hipe911398 002 2003_100_12_45_03 10-APR-03 EP00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911398: West Kingfish-W18 Directional Data Report. By Servco for Esso Australia Ltd. 24th Nov 1983. W837-->>Directional Data printout for West Kingfish-W18. By Servco for Esso Australia Ltd. November 1983. W837 (02-MAY-03 TB09_TADMIN hipe911398 002 2003_100_12_45_03 10-APR-03 EP00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE911398: SRVY_RPT-->> (02-MAY-03 TB09_TADMIN hipe911398 002 2003_100_12_45_03 10-APR-03 EP00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE
PE911398: WELL-->> (02-MAY-03 TB09_TADMIN hipe911398 002 2003_100_12_45_03 10-APR-03 EP00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN
PE911398: -->>24-NOV-83 (02-MAY-03 TB09_TADMIN hipe911398 002 2003_100_12_45_03 10-APR-03 EP00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911398: WCR West Kingfish-W18-->>West Kingfish-W18 Directional Data (02-MAY-03 TB09_TADMIN hipe911398 002 2003_122_12_12_10 02-MAY-03 TB09_TADMIPS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911398: Directional Data printout for West Kingfish-W18. By Servco for Esso Australia Ltd. November 1983. W837-->>OBSOLETE - Directional Data printout for West Kingfish-W18. By Servco for Esso Australia Ltd. November 1983. W837. Was in
PE911387 West Kingfish-W18 WCR. (29-JUL-04 CD000_SW hipe911398 002 2003_122_12_12_10 02-MAY-03 TB09_TADMIPS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE911398: -->>OBSOLETE (29-JUL-04 CD000_SW hipe911398 002 2003_122_12_12_10 02-MAY-03 TB09_TADMIPS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE
PE911398: -->>GENERAL (29-JUL-04 CD000_SW hipe911398 002 2003_122_12_12_10 02-MAY-03 TB09_TADMIPS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911398: West Kingfish-W18 Directional Data-->>OBSOLETE - Directional Data (29-JUL-04 CD000_SW hipe911398 002 2003_122_12_12_10 02-MAY-03 TB09_TADMIPS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND
PE911398: N-->> (29-JUL-04 CD000_SW hipe911398 002 2003_122_12_12_10 02-MAY-03 TB09_TADMIPS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID
PE911398: 200002271972-->>200001130199 (29-JUL-04 CD000_SW hipe911398 002 2004_211_10_51_08 29-JUL-04 CD000_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911398: OBSOLETE - Directional Data printout for West Kingfish-W18. By Servco for Esso Australia Ltd. November 1983. W837. Was in
PE911387 West Kingfish-W18 WCR.-->>Obsolete - Directional Data printout for West Kingfish-W18. By Servco for Esso Australia Ltd. November 1983. W837. Was in
PE911387 West Kingfish-W18 WCR. (08-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe911398 002 2004_211_10_51_08 29-JUL-04 CD000_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911398: OBSOLETE - Directional Data-->>Obsolete - Directional Data (08-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe911398 002 2009_316_15_31_33 12-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200019896961 (C_FUTURE_OPEN) hipe911398 002 2009_316_15_31_33 12-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200020035942 hipe911398 002 2009_316_15_31_33 12-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200002272331 hipe911398 002 2009_316_15_31_33 12-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>RH16_TW hipe911398 002 2009_316_15_31_33 12-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>12-NOV-09 hipe911398 002 2009_316_15_31_33 12-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>RH16_TW hipe911398 002 2009_316_15_31_33 12-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>12-NOV-09 hipe911398 002 2010_098_15_20_56 08-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911398: Obsolete - Directional Data-->>Obsolete-WEST KINGFISH-W18 Dirl.Data (30-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe911398 002 2010_098_15_20_56 08-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Obsolete - Directional Data-->>Obsolete-WEST KINGFISH-W18 Dirl.Data hipe911398 002 2010_098_15_20_56 08-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE CD000_SW-->>rh16_tw hipe911398 002 2010_098_15_20_56 08-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 29-JUL-04-->>08-APR-10 hipe911398 002 2010_120_13_11_42 30-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911398: Obsolete - Directional Data printout for West Kingfish-W18. By Servco for Esso Australia Ltd. November 1983. W837. Was in
PE911387 West Kingfish-W18 WCR.-->>Obsolete - Directional Data printout for WEST KINGFISH-W18. By Servco for Esso Australia Ltd. November 1983. W837. Was in
PE911387 WEST KINGFISH-W18 WCR. (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe911398 002 2010_120_13_11_42 30-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Obsolete - Directional Data printout for West Kingfish-W18. By Servco for Esso Australia Ltd. November 1983. W837. Was in
PE911387 West Kingfish-W18 WCR.-->>Obsolete - Directional Data printout for WEST KINGFISH-W18. By Servco for Esso Australia Ltd. November 1983. W837. Was in
PE911387 WEST KINGFISH-W18 WCR. hipe911398 002 2010_120_13_11_42 30-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 08-APR-10-->>30-APR-10 hipe911398 002 2011_103_17_07_56 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>1983328
hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE911621 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GIPPSLAND hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................INSERT -->>BASIC hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Basker-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lith in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Schlumberger/Anzon, OCT 2009. hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>VARIOUS hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>DATA_CD_DVD hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>GENERAL hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_RECEIVED.......................INSERT -->>15-DEC-09 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................INSERT -->>28-OCT-09 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Basker-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND.........................INSERT -->>N hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200020188546 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200015085421 (TAPEBAY: COMPACTUS: Bay of
COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes i.e. location of item) hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM INSERT -->>ANZON (i.e. Anzon Australia Limited ) hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT -->>11-JAN-10 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_24_49 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT -->>11-JAN-10 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_26_33 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_LOCATION.LOCATION_ASSOC INSERT -->>1000000050699 (i.e.Roc Oil Company Ltd ) hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_27_06 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911621: Basker-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lith in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Schlumberger/Anzon, OCT 2009.-->>Basker-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lith in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. (11-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_27_06 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Basker-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lith in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Schlumberger/Anzon, OCT 2009.-->>Basker-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lith in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_27_06 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 11-JAN-10-->>11-JAN-10 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_28_09 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM
PE911621: ANZON-->>1000000050699 (11-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_28_09 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM UPDATE ANZON-->>1000000050699 (i.e. Roc Oil Company Ltd ) hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_28_09 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 11-JAN-10-->>11-JAN-10 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_30_20 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE911621: DATA_CD_DVD-->>FWR_RPT_AND_ASSOC (11-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_30_20 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................UPDATE DATA_CD_DVD-->>FWR_RPT_AND_ASSOC hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_30_20 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE
PE911621: GENERAL-->>WELL (11-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_30_20 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................UPDATE GENERAL-->>WELL hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_30_20 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 11-JAN-10-->>11-JAN-10 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_52_11 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>Metres hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_52_11 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>Well_Header hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_52_11 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>200020188546 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_52_11 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>200020188562 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_52_11 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>ID06_TW hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_52_11 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>11-JAN-10 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_52_11 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>ID06_TW hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_52_11 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>11-JAN-10 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_52_11 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>BASKER-7 hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_52_55 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911621: Basker-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lith in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>Basker-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. (24-FEB-10 RH16_TW hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_52_55 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Basker-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lith in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>Basker-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. hipe911621 002 2010_011_16_52_55 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 11-JAN-10-->>11-JAN-10 hipe911621 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911621: Basker-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD (16-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe911621 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Basker-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD hipe911621 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE ID06_TW-->>rh16_tw hipe911621 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 11-JAN-10-->>24-FEB-10 hipe911621 002 2010_106_18_14_00 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911621: Basker-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. (21-MAY-10 RH16_TW hipe911621 002 2010_106_18_14_00 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Basker-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. hipe911621 002 2010_106_18_14_00 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 24-FEB-10-->>16-APR-10 hipe911621 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911621: BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ASCII format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. (26-NOV-10 RH16_TW hipe911621 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ascii format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ASCII format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. hipe911621 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 16-APR-10-->>21-MAY-10 hipe911621 002 2010_258_19_08_45 15-SEP-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_DESC INSERT For:(deleted): -->>JPEG image file - SAM2_317_
PE911621i_MEDIA_LABELLING WELL__FWR_RPT_AND_ASSOC (deleted GUID:200022075531 ) hipe911621 002 2010_258_19_08_45 15-SEP-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_FILENAME INSERT For:(deleted): -->>/var/b2/scanning_MEDIA_labels/scanned_directly/CD_BOXES_AUG_2010/SAM2_C/SAM2_317_
PE911621i_MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG (deleted GUID:200022075531 ) hipe911621 002 2010_258_19_08_45 15-SEP-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_VIEWER INSERT For:(deleted): -->>wangimg (deleted GUID:200022075531 ) hipe911621 002 2010_258_19_08_45 15-SEP-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.PIM_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200022075531 (deleted GUID:200022075531 ) hipe911621 002 2010_258_19_08_45 15-SEP-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.PSA_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200020188546 (deleted GUID:200022075531 ) hipe911621 002 2010_258_19_08_45 15-SEP-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:(deleted): -->>perl_perl (deleted GUID:200022075531 ) hipe911621 002 2010_309_17_48_59 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD DELETE For:(deleted): 200022131753-->> (deleted GUID:200022213547 ) hipe911621 002 2010_309_17_48_59 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200022213547-->> (deleted GUID:200022213547 ) hipe911621 002 2010_309_17_48_59 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200020188546-->> (deleted GUID:200022213547 ) hipe911621 002 2010_309_17_48_59 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY DELETE For:(deleted): RH16_TW-->> (deleted GUID:200022213547 ) hipe911621 002 2010_309_17_48_59 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY DELETE For:(deleted): RH16_TW-->> (deleted GUID:200022213547 ) hipe911621 002 2010_330_11_34_19 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911621: BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ASCII format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ASCII format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe911621 002 2010_330_11_34_19 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ASCII format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format, Drilllog, Gas log and Lithology in ASCII format, Drilllog, Gas ratio, Mudlog and Pressurelog in cgm and PDF formats and xtf files. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. hipe911621 002 2010_330_11_34_19 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911621: BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe911621 002 2010_330_11_34_19 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD hipe911621 002 2010_330_11_34_19 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE rh16_tw-->>RH16_TW hipe911621 002 2010_330_11_34_19 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 21-MAY-10-->>26-NOV-10 hipe911621 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200004673978 (C_OPENFILE) hipe911621 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200022352871 hipe911621 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200020188546 hipe911621 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe911621 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>07-DEC-10 hipe911621 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe911621 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>07-DEC-10 hipe911621 002 2011_103_17_21_40 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2009301 hipe911621 002 2011_139_14_55_38 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_DESC DELETE For:(deleted): JPEG image file - SAM2_317_
PE911621i_MEDIA_LABELLING WELL__FWR_RPT_AND_ASSOC-->> (deleted GUID:200022075531 ) hipe911621 002 2011_139_14_55_38 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_FILENAME DELETE For:(deleted): /var/b2/scanning_MEDIA_labels/scanned_directly/CD_BOXES_AUG_2010/SAM2_C/SAM2_317_
PE911621i_MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG-->> (deleted GUID:200022075531 ) hipe911621 002 2011_139_14_55_38 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_VIEWER DELETE For:(deleted): wangimg-->> (deleted GUID:200022075531 ) hipe911621 002 2011_139_14_55_38 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.PIM_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200022075531-->> (deleted GUID:200022075531 ) hipe911621 002 2011_139_14_55_38 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.PSA_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200020188546-->> (deleted GUID:200022075531 ) hipe911621 002 2011_139_14_55_38 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_BY DELETE For:(deleted): perl_perl-->> (deleted GUID:200022075531 ) hipe911621 002 2011_217_17_45_58 05-AUG-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>05-AUG-11 hipe911621 002 2011_217_17_52_43 05-AUG-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>05-AUG-11
*** HIPE9116211 ***
hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE911621_1 hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GIPPSLAND hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................INSERT -->>BASIC hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Basker-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>PDF hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>FWR_RPT hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>WELL hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_RECEIVED.......................INSERT -->>15-DEC-09 hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................INSERT -->>28-OCT-09 hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Basker-7 Final Well report hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND.........................INSERT -->>N hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200020188551 hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200020188547 (
PE911621: CD: BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD i.e. location of item) hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM INSERT -->>1000000050699 (i.e. Roc Oil Company Ltd ) hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT -->>11-JAN-10 hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_29_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT -->>11-JAN-10 hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_52_05 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>Metres hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_52_05 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>Well_Header hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_52_05 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>200020188551 hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_52_05 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>200020188561 hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_52_05 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_52_05 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>11-JAN-10 hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_52_05 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_52_05 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>11-JAN-10 hipe9116211 002 2010_011_16_52_05 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>BASKER-7 hipe9116211 002 2010_053_15_54_04 22-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911621_1: Basker-7 Final Well report-->>BASKER-7 Final Well report (16-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe9116211 002 2010_053_15_54_04 22-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Basker-7 Final Well report-->>BASKER-7 Final Well report hipe9116211 002 2010_053_15_54_04 22-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE ID06_TW-->>rh16_tw hipe9116211 002 2010_053_15_54_04 22-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 11-JAN-10-->>22-FEB-10 hipe9116211 002 2010_106_18_14_00 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911621_1: Basker-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. (26-NOV-10 RH16_TW hipe9116211 002 2010_106_18_14_00 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Basker-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. hipe9116211 002 2010_106_18_14_00 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 22-FEB-10-->>16-APR-10 hipe9116211 002 2010_330_11_34_25 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911621_1: BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe9116211 002 2010_330_11_34_25 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report CD. Contains Final Well Report in PDF format. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. hipe9116211 002 2010_330_11_34_25 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911621_1: BASKER-7 Final Well report-->>BASKER-7 Final Well report (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe9116211 002 2010_330_11_34_25 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE BASKER-7 Final Well report-->>BASKER-7 Final Well report hipe9116211 002 2010_330_11_34_25 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE rh16_tw-->>RH16_TW hipe9116211 002 2010_330_11_34_25 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 16-APR-10-->>26-NOV-10 hipe9116211 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200004673978 (C_OPENFILE) hipe9116211 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200022352872 hipe9116211 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200020188551 hipe9116211 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe9116211 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>07-DEC-10 hipe9116211 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe9116211 002 2010_341_17_06_03 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>07-DEC-10 hipe9116211 002 2011_103_17_21_40 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2009301
*** HIPE9116212 ***
hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE911621_2 hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GIPPSLAND hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................INSERT -->>BASIC hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Basker-7 SLS Final Well report and Logs CD. Contains Mudlog images in PDF and Cgm formats. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>VARIOUS hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>MUD_LOG hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>WELL hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_RECEIVED.......................INSERT -->>15-DEC-09 hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................INSERT -->>28-OCT-09 hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Basker-7 Mudlog hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND.........................INSERT -->>N hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200020188559 hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200020188547 (
PE911621: CD: BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report & Log CD i.e. location of item) hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM INSERT -->>1000000050699 (i.e. Roc Oil Company Ltd ) hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT -->>11-JAN-10 hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_36 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT -->>11-JAN-10 hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>Metres hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>Well_Header hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>200020188559 hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>200020188560 hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>11-JAN-10 hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>11-JAN-10 hipe9116212 002 2010_011_16_51_56 11-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:BASKER-7: -->>BASKER-7 hipe9116212 002 2010_053_15_54_04 22-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911621_2: Basker-7 Mudlog-->>BASKER-7 Mudlog (16-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe9116212 002 2010_053_15_54_04 22-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Basker-7 Mudlog-->>BASKER-7 Mudlog hipe9116212 002 2010_053_15_54_04 22-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE ID06_TW-->>rh16_tw hipe9116212 002 2010_053_15_54_04 22-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 11-JAN-10-->>22-FEB-10 hipe9116212 002 2010_106_18_14_00 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911621_2: Basker-7 SLS Final Well report and Logs CD. Contains Mudlog images in PDF and Cgm formats. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report and Logs CD. Contains Mudlog images in PDF and Cgm formats. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. (26-NOV-10 RH16_TW hipe9116212 002 2010_106_18_14_00 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Basker-7 SLS Final Well report and Logs CD. Contains Mudlog images in PDF and Cgm formats. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report and Logs CD. Contains Mudlog images in PDF and Cgm formats. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. hipe9116212 002 2010_106_18_14_00 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 22-FEB-10-->>16-APR-10 hipe9116212 002 2010_330_11_34_31 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911621_2: BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report and Logs CD. Contains Mudlog images in PDF and Cgm formats. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report and Logs CD. Contains Mudlog images in PDF and Cgm formats. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe9116212 002 2010_330_11_34_31 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report and Logs CD. Contains Mudlog images in PDF and Cgm formats. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009.-->>BASKER-7 SLS Final Well report and Logs CD. Contains Mudlog images in PDF and Cgm formats. Baker Hughes Inteq/Roc, OCT 2009. hipe9116212 002 2010_330_11_34_31 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911621_2: BASKER-7 Mudlog-->>BASKER-7 Mudlog (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe9116212 002 2010_330_11_34_31 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE BASKER-7 Mudlog-->>BASKER-7 Mudlog hipe9116212 002 2010_330_11_34_31 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE rh16_tw-->>RH16_TW hipe9116212 002 2010_330_11_34_31 26-NOV-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 16-APR-10-->>26-NOV-10 hipe9116212 002 2010_341_17_06_04 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200004673978 (C_OPENFILE) hipe9116212 002 2010_341_17_06_04 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200022352873 hipe9116212 002 2010_341_17_06_04 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200020188559 hipe9116212 002 2010_341_17_06_04 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe9116212 002 2010_341_17_06_04 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>07-DEC-10 hipe9116212 002 2010_341_17_06_04 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe9116212 002 2010_341_17_06_04 07-DEC-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>07-DEC-10 hipe9116212 002 2011_103_17_21_40 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2009301
hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_16_49 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_LOCATION.LOCATION_ASSOC INSERT -->>ACN000018566 (i.e.Esso Australia Pty Ltd ) hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE911627 hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GIPPSLAND hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................INSERT -->>INTERPRETIVE hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Snapper-M33A Well Completion Report. Includes Survey Data, Petrophysics Evaluation Summary, Lithology/Show Descriptions, Mudlogs, and Well completion Log (Composite). WCR is considered to be interpretive. Esso FEB 2009. hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>PDF hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>WCR_RPT hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>WELL hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_RECEIVED.......................INSERT -->>15-DEC-09 hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................INSERT -->>28-FEB-09 hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Snapper-M33A Well Completion Report CD hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND.........................INSERT -->>N hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200020188742 hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200015085421 (TAPEBAY: COMPACTUS: Bay of
COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes i.e. location of item) hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM INSERT -->>ACN000018566 (i.e. Esso Australia Pty Ltd ) hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT -->>12-JAN-10 hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_17_54 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT -->>12-JAN-10 hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_37_07 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>Metres hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_37_07 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>Well_Header hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_37_07 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>200020188742 hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_37_07 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>200020188762 hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_37_07 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>ID06_TW hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_37_07 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>12-JAN-10 hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_37_07 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>ID06_TW hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_37_07 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>12-JAN-10 hipe911627 002 2010_012_15_37_07 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>SNAPPER-M33A hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_47_00 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627: -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore been added to "ancillary data: (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_47_00 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore been added to "ancillary data: hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_47_00 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 12-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_47_42 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627: Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore been added to "ancillary data: -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data: (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_47_42 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore been added to "ancillary data: -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data: hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_47_42 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_48_30 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627: Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data: -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_48_30 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data: -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_48_30 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_52_07 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627: Snapper-M33A Well Completion Report. Includes Survey Data, Petrophysics Evaluation Summary, Lithology/Show Descriptions, Mudlogs, and Well completion Log (Composite). WCR is considered to be interpretive. Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Well Completion Report. Includes Survey Data, Petrophysics Evaluation Summary, Lithology/Show Descriptions, Mudlogs, and Well completion Log (Composite). WCR is considered to be interpretive. Esso FEB 2009. See remarks (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_52_07 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Well Completion Report. Includes Survey Data, Petrophysics Evaluation Summary, Lithology/Show Descriptions, Mudlogs, and Well completion Log (Composite). WCR is considered to be interpretive. Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Well Completion Report. Includes Survey Data, Petrophysics Evaluation Summary, Lithology/Show Descriptions, Mudlogs, and Well completion Log (Composite). WCR is considered to be interpretive. Esso FEB 2009. See remarks hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_52_07 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_53_25 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627: Snapper-M33A Well Completion Report CD-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Well Compltn Rpt CD (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_53_25 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Well Completion Report CD-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Well Compltn Rpt CD hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_53_25 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_53_37 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627: Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". (24-FEB-10 RH16_TW hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_53_37 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_53_37 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_59_48 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>Metres hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_59_48 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>Well_Header hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_59_48 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>200020188742 hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_59_48 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>200020188863 hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_59_48 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>ID06_TW hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_59_48 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>13-JAN-10 hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_59_48 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>ID06_TW hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_59_48 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>13-JAN-10 hipe911627 002 2010_013_09_59_48 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>SNAPPER-M33A ST hipe911627 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627: Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Well Compltn Rpt CD-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST Well Compltn Rpt CD (09-MAR-10 RH16_TW hipe911627 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Well Compltn Rpt CD-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST Well Compltn Rpt CD hipe911627 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE ID06_TW-->>rh16_tw hipe911627 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>24-FEB-10 hipe911627 002 2010_068_18_17_43 09-MAR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627: SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST Well Compltn Rpt CD-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST WCR CD (16-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe911627 002 2010_068_18_17_43 09-MAR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST Well Compltn Rpt CD-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST WCR CD hipe911627 002 2010_068_18_17_43 09-MAR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 24-FEB-10-->>09-MAR-10 hipe911627 002 2010_106_18_14_01 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627: Snapper-M33A Well Completion Report. Includes Survey Data, Petrophysics Evaluation Summary, Lithology/Show Descriptions, Mudlogs, and Well completion Log (Composite). WCR is considered to be interpretive. Esso FEB 2009. See remarks-->>SNAPPER-M33A Well Completion Report. Includes Survey Data, Petrophysics Evaluation Summary, Lithology/Show Descriptions, Mudlogs, and Well completion Log (Composite). WCR is considered to be interpretive. Esso FEB 2009. See remarks (21-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe911627 002 2010_106_18_14_01 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Well Completion Report. Includes Survey Data, Petrophysics Evaluation Summary, Lithology/Show Descriptions, Mudlogs, and Well completion Log (Composite). WCR is considered to be interpretive. Esso FEB 2009. See remarks-->>SNAPPER-M33A Well Completion Report. Includes Survey Data, Petrophysics Evaluation Summary, Lithology/Show Descriptions, Mudlogs, and Well completion Log (Composite). WCR is considered to be interpretive. Esso FEB 2009. See remarks hipe911627 002 2010_106_18_14_01 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 09-MAR-10-->>16-APR-10 hipe911627 002 2010_111_12_43_51 21-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627: SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST WCR CD-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A St WCR CD (26-NOV-10 TS00_TW hipe911627 002 2010_111_12_43_51 21-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST WCR CD-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A St WCR CD hipe911627 002 2010_111_12_43_51 21-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 16-APR-10-->>21-APR-10 hipe911627 002 2010_258_19_08_46 15-SEP-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_DESC INSERT For:(deleted): -->>JPEG image file - SAM2_323_
PE911627i_MEDIA_LABELLING WELL__WCR_RPT (deleted GUID:200022075636 ) hipe911627 002 2010_258_19_08_46 15-SEP-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_FILENAME INSERT For:(deleted): -->>/var/b2/scanning_MEDIA_labels/scanned_directly/CD_BOXES_AUG_2010/SAM2_C/SAM2_323_
PE911627i_MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG (deleted GUID:200022075636 ) hipe911627 002 2010_258_19_08_46 15-SEP-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_VIEWER INSERT For:(deleted): -->>wangimg (deleted GUID:200022075636 ) hipe911627 002 2010_258_19_08_46 15-SEP-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.PIM_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200022075636 (deleted GUID:200022075636 ) hipe911627 002 2010_258_19_08_46 15-SEP-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.PSA_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200020188742 (deleted GUID:200022075636 ) hipe911627 002 2010_258_19_08_47 15-SEP-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:(deleted): -->>perl_perl (deleted GUID:200022075636 ) hipe911627 002 2010_309_17_48_59 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD DELETE For:(deleted): 200022131753-->> (deleted GUID:200022213553 ) hipe911627 002 2010_309_17_48_59 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200022213553-->> (deleted GUID:200022213553 ) hipe911627 002 2010_309_17_48_59 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200020188742-->> (deleted GUID:200022213553 ) hipe911627 002 2010_309_17_48_59 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY DELETE For:(deleted): RH16_TW-->> (deleted GUID:200022213553 ) hipe911627 002 2010_309_17_48_59 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY DELETE For:(deleted): RH16_TW-->> (deleted GUID:200022213553 ) hipe911627 002 2010_330_11_24_07 26-NOV-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627: SNAPPER-M33A/M33A St WCR CD-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST WCR CD (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe911627 002 2010_330_11_24_07 26-NOV-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE SNAPPER-M33A/M33A St WCR CD-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST WCR CD hipe911627 002 2010_330_11_24_07 26-NOV-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE rh16_tw-->>TS00_TW hipe911627 002 2010_330_11_24_07 26-NOV-10 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 21-APR-10-->>26-NOV-10 hipe911627 002 2011_103_17_21_40 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2009059 hipe911627 002 2011_139_14_55_25 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_DESC DELETE For:(deleted): JPEG image file - SAM2_323_
PE911627i_MEDIA_LABELLING WELL__WCR_RPT-->> (deleted GUID:200022075636 ) hipe911627 002 2011_139_14_55_25 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_FILENAME DELETE For:(deleted): /var/b2/scanning_MEDIA_labels/scanned_directly/CD_BOXES_AUG_2010/SAM2_C/SAM2_323_
PE911627i_MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG-->> (deleted GUID:200022075636 ) hipe911627 002 2011_139_14_55_25 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_VIEWER DELETE For:(deleted): wangimg-->> (deleted GUID:200022075636 ) hipe911627 002 2011_139_14_55_25 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.PIM_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200022075636-->> (deleted GUID:200022075636 ) hipe911627 002 2011_139_14_55_25 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.PSA_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200020188742-->> (deleted GUID:200022075636 ) hipe911627 002 2011_139_14_55_25 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_BY DELETE For:(deleted): perl_perl-->> (deleted GUID:200022075636 ) hipe911627 002 2011_217_17_45_58 05-AUG-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>05-AUG-11 hipe911627 002 2011_217_17_52_43 05-AUG-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>05-AUG-11
*** HIPE9116271 ***
hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE911626_1 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GIPPSLAND hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................INSERT -->>BASIC hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Cobia-F8A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 17) within Well Completion Report. Schlumgerger/Esso NOV 2009. hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>PDF hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>DIRECTIONAL hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>WELL hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_RECEIVED.......................INSERT -->>15-DEC-09 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................INSERT -->>30-NOV-09 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Cobia-F8A Deviation Survey Data hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND.........................INSERT -->>N hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200020188729 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200020188727 (
PE911626: CD: COBIA-F8A WCR CD i.e. location of item) hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM INSERT -->>ACN000018566 (i.e. Esso Australia Pty Ltd ) hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_03_31 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_09_22 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>Metres hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_09_22 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>Well_Header hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_09_22 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>200020188729 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_09_22 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>200020188738 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_09_22 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_09_22 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_09_22 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_09_22 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_09_22 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>COBIA-F8A hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_18_57 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE
PE911627_1 (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_18_57 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................UPDATE
PE911627_1 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_18_57 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_1: Cobia-F8A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 17) within Well Completion Report. Schlumgerger/Esso NOV 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 22) within Well Completion Report. Schlumgerger/Esso FEB 2009. (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_18_57 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Cobia-F8A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 17) within Well Completion Report. Schlumgerger/Esso NOV 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 22) within Well Completion Report. Schlumgerger/Esso FEB 2009. hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_18_57 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN
PE911627_1: 30-NOV-09-->>28-FEB-09 (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_18_57 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................UPDATE 30-NOV-09-->>28-FEB-09 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_18_57 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627_1: Cobia-F8A Deviation Survey Data-->>Snapper-M33A Deviation Survey Data (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_18_57 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Cobia-F8A Deviation Survey Data-->>Snapper-M33A Deviation Survey Data hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_18_57 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID
PE911627_1: 200020188727-->>200020188740 (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_18_57 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID UPDATE 200020188727-->>200020188740 (
PE911627: CD: SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST WCR CD i.e. location of item) hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_18_57 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 12-JAN-10-->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_36_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE For:SNAPPER-M33A: 12-JAN-10-->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_012_15_36_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME UPDATE For:SNAPPER-M33A: COBIA-F8A-->>SNAPPER-M33A hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_48_03 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627_1: -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data: (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_48_03 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data: hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_48_03 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 12-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_48_15 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627_1: Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data: -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_48_15 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data: -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_48_15 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_51_51 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_1: Snapper-M33A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 22) within Well Completion Report. Schlumgerger/Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 22) within Well Completion Report. Schlumgerger/Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_51_51 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 22) within Well Completion Report. Schlumgerger/Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 22) within Well Completion Report. Schlumgerger/Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_51_51 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_53_44 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627_1: Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_53_44 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_53_44 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_56_54 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627_1: Snapper-M33A Deviation Survey Data-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Deviation Svy Data (24-FEB-10 RH16_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_56_54 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Deviation Survey Data-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Deviation Svy Data hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_56_54 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_59_33 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>Metres hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_59_33 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>Well_Header hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_59_33 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>200020188729 hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_59_33 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>200020188862 hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_59_33 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_59_33 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_59_33 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_59_33 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_013_09_59_33 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>SNAPPER-M33A ST hipe9116271 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627_1: Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Deviation Svy Data-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST Deviation Svy Data (21-MAY-10 RH16_TW hipe9116271 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Deviation Svy Data-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST Deviation Svy Data hipe9116271 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE ID06_TW-->>rh16_tw hipe9116271 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>24-FEB-10 hipe9116271 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_1: Snapper-M33A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 22) within Well Completion Report. Schlumgerger/Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 22) within Well Completion Report. Schlumberger/Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name amended and note added to remarks (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe9116271 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 22) within Well Completion Report. Schlumgerger/Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A Deviation Final Survey Report listed in appendix 1 (Page 22) within Well Completion Report. Schlumberger/Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name amended and note added to remarks hipe9116271 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 24-FEB-10-->>21-MAY-10 hipe9116271 002 2011_103_14_14_43 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200004673978 (C_OPENFILE) hipe9116271 002 2011_103_14_14_43 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200034308514 hipe9116271 002 2011_103_14_14_43 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200020188729 hipe9116271 002 2011_103_14_14_43 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe9116271 002 2011_103_14_14_43 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>13-APR-11 hipe9116271 002 2011_103_14_14_43 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe9116271 002 2011_103_14_14_43 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>13-APR-11 hipe9116271 002 2011_103_17_21_40 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2009059
*** HIPE9116272 ***
hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>PE911626_2 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GIPPSLAND hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................INSERT -->>INTERPRETIVE hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Cobia-F8A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 44) of Well Completion Report. Esso NOV 2009. hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>PDF hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>WELL_LOG hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>WELL hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_RECEIVED.......................INSERT -->>15-DEC-09 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................INSERT -->>30-NOV-09 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Cobia-F8A Petrophysical Log Image hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND.........................INSERT -->>N hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200020188730 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200020188727 (
PE911626: CD: COBIA-F8A WCR CD i.e. location of item) hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM INSERT -->>ACN000018566 (i.e. Esso Australia Pty Ltd ) hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_05_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_09_15 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>Metres hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_09_15 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>Well_Header hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_09_15 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>200020188730 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_09_15 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>200020188737 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_09_15 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_09_15 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_09_15 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_09_15 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_09_15 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>COBIA-F8A hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_24_56 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE
PE911627_2: PE911626_2-->>
PE911627_2 (12-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_24_56 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................UPDATE PE911626_2-->>
PE911627_2 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_24_56 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_2: Cobia-F8A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 44) of Well Completion Report. Esso NOV 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 44) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009. (12-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_24_56 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Cobia-F8A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 44) of Well Completion Report. Esso NOV 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 44) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009. hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_24_56 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN
PE911627_2: 30-NOV-09-->>28-FEB-09 (12-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_24_56 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................UPDATE 30-NOV-09-->>28-FEB-09 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_24_56 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627_2: Cobia-F8A Petrophysical Log Image-->>Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Log Image (12-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_24_56 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Cobia-F8A Petrophysical Log Image-->>Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Log Image hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_24_56 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID
PE911627_2: 200020188727-->>200020188740 (12-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_24_56 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID UPDATE 200020188727-->>200020188740 (
PE911627: CD: SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST WCR CD i.e. location of item) hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_24_56 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 12-JAN-10-->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_27_26 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_2: Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 44) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009. (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_27_26 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 44) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009. hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_27_26 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 12-JAN-10-->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_36_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE For:SNAPPER-M33A: 12-JAN-10-->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_012_15_36_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME UPDATE For:SNAPPER-M33A: COBIA-F8A-->>SNAPPER-M33A hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_48_41 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627_2: -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_48_41 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_48_41 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 12-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_51_42 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_2: Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009.
CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_51_42 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009.<>CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_51_42 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_53_51 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627_2: Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data".-->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_53_51 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data".-->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_53_51 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_56_24 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_2: Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009.
CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009.
CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks (24-FEB-10 RH16_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_56_24 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009.<>CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009.<>CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_56_24 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627_2: Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Log Image-->>Snapper-M33A/M33 ST Petrophys Log Image (24-FEB-10 RH16_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_56_24 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Log Image-->>Snapper-M33A/M33 ST Petrophys Log Image hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_56_24 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_59_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>Metres hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_59_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>Well_Header hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_59_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>200020188730 hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_59_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>200020188861 hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_59_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_59_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_59_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_59_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_013_09_59_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>SNAPPER-M33A ST hipe9116272 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627_2: Snapper-M33A/M33 ST Petrophys Log Image-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33 ST Petrophys Log Image (21-MAY-10 RH16_TW hipe9116272 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Snapper-M33A/M33 ST Petrophys Log Image-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33 ST Petrophys Log Image hipe9116272 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE ID06_TW-->>rh16_tw hipe9116272 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>24-FEB-10 hipe9116272 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_2: Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009.
CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name amended and note added to remarks (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe9116272 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009.<>CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petrophysical Analysis Log Image within appendix2 (Page 84) of Well Completion Report. Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name amended and note added to remarks hipe9116272 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 24-FEB-10-->>21-MAY-10 hipe9116272 002 2011_103_17_21_40 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2009059
*** HIPE9116273 ***
hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE911627_3 hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GIPPSLAND hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................INSERT -->>BASIC hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009. hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>LAS hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>LOG_TAPE_OR_DISK hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>WELL hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_RECEIVED.......................INSERT -->>15-DEC-09 hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................INSERT -->>28-FEB-09 hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Digital Log hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND.........................INSERT -->>N hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200020188754 hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200020188740 (
PE911627: CD: SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST WCR CD i.e. location of item) hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM INSERT -->>ACN000018566 (i.e. Esso Australia Pty Ltd ) hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_27_00 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_35_59 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>Metres hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_35_59 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>Well_Header hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_35_59 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>200020188754 hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_35_59 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>200020188761 hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_35_59 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_35_59 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_35_59 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_35_59 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116273 002 2010_012_15_35_59 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>SNAPPER-M33A hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_48_53 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627_3: -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_48_53 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_48_53 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 12-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_51_34 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_3: Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009.
CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_51_34 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009.<>CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_51_34 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_54_00 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627_3: Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data".-->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_54_00 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data".-->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_54_00 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_55_31 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627_3: Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Digital Log-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petroph Digital Log (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_55_31 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Digital Log-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petroph Digital Log hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_55_31 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_57_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_3: Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009.
CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009.
CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks (24-FEB-10 RH16_TW hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_57_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009.<>CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009.<>CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_57_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_58_59 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>Metres hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_58_59 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>Well_Header hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_58_59 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>200020188754 hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_58_59 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>200020188860 hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_58_59 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_58_59 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_58_59 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_58_59 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116273 002 2010_013_09_58_59 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>SNAPPER-M33A ST hipe9116273 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627_3: Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petroph Digital Log-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST Petroph Digital Log (21-MAY-10 RH16_TW hipe9116273 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petroph Digital Log-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST Petroph Digital Log hipe9116273 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE ID06_TW-->>rh16_tw hipe9116273 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>24-FEB-10 hipe9116273 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_3: Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009.
CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name amended and note added to remarks (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe9116273 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009.<>CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Petrophysical Digital Log in LAS format. Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name amended and note added to remarks hipe9116273 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 24-FEB-10-->>21-MAY-10 hipe9116273 002 2011_103_14_14_51 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200004673978 (C_OPENFILE) hipe9116273 002 2011_103_14_14_51 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200034308633 hipe9116273 002 2011_103_14_14_51 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200020188754 hipe9116273 002 2011_103_14_14_51 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe9116273 002 2011_103_14_14_51 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>13-APR-11 hipe9116273 002 2011_103_14_14_51 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe9116273 002 2011_103_14_14_51 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>13-APR-11 hipe9116273 002 2011_103_17_21_46 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2009059
*** HIPE9116274 ***
hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE911627_4 hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GIPPSLAND hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................INSERT -->>BASIC hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Snapper-M33A Mudlog (Masterlog) within appendix 4a (page 120) of Well Completion Report. Geonext/Esso FEB 2009. hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>PDF hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>MUD_LOG hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>WELL hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_RECEIVED.......................INSERT -->>15-DEC-09 hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................INSERT -->>28-FEB-09 hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Snapper-M33A Mudlog hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND.........................INSERT -->>N hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200020188756 hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200020188740 (
PE911627: CD: SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST WCR CD i.e. location of item) hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM INSERT -->>ACN000018566 (i.e. Esso Australia Pty Ltd ) hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_32_34 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_35_51 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>Metres hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_35_51 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>Well_Header hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_35_51 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>200020188756 hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_35_51 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>200020188760 hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_35_51 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_35_51 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_35_51 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_35_51 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116274 002 2010_012_15_35_51 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>SNAPPER-M33A hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_49_04 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627_4: -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_49_04 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_49_04 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 12-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_51_24 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_4: Snapper-M33A Mudlog (Masterlog) within appendix 4a (page 120) of Well Completion Report. Geonext/Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Mudlog (Masterlog) within appendix 4a (page 120) of Well Completion Report. Geonext/Esso FEB 2009.
CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_51_24 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Mudlog (Masterlog) within appendix 4a (page 120) of Well Completion Report. Geonext/Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Mudlog (Masterlog) within appendix 4a (page 120) of Well Completion Report. Geonext/Esso FEB 2009.<>CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_51_24 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_54_06 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627_4: Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data".-->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_54_06 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data".-->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_54_06 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_54_48 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627_4: Snapper-M33A Mudlog-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Mudlog (24-FEB-10 RH16_TW hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_54_48 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Mudlog-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Mudlog hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_54_48 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_58_36 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>Metres hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_58_36 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>Well_Header hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_58_36 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>200020188756 hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_58_36 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>200020188859 hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_58_36 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_58_36 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_58_36 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_58_36 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116274 002 2010_013_09_58_36 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>SNAPPER-M33A ST hipe9116274 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627_4: Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Mudlog-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST Mudlog (21-MAY-10 RH16_TW hipe9116274 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Mudlog-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST Mudlog hipe9116274 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE ID06_TW-->>rh16_tw hipe9116274 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>24-FEB-10 hipe9116274 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_4: Snapper-M33A Mudlog (Masterlog) within appendix 4a (page 120) of Well Completion Report. Geonext/Esso FEB 2009.
CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A Mudlog (Masterlog) within appendix 4a (page 120) of Well Completion Report. Geonext/Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name amended and note added to remarks (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe9116274 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Mudlog (Masterlog) within appendix 4a (page 120) of Well Completion Report. Geonext/Esso FEB 2009.<>CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A Mudlog (Masterlog) within appendix 4a (page 120) of Well Completion Report. Geonext/Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name amended and note added to remarks hipe9116274 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 24-FEB-10-->>21-MAY-10 hipe9116274 002 2011_103_14_14_52 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200004673978 (C_OPENFILE) hipe9116274 002 2011_103_14_14_52 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200034308647 hipe9116274 002 2011_103_14_14_52 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200020188756 hipe9116274 002 2011_103_14_14_52 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe9116274 002 2011_103_14_14_52 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>13-APR-11 hipe9116274 002 2011_103_14_14_52 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe9116274 002 2011_103_14_14_52 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>13-APR-11 hipe9116274 002 2011_103_17_21_46 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2009059
*** HIPE9116275 ***
hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE911627_5 hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GIPPSLAND hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................INSERT -->>INTERPRETIVE hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Snapper-M33A Well Completion Log (Composite) within appendix 4b (page 143) of Well Completion Report. Schlumberger/Esso FEB 2009. hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>PDF hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>COMPLETION_LOG hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>WELL hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_RECEIVED.......................INSERT -->>15-DEC-09 hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................INSERT -->>28-FEB-09 hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Snapper-M33A Well Completion Log hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND.........................INSERT -->>N hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200020188757 hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200020188740 (
PE911627: CD: SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST WCR CD i.e. location of item) hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM INSERT -->>ACN000018566 (i.e. Esso Australia Pty Ltd ) hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_BY......................INSERT -->>ID06_TW hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_33_55 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_35_33 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>Metres hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_35_33 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>Well_Header hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_35_33 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>200020188757 hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_35_33 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>200020188759 hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_35_33 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_35_33 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_35_33 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_35_33 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>12-JAN-10 hipe9116275 002 2010_012_15_35_33 12-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A: -->>SNAPPER-M33A hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_49_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627_5: -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_49_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE -->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_49_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 12-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_50_57 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_5: Snapper-M33A Well Completion Log (Composite) within appendix 4b (page 143) of Well Completion Report. Schlumberger/Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Well Completion Log (Composite) within appendix 4b (page 143) of Well Completion Report. Schlumberger/Esso FEB 2009.
CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_50_57 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Well Completion Log (Composite) within appendix 4b (page 143) of Well Completion Report. Schlumberger/Esso FEB 2009.-->>Snapper-M33A Well Completion Log (Composite) within appendix 4b (page 143) of Well Completion Report. Schlumberger/Esso FEB 2009.<>CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_50_57 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_54_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE911627_5: Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data".-->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". (13-JAN-10 ID06_TW hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_54_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST1 and therefore I have added to "ancillary data".-->>Note that all flies on this CD refer to SNAPPER-M33A however, dbMap lists this well is plugged and abandoned. On checking the depths (TD=6200m) it appears that this CD also covers M33A ST and therefore I have added to "ancillary data". hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_54_14 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_54_39 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627_5: Snapper-M33A Well Completion Log-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Well Completion Log (24-FEB-10 RH16_TW hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_54_39 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Well Completion Log-->>Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Well Completion Log hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_54_39 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_58_17 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_OUOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>Metres hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_58_17 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.DEPTH_UOM INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>Well_Header hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_58_17 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSA_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>200020188757 hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_58_17 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.PSW_UID INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>200020188858 hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_58_17 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_58_17 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_58_17 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>ID06_TW hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_58_17 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.ROW_CREATED_DATE....................INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>13-JAN-10 hipe9116275 002 2010_013_09_58_17 13-JAN-10 ID06_TW PS_ASSET_WELL.WELL_NAME INSERT For:SNAPPER-M33A ST: -->>SNAPPER-M33A ST hipe9116275 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911627_5: Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Well Completion Log-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST Well Completion Log (21-MAY-10 RH16_TW hipe9116275 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Snapper-M33A/M33A ST Well Completion Log-->>SNAPPER-M33A/M33A ST Well Completion Log hipe9116275 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE ID06_TW-->>rh16_tw hipe9116275 002 2010_055_13_58_10 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-JAN-10-->>24-FEB-10 hipe9116275 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911627_5: Snapper-M33A Well Completion Log (Composite) within appendix 4b (page 143) of Well Completion Report. Schlumberger/Esso FEB 2009.
CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A Well Completion Log (Composite) within appendix 4b (page 143) of Well Completion Report. Schlumberger/Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name amended and note added to remarks (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe9116275 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Snapper-M33A Well Completion Log (Composite) within appendix 4b (page 143) of Well Completion Report. Schlumberger/Esso FEB 2009.<>CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name ammended and note added to remarks-->>Snapper-M33A Well Completion Log (Composite) within appendix 4b (page 143) of Well Completion Report. Schlumberger/Esso FEB 2009. CD appears to cover SNAPPER-M33A ST1 even though it is only labeled M33, item name amended and note added to remarks hipe9116275 002 2010_141_15_06_21 21-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 24-FEB-10-->>21-MAY-10 hipe9116275 002 2011_103_17_21_46 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2009059
hipe911971 002 2004_238_13_30_41 25-AUG-04 BRH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE911971: REPORT-->>RPT (24-FEB-10 RH16_TW hipe911971 002 2009_315_18_13_32 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200019896961 (C_FUTURE_OPEN) hipe911971 002 2009_315_18_13_32 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200019977193 hipe911971 002 2009_315_18_13_32 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200002250512 hipe911971 002 2009_315_18_13_32 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>RH16_TW hipe911971 002 2009_315_18_13_32 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>11-NOV-09 hipe911971 002 2009_315_18_13_32 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>RH16_TW hipe911971 002 2009_315_18_13_32 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>11-NOV-09 hipe911971 002 2010_055_13_58_15 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE911971: Dutson Downs-1 Palynology Report-->>DUTSON DOWNS-1 Palynology Report (16-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe911971 002 2010_055_13_58_15 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Dutson Downs-1 Palynology Report-->>DUTSON DOWNS-1 Palynology Report hipe911971 002 2010_055_13_58_15 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE brh16_tw-->>rh16_tw hipe911971 002 2010_055_13_58_15 24-FEB-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 25-AUG-04-->>24-FEB-10 hipe911971 002 2010_106_18_14_07 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911971: Dutson Downs-1 Palynological Examination of Cores and Sidewall Cores from the Golden Beach West No.1, St Margaret Island No.1, Sunday Island No. 1 and Dutson Downs No. 1 Wells.-->>DUTSON DOWNS-1 Palynological Examination of Cores and Sidewall Cores from the Golden Beach West No.1, St Margaret Island No.1, Sunday Island No. 1 and Dutson Downs No. 1 Wells. (30-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe911971 002 2010_106_18_14_07 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Dutson Downs-1 Palynological Examination of Cores and Sidewall Cores from the Golden Beach West No.1, St Margaret Island No.1, Sunday Island No. 1 and Dutson Downs No. 1 Wells.-->>DUTSON DOWNS-1 Palynological Examination of Cores and Sidewall Cores from the Golden Beach West No.1, St Margaret Island No.1, Sunday Island No. 1 and Dutson Downs No. 1 Wells. hipe911971 002 2010_106_18_14_07 16-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 24-FEB-10-->>16-APR-10 hipe911971 002 2010_120_13_11_37 30-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE911971: DUTSON DOWNS-1 Palynological Examination of Cores and Sidewall Cores from the Golden Beach West No.1, St Margaret Island No.1, Sunday Island No. 1 and Dutson Downs No. 1 Wells.-->>DUTSON DOWNS-1 Palynological Examination of Cores and Sidewall Cores from the GOLDEN BEACH WEST-1, ST MARGARET ISLAND-1, SUNDAY ISLAND-1 and DUTSON DOWNS-1 Wells. (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe911971 002 2010_120_13_11_37 30-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE DUTSON DOWNS-1 Palynological Examination of Cores and Sidewall Cores from the Golden Beach West No.1, St Margaret Island No.1, Sunday Island No. 1 and Dutson Downs No. 1 Wells.-->>DUTSON DOWNS-1 Palynological Examination of Cores and Sidewall Cores from the GOLDEN BEACH WEST-1, ST MARGARET ISLAND-1, SUNDAY ISLAND-1 and DUTSON DOWNS-1 Wells. hipe911971 002 2010_120_13_11_37 30-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 16-APR-10-->>30-APR-10 hipe911971 002 2010_155_19_21_05 04-JUN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_AUTHOR.NAME UPDATE J.G Douglas-->>Douglas, J.G. hipe911971 002 2010_155_19_21_05 04-JUN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_AUTHOR.ROW_CHANGED_BY UPDATE AL00_SW-->>rh16_tw hipe911971 002 2010_155_19_21_05 04-JUN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_AUTHOR.ROW_CHANGED_DATE UPDATE 29-JAN-03-->>04-JUN-10 hipe911971 002 2011_103_17_07_26 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>1966124