hipe802527 002 2001_234_14_07_08 22-AUG-01 TK00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_CHECK_DATE
PE802527: -->>22-AUG-01 (15-MAY-03 DH00_SW hipe802527 002 2003_135_14_22_59 15-MAY-03 DH00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802527: Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy)-->>Obsolete - Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy). Copy of
PE802525. Was in
PE180898 (27-JAN-05 HW00_SW hipe802527 002 2003_135_14_22_59 15-MAY-03 DH00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE802527: TITLE_RPT-->>OBSOLETE (27-JAN-05 HW00_SW hipe802527 002 2003_135_14_22_59 15-MAY-03 DH00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE
PE802527: TITLE-->>GENERAL (27-JAN-05 HW00_SW hipe802527 002 2003_135_14_22_59 15-MAY-03 DH00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802527: Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 Region-->>Obsolete - Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 (27-JAN-05 HW00_SW hipe802527 002 2003_135_14_22_59 15-MAY-03 DH00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND
PE802527: Y-->> (27-JAN-05 HW00_SW hipe802527 002 2003_135_14_22_59 15-MAY-03 DH00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID
PE802527: 1000000059956-->>200002273224 (27-JAN-05 HW00_SW hipe802527 002 2005_027_11_42_39 27-JAN-05 HW00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802527: Obsolete - Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy). Copy of
PE802525. Was in
PE180898-->>Destroyed - Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy). Copy of
PE802525. Was in
PE180898 (12-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe802527 002 2005_027_11_42_39 27-JAN-05 HW00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE802527: OBSOLETE-->>OBSOLETE_DESTROYED (12-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe802527 002 2005_027_11_42_39 27-JAN-05 HW00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802527: Obsolete - Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 -->>Destroyed - Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 (12-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe802527 002 2005_027_11_42_39 27-JAN-05 HW00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID
PE802527: 200002273224-->>200001130235 (12-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe802527 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200019896961 (C_FUTURE_OPEN) hipe802527 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200019935034 hipe802527 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>1000002602752 hipe802527 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>RH16_TW hipe802527 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>11-NOV-09 hipe802527 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>RH16_TW hipe802527 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>11-NOV-09 hipe802527 002 2010_102_15_34_19 12-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802527: Destroyed - Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126-->>Destroyed-Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 (04-MAY-10 RH16_TW hipe802527 002 2010_102_15_34_19 12-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Destroyed - Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126-->>Destroyed-Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 hipe802527 002 2010_102_15_34_19 12-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE HW00_SW-->>rh16_tw hipe802527 002 2010_102_15_34_19 12-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 27-JAN-05-->>12-APR-10 hipe802527 002 2010_124_16_37_23 04-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802527: Destroyed-Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126-->>Destroyed-Land UseStudy PEP119/PEP126 (05-MAY-10 RH16_TW hipe802527 002 2010_124_16_37_23 04-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Destroyed-Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126-->>Destroyed-Land UseStudy PEP119/PEP126 hipe802527 002 2010_124_16_37_23 04-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 12-APR-10-->>04-MAY-10 hipe802527 002 2010_125_11_44_11 05-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802527: Destroyed - Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy). Copy of
PE802525. Was in
PE180898-->>Destroyed - Land UseStudy of PEP119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy). Copy of
PE802525. Was in
PE180898 (10-MAY-10 RH16_TW hipe802527 002 2010_125_11_44_11 05-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Destroyed - Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy). Copy of
PE802525. Was in
PE180898-->>Destroyed - Land UseStudy of PEP119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy). Copy of
PE802525. Was in
PE180898 hipe802527 002 2010_125_11_44_11 05-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 04-MAY-10-->>05-MAY-10 hipe802527 002 2010_130_15_35_11 10-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802527: Destroyed - Land UseStudy of PEP119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy). Copy of
PE802525. Was in
PE180898-->>Destroyed - Land UseStudy of PEP119 & PEP126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy). Copy of
PE802525. Was in
PE180898 (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe802527 002 2010_130_15_35_11 10-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Destroyed - Land UseStudy of PEP119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy). Copy of
PE802525. Was in
PE180898-->>Destroyed - Land UseStudy of PEP119 & PEP126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy). Copy of
PE802525. Was in
PE180898 hipe802527 002 2010_130_15_35_11 10-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 05-MAY-10-->>10-MAY-10 hipe802527 002 2010_155_19_21_00 04-JUN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_AUTHOR.NAME UPDATE Gavin J. Daneel-->>Daneel, Gavin J. hipe802527 002 2010_155_19_21_00 04-JUN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_AUTHOR.ROW_CHANGED_BY UPDATE MK11_SW-->>rh16_tw hipe802527 002 2010_155_19_21_00 04-JUN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_AUTHOR.ROW_CHANGED_DATE UPDATE 16-FEB-01-->>04-JUN-10 hipe802527 002 2011_103_17_01_34 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>1992031
*** HIPE802528 ***
hipe802528 002 2001_047_09_49_29 16-FEB-01 MK11_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID
PE802528: 1000002360209-->>1000002602757 (22-AUG-01 TK00_SW hipe802528 002 2001_234_14_07_34 22-AUG-01 TK00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_CHECK_DATE
PE802528: -->>22-AUG-01 (15-MAY-03 DH00_SW hipe802528 002 2003_135_14_24_05 15-MAY-03 DH00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802528: Land Use Map, Enlosure of Land UseStudy of PEP 119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy)-->>Obsolete - Land Use Map, Enclosure of Land Use Study of PEP 119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy) (27-JAN-05 HW00_SW hipe802528 002 2003_135_14_24_05 15-MAY-03 DH00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE802528: MAP-->>OBSOLETE (27-JAN-05 HW00_SW hipe802528 002 2003_135_14_24_05 15-MAY-03 DH00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802528: Land Use Map-->>Obsolete - Land Use Map (27-JAN-05 HW00_SW hipe802528 002 2003_135_14_24_05 15-MAY-03 DH00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND
PE802528: Y-->> (27-JAN-05 HW00_SW hipe802528 002 2005_027_11_42_53 27-JAN-05 HW00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802528: Obsolete - Land Use Map, Enclosure of Land Use Study of PEP 119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy)-->>Destroyed - Land Use Map, Enclosure of Land Use Study of PEP 119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy) (12-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe802528 002 2005_027_11_42_53 27-JAN-05 HW00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE802528: OBSOLETE-->>OBSOLETE_DESTROYED (12-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe802528 002 2005_027_11_42_53 27-JAN-05 HW00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802528: Obsolete - Land Use Map-->>Destroyed - Land Use Map (12-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe802528 002 2005_027_11_42_53 27-JAN-05 HW00_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID
PE802528: 1000002602757-->>200001130235 (12-APR-10 RH16_TW hipe802528 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200019896961 (C_FUTURE_OPEN) hipe802528 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200019935035 hipe802528 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>1000002602748 hipe802528 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>RH16_TW hipe802528 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>11-NOV-09 hipe802528 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>RH16_TW hipe802528 002 2009_315_15_49_05 11-NOV-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>11-NOV-09 hipe802528 002 2010_102_15_34_19 12-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802528: Destroyed - Land Use Map-->>Destroyed-Land Use Map (05-MAY-10 RH16_TW hipe802528 002 2010_102_15_34_19 12-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Destroyed - Land Use Map-->>Destroyed-Land Use Map hipe802528 002 2010_102_15_34_19 12-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE HW00_SW-->>rh16_tw hipe802528 002 2010_102_15_34_19 12-APR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 27-JAN-05-->>12-APR-10 hipe802528 002 2010_125_11_44_06 05-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802528: Destroyed - Land Use Map, Enclosure of Land Use Study of PEP 119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy)-->>Destroyed - Land Use Map, Enclosure of Land Use Study of PEP119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy) (10-MAY-10 RH16_TW hipe802528 002 2010_125_11_44_06 05-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Destroyed - Land Use Map, Enclosure of Land Use Study of PEP 119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy)-->>Destroyed - Land Use Map, Enclosure of Land Use Study of PEP119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy) hipe802528 002 2010_125_11_44_06 05-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 12-APR-10-->>05-MAY-10 hipe802528 002 2010_130_15_35_11 10-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802528: Destroyed - Land Use Map, Enclosure of Land Use Study of PEP119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy)-->>Destroyed - Land Use Map, Enclosure of Land Use Study of PEP119 & PEP126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy) (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe802528 002 2010_130_15_35_11 10-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Destroyed - Land Use Map, Enclosure of Land Use Study of PEP119/126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy)-->>Destroyed - Land Use Map, Enclosure of Land Use Study of PEP119 & PEP126 Region, AGL Petroleum (Second Copy) hipe802528 002 2010_130_15_35_11 10-MAY-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 05-MAY-10-->>10-MAY-10 hipe802528 002 2010_155_19_21_00 04-JUN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_AUTHOR.NAME UPDATE Gavin J. Daneel-->>Daneel, Gavin J. hipe802528 002 2010_155_19_21_00 04-JUN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_AUTHOR.ROW_CHANGED_BY UPDATE MK11_SW-->>rh16_tw hipe802528 002 2010_155_19_21_00 04-JUN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_AUTHOR.ROW_CHANGED_DATE UPDATE 16-FEB-01-->>04-JUN-10 hipe802528 002 2011_103_17_01_34 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>1992301
hipe802697 002 2008_046_15_16_01 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE802697_1 hipe802697 002 2008_046_15_16_01 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GB, OB & MB hipe802697 002 2008_046_15_16_01 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe802697 002 2008_046_15_16_01 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe802697 002 2008_046_15_16_01 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>DATA_CD_DVD hipe802697 002 2008_046_15_16_01 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>GENERAL hipe802697 002 2008_046_15_16_01 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008 hipe802697 002 2008_046_15_16_01 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.LOAN_LENGTH_DAYS....................INSERT -->>30 hipe802697 002 2008_046_15_16_01 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_IDENTIFIER....................INSERT -->>Electr_Submn hipe802697 002 2008_046_15_16_01 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe802697 002 2008_046_15_16_01 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_046_15_16_01 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200015085421 (TAPEBAY: COMPACTUS: Bay of
COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes i.e. location of item) hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_42_52 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE PE802697:
PE802697 (21-FEB-08 MH08_TW hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_42_52 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................UPDATE
PE802697 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_45_02 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................UPDATE GB, OB & MB-->>GIPPSLAND & OTWAY hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_45_02 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................UPDATE -->> hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_49_36 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P55: -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_49_36 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P55: -->>200018496369 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_49_36 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P55: -->>Santos hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_49_36 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P55: -->>VIC/P55 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_49_36 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P55: -->>VIC/P55 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_50_06 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P57: -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_50_06 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P57: -->>200018496370 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_50_06 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P57: -->>3D Oil hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_50_06 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P57: -->>VIC/P57 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_50_06 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P57: -->>VIC/P57 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_51_02 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:PEP160: -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_51_02 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:PEP160: -->>200018496371 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_51_02 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:PEP160: -->>Beach Petroleum hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_51_02 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:PEP160: -->>PEP 160 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_51_02 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:PEP160: -->>PEP 160 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_51_25 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P54: -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_51_25 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P54: -->>200018496372 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_51_25 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P54: -->>Apache hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_51_25 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P54: -->>VIC/P54 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_51_25 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P54: -->>VIC/P54 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_52_55 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P65: -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_52_55 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P65: -->>200018496373 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_52_55 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P65: -->>Origin Energy hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_52_55 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P65: -->>VIC/P41 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_52_55 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P65: -->>VIC/P41 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_53_22 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P39(V): -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_53_22 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P39(V): -->>200018496374 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_53_22 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P39(V): -->>Santos hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_53_22 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P39(V): -->>VIC/P39 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_53_22 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P39(V): -->>VIC/P39 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_54_29 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT
PE802697: -->>VARIOUS (22-FEB-08 MH08_TW hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_54_29 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................UPDATE -->>VARIOUS hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_56_15 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P40(V): -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_56_15 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P40(V): -->>200018496376 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_56_15 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P40(V): -->>Lakes Oil hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_56_15 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P40(V): -->>VIC/P40(v) hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_56_15 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P40(V): -->>VIC/P40(v) hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_57_07 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P62: -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_57_07 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P62: -->>200018496377 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_57_07 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P62: -->>3D Oil hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_57_07 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P62: -->>VIC/P57 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_57_07 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P62: -->>VIC/P57 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_57_32 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200018417402 (deleted GUID:200018496378 ) hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_57_32 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200018496378 (deleted GUID:200018496378 ) hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_57_32 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:(deleted): -->>3D Oil (deleted GUID:200018496378 ) hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_57_32 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>VIC/P57 (deleted GUID:200018496378 ) hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_57_32 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:(deleted): -->>VIC/P57 (deleted GUID:200018496378 ) hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_00 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:PEP155: -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_00 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:PEP155: -->>200018496379 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_00 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:PEP155: -->>Lakes hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_00 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:PEP155: -->>PEP155 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_00 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:PEP155: -->>PEP155 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_17 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:PEP163: -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_17 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:PEP163: -->>200018496380 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_17 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:PEP163: -->>Lakes hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_17 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:PEP163: -->>PEP163 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_17 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:PEP163: -->>PEP163 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_31 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:PEP164: -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_31 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:PEP164: -->>200018496381 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_31 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:PEP164: -->>Lakes hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_31 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:PEP164: -->>PEP164 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_58_31 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:PEP164: -->>PEP164 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_59_41 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P38(V): -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_59_41 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P38(V): -->>200018496382 hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_59_41 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P38(V): -->>Benaris hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_59_41 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P38(V): -->>VIC/P38(v) hipe802697 002 2008_052_15_59_41 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P38(V): -->>VIC/P38(v) hipe802697 002 2008_052_16_00_08 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:PEP160: PEP 160-->>PEP160 hipe802697 002 2008_052_16_00_08 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:PEP160: PEP 160-->>PEP160 hipe802697 002 2008_052_21_17_15 21-FEB-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P38(V): VIC/P38(v)-->>VIC/P38(V) hipe802697 002 2008_052_21_17_15 21-FEB-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P40(V): VIC/P40(v)-->>VIC/P40(V) hipe802697 002 2008_053_11_25_25 22-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697: -->>Annual and Quarterly reports
N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)
N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) (18-APR-08 MH08_TW hipe802697 002 2008_053_11_25_26 22-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE -->>Annual and Quarterly reports<>N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)<>N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) hipe802697 002 2008_059_15_02_15 28-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_059_15_02_15 28-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>200018498398 hipe802697 002 2008_059_15_02_15 28-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>VIC/P41(v) hipe802697 002 2008_059_15_02_15 28-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>VIC/P41(v) hipe802697 002 2008_059_15_02_44 28-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_059_15_02_44 28-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>200018498399 hipe802697 002 2008_059_15_02_44 28-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>VIC/P37(v) hipe802697 002 2008_059_15_02_44 28-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>VIC/P37(v) hipe802697 002 2008_059_21_13_31 28-FEB-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P37(V): VIC/P37(v)-->>VIC/P37(V) hipe802697 002 2008_059_21_13_31 28-FEB-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P41(V): VIC/P41(v)-->>VIC/P41(V) hipe802697 002 2008_091_09_28_00 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P53: -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_091_09_28_00 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P53: -->>200018511898 hipe802697 002 2008_091_09_28_00 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P53: -->>Annual and Quarterly reports N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08) N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) hipe802697 002 2008_091_09_28_00 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P53: -->>VIC/P53 hipe802697 002 2008_091_09_28_00 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P53: -->>VIC/P53 hipe802697 002 2008_091_09_29_06 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P53: Annual and Quarterly reports N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08) N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08)-->>Stuart Petroleum Annual and Quarterly reports N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08) N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) hipe802697 002 2008_091_09_29_41 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P37(V): -->>Origin hipe802697 002 2008_109_14_59_31 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200018416839 (ADMIN_EMAIL_SUBMISSION) hipe802697 002 2008_109_14_59_31 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200018512382 hipe802697 002 2008_109_14_59_31 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_109_15_56_10 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................UPDATE -->>INTERPRETIVE hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_24_24 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697: Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains title/prospectivity/seis reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_24_24 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains title/prospectivity/seis reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_26_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697: Annual and Quarterly reports
N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)
N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) -->>Title/final/prospectivity/seis reports.
N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)
N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_26_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE Annual and Quarterly reports<>N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)<>N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) -->>Title/final/prospectivity/seis reports.<>N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)<>N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_42_42 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:VIC/P39(V): VIC/P39-->>VIC/P39(V) hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_42_42 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P39(V): VIC/P39-->>VIC/P39(V) hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_43_03 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P65: Origin Energy -->> hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_43_03 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:VIC/P65: VIC/P41-->> hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_43_03 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P65: VIC/P41-->> hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_43_34 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P62: 3D Oil-->> hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_43_34 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:VIC/P62: VIC/P57-->>VIC/P62 hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_43_34 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P62: VIC/P57-->>VIC/P62 hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_43_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:(deleted): 3D Oil-->> (deleted GUID:200018496378 ) hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_43_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:(deleted): VIC/P57-->> (deleted GUID:200018496378 ) hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_43_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:(deleted): VIC/P57-->> (deleted GUID:200018496378 ) hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_44_48 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P62: -->>Trident Energy hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_45_55 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697: Title/final/prospectivity/seis reports.
N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)
N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) -->>See underscore barcodes _1, _2 & _3.
N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)
N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2008_148_12_45_55 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE Title/final/prospectivity/seis reports.<>N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)<>N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) -->>See underscore barcodes _1, _2 & _3.<>N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)<>N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) hipe802697 002 2008_149_15_44_20 28-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P41(V): -->>Origin Energy Resources Ltd. hipe802697 002 2008_154_23_18_35 02-JUN-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018417402-->> (deleted GUID:200018496378 ) hipe802697 002 2008_154_23_18_35 02-JUN-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018496378-->> (deleted GUID:200018496378 ) hipe802697 002 2008_155_12_23_35 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697: Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains title/prospectivity/seis reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains title/prospectivity/seis reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2008_155_12_23_35 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains title/prospectivity/seis reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains title/prospectivity/seis reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe802697 002 2008_155_12_23_35 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697: Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Title Data - Electr. Submissions 2008 (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2008_155_12_23_35 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Title Data - Electr. Submissions 2008 hipe802697 002 2008_155_12_23_49 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697: Title Data - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Title Data - Electron. Submissions 2008 (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2008_155_12_23_49 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Data - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Title Data - Electron. Submissions 2008 hipe802697 002 2008_155_12_29_10 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697: Title Data - Electron. Submissions 2008-->>Title Data - Electronic Submissions 2008 (05-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2008_155_12_29_10 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Data - Electron. Submissions 2008-->>Title Data - Electronic Submissions 2008 hipe802697 002 2008_157_15_35_52 05-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697: See underscore barcodes _1, _2 & _3.
N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)
N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) -->>See underscore barcodes _1, _2, _3 & _4.
N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)
N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) (05-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2008_157_15_35_52 05-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE See underscore barcodes _1, _2 & _3.<>N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)<>N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) -->>See underscore barcodes _1, _2, _3 & _4.<>N.B. Quarterlies are being discontinued (mfh feb08)<>N.B. Future changes to the size of emails will bring new documents including WCR's and other large technical/specialist reports. (mfh feb08) hipe802697 002 2008_157_15_37_46 05-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................UPDATE INTERPRETIVE-->> hipe802697 002 2008_213_16_25_31 31-JUL-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:VIC/P65: -->>VIC/P65 hipe802697 002 2008_213_16_25_31 31-JUL-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P65: -->>VIC/P65 hipe802697 002 2008_213_16_26_23 31-JUL-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P65: -->>EagleBay Seismic Shoot Final Report VIC/P65_Admiralty hipe802697 002 2008_358_11_33_25 23-DEC-08 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_ID INSERT -->>200019466833 hipe802697 002 2008_358_11_33_25 23-DEC-08 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_OWNER INSERT -->>DPI_VIC_GOVT hipe802697 002 2008_358_11_33_25 23-DEC-08 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_TYPE INSERT -->>ASSET_AUDIT hipe802697 002 2008_358_11_33_25 23-DEC-08 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.CODE INSERT -->>CD-BOX-021-W hipe802697 002 2008_358_11_33_25 23-DEC-08 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.EFFECTIVE_DATE INSERT -->>23-DEC-08 hipe802697 002 2008_358_11_33_25 23-DEC-08 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.EXPIRY_DATE INSERT -->>23-DEC-08 hipe802697 002 2008_358_11_33_25 23-DEC-08 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.NAME_DESC INSERT -->>CD-BOX-021-W hipe802697 002 2008_358_11_33_25 23-DEC-08 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2008_358_11_33_25 23-DEC-08 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.REMARK INSERT -->>This item was audited in late December 2008. The item was found in box CD-BOX-021-W. The item was the 2186-th found during the audit. The item was found in the following sequence of barcodes:
PE802243 ;
PE802694 ;
PE802697 ;
PE802703 ;
PE802929 hipe802697 002 2008_358_11_33_25 23-DEC-08 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.SOURCE INSERT -->>DNRE_STUDY hipe802697 002 2009_005_11_18_16 05-JAN-09 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_PROCESSED
PE802697: -->>31-DEC-08 (22-JAN-10 RH16_TW hipe802697 002 2009_005_11_18_16 05-JAN-09 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_PROCESSED......................UPDATE -->>31-DEC-08 hipe802697 002 2009_350_16_17_42 16-DEC-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_ID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200020108632 (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2009_350_16_17_42 16-DEC-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_OWNER INSERT For:(deleted): -->>DPI_VIC_GOVT (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2009_350_16_17_42 16-DEC-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_TYPE INSERT For:(deleted): -->>ASSET_SIZE_F (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2009_350_16_17_42 16-DEC-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.CODE INSERT For:(deleted): -->>72502112 (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2009_350_16_17_42 16-DEC-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.NAME_DESC INSERT For:(deleted): -->>72502112 (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2009_350_16_17_42 16-DEC-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.PSA_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200018417402 (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2009_350_16_17_42 16-DEC-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.REMARK INSERT For:(deleted): -->>The total file size (in bytes) for all files belonging to this barcode used on the disks as at 13-DEC-2009 = 72502112 (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2009_350_16_17_42 16-DEC-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT For:(deleted): -->>brh16_tw (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2009_350_16_17_42 16-DEC-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:(deleted): -->>brh16_tw (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2009_350_16_17_42 16-DEC-09 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.SOURCE INSERT For:(deleted): -->>DPI_VIC_GOVT (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2009_350_18_09_06 16-DEC-09 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.SOURCE UPDATE For:(deleted): DPI_VIC_GOVT-->>GOVT_VIC_DPI (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_ID INSERT -->>200020127982 hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_OWNER INSERT -->>DPI_VIC_GOVT hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_TYPE INSERT -->>ASSET_AUDIT hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.CODE INSERT -->>CD-BOX-021-W hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.EFFECTIVE_DATE INSERT -->>06-JAN-10 hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.EXPIRY_DATE INSERT -->>06-JAN-10 hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.NAME_DESC INSERT -->>CD-BOX-021-W hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.REMARK INSERT -->>This barcode was found in an audit of 55 Collins St TAPEBAY boxes on 06-JAN-2010. It was the 1850-th barcode found. The box was CD-BOX-021-W. The nearby sequence of barcodes was:
PE802724 hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>brh16_tw hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>06-JAN-10 hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>brh16_tw hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>06-JAN-10 hipe802697 002 2010_006_18_41_24 06-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.SOURCE INSERT -->>GOVT_VIC_DPI hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_ID INSERT -->>200020172623 hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_OWNER INSERT -->>DPI_VIC_GOVT hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_TYPE INSERT -->>ASSET_SIZE_F hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.CODE INSERT -->>72502112 hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.EFFECTIVE_DATE INSERT -->>16-MAY-07 hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.EXPIRY_DATE INSERT -->>13-DEC-09 hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.NAME_DESC INSERT -->>72502112 hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.REMARK INSERT -->>This is the total size of the disk files in bytes (octets) as at 13-DEC-2009 for this barcode. The effective date is the earliest date found for the files for this barcode. Thus, the growth of file system usage versus date-of-file can be plotted. hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>brh16_tw hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>11-JAN-10 hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>brh16_tw hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>11-JAN-10 hipe802697 002 2010_011_11_39_33 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.SOURCE INSERT -->>GOVT_VIC_DPI hipe802697 002 2010_011_12_25_23 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_ID DELETE For:(deleted): 200020108632-->> (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2010_011_12_25_23 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_OWNER DELETE For:(deleted): DPI_VIC_GOVT-->> (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2010_011_12_25_23 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ALIAS_TYPE DELETE For:(deleted): ASSET_SIZE_F-->> (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2010_011_12_25_23 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.CODE DELETE For:(deleted): 72502112-->> (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2010_011_12_25_23 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.NAME_DESC DELETE For:(deleted): 72502112-->> (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2010_011_12_25_23 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.PSA_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018417402-->> (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2010_011_12_25_23 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.REMARK DELETE For:(deleted): The total file size (in bytes) for all files belonging to this barcode used on the disks as at 13-DEC-2009 = 72502112-->> (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2010_011_12_25_23 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ROW_CHANGED_BY DELETE For:(deleted): brh16_tw-->> (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2010_011_12_25_23 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.ROW_CREATED_BY DELETE For:(deleted): brh16_tw-->> (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2010_011_12_25_23 11-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM_ALIAS.SOURCE DELETE For:(deleted): GOVT_VIC_DPI-->> (deleted GUID:200020108632 ) hipe802697 002 2010_022_12_51_00 22-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE
PE802697: GENERAL-->>TITLE (08-APR-11 TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2010_022_12_51_00 22-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................UPDATE GENERAL-->>TITLE hipe802697 002 2010_022_12_51_00 22-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE TS00_TW-->>RH16_TW hipe802697 002 2010_022_12_51_00 22-JAN-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 05-JAN-09-->>22-JAN-10 hipe802697 002 2010_231_14_47_17 19-AUG-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_DESC INSERT For:(deleted): -->>JPEG image file - SAM1_535_
PE802697_MEDIA_LABELLING TITLE__DATA_CD_DVD (deleted GUID:200022040738 ) hipe802697 002 2010_231_14_47_17 19-AUG-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_FILENAME INSERT For:(deleted): -->>/var/b2/scanning_MEDIA_labels/scanned_directly/CD_BOXES_JUN_2010/SAM1/SAM1_535_
PE802697_MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG (deleted GUID:200022040738 ) hipe802697 002 2010_231_14_47_17 19-AUG-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_VIEWER INSERT For:(deleted): -->>wangimg (deleted GUID:200022040738 ) hipe802697 002 2010_231_14_47_17 19-AUG-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_IMAGES.PIM_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200022040738 (deleted GUID:200022040738 ) hipe802697 002 2010_231_14_47_17 19-AUG-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_IMAGES.PSA_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200018417402 (deleted GUID:200022040738 ) hipe802697 002 2010_231_14_47_17 19-AUG-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT For:(deleted): -->>perl_perl (deleted GUID:200022040738 ) hipe802697 002 2010_309_17_48_56 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD DELETE For:(deleted): 200022131753-->> (deleted GUID:200022213084 ) hipe802697 002 2010_309_17_48_56 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200022213084-->> (deleted GUID:200022213084 ) hipe802697 002 2010_309_17_48_56 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018417402-->> (deleted GUID:200022213084 ) hipe802697 002 2010_309_17_48_56 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY DELETE For:(deleted): RH16_TW-->> (deleted GUID:200022213084 ) hipe802697 002 2010_309_17_48_56 05-NOV-10 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY DELETE For:(deleted): RH16_TW-->> (deleted GUID:200022213084 ) hipe802697 002 2011_098_16_13_11 08-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................UPDATE -->>COMMERCIAL hipe802697 002 2011_098_16_13_11 08-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE RH16_TW-->>TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2011_098_16_13_11 08-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 22-JAN-10-->>08-APR-11 hipe802697 002 2011_098_16_13_16 08-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200004673979 (C_CONFIDENTIAL) hipe802697 002 2011_098_16_13_16 08-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200034306414 hipe802697 002 2011_098_16_13_16 08-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200018417402 hipe802697 002 2011_098_16_13_16 08-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2011_098_16_13_16 08-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>08-APR-11 hipe802697 002 2011_098_16_13_16 08-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2011_098_16_13_16 08-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>08-APR-11 hipe802697 002 2011_103_17_21_22 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID
PE802697: -->>2008366 (13-APR-11 TS00_TW hipe802697 002 2011_103_17_21_22 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2008366 hipe802697 002 2011_103_17_43_19 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................UPDATE COMMERCIAL-->>INTERPRETIVE hipe802697 002 2011_103_17_43_19 13-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 08-APR-11-->>13-APR-11 hipe802697 002 2011_139_14_51_37 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_DESC DELETE For:(deleted): JPEG image file - SAM1_535_
PE802697_MEDIA_LABELLING TITLE__DATA_CD_DVD-->> (deleted GUID:200022040738 ) hipe802697 002 2011_139_14_51_37 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_FILENAME DELETE For:(deleted): /var/b2/scanning_MEDIA_labels/scanned_directly/CD_BOXES_JUN_2010/SAM1/SAM1_535_
PE802697_MEDIA_LABELLING.JPG-->> (deleted GUID:200022040738 ) hipe802697 002 2011_139_14_51_37 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.IMAGE_VIEWER DELETE For:(deleted): wangimg-->> (deleted GUID:200022040738 ) hipe802697 002 2011_139_14_51_37 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.PIM_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200022040738-->> (deleted GUID:200022040738 ) hipe802697 002 2011_139_14_51_37 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.PSA_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018417402-->> (deleted GUID:200022040738 ) hipe802697 002 2011_139_14_51_37 19-MAY-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_BY DELETE For:(deleted): perl_perl-->> (deleted GUID:200022040738 ) hipe802697 002 2011_217_17_46_12 05-AUG-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>05-AUG-11 hipe802697 002 2011_217_17_53_20 05-AUG-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>05-AUG-11 hipe802697 002 2011_217_18_15_42 05-AUG-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_IMAGES.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>05-AUG-11 hipe802697 002 2012_034_11_47_44 03-FEB-12 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................UPDATE INTERPRETIVE-->>COMMERCIAL hipe802697 002 2012_034_11_47_44 03-FEB-12 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 13-APR-11-->>03-FEB-12
*** HIPE80269701 ***
hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE802697 hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GB, OB & MB hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachmnts stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report types, see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>PDF hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>DATA_CD_DVD hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>GENERAL hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008 hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.LOAN_LENGTH_DAYS....................INSERT -->>30 hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200015085421 (TAPEBAY: COMPACTUS: Bay of
COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes i.e. location of item) hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_30 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM INSERT -->>EXOIL (i.e. Exoil Limited ) hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_33 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................UPDATE GB, OB & MB-->> hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_33 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT
PE802697_01: PDF-->> (06-FEB-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_33 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................UPDATE PDF-->> hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_33 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM
PE802697_01: EXOIL-->> (06-FEB-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_58 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_01: Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachmnts stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report types, see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report types, see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (06-FEB-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_47_58 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachmnts stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report types, see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report types, see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_48_48 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_01: Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report types, see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr from email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report types, see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (06-FEB-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_48_48 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report types, see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr from email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report types, see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_49_23 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_01: Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr from email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report types, see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr from email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report names, see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (06-FEB-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_49_23 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr from email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report types, see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr from email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report names, see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_53_13 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_01: Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr from email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report names, see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report names see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (06-FEB-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_037_14_53_13 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr from email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report names, see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report names see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269701 002 2008_037_15_06_53 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_01: -->>This data is also archived on Unix. File types: (06-FEB-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_037_15_06_53 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE -->>This data is also archived on Unix. File types: hipe80269701 002 2008_037_15_09_07 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_01: Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report names see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (06-FEB-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_037_15_09_07 06-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/report names see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269701 002 2008_038_13_23_56 07-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_01: Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (07-FEB-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_038_13_23_56 07-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269701 002 2008_038_13_24_41 07-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_01: This data is also archived on Unix. File types:-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: (07-FEB-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_038_13_24_41 07-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE This data is also archived on Unix. File types:-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: hipe80269701 002 2008_038_16_36_52 07-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE802697_01: DATA_CD_DVD-->>ESUBS_CD_DVD (07-FEB-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_038_16_36_52 07-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................UPDATE DATA_CD_DVD-->>ESUBS_CD_DVD hipe80269701 002 2008_038_16_37_14 07-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................UPDATE -->>GB, OB & MB hipe80269701 002 2008_039_11_22_14 08-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE802697_01: ESUBS_CD_DVD-->>DATA_CD_DVD (08-FEB-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_039_11_22_14 08-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................UPDATE ESUBS_CD_DVD-->>DATA_CD_DVD hipe80269701 002 2008_039_11_30_29 08-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200018416839 (ADMIN_EMAIL_SUBMISSION) hipe80269701 002 2008_039_11_30_29 08-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200018416951 hipe80269701 002 2008_039_11_30_29 08-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_039_11_35_27 08-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_IDENTIFIER
PE802697_01: -->>Electr_Submn (15-FEB-08 MH08_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_039_11_35_27 08-FEB-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_IDENTIFIER....................UPDATE -->>Electr_Submn hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_17_04 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200018416779 (deleted GUID:200018417403 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_17_04 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200018417403 (deleted GUID:200018417403 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_17_04 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:(deleted): -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report (deleted GUID:200018417403 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_17_04 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>VIC/P52 (deleted GUID:200018417403 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_17_04 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:(deleted): -->>VIC/P52 (deleted GUID:200018417403 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_15 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200018416779 (deleted GUID:200018417404 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_15 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200018417404 (deleted GUID:200018417404 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_15 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:(deleted): -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Quarterly report (deleted GUID:200018417404 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_15 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>VIC/P62 (deleted GUID:200018417404 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_15 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:(deleted): -->>VIC/P62 (deleted GUID:200018417404 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_37 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P62: -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_37 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P62: -->>200018417405 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_37 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P62: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual and Quarterly reports hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_37 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P62: -->>VIC/P62 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_37 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P62: -->>VIC/P62 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_57 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:(deleted): This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Quarterly report-->> (deleted GUID:200018417404 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_57 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:(deleted): VIC/P62-->> (deleted GUID:200018417404 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_18_57 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:(deleted): VIC/P62-->> (deleted GUID:200018417404 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_21_23 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P40(V): -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_21_23 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P40(V): -->>200018417406 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_21_23 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P40(V): -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_21_23 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P40(V): -->>VIC/P40(v) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_21_23 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P40(V): -->>VIC/P40(v) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_21_59 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_21_59 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>200018417407 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_21_59 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_21_59 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>VIC/P37(v) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_21_59 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>VIC/P37(v) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_22_11 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200018416779 (deleted GUID:200018417408 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_22_11 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200018417408 (deleted GUID:200018417408 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_22_11 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:(deleted): -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report (deleted GUID:200018417408 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_22_11 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>VIC/P57(v) (deleted GUID:200018417408 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_22_11 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:(deleted): -->>VIC/P57(v) (deleted GUID:200018417408 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_23_48 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:PEP155: -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_23_48 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:PEP155: -->>200018417409 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_23_48 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:PEP155: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_23_48 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:PEP155: -->>PEP155 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_23_48 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:PEP155: -->>PEP155 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_24_29 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:PEP164: -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_24_29 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:PEP164: -->>200018417410 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_24_29 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:PEP164: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Half Yearly report hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_24_29 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:PEP164: -->>PEP164 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_24_29 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:PEP164: -->>PEP164 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_25_22 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200018416779 (deleted GUID:200018417411 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_25_22 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>200018417411 (deleted GUID:200018417411 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_25_22 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:(deleted): -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Half Yearly report (deleted GUID:200018417411 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_25_22 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:(deleted): -->>VIC/P40 (deleted GUID:200018417411 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_25_22 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:(deleted): -->>VIC/P40 (deleted GUID:200018417411 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_27_00 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P38(V): -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_27_00 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P38(V): -->>200018417414 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_27_00 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P38(V): -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Word Final report hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_27_00 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P38(V): -->>VIC/P38(v) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_27_00 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P38(V): -->>VIC/P38(v) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_30_12 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT
PE802697_01: -->>VARIOUS (21-FEB-08 MH08_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_30_12 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................UPDATE -->>VARIOUS hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_39_25 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:: -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_39_25 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:: -->>200018417437 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_39_25 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Quarterly report hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_39_25 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:: -->>VIC/P41(v) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_39_25 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:: -->>VIC/P31(v) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_40_23 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:PEP160: -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_40_23 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:PEP160: -->>200018417438 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_40_23 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:PEP160: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Quarterly report hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_40_23 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:PEP160: -->>PEP160 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_40_23 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:PEP160: -->>PEP160 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_41_29 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P55: -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_41_29 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P55: -->>200018417439 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_41_29 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P55: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Quarterly report hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_41_29 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P55: -->>VIC/P55 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_41_29 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P55: -->>VIC/P55 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_42_17 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P54: -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_42_17 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P54: -->>200018417441 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_42_17 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P54: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Quarterly report hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_42_17 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P54: -->>VIC/P54 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_42_17 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P54: -->>VIC/P54 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_49_32 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:: -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_49_32 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:: -->>200018417444 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_49_32 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF Quarterly report hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_49_32 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:: -->>VIC/P54 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_15_49_32 15-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:: -->>VIC/P54 hipe80269701 002 2008_046_21_13_59 15-FEB-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P40(V): VIC/P40(v)-->>VIC/P40(V) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_21_14_00 15-FEB-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:(deleted): VIC/P57(v)-->>VIC/P57(V) (deleted GUID:200018417408 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_21_14_00 15-FEB-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:: VIC/P31(v)-->>VIC/P31(V) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_21_14_00 15-FEB-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P37(V): VIC/P37(v)-->>VIC/P37(V) hipe80269701 002 2008_046_21_14_00 15-FEB-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P38(V): VIC/P38(v)-->>VIC/P38(V) hipe80269701 002 2008_052_15_42_40 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE
PE802697_x (21-FEB-08 MH08_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_052_15_42_40 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................UPDATE
PE802697_x hipe80269701 002 2008_052_15_42_40 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................UPDATE GB, OB & MB-->>GIPPSLAND & OTWAY hipe80269701 002 2008_052_15_42_59 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE
PE802697_01: PE802697_x-->>
PE802697_1 (21-FEB-08 MH08_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_052_15_42_59 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................UPDATE PE802697_x-->>
PE802697_1 hipe80269701 002 2008_052_15_43_42 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP155: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc Annual reports hipe80269701 002 2008_052_15_44_27 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE802697_01: DATA_CD_DVD-->>ANNUAL_RPT (21-FEB-08 MH08_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_052_15_44_27 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................UPDATE DATA_CD_DVD-->>ANNUAL_RPT hipe80269701 002 2008_052_15_44_27 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE
PE802697_01: GENERAL-->>TITLE (21-FEB-08 MH08_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_052_15_44_27 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................UPDATE GENERAL-->>TITLE hipe80269701 002 2008_052_15_45_43 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_01: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types:-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc (18-APR-08 MH08_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_052_15_45_43 21-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE This disk is also archived on Unix. File types:-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc hipe80269701 002 2008_053_11_20_09 22-FEB-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP155: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc Annual reports-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc Annual reports and Quarterly reports hipe80269701 002 2008_058_21_56_00 27-FEB-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018416779-->> (deleted GUID:200018417404 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_058_21_56_00 27-FEB-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018417404-->> (deleted GUID:200018417404 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_091_09_30_15 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P53: -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_091_09_30_15 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P53: -->>200018511899 hipe80269701 002 2008_091_09_30_15 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P53: -->>Stuart Petroleum This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc hipe80269701 002 2008_091_09_30_15 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P53: -->>VIC/P53 hipe80269701 002 2008_091_09_30_15 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P53: -->>VIC/P53 hipe80269701 002 2008_091_09_30_41 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P39(V): -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_091_09_30_41 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P39(V): -->>200018511900 hipe80269701 002 2008_091_09_30_41 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P39(V): -->>Origin This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc hipe80269701 002 2008_091_09_30_41 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P39(V): -->>VIC/P37(v) hipe80269701 002 2008_091_09_30_41 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P39(V): -->>VIC/P37(v) hipe80269701 002 2008_091_10_06_32 31-MAR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P39(V): Origin This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc-->>Origin Energy This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc hipe80269701 002 2008_091_21_18_25 31-MAR-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P39(V): VIC/P37(v)-->>VIC/P37(V) hipe80269701 002 2008_109_15_56_18 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................UPDATE -->>INTERPRETIVE hipe80269701 002 2008_109_15_56_29 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................UPDATE INTERPRETIVE-->>BASIC hipe80269701 002 2008_128_15_25_46 07-MAY-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_01: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc
The directory is subdivided into Company names (07-MAY-08 MH08_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_128_15_25_46 07-MAY-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc<>The directory is subdivided into Company names hipe80269701 002 2008_128_15_28_14 07-MAY-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_01: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc
The directory is subdivided into Company names-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc
This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive.
The directory is subdivided into Company names. (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_128_15_28_14 07-MAY-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc<>The directory is subdivided into Company names-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc<>This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive.<>The directory is subdivided into Company names. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_00_18 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_01: Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/6mnthly/annual/final rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at year end frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_00_18 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/annual/permit reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/6mnthly/annual/final rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at year end frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_00_18 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE802697_01: ANNUAL_RPT-->>TITLE_RPT (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_00_18 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................UPDATE ANNUAL_RPT-->>TITLE_RPT hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_03_43 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_01: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc
This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive.
The directory is subdivided into Company names.-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc.
This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive.
The directory is subdivided into title names. (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_03_43 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc<>This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive.<>The directory is subdivided into Company names.-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc.<>This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive.<>The directory is subdivided into title names. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_18_15 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:PEP163: -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_18_15 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:PEP163: -->>200019260301 hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_18_15 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:PEP163: -->>Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc. This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive. The directory is subdivided into title names. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_18_15 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:PEP163: -->>PEP163 hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_18_16 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:PEP163: -->>PEP163 hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_19_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP155: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc Annual reports and Quarterly reports-->>Petrotech PL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc Annual reports and Quarterly reports hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_20_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P37(V): This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report-->>Origin Energy Resources Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_21_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P38(V): This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Word Final report-->>Benaris Energy NV. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Word Final report hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_21_49 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P40(V): This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report-->>Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_23_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P57: -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_23_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P57: -->>200019260302 hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_23_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P57: -->>3D Oil Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive. The directory is subdivided into title names. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_23_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P57: -->>VIC/P57 hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_23_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P57: -->>VIC/P57 hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_24_29 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP164: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Half Yearly report-->>Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. Half Yearly report hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_24_55 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP155: Petrotech PL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc Annual reports and Quarterly reports-->>Petrotech PL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. Annual reports and Quarterly reports hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_25_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP155: Petrotech PL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. Annual reports and Quarterly reports-->>Petrotech PL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. Final report. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_25_51 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP163: Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc. This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive. The directory is subdivided into title names.-->>Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. Half-yearly report. This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive. The directory is subdivided into title names. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_26_57 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:VIC/P39(V): VIC/P37(v)-->>VIC/P39(V) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_26_57 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P39(V): VIC/P37(V)-->>VIC/P39(V) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_27_20 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P37(V): Origin Energy Resources Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report-->>Origin Energy Resources Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. Annual report hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_28_49 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P38(V): Benaris Energy NV. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Word Final report-->>Benaris Energy NV. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Word. Quarterly report. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_28_49 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:VIC/P38(V): VIC/P38(v)-->>VIC/P38(V) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_29_28 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP155: Petrotech PL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. Final report.-->>Petrotech PL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. 2006 final report. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_30_02 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP163: Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. Half-yearly report. This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive. The directory is subdivided into title names.-->>Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. 2006 2nd half-yearly report. This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive. The directory is subdivided into title names. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_30_32 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P37(V): Origin Energy Resources Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. Annual report-->>Origin Energy Resources Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. 2006-7 annual report hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_31_43 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P38(V): Benaris Energy NV. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Word. Quarterly report.-->>Benaris Energy NV. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Word. Feb-May 2007 quarterly report. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_32_51 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P40(V): Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report-->>Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. 2007 annual report; 2x 2006 half-yearly reports. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_33_35 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P57: 3D Oil Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive. The directory is subdivided into title names.-->>3D Oil Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. Yr3 annual report. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_34_04 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P57: 3D Oil Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. Yr3 annual report.-->>3D Oil Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. Yr3 2006-7 annual report. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_35_14 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP164: Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. Half Yearly report-->>Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. 2006 2nd half yearly report. report hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_36_04 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP160: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Quarterly report -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. Quarterly report hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_37_19 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP160: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. Quarterly report -->>Beach Petroleum. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. 2007 1st half yearly report; 2007 annual report. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_39_48 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P37(V): Origin Energy Resources Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. 2006-7 annual report-->>Origin Energy Resources Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf, Word. 2006-7 annual report; Jul-Oct 2007, Oct-Jan 2007-8 quarterly reports. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_42_25 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P39(V): Origin Energy This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc-->>Origin Energy. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. Jul-Oct 2007, Oct-Jan 2007-8 quarterly reports. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_44_52 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_44_52 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>200019260303 hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_44_52 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>Origin Energy Resources Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, Word. 2008 annual report; May-Aug 2007, Aug-Nov 2007 quarterly reports. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_44_52 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>VIC/P41(V) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_44_52 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>VIC/P41(V) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_46_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P53: Stuart Petroleum This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc-->>Stuart Petroleum. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. Oct-Jan 2007-8 quarterly report. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_47_40 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P54: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Quarterly report -->>Apache Energy. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. Apr-Jul 2007 quarterly report. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_48_13 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF Quarterly report -->> hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_48_13 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:: VIC/P54-->> hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_48_13 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:: VIC/P54-->> hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_49_22 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P55: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Quarterly report -->>Santos Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. 2007 annual report hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_50_41 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P57: 3D Oil Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. Yr3 2006-7 annual report.-->>3D Oil Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. Jul-Oct 2007 quarterly report; Yr3 2006-7 annual report. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_53_12 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P62: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual and Quarterly reports-->>Trident Energy Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. 2006 annual report; Dec-Mar 2006-7, Jun-Sep 2006 & Sep-Dec 2006 quarterly reports. hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_54_05 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Quarterly report -->> hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_54_05 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:: VIC/P41(v)-->> hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_54_05 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:: VIC/P31(V)-->> hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_54_40 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:(deleted): This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Half Yearly report-->> (deleted GUID:200018417411 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_54_40 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:(deleted): VIC/P40-->> (deleted GUID:200018417411 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_54_40 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:(deleted): VIC/P40-->> (deleted GUID:200018417411 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_55_07 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:(deleted): This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report-->> (deleted GUID:200018417403 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_55_07 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:(deleted): VIC/P52-->> (deleted GUID:200018417403 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_55_07 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:(deleted): VIC/P52-->> (deleted GUID:200018417403 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_55_41 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:(deleted): This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: Annual report-->> (deleted GUID:200018417408 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_55_41 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID UPDATE For:(deleted): VIC/P57(v)-->> (deleted GUID:200018417408 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_55_41 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:(deleted): VIC/P57(V)-->> (deleted GUID:200018417408 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_148_10_56_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:PEP163: Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. 2006 2nd half-yearly report. This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive. The directory is subdivided into title names.-->>Lakes Oil NL. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF. 2006 2nd half-yearly report. hipe80269701 002 2008_154_23_18_34 02-JUN-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018416779-->> (deleted GUID:200018417403 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_154_23_18_35 02-JUN-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018416779-->> (deleted GUID:200018417408 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_154_23_18_35 02-JUN-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018416779-->> (deleted GUID:200018417411 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_154_23_18_35 02-JUN-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018417403-->> (deleted GUID:200018417403 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_154_23_18_35 02-JUN-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018417408-->> (deleted GUID:200018417408 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_154_23_18_35 02-JUN-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID DELETE For:(deleted): 200018417411-->> (deleted GUID:200018417411 ) hipe80269701 002 2008_155_12_24_37 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_01: Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/6mnthly/annual/final rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at year end frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/6mnthly/annual/final rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at year end frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_155_12_24_37 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/6mnthly/annual/final rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at year end frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/6mnthly/annual/final rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at year end frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269701 002 2008_155_12_24_37 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_01: Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Title Data - Electron. Submissions 2008 (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_155_12_24_37 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Title Data - Electron. Submissions 2008 hipe80269701 002 2008_155_12_26_28 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_01: Title Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/6mnthly/annual/final rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at year end frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/6mnthly/annual/final rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at year end frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_155_12_26_28 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/6mnthly/annual/final rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at year end frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains quarterly/6mnthly/annual/final rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at year end frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt details see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269701 002 2008_155_12_26_28 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_01: Title Data - Electron. Submissions 2008-->>Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008 (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_155_12_26_28 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Data - Electron. Submissions 2008-->>Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008 hipe80269701 002 2008_155_12_32_08 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_01: Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Title Reports: Final, Ann, 6Mth, Quart. (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_155_12_32_08 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Title Reports: Final, Ann, 6Mth, Quart. hipe80269701 002 2008_155_14_24_16 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_01: Title Reports: Final, Ann, 6Mth, Quart. -->>Title Reports: Fnl, Ann, 6Mth, Qtl 2008 (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_155_14_24_16 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Reports: Final, Ann, 6Mth, Quart. -->>Title Reports: Fnl, Ann, 6Mth, Qtl 2008 hipe80269701 002 2008_156_13_28_46 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_01: Title Reports: Fnl, Ann, 6Mth, Qtl 2008 -->>Title Reports: Fnl, Ann, 6Mth, Qtly 2008 (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_156_13_28_46 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Reports: Fnl, Ann, 6Mth, Qtl 2008 -->>Title Reports: Fnl, Ann, 6Mth, Qtly 2008 hipe80269701 002 2008_156_13_44_29 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_01: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc.
This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive.
The directory is subdivided into title names.-->>Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/permit_2008/
PE802697. (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_156_13_44_29 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc.<>This underscore barcode is a directory in the electronic archive.<>The directory is subdivided into title names.-->>Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/permit_2008/
PE802697. hipe80269701 002 2008_156_17_23_13 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................UPDATE BASIC-->>COMMERCIAL hipe80269701 002 2008_157_13_34_44 05-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE
PE802697_01: PE802697_1-->>
PE802697_01 (10-MAR-10 RH16_TW hipe80269701 002 2008_157_13_34_44 05-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................UPDATE PE802697_1-->>
PE802697_01 hipe80269701 002 2008_325_10_45_24 20-NOV-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P62: Trident Energy Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. 2006 annual report; Dec-Mar 2006-7, Jun-Sep 2006 & Sep-Dec 2006 quarterly reports.-->>Trident Energy Ltd. This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: pdf. 2006 annual report; Dec-Mar 2006-7, Jun-Sep 2006 & Sep-Dec 2006 quarterly reports. Annual Report; 14 September 2006 � 13 September 2007 hipe80269701 002 2010_069_16_17_16 10-MAR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID
PE802697_01: 200015085421-->>200020280247 (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe80269701 002 2010_069_16_17_16 10-MAR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID UPDATE 200015085421-->>200020280247 (
PE802697: CD: Title Data - Electronic Submissions 2008 i.e. location of item) hipe80269701 002 2011_097_15_48_05 07-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200004673979 (C_CONFIDENTIAL) hipe80269701 002 2011_097_15_48_05 07-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200034302310 hipe80269701 002 2011_097_15_48_05 07-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200018416779 hipe80269701 002 2011_097_15_48_05 07-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2011_097_15_48_05 07-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>07-APR-11 hipe80269701 002 2011_097_15_48_05 07-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe80269701 002 2011_097_15_48_05 07-APR-11 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>07-APR-11 hipe80269701 002 2011_103_17_21_22 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2008037
*** HIPE80269702 ***
hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE802697_2 hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GIPPSLAND & OTWAY hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains geological and other survey reports received in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>PDF hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>GEOLOGICAL_RPT hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>TITLE hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008 hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.LOAN_LENGTH_DAYS....................INSERT -->>30 hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_IDENTIFIER....................INSERT -->>Electr_Submn hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200018512354 hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200015085421 (TAPEBAY: COMPACTUS: Bay of
COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes i.e. location of item) hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM INSERT -->>1000001754935 (i.e. Origin Energy Petroleum Pty Limited ) hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_52_30 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................INSERT -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc<> hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_53_37 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>200018512354 hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_53_37 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>200018512355 hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_53_37 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_53_37 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>VIC/P41(v) hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_53_37 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>VIC/P41(v) hipe80269702 002 2008_109_09_54_17 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P41(V): This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc VIC/P41(v) Prospectivity Report hipe80269702 002 2008_109_14_59_01 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200018416839 (ADMIN_EMAIL_SUBMISSION) hipe80269702 002 2008_109_14_59_01 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200018512381 hipe80269702 002 2008_109_14_59_01 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200018512354 hipe80269702 002 2008_109_15_56_39 18-APR-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................UPDATE -->>INTERPRETIVE hipe80269702 002 2008_109_21_19_55 18-APR-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P41(V): VIC/P41(v)-->>VIC/P41(V) hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_12_55 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_02: Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains geological and other survey reports received in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_12_55 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains geological and other survey reports received in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_18_19 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_02: Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_18_19 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_18_19 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_02: Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Prospectivity Rpts - Electr. Submns 2008 (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_18_19 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Reports - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Prospectivity Rpts - Electr. Submns 2008 hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_20_39 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................UPDATE GIPPSLAND & OTWAY-->>OTWAY hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_20_39 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE802697_02: GEOLOGICAL_RPT-->>PROSPECTIVITY_RPT (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_20_39 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................UPDATE GEOLOGICAL_RPT-->>PROSPECTIVITY_RPT hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_20_39 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND
PE802697_02: -->>N (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_20_39 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND.........................UPDATE -->>N hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_23_12 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_02: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc
-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt, Word.
(27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_23_12 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc<>-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt, Word.<> hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_24_49 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P41(V): This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, .doc VIC/P41(v) Prospectivity Report -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. VIC/P41(v) Prospectivity Report. hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_28_12 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_02: Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity report catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_28_12 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity reports catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity report catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_30_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_02: Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity report catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Prospectivity Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity report catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_30_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity report catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Prospectivity Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity report catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_30_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_02: Prospectivity Rpts - Electr. Submns 2008-->>Prosp. Report - Electr. Submns 2008 (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_30_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Prospectivity Rpts - Electr. Submns 2008-->>Prosp. Report - Electr. Submns 2008 hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_31_06 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_02: Prosp. Report - Electr. Submns 2008-->>Prosp. Report - Electr. Submissions 2008 (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_31_06 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Prosp. Report - Electr. Submns 2008-->>Prosp. Report - Electr. Submissions 2008 hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_46_16 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_02: Prospectivity Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity report catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Prospectivity Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Prospectivity report for VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_46_16 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Prospectivity Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity report catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Prospectivity Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Prospectivity report for VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_47_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_02: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt, Word.
-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF zipped up.
(27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_11_47_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt, Word.<>-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF zipped up.<> hipe80269702 002 2008_148_12_02_16 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN
PE802697_02: -->>30-JAN-08 (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_148_12_02_16 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................UPDATE -->>30-JAN-08 hipe80269702 002 2008_149_15_44_51 28-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P41(V): This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. VIC/P41(v) Prospectivity Report. -->>Origin Energy Resources Ltd. File types: PDF, ppt. VIC/P41(v) Prospectivity Report. hipe80269702 002 2008_155_12_27_24 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_02: Prospectivity Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Prospectivity report for VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Prospectivity report for VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_155_12_27_24 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Prospectivity Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Prospectivity report for VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Prospectivity report for VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269702 002 2008_155_12_27_24 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_02: Prosp. Report - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Prosp. Rpts - Electron. Submissions 2008 (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_155_12_27_24 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Prosp. Report - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Prosp. Rpts - Electron. Submissions 2008 hipe80269702 002 2008_155_12_35_08 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_02: Prosp. Rpts - Electron. Submissions 2008-->>Prospectivity Reports (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_155_12_35_08 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Prosp. Rpts - Electron. Submissions 2008-->>Prospectivity Reports hipe80269702 002 2008_155_14_20_53 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_02: Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Prospectivity report for VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Prospectivity report for VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_155_14_20_53 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Prospectivity report for VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Prospectivity Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Prospectivity report for VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269702 002 2008_155_14_20_53 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_02: Prospectivity Reports-->>Title Prospectivity Reports (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_155_14_20_53 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Prospectivity Reports-->>Title Prospectivity Reports hipe80269702 002 2008_155_14_24_44 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_02: Title Prospectivity Reports-->>Title Prospectivity Reports 2008 (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_155_14_24_44 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Prospectivity Reports-->>Title Prospectivity Reports 2008 hipe80269702 002 2008_156_13_44_45 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_02: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF zipped up.
-->>Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/permit_2008/
(05-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_156_13_44_45 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF zipped up.<>-->>Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/permit_2008/
PE802697.<> hipe80269702 002 2008_157_13_34_50 05-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE
PE802697_02: PE802697_2-->>
PE802697_02 (10-MAR-10 RH16_TW hipe80269702 002 2008_157_13_34_50 05-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................UPDATE PE802697_2-->>
PE802697_02 hipe80269702 002 2008_357_13_12_34 22-DEC-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>200018512354 hipe80269702 002 2008_357_13_12_35 22-DEC-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>200019464632 hipe80269702 002 2008_357_13_12_35 22-DEC-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/permit_2008/
PE802697. hipe80269702 002 2008_357_13_12_35 22-DEC-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>VIC/P37(v) hipe80269702 002 2008_357_13_12_35 22-DEC-08 MH08_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P37(V): -->>VIC/P37(v) hipe80269702 002 2008_357_21_20_06 22-DEC-08 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME UPDATE For:VIC/P37(V): VIC/P37(v)-->>VIC/P37(V) hipe80269702 002 2010_069_16_17_16 10-MAR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID
PE802697_02: 200015085421-->>200020280247 (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe80269702 002 2010_069_16_17_16 10-MAR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID UPDATE 200015085421-->>200020280247 (
PE802697: CD: Title Data - Electronic Submissions 2008 i.e. location of item) hipe80269702 002 2011_103_17_21_21 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2008030
*** HIPE80269703 ***
hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE802697_3 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>OTWAY hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................INSERT -->>INTERPRETIVE hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................INSERT -->>Seismic Processing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>PDF hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>PROSPECTIVITY_RPT hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>TITLE hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Seismic Proc Rpts - Electr. Submns 2008 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.LOAN_LENGTH_DAYS....................INSERT -->>30 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_IDENTIFIER....................INSERT -->>Electr_Submn hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND.........................INSERT -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200015085421 (TAPEBAY: COMPACTUS: Bay of
COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes i.e. location of item) hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_29_45 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM INSERT -->>1000001754935 (i.e. Origin Energy Petroleum Pty Limited ) hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_32_58 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_03: Seismic Proc Rpts - Electr. Submns 2008-->>SeisProc Rpts - Electr. Submissions 2008 (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_32_58 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Seismic Proc Rpts - Electr. Submns 2008-->>SeisProc Rpts - Electr. Submissions 2008 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_36_02 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_03: Seismic Processing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Seismic Reprocessing Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains reproc rpt & tech notes catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_36_02 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Seismic Processing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains prospectivity rpts catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Seismic Reprocessing Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains reproc rpt & tech notes catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_36_02 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_03: SeisProc Rpts - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Seis Proc Rpt - Electr. Submissions 2008 (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_36_02 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE SeisProc Rpts - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Seis Proc Rpt - Electr. Submissions 2008 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_44_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................UPDATE OTWAY-->>GIPPSLAND hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_44_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_03: Seismic Reprocessing Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains reproc rpt & tech notes catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Seismic Reprocessing Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt & tech notes for VIC/P41 catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_44_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Seismic Reprocessing Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains reproc rpt & tech notes catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year from email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Seismic Reprocessing Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt & tech notes for VIC/P41 catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_44_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE802697_03: PROSPECTIVITY_RPT-->>PROC_RPT (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_44_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................UPDATE PROSPECTIVITY_RPT-->>PROC_RPT hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_44_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE
PE802697_03: TITLE-->>SEISMIC (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_44_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................UPDATE TITLE-->>SEISMIC hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_47_15 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_03: Seismic Reprocessing Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt & tech notes for VIC/P41 catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Seismic Reprocessing Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_47_15 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Seismic Reprocessing Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt & tech notes for VIC/P41 catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Seismic Reprocessing Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_48_31 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT
PE802697_03: PDF-->>VARIOUS (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_48_31 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................UPDATE PDF-->>VARIOUS hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_49_06 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_03: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. (27-MAY-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_49_06 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_54_33 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_54_33 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>200019260321 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_54_33 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. Contains 2006 seismic data Velseis reprocessing report for OP80 and OEP02 2D surveys selected lines; transmittal, and Powerpoint reprocessing technical notes. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_54_33 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>VIC/P41(V) hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_54_33 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/P41(V): -->>VIC/P41(V) hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_58_47 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................UPDATE GIPPSLAND-->>OTWAY hipe80269703 002 2008_148_11_59_18 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................UPDATE INTERPRETIVE-->>BASIC hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_01_30 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_PROCESSED
PE802697_03: -->>28-FEB-06 (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_01_30 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_PROCESSED......................UPDATE -->>28-FEB-06 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_01_30 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN
PE802697_03: -->>31-MAR-06 (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_01_30 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................UPDATE -->>31-MAR-06 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_06_58 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P41(V): This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. Contains 2006 seismic data Velseis reprocessing report for OP80 and OEP02 2D surveys selected lines; transmittal, and Powerpoint reprocessing technical notes.-->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. Contains 2006 seismic data Velseis reprocessing report for OP80 and OEP02A 2D surveys selected lines; transmittal, and Powerpoint reprocessing technical notes. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_09_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.DEPARTMENT_NAME INSERT For:OP80: -->>OP80 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_09_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.G_NUMBER INSERT For:OP80: -->>G140 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_09_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.PSA_UID INSERT For:OP80: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_09_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.PSS_UID INSERT For:OP80: -->>200019260326 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_09_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.REMARK INSERT For:OP80: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_09_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.REPROCESSED_IND INSERT For:OP80: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_09_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.SEIS_SRVY_NAME INSERT For:OP80: -->>OP80 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_09_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.SHOT_BY INSERT For:OP80: -->>VELSEIS hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_09_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.SHOT_BY INSERT For:OP80: -->>VELSEIS (i.e. Velseis Pty. Ltd. ) hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_09_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.START_DATE...................INSERT For:OP80: -->>28-FEB-06 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_10_11 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.DEPARTMENT_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A: -->>OEP02A hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_10_11 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.G_NUMBER INSERT For:OEP02A: -->>G381 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_10_11 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_10_11 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.PSS_UID INSERT For:OEP02A: -->>200019260327 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_10_11 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_10_11 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.REPROCESSED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_10_11 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.SEIS_SRVY_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A: -->>OEP02 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_10_11 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.SHOT_BY INSERT For:OEP02A: -->>VELSEIS hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_10_11 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.SHOT_BY INSERT For:OEP02A: -->>VELSEIS (i.e. Velseis Pty. Ltd. ) hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_10_11 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_SURVEY.START_DATE...................INSERT For:OEP02A: -->>28-FEB-06 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_11_40 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-02: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_11_40 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-02: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_11_40 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-02: -->>200019260328 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_11_40 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-02: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_11_40 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-02: -->>OEP02A_02 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_11_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-04: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_11_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-04: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_11_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-04: -->>200019260329 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_11_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-04: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_11_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-04: -->>OEP02A_04 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-05: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-05: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-05: -->>200019260330 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-05: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-05: -->>OEP02A_05 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_20 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-07: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_20 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-07: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_20 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-07: -->>200019260331 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_20 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-07: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_20 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-07: -->>OEP02A_07 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_29 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-09: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_29 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-09: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_29 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-09: -->>200019260332 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_29 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-09: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_29 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-09: -->>OEP02A_09 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_44 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-11: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_44 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-11: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_44 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-11: -->>200019260333 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_44 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-11: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_44 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-11: -->>OEP02A_11 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_53 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-13: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_53 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-13: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_53 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-13: -->>200019260334 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_53 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-13: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_12_53 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-13: -->>OEP02A_13 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_01 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-15: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_01 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-15: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_01 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-15: -->>200019260335 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_01 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-15: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_01 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-15: -->>OEP02A_15 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_41 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-17: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_41 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-17: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_41 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-17: -->>200019260336 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_41 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-17: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_41 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-17: -->>OEP02A_17 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-19: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-19: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-19: -->>200019260337 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-19: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_13_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-19: -->>OEP02A_19 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_05 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-21: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_05 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-21: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_05 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-21: -->>200019260338 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_05 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-21: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_05 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-21: -->>OEP02A_21 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_13 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-23: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_13 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-23: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_13 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-23: -->>200019260339 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_13 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-23: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_13 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-23: -->>OEP02A_23 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_25 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-25: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_25 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-25: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_25 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-25: -->>200019260340 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_25 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-25: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_25 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-25: -->>OEP02A_25 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_32 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-27: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_32 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-27: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_32 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-27: -->>200019260341 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_32 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-27: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_32 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-27: -->>OEP02A_27 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_39 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-29: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_39 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-29: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_39 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-29: -->>200019260342 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_39 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-29: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_39 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-29: -->>OEP02A_29 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_50 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-31: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_50 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-31: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_50 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-31: -->>200019260343 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_50 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-31: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_14_50 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-31: -->>OEP02A_31 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_29 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-33: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_29 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-33: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_29 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-33: -->>200019260344 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_29 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-33: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_29 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-33: -->>OEP02A_33 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_42 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-35: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_42 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-35: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_42 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-35: -->>200019260345 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_42 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-35: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_42 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-35: -->>OEP02A_35 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_51 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-37: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_51 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-37: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_51 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-37: -->>200019260346 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_51 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-37: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_51 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-37: -->>OEP02A_37 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-39: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-39: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-39: -->>200019260347 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-39: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_15_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-39: -->>OEP02A_39 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-41: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-41: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-41: -->>200019260348 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-41: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_10 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-41: -->>OEP02A_41 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_18 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OEP02A-43: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_18 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-43: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_18 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OEP02A-43: -->>200019260349 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_18 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OEP02A-43: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_18 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OEP02A-43: -->>OEP02A_43 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_49 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OP80-5A: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_49 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OP80-5A: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_49 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OP80-5A: -->>200019260351 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_49 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OP80-5A: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_16_49 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OP80-5A: -->>OP80-5A hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_02 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OP80-9A: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_02 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OP80-9A: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_02 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OP80-9A: -->>200019260352 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_02 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OP80-9A: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_02 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OP80-9A: -->>OP80-9A hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_15 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OP80-11A: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_15 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OP80-11A: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_15 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OP80-11A: -->>200019260353 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_15 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OP80-11A: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_15 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OP80-11A: -->>OP80-11A hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OP80-13: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OP80-13: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OP80-13: -->>200019260354 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OP80-13: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_27 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OP80-13: -->>OP80-13 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_35 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OP80-18: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_35 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OP80-18: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_35 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OP80-18: -->>200019260355 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_35 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OP80-18: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_35 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OP80-18: -->>OP80-18 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_48 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OP80-19A: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_48 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OP80-19A: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_48 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OP80-19A: -->>200019260356 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_48 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OP80-19A: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_48 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OP80-19A: -->>OP80-19A hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OP80-21: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OP80-21: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OP80-21: -->>200019260357 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OP80-21: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_17_59 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OP80-21: -->>OP80-21 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_12 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OP80-27A: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_12 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OP80-27A: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_12 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OP80-27A: -->>200019260358 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_12 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OP80-27A: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_12 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OP80-27A: -->>OP80-27A hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_23 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OP80-29: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_23 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OP80-29: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_23 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OP80-29: -->>200019260359 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_23 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OP80-29: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_23 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OP80-29: -->>OP80-29 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_32 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.CORRELATED_IND INSERT For:OP80-31: -->>N hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_32 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSA_UID INSERT For:OP80-31: -->>200019260309 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_32 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.PSN_UID INSERT For:OP80-31: -->>200019260360 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_32 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.REMARK INSERT For:OP80-31: -->>This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_32 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME INSERT For:OP80-31: -->>OP80-31 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_18_55 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-02: OEP02A_02-->>OEP02A-02 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_19_06 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-04: OEP02A_04-->>OEP02A-04 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_19_12 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-05: OEP02A_05-->>OEP02A-05 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_19_19 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-07: OEP02A_07-->>OEP02A-07 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_19_25 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-09: OEP02A_09-->>OEP02A-09 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_19_32 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-11: OEP02A_11-->>OEP02A-11 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_19_37 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-13: OEP02A_13-->>OEP02A-13 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_19_43 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-15: OEP02A_15-->>OEP02A-15 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_19_50 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-17: OEP02A_17-->>OEP02A-17 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_19_56 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-19: OEP02A_19-->>OEP02A-19 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_20_01 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-21: OEP02A_21-->>OEP02A-21 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_20_08 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-23: OEP02A_23-->>OEP02A-23 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_20_15 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-25: OEP02A_25-->>OEP02A-25 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_20_28 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-27: OEP02A_27-->>OEP02A-27 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_20_35 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-29: OEP02A_29-->>OEP02A-29 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_20_43 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-31: OEP02A_31-->>OEP02A-31 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_20_49 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-33: OEP02A_33-->>OEP02A-33 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_20_55 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-35: OEP02A_35-->>OEP02A-35 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_21_01 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-37: OEP02A_37-->>OEP02A-37 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_21_06 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-39: OEP02A_39-->>OEP02A-39 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_21_13 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-41: OEP02A_41-->>OEP02A-41 hipe80269703 002 2008_148_12_21_19 27-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_SEIS_LINE.SEIS_LINE_NAME UPDATE For:OEP02A-43: OEP02A_43-->>OEP02A-43 hipe80269703 002 2008_149_15_46_20 28-MAY-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK UPDATE For:VIC/P41(V): This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt. Contains 2006 seismic data Velseis reprocessing report for OP80 and OEP02A 2D surveys selected lines; transmittal, and Powerpoint reprocessing technical notes.-->>Origin Energy Resources Ltd. File types: PDF, ppt. Contains 2006 seismic data Velseis reprocessing report for OP80 and OEP02A 2D surveys selected lines; transmittal, and Powerpoint reprocessing technical notes. hipe80269703 002 2008_155_12_28_26 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_03: Seismic Reprocessing Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Seismic Reprocessing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_155_12_28_26 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Seismic Reprocessing Report - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of year frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Seismic Reprocessing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269703 002 2008_155_12_36_55 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_03: Seismic Reprocessing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Seismic Processing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_155_12_36_55 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Seismic Reprocessing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Seismic Processing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269703 002 2008_155_12_36_55 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_03: Seis Proc Rpt - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Seismic Data Processing Reports (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_155_12_36_55 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Seis Proc Rpt - Electr. Submissions 2008-->>Seismic Data Processing Reports hipe80269703 002 2008_155_14_22_39 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_03: Seismic Processing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Seismic Processing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Proc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr fr email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. Fr title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_155_14_22_39 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Seismic Processing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Reproc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr frm email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. For title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data.-->>Title Seismic Processing Reports - Electronic Submissions 2008. Proc rpt/tech notes fr VIC/P41(v) catalogued in 2008. Disk will be created at end of yr fr email attachments stored in Active folder on Unix. Fr title/company/rpt see Remarks/Ancillary Data. hipe80269703 002 2008_155_14_22_39 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_03: Seismic Data Processing Reports-->>Title Seismic Data Processing Reports (03-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_155_14_22_39 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Seismic Data Processing Reports-->>Title Seismic Data Processing Reports hipe80269703 002 2008_155_14_25_20 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_03: Title Seismic Data Processing Reports-->>Title Seismic Data Processing Repts 2008 (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_155_14_25_20 03-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Seismic Data Processing Reports-->>Title Seismic Data Processing Repts 2008 hipe80269703 002 2008_156_13_44_53 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_03: This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt.-->>Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/permit_2008/
PE802697. (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_156_13_44_53 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE This disk is also archived on Unix. File types: PDF, ppt.-->>Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/permit_2008/
PE802697. hipe80269703 002 2008_156_17_22_53 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................UPDATE BASIC-->>INTERPRETIVE hipe80269703 002 2008_157_13_34_56 05-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE
PE802697_03: PE802697_3-->>
PE802697_03 (10-MAR-10 RH16_TW hipe80269703 002 2008_157_13_34_56 05-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................UPDATE PE802697_3-->>
PE802697_03 hipe80269703 002 2010_069_16_17_16 10-MAR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID
PE802697_03: 200015085421-->>200020280247 (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe80269703 002 2010_069_16_17_16 10-MAR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID UPDATE 200015085421-->>200020280247 (
PE802697: CD: Title Data - Electronic Submissions 2008 i.e. location of item) hipe80269703 002 2011_103_17_21_16 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2006090
*** HIPE80269704 ***
hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................INSERT -->>
PE915098_14 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................INSERT -->>GIPPSLAND & OTWAY hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.CONFID_CLASS........................INSERT -->>BASIC hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DIGITAL_IND....................INSERT -->>Y hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_FORMAT.........................INSERT -->>VARIOUS hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................INSERT -->>ELEMENTARY hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................INSERT -->>WELL hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_RECEIVED.......................INSERT -->>24-APR-08 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................INSERT -->>24-APR-08 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................INSERT -->>Well Elementary WCR Data 2008 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.LOAN_LENGTH_DAYS....................INSERT -->>30 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_IDENTIFIER....................INSERT -->>Electr_Submn hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.MEDIA_TYPE..........................INSERT -->>CD hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSA_UID.............................INSERT -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_54_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID INSERT -->>200015085421 (TAPEBAY: COMPACTUS: Bay of
COMPACTUS_1 used to store tapes i.e. location of item) hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_56_16 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_04: -->>Well Production & Reservoir Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production & reservoir data. (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_56_16 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE -->>Well Production & Reservoir Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production & reservoir data. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_56_16 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_04: Well Elementary WCR Data 2008-->>Well Production & Reservoir Data 2008 (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_56_16 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Well Elementary WCR Data 2008-->>Well Production & Reservoir Data 2008 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_56_50 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_RECEIVED
PE802697_04: 24-APR-08-->> (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_56_50 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_RECEIVED.......................UPDATE 24-APR-08-->> hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_56_50 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN
PE802697_04: 24-APR-08-->> (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_56_50 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATE_WRITTEN........................UPDATE 24-APR-08-->> hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_57_45 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_04: -->>Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/well_2008/
PE915098. (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_16_57_45 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE -->>Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/well_2008/
PE915098. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_00_23 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE
PE915098_14-->>PE802697_4 (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_00_23 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................UPDATE
PE915098_14-->>PE802697_4 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_00_23 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_04: Well Production & Reservoir Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production & reservoir data.-->>Title Production & Reservoir Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production & reservoir data. (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_00_23 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Well Production & Reservoir Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production & reservoir data.-->>Title Production & Reservoir Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production & reservoir data. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_00_23 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_04: Well Production & Reservoir Data 2008-->>Title Production & Reservoir Data 2008 (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_00_23 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Well Production & Reservoir Data 2008-->>Title Production & Reservoir Data 2008 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_04_15 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_04: Title Production & Reservoir Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production & reservoir data.-->>Title Production Reports, Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs. (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_04_15 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Production & Reservoir Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production & reservoir data.-->>Title Production Reports, Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_04_15 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_04: Title Production & Reservoir Data 2008-->>Title Production Reports, Data 2008 (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_04_15 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Production & Reservoir Data 2008-->>Title Production Reports, Data 2008 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_04_27 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BASIN...............................UPDATE GIPPSLAND & OTWAY-->>GIPPSLAND hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_04_27 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND
PE802697_04: -->>N (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_04_27 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ONSHORE_IND.........................UPDATE -->>N hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_04_44 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK
PE802697_04: Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/well_2008/
PE915098.-->>Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/well_2008/
PE802697. (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_04_44 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.REMARK..............................UPDATE Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/well_2008/
PE915098.-->>Path: P:/p1/ELECTRONIC_SUBMISSIONS/ACTIVE/well_2008/
PE802697. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_06_48 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_04: Title Production Reports, Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs.-->>Title Production Reports, Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs. VIC/P1L-11L, 13L-20L (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_06_48 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Production Reports, Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs.-->>Title Production Reports, Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs. VIC/P1L-11L, 13L-20L hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_06_48 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM
PE802697_04: -->>ACN000018566 (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_06_48 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.RECEIVED_FROM UPDATE -->>ACN000018566 (i.e. Esso Australia Pty Ltd ) hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_08_53 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_04: Title Production Reports, Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs. VIC/P1L-11L, 13L-20L-->>Title Production Reports, Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs. VIC/PL1-PL11, PL13-PL20. (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_08_53 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Production Reports, Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs. VIC/P1L-11L, 13L-20L-->>Title Production Reports, Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs. VIC/PL1-PL11, PL13-PL20. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_12_47 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL1: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_12_47 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL1: -->>200019261012 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_12_47 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL1: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_12_47 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL1: -->>VIC/PL1 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_12_47 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL1: -->>VIC/PL1 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_07 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL2: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_07 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL2: -->>200019261013 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_07 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL2: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_07 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL2: -->>VIC/PL2 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_07 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL2: -->>VIC/PL2 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_28 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL3: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_28 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL3: -->>200019261014 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_28 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL3: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_28 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL3: -->>VIC/PL3 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_28 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL3: -->>VIC/PL3 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL4: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL4: -->>200019261015 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL4: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL4: -->>VIC/PL4 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_37 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL4: -->>VIC/PL4 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_48 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL5: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_48 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL5: -->>200019261016 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_48 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL5: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_48 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL5: -->>VIC/PL5 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_48 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL5: -->>VIC/PL5 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_56 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL6: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_56 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL6: -->>200019261017 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_56 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL6: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_56 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL6: -->>VIC/PL6 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_13_56 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL6: -->>VIC/PL6 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_03 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL7: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_03 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL7: -->>200019261018 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_03 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL7: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_03 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL7: -->>VIC/PL7 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_03 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL7: -->>VIC/PL7 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_10 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL8: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_10 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL8: -->>200019261019 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_10 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL8: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_10 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL8: -->>VIC/PL8 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_10 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL8: -->>VIC/PL8 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_17 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL9: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_17 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL9: -->>200019261020 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_17 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL9: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_17 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL9: -->>VIC/PL9 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_17 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL9: -->>VIC/PL9 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_28 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL10: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_28 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL10: -->>200019261021 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_28 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL10: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_28 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL10: -->>VIC/PL10 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_28 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL10: -->>VIC/PL10 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_36 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL11: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_36 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL11: -->>200019261022 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_36 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL11: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_36 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL11: -->>VIC/PL11 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_36 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL11: -->>VIC/PL11 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_44 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL13: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_44 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL13: -->>200019261023 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_44 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL13: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_44 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL13: -->>VIC/PL13 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_44 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL13: -->>VIC/PL13 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_51 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL14: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_51 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL14: -->>200019261024 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_51 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL14: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_51 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL14: -->>VIC/PL14 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_14_51 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL14: -->>VIC/PL14 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_01 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL15: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_01 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL15: -->>200019261025 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_01 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL15: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_01 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL15: -->>VIC/PL15 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_01 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL15: -->>VIC/PL15 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_09 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL16: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_09 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL16: -->>200019261026 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_09 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL16: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_09 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL16: -->>VIC/PL16 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_09 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL16: -->>VIC/PL16 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_17 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL17: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_17 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL17: -->>200019261027 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_17 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL17: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_17 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL17: -->>VIC/PL17 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_17 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL17: -->>VIC/PL17 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_24 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL18: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_24 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL18: -->>200019261028 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_24 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL18: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_24 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL18: -->>VIC/PL18 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_24 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL18: -->>VIC/PL18 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_30 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL19: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_30 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL19: -->>200019261029 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_30 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL19: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_30 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL19: -->>VIC/PL19 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_30 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL19: -->>VIC/PL19 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_39 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PSA_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL20: -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_39 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.PST_UID INSERT For:VIC/PL20: -->>200019261030 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_39 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.REMARK INSERT For:VIC/PL20: -->>March 2008 monthly production report as per Esso DMP. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_39 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_ID INSERT For:VIC/PL20: -->>VIC/PL20 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_15_39 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_TITLE.TITLE_NAME INSERT For:VIC/PL20: -->>VIC/PL20 hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_18_04 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE802697_04: ELEMENTARY-->>TITLE_RPT (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_18_04 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................UPDATE ELEMENTARY-->>TITLE_RPT hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_18_04 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE
PE802697_04: WELL-->>TITLE (04-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_18_04 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_TYPE...........................UPDATE WELL-->>TITLE hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_19_38 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION
PE802697_04: Title Production Reports, Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs. VIC/PL1-PL11, PL13-PL20.-->>Title Production Reports & Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs. VIC/PL1-PL11, PL13-PL20. (05-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_19_38 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_DESCRIPTION....................UPDATE Title Production Reports, Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs. VIC/PL1-PL11, PL13-PL20.-->>Title Production Reports & Data - Electronic Submissions 2008. Contains production data associated with company DMPs. VIC/PL1-PL11, PL13-PL20. hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_19_38 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME
PE802697_04: Title Production Reports, Data 2008-->>Title Production Reports & Data 2008 (05-JUN-08 TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_156_17_19_38 04-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ITEM_NAME...........................UPDATE Title Production Reports, Data 2008-->>Title Production Reports & Data 2008 hipe80269704 002 2008_157_13_35_53 05-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE
PE802697_04: PE802697_4-->>
PE802697_04 (10-MAR-10 RH16_TW hipe80269704 002 2008_157_13_35_53 05-JUN-08 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.BARCODE.............................UPDATE PE802697_4-->>
PE802697_04 hipe80269704 002 2010_069_16_17_16 10-MAR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID
PE802697_04: 200015085421-->>200020280247 (13-APR-11 PETROSYS hipe80269704 002 2010_069_16_17_16 10-MAR-10 RH16_TW PS_ASSET_ITEM.PSL_UID UPDATE 200015085421-->>200020280247 (
PE802697: CD: Title Data - Electronic Submissions 2008 i.e. location of item) hipe80269704 002 2011_103_17_21_21 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID
PE802697_04: -->>2008156 (15-JUL-11 KG10_SW hipe80269704 002 2011_103_17_21_21 13-APR-11 PETROSYS PS_ASSET_ITEM.PIMS_ITEM_ID........................UPDATE -->>2008156 hipe80269704 002 2011_196_10_48_36 15-JUL-11 KG10_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE
PE802697_04: TITLE_RPT-->>PRODUCTION_DATA15-JUL-11 KG10_SW hipe80269704 002 2011_196_10_48_36 15-JUL-11 KG10_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.DATA_SUB_TYPE.......................UPDATE TITLE_RPT-->>PRODUCTION_DATA hipe80269704 002 2011_196_10_48_36 15-JUL-11 KG10_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_BY......................UPDATE TS00_TW-->>KG10_SW hipe80269704 002 2011_196_10_48_36 15-JUL-11 KG10_SW PS_ASSET_ITEM.ROW_CHANGED_DATE....................UPDATE 05-JUN-08-->>15-JUL-11 hipe80269704 002 2012_037_17_18_57 06-FEB-12 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.KEYWORD INSERT -->>200004673978 (C_OPENFILE) hipe80269704 002 2012_037_17_18_57 06-FEB-12 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PAK_UID INSERT -->>200035259817 hipe80269704 002 2012_037_17_18_57 06-FEB-12 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.PSA_UID INSERT -->>200019261000 hipe80269704 002 2012_037_17_18_57 06-FEB-12 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2012_037_17_18_57 06-FEB-12 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CHANGED_DATE INSERT -->>06-FEB-12 hipe80269704 002 2012_037_17_18_57 06-FEB-12 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_BY INSERT -->>TS00_TW hipe80269704 002 2012_037_17_18_57 06-FEB-12 TS00_TW PS_ASSET_KEYWORDS.ROW_CREATED_DATE INSERT -->>06-FEB-12