714130 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=1997419 REMARK=This is the total size of the disk files in bytes (octets) as at 13-DEC-2009 for this barcode. The effective date is the earliest date found for the files for this barcode. Thus, the growth of file system usage versus date-of-file can be p 11-JAN-10
pe714130 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130.tif ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130.tif PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__027.JPG(0.3m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__028.JPG(0.2m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__011.JPG(0.3m)......... pe714130 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714130_011.jpg ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714130_011.jpg PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__027.JPG(0.3m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__028.JPG(0.2m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__011.JPG(0.3m)......... pe714130 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130_027.jpg ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130_027.jpg PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__027.JPG(0.3m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__028.JPG(0.2m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__011.JPG(0.3m)......... pe714130 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130_028.jpg ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130_028.jpg PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__027.JPG(0.3m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__028.JPG(0.2m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__011.JPG(0.3m).........
pe714130 014 ASSET HDR RECEIVED_FROM =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. (i.e. who the item was received from or via)
pe714130 017 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714130 PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))_.TIF(1.0m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__027.JPG(0.3m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__028.JPG(0.2m)......... PE714130__((_FARM_OUT_PACKAGE_REPORT,_VIC_P16_))__011.JPG(0.3m).........
pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC ***** GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT THE ITEMS STORAGE LOCATION ***** pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714131 [SEISMIC LOCATION_MAP ] Location of Permits, VIC/P16, T17P. PE714131__((_LOCATION_OF_PERMITS,_VIC_P16,_T17P._))_.JPG(1.8m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714132 [GENERAL GEOL_MAP ] Regional Geology, VIC/P16, T17P. PE714132__((_REGIONAL_GEOLOGY,_VIC_P16,_T17P._))_.JPG(0.5m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714133 [GENERAL GEOL_MAP ] Tectonic Elements, Otway Basin, VIC/P16 PE714133__((_TECTONIC_ELEMENTS,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(2.4m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714134 [GENERAL GEOL_MAP ] Surface Geology, Otway Basin, VIC/P16 PE714134__((_SURFACE_GEOLOGY,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714135 [SEISMIC LOCATION_MAP ] Location Of Wells, Otway Basin, VIC/P16 PE714135__((_LOCATION_OF_WELLS,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.9m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714136 [GENERAL STRAT_COLUMN ] Stratigraphy, Otway Basin, VIC/P16 PE714136__((_STRATIGRAPHY,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714137 [GENERAL CROSS_SECTION ] Cross Section, W-E, VIC/P16 PE714137__((_CROSS_SECTION,_W-E,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(0.9m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714138 [GENERAL CROSS_SECTION ] Cross Section, N-S, VIC/P16 PE714138__((_CROSS_SECTION,_N-S,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.0m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714139 [OTHER_SRVY GEOCHEM ] Vitrinite Reflectance V Depth, VIC/P16 PE714139__((_VITRINITE_REFLECTANCE_V_DEPTH,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(0.3m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714140 [SEISMIC DIAGRAM ] Basement Subsidence Curves, VIC/P16 PE714140__((_BASEMENT_SUBSIDENCE_CURVES,_VIC_P16_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714141 [SEISMIC DIAGRAM ] PRAWN-A1 Tie from to Abalone , VIC/P16 PE714141__((_PRAWN-A1_TIE_FROM_TO_ABALONE_,_VIC_P16_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714142 [SEISMIC ISOCHRON_MAP ] Isochron Map, VIC/P16 PE714142__((_ISOCHRON_MAP,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.6m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC =PE714130 PE714143 [SEISMIC INTERP_SECTION ] Line OMQ81-31, VIC/P16 PE714143__((_LINE_OMQ81-31,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(4.9m)......... pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC BARCODE =PE180909 pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC CONTAINER_TYPE=PERMIT_BOX pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY BARCODE =PE714130 << PE180909 << COMPACTUS_1 pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY ITEM TYPE=TITLE TITLE_RPT << TITLE PERMIT_BOX << COMPACTUS pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY LOC TYPE =TITLE TITLE_RPT << PERMIT_BOX << COMPACTUS pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY NAME =Farm Out Package Report, VIC/P16 << VIC/P16 Permit Box << COMPACTUS_1 55 Collins St pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC_ASSOC =Petroleum Development Unit - Government of Victoria pe714130 018 ASSET HDR LOC_NAME =VIC/P16 Permit Box
pe714130 019 ASSET HDR CONTAINER TYPE =REPORT (i.e. Report) pe714130 019 ASSET HDR LOCATION B BARCODE =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. pe714130 019 ASSET HDR LOCATION B BARCODE =Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16 pe714130 019 ASSET HDR LOCATION B BARCODE =REPORT
pe714130 055 ASSET TITLE ANC 314 TITLE_NAME =VIC/P16
pe714130 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_FUTURE_OPEN pe714130 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_OPENFILE -- This item is openfile pe714130 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_AUG_2010_4TB pe714130 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_MAY_2008_2TB
pe714130 099 This data has been dumped from Victorian Govt (GSV ) dbMap database on 11-FEB-12
pe714130 919 PPDM_AUDIT_HISTORY: HIPE714130
pe714130 995 NOTE: The presence of data in this list/catalogue is not a guarantee of data availability or accuracy.
pe714130 998 0 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714130 998 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714130 998 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714130 998 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pe714130 998 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714130 998 5 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714130 998 6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

*** PE714131 ***

pe714131 001 ASSET HDR ***** THE ASSET HEADER GIVES GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PE714131 ITEM ***** pe714131 001 ASSET HDR DATA_DESCRIPTION=Location Of Permits VIC/P16, T17P, T20P. Otway Basin, Victoria for Bass Strait Oil and Gas Holdings. Figure 1 within the Farm Out Package Report [PE714130]. pe714131 001 ASSET HDR DATA_SUB_TYPE =LOCATION_MAP (i.e.Proposed line/survey location map) pe714131 001 ASSET HDR DATA_TYPE =SEISMIC pe714131 001 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714131 PE714131__((_LOCATION_OF_PERMITS,_VIC_P16,_T17P._))_.JPG(1.8m)......... pe714131 001 ASSET HDR ITEM_NAME =Location of Permits, VIC/P16, T17P.
pe714131 002 ASSET HDR BASIN =OTWAY (i.e. Otway Basin) pe714131 002 ASSET HDR ONSHORE_IND =N : (i.e. N=OFFSHORE/MARINE)
pe714131 004 ASSET HDR DATA_DIGITAL_IND=N (i.e. N=hardcopy or other non-digital data) pe714131 004 ASSET HDR DATA_FORMAT =HARDCOPY-PAPER (i.e. Hardcopy-Paper)
pe714131 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_CONDITION =GOOD (i.e. The item is in good condition) pe714131 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_TYPE =PAPER (i.e. PAPER)
pe714131 008 ASSET HDR DATE2 DATE_WRITTEN =16-DEC-83 (i.e. the date when the data item was originally published or written or created) pe714131 008 ASSET HDR DATE3 DATE_RECEIVED =09-JAN-84 (i.e. the date when the data item was received by the Victorian Govt) pe714131 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_BY =TK00_SW (i.e. the person who catalogued the data in the first place) pe714131 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_DATE=11-JUL-01 (i.e. the date that the data item was catalogued into the Vic Govt dbMap database) pe714131 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_BY =JK00_SW (i.e. the person who last changed the data row) pe714131 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_DATE=05-FEB-04 (i.e. the date that the catalogue entry for the item was changed by someone in the Vic Govt) pe714131 008 ASSET HDR DATE8 MEDIA_CHECK_DATE =11-JUL-01
pe714131 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 NAME_DESC=NPECD0124 : (historical scanning bureau disk ID for scanned image files) ASSET_H_DISK: HISTORICAL DISK USED FOR TRANSFER/STORAGE (Stores the historical disk name/number on which the scanned images were transferred from the scanning bureau to DPI. e.g. Used to backtrack to the original disk.) 18-SEP-08 pe714131 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 REMARK=/p/p7/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/raw_copy_of_original_CDs/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714131.jpg : (historical file and pathname for scanned images: used to backtrack to original disk used by scanning bureau; please do not change) 18-SEP-08 pe714131 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 NAME_DESC=PERMIT BOX : PE180909 >> PE714130 >> PE714131 ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ASSET_H_LOC: HISTORICAL LOCATION HIERARCHY VALUE (Stores the historical asset item location (along with the hierarchical structure of the location). This is NOT necessarily the same as the CURRENT location. This is a SNAPSHOT of the database (including errors) at a given point in time. ) 26-APR-06 pe714131 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 REMARK=PE714131 << PE714130 << PE180909 << PICKFORDS ---- This is a Historical Snapshot of Hierarchical Storage Locations; please do not change or edit 26-APR-06 pe714131 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=1890470 NAME_DESC=1890470 ASSET_SIZE_F file size (ASSET_SIZE_F can be used for file size calculations etc) 11-JAN-10 pe714131 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=1890470 REMARK=This is the total size of the disk files in bytes (octets) as at 13-DEC-2009 for this barcode. The effective date is the earliest date found for the files for this barcode. Thus, the growth of file system usage versus date-of-file can be p 11-JAN-10
pe714131 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714131.jpg ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714131.jpg PE714131__((_LOCATION_OF_PERMITS,_VIC_P16,_T17P._))_.JPG(1.8m).........
pe714131 014 ASSET HDR RECEIVED_FROM =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. (i.e. who the item was received from or via)
pe714131 017 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714131 PE714131__((_LOCATION_OF_PERMITS,_VIC_P16,_T17P._))_.JPG(1.8m).........
pe714131 018 ASSET HDR LOC ***** GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT THE ITEMS STORAGE LOCATION ***** pe714131 018 ASSET HDR LOC BARCODE =PE714130 pe714131 018 ASSET HDR LOC CONTAINER_TYPE=REPORT pe714131 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY BARCODE =PE714131 << PE714130 << PE180909 pe714131 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY ITEM TYPE=SEISMIC LOCATION_MAP << TITLE TITLE_RPT << PERMIT_BOX pe714131 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY LOC TYPE =SEISMIC LOCATION_MAP << REPORT << PERMIT_BOX pe714131 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY NAME =Location of Permits, VIC/P16, T17P. << Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16 << VIC/P16 Permit Box pe714131 018 ASSET HDR LOC_ASSOC =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. pe714131 018 ASSET HDR LOC_NAME =Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16
pe714131 055 ASSET TITLE ANC 325 TITLE_NAME =VIC/P16
pe714131 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_FUTURE_OPEN pe714131 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_OPENFILE -- This item is openfile pe714131 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_AUG_2010_4TB pe714131 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_MAY_2008_2TB
pe714131 099 This data has been dumped from Victorian Govt (DPI dbMap database on 11-FEB-12
pe714131 919 PPDM_AUDIT_HISTORY: HIPE714131
pe714131 995 NOTE: The presence of data in this list/catalogue is not a guarantee of data availability or accuracy.
pe714131 998 0 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714131 998 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714131 998 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714131 998 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pe714131 998 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714131 998 5 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714131 998 6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

*** PE714132 ***

pe714132 001 ASSET HDR ***** THE ASSET HEADER GIVES GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PE714132 ITEM ***** pe714132 001 ASSET HDR DATA_DESCRIPTION=Regional Geology Map of The Otway Basin, VIC/P16, T17P, T20P. Otway Basin, Victoria, for Bass Strait Oil and Gas Holdings. Figure 2 within the Farm Out Package Report [PE714130]. pe714132 001 ASSET HDR DATA_SUB_TYPE =GEOL_MAP (i.e.Geological map) pe714132 001 ASSET HDR DATA_TYPE =GENERAL pe714132 001 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714132 PE714132__((_REGIONAL_GEOLOGY,_VIC_P16,_T17P._))_.JPG(0.5m)......... pe714132 001 ASSET HDR ITEM_NAME =Regional Geology, VIC/P16, T17P.
pe714132 002 ASSET HDR BASIN =OTWAY (i.e. Otway Basin) pe714132 002 ASSET HDR ONSHORE_IND =N : (i.e. N=OFFSHORE/MARINE)
pe714132 004 ASSET HDR DATA_DIGITAL_IND=N (i.e. N=hardcopy or other non-digital data) pe714132 004 ASSET HDR DATA_FORMAT =HARDCOPY-PAPER (i.e. Hardcopy-Paper)
pe714132 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_CONDITION =GOOD (i.e. The item is in good condition) pe714132 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_TYPE =PAPER (i.e. PAPER)
pe714132 008 ASSET HDR DATE2 DATE_WRITTEN =16-DEC-83 (i.e. the date when the data item was originally published or written or created) pe714132 008 ASSET HDR DATE3 DATE_RECEIVED =09-JAN-84 (i.e. the date when the data item was received by the Victorian Govt) pe714132 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_BY =TK00_SW (i.e. the person who catalogued the data in the first place) pe714132 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_DATE=11-JUL-01 (i.e. the date that the data item was catalogued into the Vic Govt dbMap database) pe714132 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_BY =JK00_SW (i.e. the person who last changed the data row) pe714132 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_DATE=05-FEB-04 (i.e. the date that the catalogue entry for the item was changed by someone in the Vic Govt) pe714132 008 ASSET HDR DATE8 MEDIA_CHECK_DATE =11-JUL-01
pe714132 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 NAME_DESC=NPECD0124 : (historical scanning bureau disk ID for scanned image files) ASSET_H_DISK: HISTORICAL DISK USED FOR TRANSFER/STORAGE (Stores the historical disk name/number on which the scanned images were transferred from the scanning bureau to DPI. e.g. Used to backtrack to the original disk.) 18-SEP-08 pe714132 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 REMARK=/p/p7/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/raw_copy_of_original_CDs/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714132.jpg : (historical file and pathname for scanned images: used to backtrack to original disk used by scanning bureau; please do not change) 18-SEP-08 pe714132 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 NAME_DESC=PERMIT BOX : PE180909 >> PE714130 >> PE714132 ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ASSET_H_LOC: HISTORICAL LOCATION HIERARCHY VALUE (Stores the historical asset item location (along with the hierarchical structure of the location). This is NOT necessarily the same as the CURRENT location. This is a SNAPSHOT of the database (including errors) at a given point in time. ) 26-APR-06 pe714132 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 REMARK=PE714132 << PE714130 << PE180909 << PICKFORDS ---- This is a Historical Snapshot of Hierarchical Storage Locations; please do not change or edit 26-APR-06 pe714132 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=488162 NAME_DESC=488162 ASSET_SIZE_F file size (ASSET_SIZE_F can be used for file size calculations etc) 11-JAN-10 pe714132 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=488162 REMARK=This is the total size of the disk files in bytes (octets) as at 13-DEC-2009 for this barcode. The effective date is the earliest date found for the files for this barcode. Thus, the growth of file system usage versus date-of-file can be p 11-JAN-10
pe714132 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714132.jpg ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714132.jpg PE714132__((_REGIONAL_GEOLOGY,_VIC_P16,_T17P._))_.JPG(0.5m).........
pe714132 014 ASSET HDR RECEIVED_FROM =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. (i.e. who the item was received from or via)
pe714132 017 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714132 PE714132__((_REGIONAL_GEOLOGY,_VIC_P16,_T17P._))_.JPG(0.5m).........
pe714132 018 ASSET HDR LOC ***** GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT THE ITEMS STORAGE LOCATION ***** pe714132 018 ASSET HDR LOC BARCODE =PE714130 pe714132 018 ASSET HDR LOC CONTAINER_TYPE=REPORT pe714132 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY BARCODE =PE714132 << PE714130 << PE180909 pe714132 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY ITEM TYPE=GENERAL GEOL_MAP << TITLE TITLE_RPT << PERMIT_BOX pe714132 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY LOC TYPE =GENERAL GEOL_MAP << REPORT << PERMIT_BOX pe714132 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY NAME =Regional Geology, VIC/P16, T17P. << Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16 << VIC/P16 Permit Box pe714132 018 ASSET HDR LOC_ASSOC =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. pe714132 018 ASSET HDR LOC_NAME =Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16
pe714132 055 ASSET TITLE ANC 334 TITLE_NAME =VIC/P16
pe714132 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_FUTURE_OPEN pe714132 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_OPENFILE -- This item is openfile pe714132 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_AUG_2010_4TB pe714132 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_MAY_2008_2TB
pe714132 099 This data has been dumped from Victorian Govt (DPI dbMap database on 11-FEB-12
pe714132 919 PPDM_AUDIT_HISTORY: HIPE714132
pe714132 995 NOTE: The presence of data in this list/catalogue is not a guarantee of data availability or accuracy.
pe714132 998 0 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714132 998 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714132 998 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714132 998 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pe714132 998 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714132 998 5 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714132 998 6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

*** PE714133 ***

pe714133 001 ASSET HDR ***** THE ASSET HEADER GIVES GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PE714133 ITEM ***** pe714133 001 ASSET HDR DATA_DESCRIPTION=Tectonic Elements Otway Basin, VIC/P16, T17P, T20P. Otway Basin, Victoria, for Bass Strait Oil and Gas Holdings. Figure 2 within the Farm Out Package Report [PE714130]. pe714133 001 ASSET HDR DATA_SUB_TYPE =GEOL_MAP (i.e.Geological map) pe714133 001 ASSET HDR DATA_TYPE =GENERAL pe714133 001 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714133 PE714133__((_TECTONIC_ELEMENTS,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(2.4m)......... pe714133 001 ASSET HDR ITEM_NAME =Tectonic Elements, Otway Basin, VIC/P16
pe714133 002 ASSET HDR BASIN =OTWAY (i.e. Otway Basin) pe714133 002 ASSET HDR ONSHORE_IND =N : (i.e. N=OFFSHORE/MARINE)
pe714133 004 ASSET HDR DATA_DIGITAL_IND=N (i.e. N=hardcopy or other non-digital data) pe714133 004 ASSET HDR DATA_FORMAT =HARDCOPY-PAPER (i.e. Hardcopy-Paper)
pe714133 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_CONDITION =GOOD (i.e. The item is in good condition) pe714133 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_TYPE =PAPER (i.e. PAPER)
pe714133 008 ASSET HDR DATE2 DATE_WRITTEN =03-JAN-84 (i.e. the date when the data item was originally published or written or created) pe714133 008 ASSET HDR DATE3 DATE_RECEIVED =09-JAN-84 (i.e. the date when the data item was received by the Victorian Govt) pe714133 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_BY =TK00_SW (i.e. the person who catalogued the data in the first place) pe714133 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_DATE=11-JUL-01 (i.e. the date that the data item was catalogued into the Vic Govt dbMap database) pe714133 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_BY =JK00_SW (i.e. the person who last changed the data row) pe714133 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_DATE=05-FEB-04 (i.e. the date that the catalogue entry for the item was changed by someone in the Vic Govt) pe714133 008 ASSET HDR DATE8 MEDIA_CHECK_DATE =11-JUL-01
pe714133 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 NAME_DESC=NPECD0124 : (historical scanning bureau disk ID for scanned image files) ASSET_H_DISK: HISTORICAL DISK USED FOR TRANSFER/STORAGE (Stores the historical disk name/number on which the scanned images were transferred from the scanning bureau to DPI. e.g. Used to backtrack to the original disk.) 18-SEP-08 pe714133 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 REMARK=/p/p7/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/raw_copy_of_original_CDs/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714133.jpg : (historical file and pathname for scanned images: used to backtrack to original disk used by scanning bureau; please do not change) 18-SEP-08 pe714133 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 NAME_DESC=PERMIT BOX : PE180909 >> PE714130 >> PE714133 ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ASSET_H_LOC: HISTORICAL LOCATION HIERARCHY VALUE (Stores the historical asset item location (along with the hierarchical structure of the location). This is NOT necessarily the same as the CURRENT location. This is a SNAPSHOT of the database (including errors) at a given point in time. ) 26-APR-06 pe714133 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 REMARK=PE714133 << PE714130 << PE180909 << PICKFORDS ---- This is a Historical Snapshot of Hierarchical Storage Locations; please do not change or edit 26-APR-06 pe714133 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=2559799 NAME_DESC=2559799 ASSET_SIZE_F file size (ASSET_SIZE_F can be used for file size calculations etc) 11-JAN-10 pe714133 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=2559799 REMARK=This is the total size of the disk files in bytes (octets) as at 13-DEC-2009 for this barcode. The effective date is the earliest date found for the files for this barcode. Thus, the growth of file system usage versus date-of-file can be p 11-JAN-10
pe714133 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714133.jpg ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714133.jpg PE714133__((_TECTONIC_ELEMENTS,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(2.4m).........
pe714133 014 ASSET HDR RECEIVED_FROM =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. (i.e. who the item was received from or via)
pe714133 017 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714133 PE714133__((_TECTONIC_ELEMENTS,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(2.4m).........
pe714133 018 ASSET HDR LOC ***** GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT THE ITEMS STORAGE LOCATION ***** pe714133 018 ASSET HDR LOC BARCODE =PE714130 pe714133 018 ASSET HDR LOC CONTAINER_TYPE=REPORT pe714133 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY BARCODE =PE714133 << PE714130 << PE180909 pe714133 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY ITEM TYPE=GENERAL GEOL_MAP << TITLE TITLE_RPT << PERMIT_BOX pe714133 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY LOC TYPE =GENERAL GEOL_MAP << REPORT << PERMIT_BOX pe714133 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY NAME =Tectonic Elements, Otway Basin, VIC/P16 << Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16 << VIC/P16 Permit Box pe714133 018 ASSET HDR LOC_ASSOC =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. pe714133 018 ASSET HDR LOC_NAME =Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16
pe714133 055 ASSET TITLE ANC 346 TITLE_NAME =VIC/P16
pe714133 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_FUTURE_OPEN pe714133 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_OPENFILE -- This item is openfile pe714133 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_AUG_2010_4TB pe714133 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_MAY_2008_2TB
pe714133 099 This data has been dumped from Victorian Govt (DPI dbMap database on 11-FEB-12
pe714133 919 PPDM_AUDIT_HISTORY: HIPE714133
pe714133 995 NOTE: The presence of data in this list/catalogue is not a guarantee of data availability or accuracy.
pe714133 998 0 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714133 998 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714133 998 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714133 998 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pe714133 998 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714133 998 5 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714133 998 6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

*** PE714134 ***

pe714134 001 ASSET HDR ***** THE ASSET HEADER GIVES GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PE714134 ITEM ***** pe714134 001 ASSET HDR DATA_DESCRIPTION=Surface Geology Otway Basin, VIC/P16, T17P, T20P. Otway Basin, Victoria, for Bass Strait Oil and Gas Holdings. Figure 4 within the Farm Out Package Report [PE714130]. pe714134 001 ASSET HDR DATA_SUB_TYPE =GEOL_MAP (i.e.Geological map) pe714134 001 ASSET HDR DATA_TYPE =GENERAL pe714134 001 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714134 PE714134__((_SURFACE_GEOLOGY,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.3m)......... pe714134 001 ASSET HDR ITEM_NAME =Surface Geology, Otway Basin, VIC/P16
pe714134 002 ASSET HDR BASIN =OTWAY (i.e. Otway Basin) pe714134 002 ASSET HDR ONSHORE_IND =N : (i.e. N=OFFSHORE/MARINE)
pe714134 004 ASSET HDR DATA_DIGITAL_IND=N (i.e. N=hardcopy or other non-digital data) pe714134 004 ASSET HDR DATA_FORMAT =HARDCOPY-PAPER (i.e. Hardcopy-Paper)
pe714134 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_CONDITION =GOOD (i.e. The item is in good condition) pe714134 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_TYPE =PAPER (i.e. PAPER)
pe714134 008 ASSET HDR DATE2 DATE_WRITTEN =03-JAN-84 (i.e. the date when the data item was originally published or written or created) pe714134 008 ASSET HDR DATE3 DATE_RECEIVED =09-JAN-84 (i.e. the date when the data item was received by the Victorian Govt) pe714134 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_BY =TK00_SW (i.e. the person who catalogued the data in the first place) pe714134 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_DATE=11-JUL-01 (i.e. the date that the data item was catalogued into the Vic Govt dbMap database) pe714134 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_BY =JK00_SW (i.e. the person who last changed the data row) pe714134 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_DATE=05-FEB-04 (i.e. the date that the catalogue entry for the item was changed by someone in the Vic Govt) pe714134 008 ASSET HDR DATE8 MEDIA_CHECK_DATE =11-JUL-01
pe714134 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 NAME_DESC=NPECD0124 : (historical scanning bureau disk ID for scanned image files) ASSET_H_DISK: HISTORICAL DISK USED FOR TRANSFER/STORAGE (Stores the historical disk name/number on which the scanned images were transferred from the scanning bureau to DPI. e.g. Used to backtrack to the original disk.) 18-SEP-08 pe714134 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 REMARK=/p/p7/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/raw_copy_of_original_CDs/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714134.jpg : (historical file and pathname for scanned images: used to backtrack to original disk used by scanning bureau; please do not change) 18-SEP-08 pe714134 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 NAME_DESC=PERMIT BOX : PE180909 >> PE714130 >> PE714134 ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ASSET_H_LOC: HISTORICAL LOCATION HIERARCHY VALUE (Stores the historical asset item location (along with the hierarchical structure of the location). This is NOT necessarily the same as the CURRENT location. This is a SNAPSHOT of the database (including errors) at a given point in time. ) 26-APR-06 pe714134 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 REMARK=PE714134 << PE714130 << PE180909 << PICKFORDS ---- This is a Historical Snapshot of Hierarchical Storage Locations; please do not change or edit 26-APR-06 pe714134 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=1403630 NAME_DESC=1403630 ASSET_SIZE_F file size (ASSET_SIZE_F can be used for file size calculations etc) 11-JAN-10 pe714134 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=1403630 REMARK=This is the total size of the disk files in bytes (octets) as at 13-DEC-2009 for this barcode. The effective date is the earliest date found for the files for this barcode. Thus, the growth of file system usage versus date-of-file can be p 11-JAN-10
pe714134 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714134.jpg ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714134.jpg PE714134__((_SURFACE_GEOLOGY,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.3m).........
pe714134 014 ASSET HDR RECEIVED_FROM =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. (i.e. who the item was received from or via)
pe714134 017 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714134 PE714134__((_SURFACE_GEOLOGY,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.3m).........
pe714134 018 ASSET HDR LOC ***** GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT THE ITEMS STORAGE LOCATION ***** pe714134 018 ASSET HDR LOC BARCODE =PE714130 pe714134 018 ASSET HDR LOC CONTAINER_TYPE=REPORT pe714134 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY BARCODE =PE714134 << PE714130 << PE180909 pe714134 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY ITEM TYPE=GENERAL GEOL_MAP << TITLE TITLE_RPT << PERMIT_BOX pe714134 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY LOC TYPE =GENERAL GEOL_MAP << REPORT << PERMIT_BOX pe714134 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY NAME =Surface Geology, Otway Basin, VIC/P16 << Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16 << VIC/P16 Permit Box pe714134 018 ASSET HDR LOC_ASSOC =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. pe714134 018 ASSET HDR LOC_NAME =Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16
pe714134 055 ASSET TITLE ANC 348 TITLE_NAME =VIC/P16
pe714134 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_FUTURE_OPEN pe714134 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_OPENFILE -- This item is openfile pe714134 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_AUG_2010_4TB pe714134 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_MAY_2008_2TB
pe714134 099 This data has been dumped from Victorian Govt (DPI dbMap database on 11-FEB-12
pe714134 919 PPDM_AUDIT_HISTORY: HIPE714134
pe714134 995 NOTE: The presence of data in this list/catalogue is not a guarantee of data availability or accuracy.
pe714134 998 0 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714134 998 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714134 998 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714134 998 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pe714134 998 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714134 998 5 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714134 998 6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

*** PE714135 ***

pe714135 001 ASSET HDR ***** THE ASSET HEADER GIVES GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PE714135 ITEM ***** pe714135 001 ASSET HDR DATA_DESCRIPTION=Location Of Wells, VIC/P16, T17P, T20P. Otway Basin, Victoria, for Bass Strait Oil and Gas Holdings. Figure 5 within the Farm Out Package Report [PE714130]. pe714135 001 ASSET HDR DATA_SUB_TYPE =LOCATION_MAP (i.e.Proposed line/survey location map) pe714135 001 ASSET HDR DATA_TYPE =SEISMIC pe714135 001 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714135 PE714135__((_LOCATION_OF_WELLS,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.9m)......... pe714135 001 ASSET HDR ITEM_NAME =Location Of Wells, Otway Basin, VIC/P16
pe714135 002 ASSET HDR BASIN =OTWAY (i.e. Otway Basin) pe714135 002 ASSET HDR ONSHORE_IND =N : (i.e. N=OFFSHORE/MARINE)
pe714135 004 ASSET HDR DATA_DIGITAL_IND=N (i.e. N=hardcopy or other non-digital data) pe714135 004 ASSET HDR DATA_FORMAT =HARDCOPY-PAPER (i.e. Hardcopy-Paper)
pe714135 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_CONDITION =GOOD (i.e. The item is in good condition) pe714135 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_TYPE =PAPER (i.e. PAPER)
pe714135 008 ASSET HDR DATE2 DATE_WRITTEN =18-DEC-83 (i.e. the date when the data item was originally published or written or created) pe714135 008 ASSET HDR DATE3 DATE_RECEIVED =09-JAN-84 (i.e. the date when the data item was received by the Victorian Govt) pe714135 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_BY =TK00_SW (i.e. the person who catalogued the data in the first place) pe714135 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_DATE=11-JUL-01 (i.e. the date that the data item was catalogued into the Vic Govt dbMap database) pe714135 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_BY =JK00_SW (i.e. the person who last changed the data row) pe714135 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_DATE=05-FEB-04 (i.e. the date that the catalogue entry for the item was changed by someone in the Vic Govt) pe714135 008 ASSET HDR DATE8 MEDIA_CHECK_DATE =11-JUL-01
pe714135 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 NAME_DESC=NPECD0124 : (historical scanning bureau disk ID for scanned image files) ASSET_H_DISK: HISTORICAL DISK USED FOR TRANSFER/STORAGE (Stores the historical disk name/number on which the scanned images were transferred from the scanning bureau to DPI. e.g. Used to backtrack to the original disk.) 18-SEP-08 pe714135 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 REMARK=/p/p7/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/raw_copy_of_original_CDs/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714135.jpg : (historical file and pathname for scanned images: used to backtrack to original disk used by scanning bureau; please do not change) 18-SEP-08 pe714135 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 NAME_DESC=PERMIT BOX : PE180909 >> PE714130 >> PE714135 ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ASSET_H_LOC: HISTORICAL LOCATION HIERARCHY VALUE (Stores the historical asset item location (along with the hierarchical structure of the location). This is NOT necessarily the same as the CURRENT location. This is a SNAPSHOT of the database (including errors) at a given point in time. ) 26-APR-06 pe714135 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 REMARK=PE714135 << PE714130 << PE180909 << PICKFORDS ---- This is a Historical Snapshot of Hierarchical Storage Locations; please do not change or edit 26-APR-06 pe714135 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=2006581 NAME_DESC=2006581 ASSET_SIZE_F file size (ASSET_SIZE_F can be used for file size calculations etc) 11-JAN-10 pe714135 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=2006581 REMARK=This is the total size of the disk files in bytes (octets) as at 13-DEC-2009 for this barcode. The effective date is the earliest date found for the files for this barcode. Thus, the growth of file system usage versus date-of-file can be p 11-JAN-10
pe714135 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714135.jpg ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714135.jpg PE714135__((_LOCATION_OF_WELLS,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.9m).........
pe714135 014 ASSET AUTHORSHIP: 03 EMPLOYER =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. pe714135 014 ASSET AUTHORSHIP: 03 NAME =Ingram, R. pe714135 014 ASSET AUTHORSHIP: 04 EMPLOYER =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. pe714135 014 ASSET AUTHORSHIP: 04 NAME =Bartlett, R.H. pe714135 014 ASSET HDR RECEIVED_FROM =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. (i.e. who the item was received from or via)
pe714135 017 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714135 PE714135__((_LOCATION_OF_WELLS,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.9m).........
pe714135 018 ASSET HDR LOC ***** GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT THE ITEMS STORAGE LOCATION ***** pe714135 018 ASSET HDR LOC BARCODE =PE714130 pe714135 018 ASSET HDR LOC CONTAINER_TYPE=REPORT pe714135 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY BARCODE =PE714135 << PE714130 << PE180909 pe714135 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY ITEM TYPE=SEISMIC LOCATION_MAP << TITLE TITLE_RPT << PERMIT_BOX pe714135 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY LOC TYPE =SEISMIC LOCATION_MAP << REPORT << PERMIT_BOX pe714135 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY NAME =Location Of Wells, Otway Basin, VIC/P16 << Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16 << VIC/P16 Permit Box pe714135 018 ASSET HDR LOC_ASSOC =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. pe714135 018 ASSET HDR LOC_NAME =Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16
pe714135 055 ASSET TITLE ANC 355 TITLE_NAME =VIC/P16
pe714135 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_FUTURE_OPEN pe714135 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_OPENFILE -- This item is openfile pe714135 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_AUG_2010_4TB pe714135 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_MAY_2008_2TB
pe714135 099 This data has been dumped from Victorian Govt (DPI dbMap database on 11-FEB-12
pe714135 919 PPDM_AUDIT_HISTORY: HIPE714135
pe714135 995 NOTE: The presence of data in this list/catalogue is not a guarantee of data availability or accuracy.
pe714135 998 0 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714135 998 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714135 998 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714135 998 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pe714135 998 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714135 998 5 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714135 998 6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

*** PE714136 ***

pe714136 001 ASSET HDR ***** THE ASSET HEADER GIVES GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PE714136 ITEM ***** pe714136 001 ASSET HDR DATA_DESCRIPTION=Stratigraphy, VIC/P16, T17P, T20P. Otway Basin, Victoria, for Bass Strait Oil and Gas Holdings. Figure 6 within the Farm Out Package Report [PE714130]. pe714136 001 ASSET HDR DATA_SUB_TYPE =STRAT_COLUMN (i.e.Stratigraphic column not directly related to a well) pe714136 001 ASSET HDR DATA_TYPE =GENERAL pe714136 001 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714136 PE714136__((_STRATIGRAPHY,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.TIF(0.1m)......... pe714136 001 ASSET HDR ITEM_NAME =Stratigraphy, Otway Basin, VIC/P16
pe714136 002 ASSET HDR BASIN =OTWAY (i.e. Otway Basin) pe714136 002 ASSET HDR ONSHORE_IND =N : (i.e. N=OFFSHORE/MARINE)
pe714136 004 ASSET HDR DATA_DIGITAL_IND=N (i.e. N=hardcopy or other non-digital data) pe714136 004 ASSET HDR DATA_FORMAT =HARDCOPY-PAPER (i.e. Hardcopy-Paper)
pe714136 006 ASSET HDR CONFID_CLASS =INTERPRETIVE : (Interpretive/derivative data usually becomes openfile after 5 or 6 years.) pe714136 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_CONDITION =GOOD (i.e. The item is in good condition) pe714136 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_TYPE =PAPER (i.e. PAPER)
pe714136 008 ASSET HDR DATE2 DATE_WRITTEN =18-DEC-83 (i.e. the date when the data item was originally published or written or created) pe714136 008 ASSET HDR DATE3 DATE_RECEIVED =09-JAN-84 (i.e. the date when the data item was received by the Victorian Govt) pe714136 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_BY =TK00_SW (i.e. the person who catalogued the data in the first place) pe714136 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_DATE=11-JUL-01 (i.e. the date that the data item was catalogued into the Vic Govt dbMap database) pe714136 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_BY =brh16_tw (i.e. the person who last changed the data row) pe714136 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_DATE=08-APR-04 (i.e. the date that the catalogue entry for the item was changed by someone in the Vic Govt) pe714136 008 ASSET HDR DATE8 MEDIA_CHECK_DATE =11-JUL-01
pe714136 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 NAME_DESC=NPECD0124 : (historical scanning bureau disk ID for scanned image files) ASSET_H_DISK: HISTORICAL DISK USED FOR TRANSFER/STORAGE (Stores the historical disk name/number on which the scanned images were transferred from the scanning bureau to DPI. e.g. Used to backtrack to the original disk.) 18-SEP-08 pe714136 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 REMARK=/p/p7/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/raw_copy_of_original_CDs/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714136.tif : (historical file and pathname for scanned images: used to backtrack to original disk used by scanning bureau; please do not change) 18-SEP-08 pe714136 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 NAME_DESC=PERMIT BOX : PE180909 >> PE714130 >> PE714136 ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ASSET_H_LOC: HISTORICAL LOCATION HIERARCHY VALUE (Stores the historical asset item location (along with the hierarchical structure of the location). This is NOT necessarily the same as the CURRENT location. This is a SNAPSHOT of the database (including errors) at a given point in time. ) 26-APR-06 pe714136 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 REMARK=PE714136 << PE714130 << PE180909 << PICKFORDS ---- This is a Historical Snapshot of Hierarchical Storage Locations; please do not change or edit 26-APR-06 pe714136 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=137298 NAME_DESC=137298 ASSET_SIZE_F file size (ASSET_SIZE_F can be used for file size calculations etc) 11-JAN-10 pe714136 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=137298 REMARK=This is the total size of the disk files in bytes (octets) as at 13-DEC-2009 for this barcode. The effective date is the earliest date found for the files for this barcode. Thus, the growth of file system usage versus date-of-file can be p 11-JAN-10
pe714136 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714136.tif ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714136.tif PE714136__((_STRATIGRAPHY,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.TIF(0.1m).........
pe714136 014 ASSET HDR RECEIVED_FROM =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. (i.e. who the item was received from or via)
pe714136 017 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714136 PE714136__((_STRATIGRAPHY,_OTWAY_BASIN,_VIC_P16_))_.TIF(0.1m).........
pe714136 018 ASSET HDR LOC ***** GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT THE ITEMS STORAGE LOCATION ***** pe714136 018 ASSET HDR LOC BARCODE =PE714130 pe714136 018 ASSET HDR LOC CONTAINER_TYPE=REPORT pe714136 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY BARCODE =PE714136 << PE714130 << PE180909 pe714136 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY ITEM TYPE=GENERAL STRAT_COLUMN << TITLE TITLE_RPT << PERMIT_BOX pe714136 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY LOC TYPE =GENERAL STRAT_COLUMN << REPORT << PERMIT_BOX pe714136 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY NAME =Stratigraphy, Otway Basin, VIC/P16 << Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16 << VIC/P16 Permit Box pe714136 018 ASSET HDR LOC_ASSOC =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. pe714136 018 ASSET HDR LOC_NAME =Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16
pe714136 055 ASSET TITLE ANC 364 TITLE_NAME =VIC/P16
pe714136 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_FUTURE_OPEN pe714136 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_OPENFILE -- This item is openfile pe714136 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_AUG_2010_4TB pe714136 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_MAY_2008_2TB
pe714136 099 This data has been dumped from Victorian Govt (DPI dbMap database on 11-FEB-12
pe714136 919 PPDM_AUDIT_HISTORY: HIPE714136
pe714136 995 NOTE: The presence of data in this list/catalogue is not a guarantee of data availability or accuracy.
pe714136 998 0 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714136 998 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714136 998 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714136 998 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pe714136 998 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714136 998 5 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714136 998 6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

*** PE714137 ***

pe714137 001 ASSET HDR ***** THE ASSET HEADER GIVES GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PE714137 ITEM ***** pe714137 001 ASSET HDR DATA_DESCRIPTION=Cross Section, West-East, VIC/P16, T17P, T20P. Otway Basin, Victoria, for Bass Strait Oil and Gas Holdings. Figure 7A within the Farm Out Package Report [PE714130]. Includes VOLUTA-1, MUSSEL-1 and NERITA-1 wells. pe714137 001 ASSET HDR DATA_SUB_TYPE =CROSS_SECTION (i.e.Cross section not directly related to a well) pe714137 001 ASSET HDR DATA_TYPE =GENERAL pe714137 001 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714137 PE714137__((_CROSS_SECTION,_W-E,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(0.9m)......... pe714137 001 ASSET HDR ITEM_NAME =Cross Section, W-E, VIC/P16
pe714137 002 ASSET HDR BASIN =OTWAY (i.e. Otway Basin) pe714137 002 ASSET HDR ONSHORE_IND =N : (i.e. N=OFFSHORE/MARINE)
pe714137 004 ASSET HDR DATA_DIGITAL_IND=N (i.e. N=hardcopy or other non-digital data) pe714137 004 ASSET HDR DATA_FORMAT =HARDCOPY-PAPER (i.e. Hardcopy-Paper)
pe714137 006 ASSET HDR CONFID_CLASS =INTERPRETIVE : (Interpretive/derivative data usually becomes openfile after 5 or 6 years.) pe714137 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_CONDITION =GOOD (i.e. The item is in good condition) pe714137 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_TYPE =PAPER (i.e. PAPER)
pe714137 008 ASSET HDR DATE3 DATE_RECEIVED =09-JAN-84 (i.e. the date when the data item was received by the Victorian Govt) pe714137 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_BY =TK00_SW (i.e. the person who catalogued the data in the first place) pe714137 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_DATE=11-JUL-01 (i.e. the date that the data item was catalogued into the Vic Govt dbMap database) pe714137 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_BY =rh16_tw (i.e. the person who last changed the data row) pe714137 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_DATE=30-APR-10 (i.e. the date that the catalogue entry for the item was changed by someone in the Vic Govt) pe714137 008 ASSET HDR DATE8 MEDIA_CHECK_DATE =11-JUL-01
pe714137 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 NAME_DESC=NPECD0124 : (historical scanning bureau disk ID for scanned image files) ASSET_H_DISK: HISTORICAL DISK USED FOR TRANSFER/STORAGE (Stores the historical disk name/number on which the scanned images were transferred from the scanning bureau to DPI. e.g. Used to backtrack to the original disk.) 18-SEP-08 pe714137 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 REMARK=/p/p7/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/raw_copy_of_original_CDs/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714137.jpg : (historical file and pathname for scanned images: used to backtrack to original disk used by scanning bureau; please do not change) 18-SEP-08 pe714137 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 NAME_DESC=PERMIT BOX : PE180909 >> PE714130 >> PE714137 ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ASSET_H_LOC: HISTORICAL LOCATION HIERARCHY VALUE (Stores the historical asset item location (along with the hierarchical structure of the location). This is NOT necessarily the same as the CURRENT location. This is a SNAPSHOT of the database (including errors) at a given point in time. ) 26-APR-06 pe714137 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 REMARK=PE714137 << PE714130 << PE180909 << PICKFORDS ---- This is a Historical Snapshot of Hierarchical Storage Locations; please do not change or edit 26-APR-06 pe714137 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=986697 NAME_DESC=986697 ASSET_SIZE_F file size (ASSET_SIZE_F can be used for file size calculations etc) 11-JAN-10 pe714137 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=986697 REMARK=This is the total size of the disk files in bytes (octets) as at 13-DEC-2009 for this barcode. The effective date is the earliest date found for the files for this barcode. Thus, the growth of file system usage versus date-of-file can be p 11-JAN-10
pe714137 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714137.jpg ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714137.jpg PE714137__((_CROSS_SECTION,_W-E,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(0.9m).........
pe714137 014 ASSET HDR RECEIVED_FROM =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. (i.e. who the item was received from or via)
pe714137 017 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714137 PE714137__((_CROSS_SECTION,_W-E,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(0.9m).........
pe714137 022 ASSET ANC WELL ***** GIVES EXTRA INFORMATION ABOUT THE ITEM FROM THE WELL ANCILLARY TABLE ***** pe714137 022 ASSET ANC WELL MUSSEL-1 REMARK =This ancillary well row initially generated from well name in Data_description field : pe714137 022 ASSET ANC WELL MUSSEL-1 WELL_NAME =MUSSEL-1 pe714137 022 ASSET ANC WELL NERITA-1 REMARK =This ancillary well row initially generated from well name in Data_description field : pe714137 022 ASSET ANC WELL NERITA-1 WELL_NAME =NERITA-1 pe714137 022 ASSET ANC WELL VOLUTA-1 REMARK =This ancillary well row initially generated from well name in Data_description field : pe714137 022 ASSET ANC WELL VOLUTA-1 WELL_NAME =VOLUTA-1
pe714137 055 ASSET TITLE ANC 383 TITLE_NAME =VIC/P16
pe714137 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_FUTURE_OPEN pe714137 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_OPENFILE -- This item is openfile pe714137 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_AUG_2010_4TB pe714137 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_MAY_2008_2TB
pe714137 099 This data has been dumped from Victorian Govt (DPI dbMap database on 11-FEB-12
pe714137 919 PPDM_AUDIT_HISTORY: HIPE714137
pe714137 995 NOTE: The presence of data in this list/catalogue is not a guarantee of data availability or accuracy.
pe714137 998 0 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714137 998 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714137 998 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714137 998 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pe714137 998 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714137 998 5 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714137 998 6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

*** PE714138 ***

pe714138 001 ASSET HDR ***** THE ASSET HEADER GIVES GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PE714138 ITEM ***** pe714138 001 ASSET HDR DATA_DESCRIPTION=Cross Section, North - South, VIC/P16, T17P, T20P. Otway Basin, Victoria, for Bass Strait Oil and Gas Holdings. Figure 7B within the Farm Out Package Report [PE714130]. Includes PECTEN-1, MUSSEL-1, and PRAWN-A1 wells. pe714138 001 ASSET HDR DATA_SUB_TYPE =CROSS_SECTION (i.e.Cross section not directly related to a well) pe714138 001 ASSET HDR DATA_TYPE =GENERAL pe714138 001 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714138 PE714138__((_CROSS_SECTION,_N-S,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.0m)......... pe714138 001 ASSET HDR ITEM_NAME =Cross Section, N-S, VIC/P16
pe714138 002 ASSET HDR BASIN =OTWAY (i.e. Otway Basin) pe714138 002 ASSET HDR ONSHORE_IND =N : (i.e. N=OFFSHORE/MARINE)
pe714138 004 ASSET HDR DATA_DIGITAL_IND=N (i.e. N=hardcopy or other non-digital data) pe714138 004 ASSET HDR DATA_FORMAT =HARDCOPY-PAPER (i.e. Hardcopy-Paper)
pe714138 006 ASSET HDR CONFID_CLASS =INTERPRETIVE : (Interpretive/derivative data usually becomes openfile after 5 or 6 years.) pe714138 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_CONDITION =GOOD (i.e. The item is in good condition) pe714138 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_TYPE =PAPER (i.e. PAPER)
pe714138 008 ASSET HDR DATE3 DATE_RECEIVED =09-JAN-84 (i.e. the date when the data item was received by the Victorian Govt) pe714138 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_BY =TK00_SW (i.e. the person who catalogued the data in the first place) pe714138 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_DATE=11-JUL-01 (i.e. the date that the data item was catalogued into the Vic Govt dbMap database) pe714138 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_BY =rh16_tw (i.e. the person who last changed the data row) pe714138 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_DATE=30-APR-10 (i.e. the date that the catalogue entry for the item was changed by someone in the Vic Govt) pe714138 008 ASSET HDR DATE8 MEDIA_CHECK_DATE =11-JUL-01
pe714138 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 NAME_DESC=NPECD0124 : (historical scanning bureau disk ID for scanned image files) ASSET_H_DISK: HISTORICAL DISK USED FOR TRANSFER/STORAGE (Stores the historical disk name/number on which the scanned images were transferred from the scanning bureau to DPI. e.g. Used to backtrack to the original disk.) 18-SEP-08 pe714138 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 REMARK=/p/p7/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/raw_copy_of_original_CDs/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714138.jpg : (historical file and pathname for scanned images: used to backtrack to original disk used by scanning bureau; please do not change) 18-SEP-08 pe714138 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 NAME_DESC=PERMIT BOX : PE180909 >> PE714130 >> PE714138 ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ASSET_H_LOC: HISTORICAL LOCATION HIERARCHY VALUE (Stores the historical asset item location (along with the hierarchical structure of the location). This is NOT necessarily the same as the CURRENT location. This is a SNAPSHOT of the database (including errors) at a given point in time. ) 26-APR-06 pe714138 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 REMARK=PE714138 << PE714130 << PE180909 << PICKFORDS ---- This is a Historical Snapshot of Hierarchical Storage Locations; please do not change or edit 26-APR-06 pe714138 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=1091100 NAME_DESC=1091100 ASSET_SIZE_F file size (ASSET_SIZE_F can be used for file size calculations etc) 11-JAN-10 pe714138 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=1091100 REMARK=This is the total size of the disk files in bytes (octets) as at 13-DEC-2009 for this barcode. The effective date is the earliest date found for the files for this barcode. Thus, the growth of file system usage versus date-of-file can be p 11-JAN-10
pe714138 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714138.jpg ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714138.jpg PE714138__((_CROSS_SECTION,_N-S,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.0m).........
pe714138 014 ASSET HDR RECEIVED_FROM =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. (i.e. who the item was received from or via)
pe714138 017 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714138 PE714138__((_CROSS_SECTION,_N-S,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(1.0m).........
pe714138 022 ASSET ANC WELL ***** GIVES EXTRA INFORMATION ABOUT THE ITEM FROM THE WELL ANCILLARY TABLE ***** pe714138 022 ASSET ANC WELL MUSSEL-1 REMARK =This ancillary well row initially generated from well name in Data_description field : pe714138 022 ASSET ANC WELL MUSSEL-1 WELL_NAME =MUSSEL-1 pe714138 022 ASSET ANC WELL PECTEN-1 REMARK =This ancillary well_all row initially generated from well_all name in Data_description field : PECTEN1 pe714138 022 ASSET ANC WELL PECTEN-1 WELL_NAME =PECTEN-1 pe714138 022 ASSET ANC WELL PECTEN-1A DEPTH_OUOM =Metres pe714138 022 ASSET ANC WELL PECTEN-1A DEPTH_UOM =Well_Header pe714138 022 ASSET ANC WELL PECTEN-1A WELL_NAME =PECTEN-1A pe714138 022 ASSET ANC WELL PRAWN-A1 REMARK =This ancillary well row initially generated from well name in Data_description field : pe714138 022 ASSET ANC WELL PRAWN-A1 WELL_NAME =PRAWN-A1
pe714138 055 ASSET TITLE ANC 389 TITLE_NAME =VIC/P16
pe714138 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_FUTURE_OPEN pe714138 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_OPENFILE -- This item is openfile pe714138 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_AUG_2010_4TB pe714138 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_MAY_2008_2TB
pe714138 099 This data has been dumped from Victorian Govt (DPI dbMap database on 11-FEB-12
pe714138 919 PPDM_AUDIT_HISTORY: HIPE714138
pe714138 995 NOTE: The presence of data in this list/catalogue is not a guarantee of data availability or accuracy.
pe714138 998 0 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714138 998 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714138 998 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714138 998 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pe714138 998 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714138 998 5 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714138 998 6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

*** PE714139 ***

pe714139 001 ASSET HDR ***** THE ASSET HEADER GIVES GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PE714139 ITEM ***** pe714139 001 ASSET HDR DATA_DESCRIPTION=Vitrinite Reflectance V's Depth Graphs for Selected Wells VIC/P16, T17P, T20P. Otway Basin, Victoria, for Bass Strait Oil and Gas Holdings. Figure 8 within the Farm Out Package Report [PE 714130]. Includes Flaxmans1, Sherbrook1, Mussel1, and Pecten1 wells pe714139 001 ASSET HDR DATA_SUB_TYPE =GEOCHEM (i.e.Geochem data) pe714139 001 ASSET HDR DATA_TYPE =OTHER_SRVY pe714139 001 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714139 PE714139__((_VITRINITE_REFLECTANCE_V_DEPTH,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(0.3m)......... pe714139 001 ASSET HDR ITEM_NAME =Vitrinite Reflectance V Depth, VIC/P16
pe714139 002 ASSET HDR BASIN =OTWAY (i.e. Otway Basin) pe714139 002 ASSET HDR ONSHORE_IND =N : (i.e. N=OFFSHORE/MARINE)
pe714139 004 ASSET HDR DATA_DIGITAL_IND=N (i.e. N=hardcopy or other non-digital data) pe714139 004 ASSET HDR DATA_FORMAT =HARDCOPY-PAPER (i.e. Hardcopy-Paper)
pe714139 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_CONDITION =GOOD (i.e. The item is in good condition) pe714139 006 ASSET HDR MEDIA_TYPE =PAPER (i.e. PAPER)
pe714139 008 ASSET HDR DATE3 DATE_RECEIVED =09-JAN-84 (i.e. the date when the data item was received by the Victorian Govt) pe714139 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_BY =TK00_SW (i.e. the person who catalogued the data in the first place) pe714139 008 ASSET HDR DATE4 ROW_CREATED_DATE=11-JUL-01 (i.e. the date that the data item was catalogued into the Vic Govt dbMap database) pe714139 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_BY =JK00_SW (i.e. the person who last changed the data row) pe714139 008 ASSET HDR DATE5 ROW_CHANGED_DATE=05-FEB-04 (i.e. the date that the catalogue entry for the item was changed by someone in the Vic Govt) pe714139 008 ASSET HDR DATE8 MEDIA_CHECK_DATE =11-JUL-01
pe714139 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 NAME_DESC=NPECD0124 : (historical scanning bureau disk ID for scanned image files) ASSET_H_DISK: HISTORICAL DISK USED FOR TRANSFER/STORAGE (Stores the historical disk name/number on which the scanned images were transferred from the scanning bureau to DPI. e.g. Used to backtrack to the original disk.) 18-SEP-08 pe714139 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_DISK CODE=NPECD0124 REMARK=/p/p7/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/raw_copy_of_original_CDs/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714139.jpg : (historical file and pathname for scanned images: used to backtrack to original disk used by scanning bureau; please do not change) 18-SEP-08 pe714139 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 NAME_DESC=PERMIT BOX : PE180909 >> PE714130 >> PE714139 ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ----- VIC/P16 Permit Box ASSET_H_LOC: HISTORICAL LOCATION HIERARCHY VALUE (Stores the historical asset item location (along with the hierarchical structure of the location). This is NOT necessarily the same as the CURRENT location. This is a SNAPSHOT of the database (including errors) at a given point in time. ) 26-APR-06 pe714139 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_H_LOC CODE=PE180909 REMARK=PE714139 << PE714130 << PE180909 << PICKFORDS ---- This is a Historical Snapshot of Hierarchical Storage Locations; please do not change or edit 26-APR-06 pe714139 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=348425 NAME_DESC=348425 ASSET_SIZE_F file size (ASSET_SIZE_F can be used for file size calculations etc) 11-JAN-10 pe714139 009 ASSET ALIAS TYPE=ASSET_SIZE_F CODE=348425 REMARK=This is the total size of the disk files in bytes (octets) as at 13-DEC-2009 for this barcode. The effective date is the earliest date found for the files for this barcode. Thus, the growth of file system usage versus date-of-file can be p 11-JAN-10
pe714139 011 INTERNAL-TO-DPI IMAGE FILENAME=../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714139.jpg ... ../reports1/petroleum/SCANS_FROM_BUREAUS/NPECD0124/VICP16/PE714130/PE714139.jpg PE714139__((_VITRINITE_REFLECTANCE_V_DEPTH,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(0.3m).........
pe714139 014 ASSET HDR RECEIVED_FROM =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. (i.e. who the item was received from or via)
pe714139 017 ASSET HDR ITEM BARCODE =PE714139 PE714139__((_VITRINITE_REFLECTANCE_V_DEPTH,_VIC_P16_))_.JPG(0.3m).........
pe714139 018 ASSET HDR LOC ***** GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT THE ITEMS STORAGE LOCATION ***** pe714139 018 ASSET HDR LOC BARCODE =PE714130 pe714139 018 ASSET HDR LOC CONTAINER_TYPE=REPORT pe714139 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY BARCODE =PE714139 << PE714130 << PE180909 pe714139 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY ITEM TYPE=OTHER_SRVY GEOCHEM << TITLE TITLE_RPT << PERMIT_BOX pe714139 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY LOC TYPE =OTHER_SRVY GEOCHEM << REPORT << PERMIT_BOX pe714139 018 ASSET HDR LOCATION HIERARCHY NAME =Vitrinite Reflectance V Depth, VIC/P16 << Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16 << VIC/P16 Permit Box pe714139 018 ASSET HDR LOC_ASSOC =Bass Strait Oil & Gas (Holdings) N.L. pe714139 018 ASSET HDR LOC_NAME =Farm Out Package Report, VIC p/16
pe714139 022 ASSET ANC WELL ***** GIVES EXTRA INFORMATION ABOUT THE ITEM FROM THE WELL ANCILLARY TABLE ***** pe714139 022 ASSET ANC WELL FLAXMANS-1 REMARK =This ancillary well row initially generated from well name in Data_description field : pe714139 022 ASSET ANC WELL FLAXMANS-1 WELL_NAME =FLAXMANS-1 pe714139 022 ASSET ANC WELL MUSSEL-1 REMARK =This ancillary well row initially generated from well name in Data_description field : pe714139 022 ASSET ANC WELL MUSSEL-1 WELL_NAME =MUSSEL-1 pe714139 022 ASSET ANC WELL SHERBROOK-1 REMARK =This ancillary well row initially generated from well name in Data_description field : pe714139 022 ASSET ANC WELL SHERBROOK-1 WELL_NAME =SHERBROOK-1
pe714139 055 ASSET TITLE ANC 402 TITLE_NAME =VIC/P16
pe714139 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_FUTURE_OPEN pe714139 057 ASSET KEYWORD =C_OPENFILE -- This item is openfile pe714139 057 ASSET KEYWORD =GEOCHEMISTRY pe714139 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_AUG_2010_4TB pe714139 057 ASSET KEYWORD =PACKAGE_HDD_MAY_2008_2TB
pe714139 099 This data has been dumped from Victorian Govt (DPI dbMap database on 11-FEB-12
pe714139 919 PPDM_AUDIT_HISTORY: HIPE714139
pe714139 995 NOTE: The presence of data in this list/catalogue is not a guarantee of data availability or accuracy.
pe714139 998 0 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714139 998 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714139 998 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ pe714139 998 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pe714139 998 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714139 998 5 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pe714139 998 6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////